Star Trek

Chapter 407 Helpless Flower Fall 2

However, that comes back. In the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that he should further adjust the protection system near his naval base. Here, it is mainly aimed at some recently produced missile frigates. Yes, Liu Zheng considered that it would be better to push forward a distance than to deploy some of his missile frigates near his own shipyard. In this way, it can attack the enemy's air strike force in advance. Since then, naturally, it will have a greater safety factor for its own naval base.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the seven missile frigates set out from their own naval base, rode the wind and waves, and sailed forward on the wide sea. Soon after, the formation of its own missile frigates came to the center of the wide sea. Here, Liu Zheng saw that it should be said that the deployment here should be very good. On the vast sea, sailed forward. Soon after, the formation of its own missile frigates came to the center of the wide sea. Here, Liu Zheng saw that it should be said that the deployment here should be very good.

If the enemy's air attack force, whether it is intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles or various fighters, if you want to attack your own base, whether it is a naval base or from the base, there must be a place to pass through. In this way, it is equivalent to Liu Zheng's air defense and advancing a distance. In this way, it is natural to intercept the enemy's air strike force in advance. Therefore, relatively speaking, such an adjustment is undoubtedly more powerful for the safety of your own base.

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was that the situation suddenly changed after his adjustment was completed. At this time, suddenly, one shell after another from the enemy's base broke through the air. After drawing an arc of raw coal, it accurately hit Liu Zheng's missile frigate stationed on the sea. As a result, the attack missile frigate was suddenly killed by more than 70% of its health. With the attack of the second shell, the first missile frigate suddenly sank, and then the missile frigate sank to the bottom of the sea.

At this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng realized that there was a long-range attack cannon deployed in the enemy's base. Judging from the attack distance of this long-range attack cannon, Liu Zheng saw that it was basically equivalent to his own long-range heavy howitzer. The attack distance is far and the lethality is great, which is indeed a rather terrible long-range attack force.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that the shells fired by this enemy's long-range attack cannon cannot be intercepted by their own anti-aircraft firepower at all. In this way, I can only helplessly watch those shells fall from the sky, cross the sea, shake through the space, and accurately hit the target. Then, he sank another missile frigate. In this way, in less than half a minute, Liu Zheng saw that he had three missile frigates and were ruthlessly sunk. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, it seems that this place really can't stay for a long time.

Yes, that's true. It can be said that before that, Liu Zhengzhisheng considered that he actually had the enemy's air attack power, so because of his missile frigate split, he had a very good air defense system. Therefore, at that time, I only considered air strikes against the enemy. However, from the current situation, a long-range attack gun has been built in the enemy's base. Moreover, the shells fired by this long-range attack gun will not be intercepted at all. In this way, there is no doubt that his missile frigate formation is already in a very dangerous situation at this time.

So, after seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, his missile frigate formation began to slowly retreat in the direction of his base. Yes, as the saying goes, good men don't suffer immediate losses. In the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that his only way is to temporarily withdraw his missile frigate formation. Then, Liu Zheng began to carefully scout through the reconnaissance system in the enemy's base. What kind of attack force was it? It actually had such a long range and destroyed his three missile frigates.

Finally, after a period of investigation, Liu Zheng finally found that a very huge cannon was built on the edge of the enemy's base. This big run does not seem to be very conspicuous, and the color is similar to the color of the ground. In this way, it naturally has a very good concealment. Therefore, Liu Zheng has not found his existence for a long time. However, in order to further verify whether it was this giant cannon, then Liu Zheng sent one of his missile frigates to march towards the sea just now.

However, at this time, as Liu Zheng expected, just after his missile frigate reached the core area, he suddenly saw the huge cannon in the enemy base start to attack again. So, several shells shot out again, roaring across the sea, and then, after drawing an arc, they accurately hit the target. Just after his missile frigate reached the core area, he suddenly saw the giant cannon in the enemy base starting to attack again. So, several shells shot out again, roaring across the sea, and then, after drawing an arc, they accurately hit the target.

coaxed and bombarded, so, in this way, Liu Zheng and Zhang Taiqiang's past missile frigate was quickly sunk again. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, damn it, it seems that this guy, that's what this guy is. If I don't destroy this huge cannon of the enemy, I will swear not to be a human! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, damn it, it seems that this guy, that's what this guy is. If I don't destroy this huge cannon of the enemy, I will swear not to be a human!

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng saw that his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine that had just been produced was inadvertently destroyed by the enemy's super cannon. Therefore, now, for Liu Zheng, it can only be used for animal aircraft carriers to attack the enemy's super cannon. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, an aircraft carrier came out next to his shipyard. Then, after the final adjustment, one of his aircraft carriers finally began to attack the target.

