Star Trek

Chapter 424 Easy Ending 1

Under this situation, Liu Zheng basically believes that after smashing the attack of the enemy camel soldiers, it can be said that the safety of his base has been guaranteed again. Next, you must strengthen your anti-aircraft firepower. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that in fact, in essence, the most threatening thing for his base is the enemy's air strike. Yes, that's true. You know, Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about what the five enemy bases mean.

Can his base withstand the successive air bombings? But now, Liu Zheng's heart has no bottom with the earth at all. Because Liu Zheng knows very well that all kinds of enemy bombers have very strong attack capabilities. Not to mention, the enemy's F22 fighter alone is enough to scare me very much. In particular, if the air defense system of one after another attacks has not been improved to a certain extent and has not been improved to a certain extent, then it is certain that the enemy's 22 percent fighter bombing decided to make himself embarrassed. If you want to save this base Come on, that's really harder than climbing to the sky.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he should work hard to build his own air defense system and strive to improve his air defense system in the shortest time, which is undoubtedly a very correct decision. In addition, Liu Zheng knows that, in fact, the enemy only has this kind of F22 fighter, and there is also a fighter that seems to be more powerful, or a bomber, that is, the enemy's stealth strategic bomber. Improving your own air defense system is undoubtedly a very correct decision. In addition, Liu Zheng knows that, in fact, the enemy only has this kind of F22 fighter, and there is also a fighter that seems to be more powerful, or a bomber, that is, the enemy's stealth strategic bomber.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that although the enemy's stealth strategic bomber does not fly very fast, it is generally difficult to detect by itself because it has a very good stealth attack ability. Moreover, his attack ability is even stronger. Because it can be a small nuclear missile at the same time. Naturally, when it comes to this kind of nuclear missile, it will be very huge. Once it explodes, it will cause great lethality to the target. Therefore, once the enemy's stealth bomber, but with the enemy's F22 fighter jet, bombs its own base one after another, then, if it is really like this, it will really suffer for me.

Therefore, it should be said that at this time, Liu is trying to improve the construction of his own base, especially the construction of the air defense system in his base, which is a very correct choice. Liu Zheng did not regret this at all, and even very firm. However, it is said that in many times and in many cases, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. Just as Liu Zheng decided to be down-to-earth and concentrate all his energy to build his own air defense system, suddenly, on the ground, another attack by the enemy camel soldiers began again.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but get angry. Wow, damn it, it's really over. ~~~ For this kind of camel soldier, in fact, in the current situation, Liu Zheng has basically known his characteristics. After understanding his combat characteristics, in fact, Liu Zheng is no longer so worried. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will not be defeated. In the past, the reason why the enemy's camel soldier was able to attack successfully and almost destroyed his main construction factory was mainly because Liu Zheng did not have a very deep understanding of that kind of enemy camel soldier. But now, of course, the situation is different. Know yourself and know your enemy and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles. In the past, the reason why the enemy's camel soldier was able to attack successfully and almost destroyed his main construction factory was mainly because Liu Zheng did not have a very deep understanding of that kind of enemy camel soldier. But now, of course, the situation is different.

Yes, what Liu Zheng has learned now is that, in any case, this kind of camel soldier of the enemy belongs to an infantry combat unit at best. It is not an armored combat unit. In this case, Liu Zheng learned that any combat unit without armor, unless it has the ability to fly, as long as it is a ground combat force, it is certain that what they are most afraid of is police dogs.

Yes, you know, as long as it is a police dog, it has a natural attack ability against any infantry combat force on the ground. Moreover, without the banker's ground combat force, there is no way to attack the capital. Yes, that's true. It should be said that no matter how strong the attack ability is, whether it is a magnetic storm infantry, camel soldiers, or ordinary heavy soldiers, they are really helpless in the face of the attack of police dogs. Yes, if you say a thousand or ten thousand, you will have no choice but to fall.

Police dogs, as a unique arms, can bring huge benefits to Liu Zheng at many times and in many situations. Even at the most critical moment, it can expose Liu Zheng to danger and eliminate difficulties, and this effect cannot be achieved by other combat forces at all. But that's true. Therefore, at this time, in the face of the appearance of the enemy's camel soldiers again, Liu Zheng thought of his own police dog unit. Very good, very good. This time, I made full use of my own police dog unit. I have to see how strong the camel soldiers of the enemy are in the face of their own precise combat troops.

So, at this time, under the circumstances, with Liu Zheng's order, seven to eight police dog troops, at this time, madly rushed to the enemy's more than a dozen camel soldiers. At this time, it should be said that the more than a dozen camel soldiers of the enemy seemed to have tasted the sweetness and knew that Liu Zheng's main construction factory was helpless in the face of his own attack. Even the combat forces in Liu Zheng's base can't do anything about them at all. It seems that he has tasted the sweetness and knows that Liu Zheng's main construction factory is helpless in the face of his own attack. Even the combat forces in Liu Zheng's base can't do anything about them at all.

Yes, Liu Zheng should admit that his opponent is still very smart in tactical operations. That is, make full use of this kind of camel soldier, because this kind of camel soldier did very rarely appear in the past. It is also for this reason that Liu Zheng doesn't know much about this kind of camel soldier. I don't know what kind of combat performance he has. That's why, in the face of the sudden emergence of camel soldiers, Liu Zheng also seemed helpless and had nothing to do. Therefore, at this time, the result of building his own main factory was almost destroyed by the enemy camel soldiers in one fell swoop. Now that I think about it, that's really too inappropriate. Yes, that's true.

