Star Trek

Chapter 425 Easy Ending 2

In fact, in the current situation, Liu Zheng is very clear, but first of all, he must destroy the wooden bridge. Normal University, that's indeed the case. You know, that wooden bridge plays a pivotal role in the safety of your base. Yes, that's true. Because that wooden bridge can be said to be the most important channel connecting its own base with the outside world.

In this situation, in the face of such a large number of enemy bases and such a disparity, Liu Zheng is very clear in his heart that perhaps, if this base does not carry out the necessary defense, then even wait for the enemy does not use the air force, It has been destroyed by the enemy's ground combat forces. This possibility should be said to be very large. For himself, if this base does not carry out the necessary defense, then, even before the enemy does not use the air force, it will have been destroyed by the enemy's ground combat forces. This possibility should be said to be very large.

Yes, according to Liu Zheng's idea, anyway, destroy this wooden bridge first. Here, it basically cut off the possibility of the enemy attacking their own bases from above the ground. Of course, because it is now, which belongs to the start-up period of the base, various situations are not very clear. It is possible that in addition to the wooden bridge, there are other ways to connect Liu Zheng's base with the outside. However, I am not very clear about that situation.

Therefore, in this case, at least, I have decided to determine this wooden bridge and determine the threat channel that I already know. It should be said that it should be of great significance to prevent the attack of the enemy's ground forces and to protect the safety of my base. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he had four main battle tanks, and seven to eight infantry combat units rushed together in the direction of the wooden bridge.

Sun Tongtong, Tongtong, so, especially those of their own Type 98 main battle tanks, flew at this time, which excellently showed their attack ability. Especially in the face of a wooden bridge, it reflects the uselessness of heroes. With one shell after another, it roared through the air and fell deeply into the importance of the wooden bridge. Therefore, coaxed, and the continuous explosions kept coming.

In addition, several of their own infantry combat units, Yue's cannon, attacked the wooden bridge one after another. Finally, not long after, a very difficult wooden bridge faced the attack of Liu Zheng's Type 98 main battle tanks. Finally, with the sound of an explosion, the wooden bridge broke off in an important position. Moon's gunfire attacked the wooden bridge one after another. Finally, not long after, a very difficult wooden bridge faced the attack of Liu Zheng's Type 98 main battle tanks. Finally, with the sound of an explosion, the wooden bridge broke off in an important position.

In this way, this seems to mean that on the ground, it should be said that unless there are other special circumstances, the enemy's face-to-face power will no longer be able to threaten Liu Zheng's base. * Fortunately, then, in this case, you can simply concentrate all your time and energy on the construction of the air defense system of your own base. You know, now you are facing five enemy bases. In the following time, it is certain that the five enemy bases will take turns to bomb their own bases. Whether the car can survive this crazy air bombing basically depends on how powerful its air defense system is. Isn't it perfect,

So, with Liu Zheng's order, the construction of the land-based light anti-aircraft fire finally began. Liu Zheng knew that this land-based light anti-aircraft gun can be said to be the most economical air defense combat force among all his air defense units. Yes, that's true. Of course, there is a reason for saying that. On the one hand, the cost of this land-based light anti-aircraft gun is very low. It only takes 500 production and construction funds to build such one. Naturally, he knows very well what 500 production and construction funds mean. I believe that he is very clear. Yes, that's true.

You know, even if you want to train an ordinary soldier, you still need to consume 200 production and construction funds. Therefore, after hearing such a comparison, it is not difficult to see that the amount of production and construction funds required for this land-based light anti-aircraft gun is really very small. See, yes, that's true. However, in the same way, Liu Zheng knows very well that although this kind of land-based light anti-aircraft gun is relatively cheap, his anti-aircraft combat ability is very strong. Moreover, there is also a very important point, that is, this kind of land-based light anti-aircraft gun has a relatively high health value and strong defense ability.

It can be said that it is also for this reason that Liu Zheng has always regarded this kind of land-based light anti-aircraft gun as his main anti-aircraft force, especially when the base was founded. Construction and production. In this case, because this kind of land-based light anti-aircraft bubble does not need to consume too much production and construction, on the one hand, when the base was founded, it could provide too much production and construction funds for Mr. Liu Zhong. At the same time, on the other hand, it is also because of its relatively low cost, so it can be built. Naturally, the speed is relatively fast, which can maximize the efficiency of production. This also means that in this way, you can also maximize your air defense capabilities.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the anti-aircraft guns that took one by one were quickly built. However, Liu Zheng thought that it was very likely that the enemy's ground combat force was almost difficult to attack his base. At least, in terms of ground defense, it should be said that their base is safe. However, just when Liu Zheng thought so, suddenly, a group of camel soldiers suddenly appeared and made Liu Zheng immediately deny this idea.

