Star Trek

Chapter 399 Rainy Day 6

So, with Liu Zheng's order, the 17 medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles were finally fully prepared on top of his frontier base. Then, one after another, ground-to-ground attack missiles, the launchers of the launchers of more than a dozen medium-range ground-to-ground attack missile launchers, began to ignite and attack. Several missiles built one by one, dragging the orange tail flame, roaring into the air at an angle about 45 degrees from the ground. After flying to a certain altitude, it becomes a true horizontal angle and continues to attack the target.

However, what Liu Chang didn't expect was that the attack missiles flying in the front exploded one by one in mid-air. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally couldn't help but be very surprised. Wow, what's going on? What's going on? It should be said that the air defense system in the enemy base has been basically destroyed by itself. However, in this case, why do I still have several medium-range attack missiles that will still be destroyed during the flight?

Soon after, Liu Zheng finally found the problem. Finally found the answer. That is, it turned out that on the ground, in the enemy's base, although some of the most basic and most important anti-aircraft firepower - visiting long-range anti-aircraft missiles, at this time, after Liu Zheng's attack just now, has been basically destroyed. However, there is another kind of anti-aircraft firepower, which has not been paid attention to by Liu Zheng. That kind of protective firepower is actually the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery.

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that in the enemy's base, under the cover of the buildings one by one, more than a dozen enemy anti-aircraft artillery were distributed in all corners of the enemy's base. At this time, Zheng Jian's anti-aircraft guns kept roaring in mid-air. The attack missile came and carried out an anti-aircraft attack.

Bombarded, bombarded, in mid-air, as the anti-aircraft guns finally intercepted successfully, the attack missiles in the front were destroyed one after another. In mid-air, for a moment, the dark red explosive firelight kept shining, reflecting the sky and the ground into a bright red. The interception was successful, and the front attack missiles were destroyed one after another. In mid-air, for a moment, the dark red explosive firelight kept shining, reflecting the sky and the ground into a bright red.

Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that on the edge of the enemy base far away from his base was the enemy's barracks. At this time, there were still continuous anti-aircraft artillery coming out of that barracks. It seems that the operation of the enemy is still training for air defense infantry at this time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but travel thousands of miles. Wow, damn it, not long ago, it was the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missile, constantly attacking its own base. At that time, under that situation, I was carrying out an air defense attack with all my strength. Yes, at that time, I pulled up almost all the anti-aircraft firepower.

However, now, I only remember that 70 minutes have passed, and the situation of the whole battlefield has changed dramatically. Yes, that's true. The current situation is no longer the enemy's attack missiles, threatening their own positions, but the other way around. Their dozen medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles are now. At this time, they are working hard and doing their best to carry out the final attack towards the target.

However, in this situation, Liu Zheng also knows that since the enemy's barracks are still training air defense infantry, this also means that the enemy's most general protective firepower is constantly strengthening. Although this kind of enemy's protective firepower is not very strong, especially compared with some professional air defense forces, this kind of air defense infantry is almost negligible. However, once this kind of anti-aircraft infantry forms a cluster attack advantage, then it is certain that it has The attack ability is very terrible. As if

On the one hand, because the cost of this kind of enemy's air defense infantry is relatively low, naturally, in this case, the fund can also carry out a large dose of training. Therefore, it is also possible that this kind of enemy's air defense infantry will become larger and larger in the shortest time. The fund can also carry out large doses of training. Therefore, it is also possible that this kind of enemy's air defense infantry will become larger and larger in the shortest time.

In this way, with a large number, they can also take on the air defense tasks of their own bases. This makes up for the permission of their air defense system to be destroyed by themselves. Therefore, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that since he has seen clearly that the enemy's barracks, at this time, it clearly serves as the general logistics base of the enemy's air defense system, so in this case, naturally, he simply sends his own one. The intercontinental attacked the nuclear submarine and destroyed it.

Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that although he can also use other attack forces, because the enemy's barracks is relatively far away, in this case, he can no longer use his own medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneaking around and must have built a shipyard in that canyon before that. Moreover, an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has been produced. That is, that intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can launch an intercontinental nuclear missile with very strong attack capability. Before that, he must have built a shipyard in that canyon. Moreover, an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has been produced. That is, that intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can launch an intercontinental nuclear missile with very strong attack capability.

The intercontinental submarine nuclear missile launched by the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has been gloomyly and has advantages that other missiles do not have. On the one hand, as a nuclear missile, his attack ability is naturally more powerful than conventional missiles. In addition, he can attack all positions. Although his speed is relatively slow, after all, no matter where he is, his attack is within range.

On the third day, and the most important point is that this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine involves nuclear missiles, which can break through the interception of all enemy air defense systems. That is to say, this missile will not be recognized by the enemy's air defense system at all, so it will not exist. The problem of being intercepted. The nuclear missile involved in this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can break through the interception of all enemy air defense systems. That is to say, this missile will not be recognized by the enemy's air defense system at all, so there will be no problem of being intercepted. In this way, it is basically equivalent to the success rate of this kind of submarine-launched nuclear missile when attacking the target.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally began his first attack. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: the airport with four F-16 fighters stationed in the enemy base! Boom~

The police dog shouted at their team a few times, as if they were friendly. Then, like an arrow, he rushed to the front.

"Keep up!" The God of War made a gesture to move forward, so the group, with real guns and bullets, continued to move forward. In front, there was a small roadblock station, but at this time, it had already collapsed. More than a dozen transport vehicles nearby were burning with a blazing fire, which sounded to sounded from time to time. From time to time, one or two cars exploded, and the wreckage and debris scattered in the thick smoke...