Liu Zheng knows that in fact, his aircraft carrier really has a very good attack ability. Yes, that's true. An aircraft carrier carrying ten carrier-based aircraft. Moreover, this kind of carrier-based aircraft carries a large amount of ammunition and can continuously attack the target three times. At the same time, during the attack, the air-to-ground or air-ship missiles launched have a very strong lethal ability. Therefore, generally speaking, in this case, once your aircraft carrier is dispatched, it means that it is basically invincible for all targets. The attack is invincible.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier had basically adjusted its position at this time. Then, it was ready to launch a final blow to the target. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, he finally saw that his aircraft carrier, the carrier aircraft on it, had made a loud sound and had basically adjusted its position. Then, it was ready to launch a final blow to the target. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, he finally saw that his aircraft carrier, the carrier on it, had made a loud sound. Liu Zheng knew that at this time, in this situation, the carrier aircraft on the aircraft carrier was about to take off.

At this time, Liu Zheng even thought that if he had four to five aircraft carriers at this time, how spectacular the scene would be once four to five aircraft carriers attacked the enemy's base at the same time. That must be ten carrier-based aircraft flying over the sea in mid-air and flying densely towards the enemy's base. It seems that it is like a locust crossing the sky, slightly out of the customs, and under the attack of such a dense carrier-based aircraft, the enemy's base is full of smoke and fire. Basically, it can't stand another attack and has been destroyed.

Now, for Liu Zheng, there is no need to have that kind of fantasy. Because at that time, my carrier-based aircraft, the carrier-based aircraft that rushed to the front, had begun to fly over its own aircraft carrier. Then, other carrier-based aircraft rose to the sky one after another. Liu Zheng knew that his aircraft carrier could finally carry out a surgical attack on the super cannon in the enemy base. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, it kept ringing with the sound of missile fire, and air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke and constantly swinging the direction of its flight. First Then hit the target! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

So, after the attack of the carrier aircraft of Liu Zheng's aircraft, the super cannon in the enemy base was finally destroyed by itself. However, Liu Zheng also knew that it seemed that J was really a crouching tiger and hidden dragon in the enemy's base. It seems that you can't be careless. For example, just now, the super cannon in the enemy base suddenly sank its three missile frigates. Such a strong attack force really made Liu Zheng feel a little scared.

Now, through his own aircraft carrier, he finally destroyed the super cannon in the enemy base. In this way, naturally, it means that on this wide sea, I can finally deploy a fleet of missile frigates. In this way, it is equivalent to pushing its own air defense needle and thread forward for a distance. Undoubtedly, this is another huge progress for the defense of their own base.

Of course, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he must pay close attention to the specific situation in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Anyway, at this time, in this situation, once the enemy's base builds that kind of super cannon again, it is certain that he will use all the power that can be used to destroy it.

Yes, whether it is using its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine or its own aircraft carrier, anyway, at this time, in this case, the enemy's base is basically under the coverage of its own naval attack force. However, just after Liu Zheng heard about his maritime air defense system, Liu Zheng found that another enemy attack had begun. However, this attack is no longer an air attack, but another ground attack.

Liu Zheng saw that this time, the enemy's ground attack also took a lot of thought. Because, it should be said that an enemy's ground attack is still quite powerful. Because, judging from the deployment of the enemy's ground attack force, the enemy really spent a lot of thought this time. For example, at the front are 17 enemy main battle tanks. Behind, he closely followed the five enemy's medium-range ground attack missile launchers. It should be said that for such a combat arrangement, Liu Zheng's combat thinking is still similar.

Tens of millions of main battle tanks, as barrier combat forces, can basically ensure and serve the safety of long-range strike forces. In fact, the significance of these main battle tanks is not to attack. But protection. What is really used to launch an attack is naturally the enemy's five loyal ground attack missile launchers. Now, Liu Zheng saw that at this time, in this situation, it should be said that the enemy's ground attack force has stagnated dozens of kilometers away from Liu Zheng's base. Liu Zheng knows that at this time, in this situation, it is certain that next, an enemy ground attack force will attack his base or his position.

In this way, it is certain that so far, a huge positional battle between the two sides has begun. However, for Liu Zheng, he has been fully prepared for a long time. It should be said that my preparation for World War I is more complete than the enemy's. Now, on the one hand, they are constantly sending combat forces from their own bases to their positions. Liu Zheng knew that the reason for this must be that the enemy was constantly enriching their positions. However, now, an imperceptible smile flashed across Liu Zheng's face. Liu Zheng knew that with his current combat ability, he would never allow the enemy's five loyal ground attack missiles to attack his base.

Yes, that's true. Because, in any case, the combat power in his hand now has a very obvious advantage over the enemy. The enemy owned seven medium-range ground-to-ground missile launch vehicles, but in their own defensive positions, 7 to 82 medium-range ground-to-ground missile launch vehicles were well prepared to attack. In this case, Liu Zheng thought, how could he let the enemy do it first?

So, at this time, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, when the enemy's five medium-range missile launchers began to prepare for launch, after Liu Zheng's imprint, those medium-range ground-to-ground missile launchers began to attack the target. At this time, they began to attack the target. . On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of the explosion sounded one after another, the fog of the explosion kept rising at the target. Some of the enemy's chariots, some just wanted to move, and some directly blew up without any reaction...