Star Trek

Chapter 423 Resurgence 9

Ahead, there is another hateful image of Monsk's light and shadow. At this time, Liu Zheng knew that this was a good time to mobilize the masses again, so Liu Zheng suddenly jumped onto a high platform and shouted to the people who had been excited for a long time: "Dear people, awakening does not only rely on the emotions of slogans, but also needs to take practical actions! Come on, let's use our practical actions to kill the abominable image of Monsk's light and shadow! We don't want to see his ugly face anymore!"

"Yes, yes! We don't want to see his hateful face anymore! Get rid of the light image of Monsk! Kill the light image of Monsk!" At this time, some people looked like eating hormones, picked up the stones on the ground one after another, and then threw them at the light image of Monsk. At this time, a strange scene appeared: the eight members of the fully armed Iron-blooded Star River team sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at the scene in front of them with a smile, and on the other side, a group of people who had been almost crazy by Liu Zhengyu threw the stone into the Mons. The image of light and shadow goes up!

"Brother, I'm convinced of YOU! I didn't expect that you, boy, really have two good things! Well, with this alone, it's full of dog to make your boy a political commissar!" The God of War stared at Liu Zheng with admiration.

"Ha ha, ha, nothing, small, small! Well, at the beginning, you paid the team * fee for me. It's worth it~ Haha, haha, don't forget, the two of us are already golden partners!" Liu Zheng is laughing.

However, at this time, the situation suddenly changed. Originally, the people of the empire had destroyed the light and shadow propaganda statue of Monsk, but at the moment when the light and shadow propaganda statue fell, a very strange-looking armored vehicle rushed out from behind the light and shadow propaganda statue.

This armored vehicle is very large, and there are several shooting holes on it! At this time, he was shooting crazily at the people of the unarmed empire!

"Ah~~~" At this time, more than a dozen people of the empire fell down. Some of the others, some rushed around with their heads, and some were bolder, still persisted, constantly picking up some stones on the ground and headed for the strange one that was driving. Armored vehicle, throw it over.

In this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng knew that it was difficult to instigate any beautiful language. Now, it's obvious that it's time to speak with practical actions. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng motioned to the God of War. Therefore, under the order of the God of War, all the members of the team rolled 18 on the spot - rolling towards the armored car of the imperial army.

Yes, at this time, whether you have received special military training, you can basically see it at once. Looking at the team members one after another, the extremely sharp movements, whether it is the God of War or Liu Zheng, naturally feel very gratified.

Yes, anyway, in the face of the shooting of the armored vehicle, the only way to approach it is to the ground. In this rolling mode of action, you can avoid being hurt as much as possible. And, more importantly, while rolling, waiting for the opportunity to fire at the target. It should be said that this is the most difficult thing to do! Despite this, Liu Zheng also knows that it is also the most lethal way to attack.

At this time, several people of the empire fell down, and some even did not even make a scream. At the same time, there are constantly injured team members - yes, in the face of such a dense fire attack, it is almost impossible to avoid any damage. However, despite this, Liu Zheng has also seen that the health of the enemy's ugly armored vehicle has been almost beaten. The thick smoke kept rising and rising, and it seemed that there were dark red flames moving in the thick smoke.

"Boom~~" Finally, with the deafening explosion sounded, the armored vehicle of the imperial army, in the dark red explosion fire that soared into the sky, was finally blown into countless wreckage and fragments, and shot into the air one after another... ...

"Okay, okay, that's great!" At this time, seeing that Liu Zheng and his team members were so heroic and so neatly killed the enemy's armored vehicle, some of the people of the empire couldn't help cheering. At this time, Liu Zheng knew that now was the time to lead them to attack the general logistics base of the imperial army!

Yes, the number of members of their team was not very large. Therefore, in this situation, it is naturally the best thing to mobilize more people to participate in the battle. Liu Zheng knows that in most cases, they have to rely on the people!


So, Liu Zheng couldn't help but shake his arms and shouted again: "My fellow villagers, who will risk his life to help you at the most dangerous time? Follow us and help us destroy the logistics base of that empire! For freedom, for hope, for the light, rush!"

At this time, Liu Zheng really felt the spectacular scene of climbing high and followers like clouds. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the people of the empire picked up the weapons of some imperial soldiers on the ground - of course, most of them still picked up stones. After all, there were not so many guns to use.

For a while, the followers are like clouds.

However, at this time, the weather suddenly changed again. In the sky, there are dark clouds, lightning and thunder. Soon after, the wind roared and blew the trees on both sides of the road. In spite of the heavy rain, this army of soldiers and civilians bravely rushed to the enemy's logistics headquarters.

However, although the weather is so bad, people have participated in it one after another. It looks like a tide rushing towards the logistics headquarters of the empire.

not far ahead is the logistics headquarters of that empire. I saw a very tall building standing high there. However, just as Liu Zheng and others rushed to less than a few hundred meters away from the headquarters, two robots rushed out from behind the logistics headquarters of the imperial army.

As soon as the two robots appeared, they fired a fierce fire at Liu Zheng and the others. Shells roared and came through the air, dyeing the dark night sky even into a dusk-like color.

"Hidden~" After all, the God of War has quite rich combat experience, so he roared, and at the same time, he was the first to lie on the ground. Then, everyone (including Liu Zheng) followed his appearance, followed by a big horse party, and then lay firmly on the ground.

"Cho-joo~~" Then, Liu Zheng clung to the ground, but from time to time came the sharp sound of shrapnel across the air, which sounded very harsh. Liu Zheng knew that in this case, if he was not careful, he would be penetrated by the shrapnel! At that time, I'm afraid that the account of my team members will really be blocked. From time to time, there was a sharp sound of shrapnel across the air, which sounded very harsh. Liu Zheng knew that in this case, if he was not careful, he would be penetrated by the shrapnel! At that time, I'm afraid that the account of my team members will really be blocked.

