Star Trek

Chapter 408 Helpless Flowers Fall 3

Now, Liu Zheng is waiting for his second intercontinental nuclear attack submarine. Normal University, according to Liu Zheng's plan, it should be said that its own intercontinental nuclear attack submarine can be produced within ten minutes. In fact, according to the normal production speed, it takes about three minutes to produce an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng considered that he needed to deploy enough anti-aircraft firepower on the sea, so in order to achieve this goal, Liu Zheng realized the production plan to set up ten missile frigates before producing the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Therefore, it is for this reason that the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has not been produced for a long time.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that the enemy's attack, especially the enemy's air attack, seemed to be getting more and more fierce. Yes, the frequency of attacks is becoming more and more frequent, and the intensity of attacks is also increasing. At the beginning, generally speaking, there were two or three enemy air bombers in the shape of a city battle formation. However, now, each group of enemy bombers is at least four, sometimes five or even six.

Moreover, the frequency of attacks is much faster. Originally, on average, there was a five-minute interval between the second attack. However, in this situation, on average, there is an attack by enemy air bombers in three minutes. The frequency of such attacks is indeed real, which makes Liu Zheng feel a great threat. Yes, that's true. Because although in its own base, the air defense system is indeed very perfect. However, Liu Zheng also knows that even in the face of such fierce and frequent attacks in a perfect air defense system, it is difficult to deal with.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng decided not to wait for his second intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, it is very likely that the situation may change dramatically after the production of that intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. However, even if the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was produced, its own base has been almost destroyed by the enemy. In that case, what's the use of producing that intercontinental attack nuclear submarine? Therefore, now, Liu Zheng has made up his mind that he can no longer hesitate. The attack on an enemy base should start immediately.

Of course, the reason for staying like this is that now, I already have a certain long-range attack power in my hand. That's my two aircraft carriers. Yes, Liu Zheng certainly knows that this kind of aircraft carrier also has a very good long-range attack capability. Yes, that's true. Before that, Liu Zheng had already understood the distance between the enemy and us. Liu Zheng roughly stabbed him, hoping that the infrastructure of the bases on both sides would be about 80 thousand miles. And such a distance should be said to be absolutely within the attack range of the carrier aircraft of its own aircraft.

Because Liu Zheng knows that the combat radius of his aircraft carrier is 1,000 kilometers. Therefore, the range of 800 kilometers is absolutely within the attack range of its own aircraft carrier. In this case, if their two aircraft carriers ignore the attack on the target, it can be said that what kind of attack effect can be achieved is absolutely not a problem.

also knows that Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier, one aircraft carrier, carries at least five carrier-based aircraft. Two aircraft carriers, naturally, have at least ten carrier-based aircraft. Since then, ten carrier-based aircraft have launched attacks on the target at the same time, which can be said to have caused great lethality to the target. Moreover, it is also very important that the carrier aircraft carried by its aircraft carrier is very powerful. Yes, that's true.

Because of its own carrier-based aircraft, the chassis looks relatively large and has a large bomb load, so it is naturally very strong in terms of attack ability. Liu Zheng knew that ordinary carrier-based aircraft should appropriately attack the target. Then, because it was to be used up, it was forced to return to reload the ammunition. However, because its own carrier-based aircraft is very large there, it can launch attacks on three targets in a row. In other words, three consecutive attacks can be carried out. In this way, naturally, his combat performance has been greatly improved.

Of course, in the upcoming long-range attack of aircraft carrier aircraft, Liu Qingshan has been ready for a long time. Yes, the first attack target was to survive and lock on the enemy's main construction plant. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Because the enemy's main construction factory is the core architect of the enemy base. As long as it is destroyed,

Well, it is certain that the enemy's base has been half destroyed by itself. Since then, even if the enemy's base is being built, after the main factory is destroyed, it means that the military facilities on one side will be destroyed one by one. Because this base has lost the ability to continue to build and improve. Half of it has been knocked out by myself. Since then, even if the enemy's base is being built, after the main factory is destroyed, it means that the military facilities on one side will be destroyed one by one. Because this base has lost the ability to continue to build and improve.


Of course, Liu Zheng has also determined the second target, that is, the enemy's chariot factory. The place where the war factory tries to produce chariots, of course, is also the place where that kind of missile launcher is produced. It should be said that it can be basically believed that at present, to a large extent, the competition between the enemy and us is their respective chariots. Yes, that's true. Therefore, at this time, in this case, after destroying the main construction factory in the enemy base, it is undoubtedly very correct to destroy the enemy's chariot factory in the next time. Of course, after destroying these two main military facilities, what kind of attack should be carried out can be handled flexibly. Now, Liu Zheng looked at the realization and thought that at this time, he could launch a general attack on the enemy base.

According to Liu Zheng's plan, first destroy some of the most basic, important and powerful military facilities and combat units in the enemy's base through the long-range attack of this aircraft carrier, and then use their own loyal ground attack missiles to further the main combat forces in the enemy base. Cheng Bike. Finally, send your own ground combat units to attack the enemy's base, and then carry out a comprehensive three-dimensional attack on the enemy's base. By that time, basically, the enemy's base had been destroyed. Yes, that's true.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to use his own aircraft carrier to launch a strike on some important military targets in an enemy base. Finally, the time has come. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his two aircraft carriers slowly drove out of the factory and went to the wide sea. There, Liu Zheng saw the turbulent waves, turbid waves, and splashing waves, as if they were boundless. At this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng found that the two of his own aircraft carriers were quietly moored on the sea. Liu knew that it was the last mediation before the attack was launched.