So, at this time, in this situation, with the appearance of his own police dog force, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's camel soldier looked obviously unexpected, but now that they had come, they had no reason to retreat. But of course, Liu Zheng knew that they really wanted to go back, but I'm afraid it was already impossible. Because Liu Zheng, at this time, had already blocked their back roads. Of

Yes, that's indeed the case. At this time, Liu Zheng turned his chariot combat troops, including the five Type 99 main battle tanks and seven to eight of his own infantry combat units, all detoured to the rear of the enemy's camel soldiers. In this way, it is tantamount to cutting off their retreat. In front, his police dog combat force is rushing towards them. At this time, in the face of such a situation, the camel army of the enemy army was able to fight to the death. And the seven to eight of their own infantry combat units all detoured to the rear of the enemy's camel soldiers. In this way, it is tantamount to cutting off their retreat. In front, his police dog combat force is rushing towards them. At this time, in the face of such a situation, the camel army of the enemy army was able to fight to the death.

"Start the attack!" At this time, Liu Zheng found that the time was ripe. Therefore, he saw his police dog force rushing quickly from five directions to the enemy's camel army from the side. At the same time, he ran fast and roared crazily, looking like a god descending to the earth.

Facing this kind of police dog force of Liu Zheng, now, the enemy's camel soldiers continue to shoot that kind of bomb. However, this time, it didn't work. Many bombs were thrown on the ground, because before that, their target, Liu Zheng's Qingquan troops, rushed to the front without flying fast. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw a continuous explosion behind his crazy forward police dog combat force.

However, just as the enemy's camel troops continued to attack, suddenly, several police dogs rushed forward and jumped high, and then suddenly dragged the camels to the ground. Then, they quickly divided the camel soldiers and the camels they were riding. The camel has all been eaten.

In this way, Liu Zheng finally succeeded in destroying the enemy's camel soldiers' attacks again and again with the police dog combat force in his hand. In this way, it can be said that under this situation, in the beginning of his base, he finally smashed the enemy's ground attack. Of course, in the next time, Liu Zheng can evaluate that the enemy will definitely mobilize more and more powerful ground combat forces to attack Liu Zheng's base. However, at that time, Liu Zheng believed that he must have had a more powerful combat force to deal with the enemy's ground attack. Of

In the current situation, it can be said that Liu Zheng has basically stipulated the construction of his own base. Now, the most important thing is that you must improve your air defense system anyway. Otherwise, in the following time, the enemy's air attack will start soon. Moreover, timely, to be honest, the enemy's air strike is what I fear most, worry about, and fear the most. Yes, that's true.

Yes, in fact, that's what Liu Zheng is worried about. Because in the following time, after several ground attacks on Liu Zheng's base, the enemy found that it was actually smashed by Liu Zheng. Naturally, the enemy will not be reconciled. He would not give up, so in Liu Zheng's expectant eyes, finally, the enemy's first air strike began. First of all, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, there was a roar after another, and then four enemy F22 fighters roared and rushed into the air. M At this time, Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft firepower was fully opened on the ground. Of course, at this time, the so-called protective firepower was just those few land-based light anti-aircraft guns. So far, Liu Zheng has not produced other air defense forces.

All-in, all-in-one, all-in-one. In this way, dense anti-aircraft shells came out, and in the air, one after another of black smoke was constantly permeating. Some enemy F22 fighters were directly destroyed. With a loud noise, in the air, just above Liu Zheng's base, they were blown into countless wreckage and fragments and fell to the ground.

However, some fighters were not directly blown up. Second, they were seriously injured, dragging black smoke, and then sobbing and hitting the ground. As a result, a dark red explosion burst. It should be said that during this period, the land-based light anti-aircraft guns built by Liu Zheng really played an important role. Yes, that's true. Basically, the enemy's F22 fighters have been shot down one after another without playing their role. However, Liu Zheng knew that in fact, the enemy's most important bomber had not yet appeared, that is, the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bomber that Liu Zheng was most worried about.


Sure enough, soon after, as Liu Zheng expected, a black-looking, bird-like enemy strategic stealth bomber finally appeared. At this time, due to his lifelong performance, the general land-based light anti-aircraft guns on his ground could not effectively attack it. Therefore, soon after, some of the enemy's strategic bombers finally did not lead over their base. Then, with a siren, an air-to-surface nuclear missile finally emerged from the enemy's stealth strategic bomber.

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the enemy's air-to-ground nuclear missile broke through the air and roared, and the rear tail was dragging a green tail flame. Although his flight speed was not very fast, Liu Zheng knew that this enemy's air-to-ground nuclear missile was anti The guiding ability will not be intercepted by its own anti-aircraft firepower. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, in the face of the attack of air-to-ground nuclear missiles carried out by the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bombers, Liu Zheng knows that there is basically nothing he can do. At this time, in this situation, I am also able to do anything, with a helpless ending.

Sure enough, soon after, under Liu Zheng's helpless gaze, the air-to-ground nuclear missile finally hit the target - the main construction factory in Liu Zheng's base. And this main factory has now been finally repaired. The health has been fully restored. However, now, it has been violently destroyed again, which is really a little miserable for Liu Zheng. However, no matter what, you still have to bear it. The sound of breaking the air when a bomb fell from the sky continued to sound, and high explosive bombs fell from the sky, cutting through the air and making a very sharp scream.

After that, they hit the target accurately. In a dazzling light, the bombed target was almost crumbling, and the thick smoke rising from the sky almost covered a large area of the sky. In this way, with the bombing one after another, blockbuster bombs fell from the sky, roared away, and broke through the air. In that shrill that cut through the air, the attacked targets on the ground finally filled the thick smoke in the sky-up fire. After receiving such an attack, Liu Zheng found that the health value of the main factory built in his base was finally destroyed again. At this time, there was only less than 30% left.