Going further, several excavators appeared on the roadside from time to time, where they continued to work. Occasionally, you will see one or two lights shining into the deep night sky, emitting dazzling beams of light, which look like a long sword piercing the night sky.


While continuing to move forward, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw a tall billboard standing on the roadside in front of him, with the words "Those who obey live, and those who don't obey die". Moreover, next to those words, several fully armed imperial soldiers were demonstrating fiercely.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly, looked at the Thunderbolt God of War, took a vicious "pooh", and then scolded, "Wow, damn it, what the hell! The people here seem to have really suffered by the rulers of these empires! Dude, the next step is our work!"

Liu Zhenggang wanted to answer, but suddenly, from behind the tall billboard, a woman in very strange clothes rushed over, looking panicked. Liu Zheng immediately pointed his weapon, the C-14 electromagnetic gun, at the strange woman who rushed towards his team.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot, I'm a civilian, I'm a civilian!" When the strange woman saw the members of the team, she almost pointed their guns at herself and couldn't help screaming more.

The God of War waved his hand to Liu Zheng, then put down the C-14 electromagnetic gun in his hand, and then took a few steps forward to signal the strange woman to stop moving forward.

And the strange woman did not insist on running forward. As she approached loudly and gasped exaggeratedly, she said breathlessly to the God of War, "You can't move forward. I know that you are good people and are here to help us. However, you may not know that those imperial armies are quite powerful. We don't know how many people have died at their hands! You'd better go back. If you can't beat them, you will die in vain..."

After listening to the strange woman's words, the God of War couldn't help laughing. Then, the God of War shouted, "Thank you for your kind reminder. However, it is our mission to help you eliminate those imperial armies and give you real freedom! All right, next, it's up to us! Don't worry, baby, it's okay!" After saying this, the guy did not forget to pinch the strange woman's broken pink face, and then, with an order, all the team members, including Liu Zheng, continued to rush forward...

Seeing that the God of War was so lustful that even an alien woman wanted to flirt, Liu Zheng couldn't help curling his lips. However, the heart jumped a few times. The shadow that once fascinated him couldn't help but appear in front of his eyes again.

Yes, that's my college deskmate, a girl named Ting. Liu Zheng can't describe her purity and beauty in any exact words. In fact, to be honest, she is not a real beauty. She is not very beautiful, and her face is indeed quite ordinary.

However, her body is permeated with a kind of beauty of "clear water comes out of hibiscus and natural carving". That's a natural beauty. She almost has the gentleness, softness, murmur and shyness that a woman has. More importantly, he is pure, natural, does not apply fat and powder, does not swagger, moves gently, the yellow skirt is curly, his body is light and graceful, with a light smile, and the dark fragrance is floating. It is a plum blossom slanting at dusk, and a cluster of jasmine fragrant in the moon night...

However, because of Liu Zheng's powerlessness, because of his poor four-year college career, he only tasted the taste of his first love with her, bitter and sweet. Like the morning dew crystal and the wind drying in the sun, like a flower in the pan suddenly appears in the flash.

In the following years, the old things between him and her were like a fairy tale. For Liu Zheng, it was only comforting him that had dried up his heart and warmed his years like the Gobi Desert. He is always afraid of thinking about it again, so he often consciously orders himself to forget. However, sometimes, it is often lingering, and the more I forget it, the more I think about it.

Fortunately, time is the best medicine. I don't know when I finally buried the late old story of the flower season in my heart and never remembered it again. Yes, survival is a problem. What pink memories do you think about? However, who would have thought that just now, a inadvertent provocative action of the God of War against other alien girls actually made Liu Zheng evoke that bitter first love.

However, now, the mission is ahead, and fierce battles will explode at any time. In this situation, Liu Zheng will naturally not be so stupid that he can't help himself from his thoughts. Moreover, this is the first task carried out by his team, and its importance is self-evident. Even, from a certain perspective, how the fate of his life will be arranged almost depends on the battle.

"Damn, wind and fire warship, you are in a daze. Let's go. Even if you want to pick up girls, you have to finish this battle! You are a promising fanatic!" The God of War laughed and scolded at Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng smiled bitterly in his heart. Shit, his mother, his god of war is also powerful. As soon as he is a little windy, he can't escape his eyes. No wonder people throw out 100,000 cash to form a team at once, which is the ability! Where is it like yourself, cowardly, only know how to nostalgic and empty!

"If there is a situation ahead, please pay attention and be ready for battle!" Just as Liu Zheng was still thinking about it, suddenly, the God of War gave a sound and finally made Liu Zheng come to his senses from the unbearable memory! Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng has also seen that two imperial soldiers are patrolling there on the road not far ahead!

The two guys, holding cigarettes in their mouths, kept turning around there and talking about something. They looked very leisurely. After seeing this, the Thunderbolt God of War gestured to Liu Zheng, signaling Liu Zheng to lead three marines to bypass the dense forest next to the highway!

The intention of the God of War is obvious, that is, to let Liu Zheng cut off the back road of the two imperial warriors from the dense forest next to the highway, and then he will attack head-on. In this way, he can form a situation of frontal attack. Since then, the two imperial warriors have naturally become the turtles in the urn. Don't want to run away at all!

It should be said that Liu Zheng still approves of this action plan of the God of War. Therefore, Liu Zheng nodded to the God of War, and then led three marines to quickly dodged into the dense forest next to the highway.