Finally, after ringing again, this time, it is no longer the enemy's air attack power coming again, but its own aircraft carrier, which is about to launch an attack on the target. In the test, Liu Zheng has begun to fly over the sea, flying over the sea like locusts flying towards the enemy base. How spectacular it is. Now, this kind of Chinese scene is coming soon. Liu Zheng has begun to fly towards the ten carrier-based aircraft, flying over the sea, like locusts flying towards the enemy base. How spectacular is it? Now, this kind of Chinese scene is coming soon.

So, at this time, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that his two aircraft carriers' attacks on enemy bases finally began. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

So, Liu Zheng saw that ten carrier-based aircraft flew one after another from his two aircraft carriers, roaring, rising to the sky, flying over the sea, and trading dense battle formations, looking like locusts flying straight in the direction of the enemy's base. The target has been locked as the main factory in the enemy base.

Not long after, Liu Zheng saw that the ten of his carrier-based aircraft finally flew over the enemy's base. However, on the ground, the enemy's air defense fire began to attack fiercely. Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's air defense firepower on the ground mainly includes multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, short-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles, medium-range air defense missiles, and several anti-aircraft fires. At this time, the anti-aircraft firepower of these enemies was fully opened. First, on the ground, all kinds of anti-aircraft firepower flew into the air, and the ten carrier-based aircraft attacked.

Of course, Liu Zheng saw that five of his ten ships had been shot down under the attack of the enemy's fierce anti-aircraft fire. However, the remaining five, by this time, have flown over the enemy's base. It is already possible to launch an attack on the construction factory in the enemy's base. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order to launch an attack on the target at the same time. Susu, Susu, so, successive air-to-ground missiles roared out, destroyed and accurately hit the target. Booming, booming, Liu Zheng saw that at this time, with the continuous sound of deafening explosions, in the continuous dark red firelight, the construction of the main factory in the enemy base, at this time, the health value declined at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his health had been knocked out by more than 60%.

However, at this time, the anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy base finally destroyed all its ten carrier-based aircraft. It should be said that the first attack of Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier aircraft finally ended. However, in this process, although his target, the main construction factory in the enemy base, was not destroyed. However, Liu Zheng is still very satisfied with the very strong attack ability of his carrier-based aircraft. Yes, that's true. Several consecutive attacks are enough to show that this kind of carrier-based aircraft has a very strong combat capability, especially to show its large number of bombs. Liu Zheng certainly knew very well what this meant by carrying out at least three attacks in a row, and each assault had such a strong lethality.

Liu Zheng knew that in the following time, with the second attack of his quality aircraft carrier, it is certain that the construction factory in the enemy base will no longer be preserved. Then, he is in the second step to destroy the enemy's chariot factory. Then, there are the enemy's airports. Ha, ha, as long as I destroy the enemy's airports, and at the same time, because the enemy's main factory has been destroyed by itself, the enemy will naturally not be able to build the airport. In this case, it is certain that since then, the most capable fighter-free fighter of the enemy has basically withdrawn from the battle stage.


Sure enough, in the following time, the second attack of Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers finally began soon after. Another ten carrier-based aircraft roared up to the sky, circled around the two aircraft carriers, then flew straight across the sea and once again bravely rushed forward in the direction of the enemy's base. Yes, that scene looked like a locust flying over the sky and a moth bravely flying towards the light. Another ten carrier-based aircraft roared up to the sky, circled around the two aircraft carriers, then flew straight across the sea and once again bravely rushed forward in the direction of the enemy's base. Yes, that scene looked like a locust flying over the sky and a moth bravely flying towards the light.

In this way, soon after, the ten carrier-based aircraft approached the enemy's base. Still, the air defense system in the enemy base once again opened full fire, but this time, because Liu Zheng was careful with his gun, only four carrier-based aircraft were destroyed. At this time, the remaining Liu Zheng carrier aircraft flew over the main construction factory in the enemy base at the fastest speed. So, the full-scale attack finally began again.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that with a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, on the ground, the building of the main factory in the enemy base, the soul of the enemy base, finally collapsed in the deafening explosion, and then turned into countless wreckage and fragments.

In this way, Liu Zheng continued to command some of his carrier-based aircraft and launched a fierce attack on some other military facilities in the enemy base. Because its own aircraft carrier can continue to build carrier-based aircraft, although some carrier-based aircraft will be continuously destroyed by the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower in each attack, but soon after, with its strong production capacity, the number of carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier The amount is always full.

In this case, Liu Zheng saw his carrier-based aircraft attacking the airports in the enemy base one after another. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that as long as he destroys those airports, it means that his attack, this time relying on the long-range attack carried out by aircraft carriers, has achieved a complete success, so that is indeed.

In fact, Liu Zheng did not rely solely on his own quality aircraft carrier to destroy all the military facilities and combat units in the enemy base in one fell swoop. Yes, in that case, it can be said that on the one hand, you will spend too much time. On the other hand, its own aircraft carrier also needs to take a rest. Yes, naturally, they can't fight around the clock. Otherwise, it will significantly affect their service life. On the other hand, its own aircraft carrier also needs to take a rest. Yes, naturally, they can't fight around the clock. Otherwise, their service life will be significantly affected.