"Please crawl in~" At this time, the voice of the God of War once again came into the ears of all the members. So, immediately, together with the indignation of the imperialist people who followed, lay on the ground one after another, and then crawled forward with the posture of that kind of reptile.

Yes, as long as people who are not idiots understand that in this state of crawling, naturally, as long as they are not hit by shells, generally speaking, the shrapnel is difficult to hurt them. At this time, after crawling for a period of time, Liu Zheng saw that it was not far from the two imperial army's mechas in front of him. Therefore, without waiting for the order of the God of War, Liu Zheng took the lead in attacking the target!

"Dada ~ ~ ~" As Liu Zheng's C-14 electromagnetic gun took the lead in firing, all the team members also began to fire and attack as if they woke up from a dream. In the seemingly dark night, in the storm, under the reflection of lightning and thunder, fire tongues broke through the air, and their last gathering point was exactly the mecha of the two imperial army!

In the face of such a fierce attack, Liu Zheng saw that although the mecha of the two imperial army looked very brave, the attack firepower was also quite dense. Although their appearance was steel armor, you know, that kind of C-14 electromagnetic gun is It has quite good penetration ability. Therefore, soon after, the mecha of the two empires exploded one after another, turning into a pile of debris and debris in the dark red explosive fog! Anyway, the attack firepower is also quite dense. Although their appearance is steel armor, you should know that the C-14 electromagnetic gun has quite good penetration ability. Therefore, soon after, the mecha of the two empires exploded one after another, turning into a pile of debris and debris in the dark red explosive fog!

Then, Liu Zheng and the God of War led some other team members, including the group of people of the empire who followed closely behind, and quickly rushed to the logistics headquarters of the imperial army. This is a rather towering building, which looks as high as 1,000 meters high, and, in general, looks like a monster. The face is ferocious and the image is terrible. However, now, after all, the defense force here has long been destroyed, so in this situation, naturally, together with those awakened people, they can participate in the attack!

"Fight!" In this way, under the order of the God of War, all the people, including all the members of the team, began to attack the logistics headquarters of the imperial army at the same time! At this time, I don't know when some people actually added some gasoline bottles in their hands. In this way, the fire lines, accompanied by the gasoline bottles, shot at the logistics headquarters of the imperial army one after another...


Half a minute later, a sea of fire soared to the sky. And the logistics force of the imperial army, in the sea of fire, soon turned into ruins.

"Congratulations, dear Iron-blooded Star River Team! So far, your first task has been successfully completed! Next, the headquarters will release new tasks to you. Please pay attention to receive them!" At this time, the crisp and sweet voice of the system once again came to Liu Zheng's ears.

"Oh, oh, we won, we won!" At this time, after hearing the sound marking the completion of the task, all the team members cheered. Yes, in fact, Liu Zheng and God of War know that this task is really not very difficult. Yes, that's true. However, this is, after all, the first task carried out by their team. In this situation, naturally, although this victory seems to be a little insignificant, it does give them considerable encouragement and encouragement.


This time, Liu Zheng played a two-and-a-half-hour game. After taking off his helmet, Liu Zheng felt as if he had been in a different world. It's like a different world, and there is also some trance. Yes, that world has entered because it has passed through that special virtual system! In that world, I really realized that the wind and things that belong to that interstellar world are so real, whether it is people, scenery, or landforms!

Especially the battle, which is really a real rain of bullets and gunpowder! In that world, there is also the same coldness and warmth, as well as the same strict hierarchy and unreasonable social system. In the battle just now, his team also served as a leader of the enslaved and oppressed people to resist the cruel rule of the empire led by Monsk and won the final victory!

In this way, with an extremely satisfied mood, Liu Zheng took a cold shower, then fell on **, and then fell to the dawn!

The next day, Liu Zheng specially asked for leave from the company in order to better adjust his state - this was his first leave in this company. At the same time, he knew that it was very likely that he would have a permanent vacation. Because Liu Zheng has foresaw that his career, the next step, is likely to start with the game of Star River hegemony.

Yes, that's true. Perhaps, from now on, my life will also begin a brand-new journey! What a broken company, what a messy people and things, go to hell! Perhaps, my life belongs to such a virtual world

After asking for leave, Liu Zheng deliberately came to the river next to his mother's river. He looked far away from the fence, with vast smoke and waves rolling. The breeze is coming slowly, which makes people feel relaxed and refreshed.

Yes, Liu Zheng still has a very deep affection for the river left by Dayu during his water control. It is absolutely not an overdone to say that it is your own mother river. In this river, when the wind blows, the waves are rolling, comparable to the waves, and the wind and clouds rise, which is quite terrible. In ancient times, it was said that a certain emperor cruised here and couldn't help sighing in the face of the turbulent river. Therefore, "Taku River" also got its name from this.

Liu Zheng has been a "osprey" since he was a child. He has a natural love for rivers and water for a long time. Every year before summer, when the river is still a little cold, some of their friends can't wait to jump into the cool river one after another, playing and playing in it. Every time, after having fun, the friends began to do a big event every time they had to do - cross the river. Yes, facing the wide river is indeed a challenge for these children who are only eight or nine years old. However, every time, whether it is larger or smaller, no one flinched.

"Flop~~" With the sound of falling into the water full of infinite vitality, the bare monkeys first dived down, and then showed their heads in a long breath... And the excitement when it finally landed on the beach on the other side could only scream. The sound is expressed by the loud howling!

The past is like smoke. Now, Liu Zheng looked far away and remembered the bits and pieces of his childhood. He couldn't help laughing and hanging on his face. For a moment, I seemed to go back to my childhood and back to that year full of infinite **!