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy camel soldier is really not simple. It seems that this demon disease does not move very fast and its attack power will not be very strong. However, in fact, it is the opposite. Yes, that's true. You know, the camel soldiers of the enemy army acted one after another, and they rushed to the vicinity of Liu Zheng's construction factory as fast as lightning.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that the group of at least a dozen camel soldiers were firing at the construction factory in his base one after another, and the moon's fire attack on the wooden bridge one after another. Finally, not long after, a very difficult wooden bridge faced the attack of Liu Zheng's Type 98 main battle tanks. Finally, with the sound of an explosion, the wooden bridge broke off in an important position.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that because at this time, in this situation, his main construction factory covers a very large area. Therefore, in this case, it is safe to say that the bombs fired by the more than a dozen camel soldiers of the enemy basically landed on their own main factory. Therefore, with the sudden sound of violent explosions, the construction of its own base and the main factory immediately raised a dark red explosion light that caught the sky.

At the same time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the health value of the construction factory in his own base was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although at this time, Liu Zheng dispatched some of his combat forces in time to attack the enemy's camel soldiers. However, soon, Liu Zheng found that even so, because of the bombs fired by the enemy's camel soldiers, the lethality was really too strong, and his main construction factory was also too large.

So, in this case, if appropriate adjustments are not made, then it is certain that your main construction plant will be destroyed in the near future. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the main factory of its own construction was deformed and became a base car in a blink of an eye. Just after the movie, Liu Zheng was happy to see that because after the deformation, the main factory of his own construction could not become very small at this time, so most of the bombs projected by the enemy's camel soldiers did not hit the target. In this way, the degree of total damage to the construction of its own main factory has been greatly reduced.

Yes, in the current situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng also feels considerable pressure. Yes, that's true. Because, although he finally smashed the enemy's two ground attacks before this, Liu Zheng certainly knew that these two enemy ground attacks were relatively small in scale and could be said to be the lowest level of ground attacks. Isn't it? Seventeen enemy camel soldiers seem to be surging and fighting spirit. However, in fact, this is just a group of enemy infantry fighting forces.

Of course, at the beginning, because I didn't know much about the camel soldiers of the enemy, at this time, in this case, I did not seize the weakness of the enemy's camel soldiers and sent my own chariot combat force to fight against the enemy. Those camel soldiers blocked it. However, what I didn't expect was that the group of enemy camel soldiers were not interested in this kind of mecha combat unit at all. Therefore, at the beginning, Liu Zheng seemed very passive for a period of time.

However, things have changed soon after. Because with the passage of time, Liu Zheng finally found that this kind of camel soldier of the enemy was actually very afraid of his own economic combat troops. It can even be said that its own police dog combat force is completely feasible for the enemy's camel unit. Therefore, as his precise troops were mobilized, finally, in the future, although the enemy sent camel soldiers to attack many times, as a final result, all the camel soldiers who rushed into their base were eliminated by their own police dog troops.

In this way, it should be said that for a long time, Liu Zheng's base has been in a relatively safe state. Yes, that's true. However, Liu Zheng knows very well that this temporary quietness is actually related to the upcoming danger. Because the sky will be very quiet before the storm comes. It's like there will always be a darkness before dawn.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that this is, in fact, saying 10,000, what he is most worried about is the enemy's air strike force. Yes, that's true. After all, this time, I faced five enemy bases at the same time. Imagine that if the five bases of the enemy take turns to use their air strike power to bomb their own bases, then it can be imagined that there is really no better way to smash the enemy's continuous and repeated air strikes. Yes, that's really the situation.

At the same time, what's more terrible is that Liu Zheng knows that every enemy base has super weapons. In this way, once the enemy's super weapons are also attacking Liu Zheng's base one after another, then whether it is a super nuclear weapon or a lightning storm attack, it is certain that the attack on Liu Zheng's base will be quite deadly. It is also taking turns to attack Liu Zheng's base. So, whether it is a super nuclear weapon or a lightning storm attack, then it is certain that the attack on Liu Zheng's base will be quite deadly.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng has already made a plan. Yes, that's true. That is, in the face of the enemy's air bombing and the enemy's superweapon attacks, there is only one way to deal with it, that is, to build your own shipyard, and then join hands to contain the enemy through its own long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarines and its own aircraft carrier. The attack of intelligence.

The reason is very simple, that is, in this case, in the face of such a fierce attack by the enemy, you can only carry out a truly effective defense through these two naval combat forces. Liu Zheng knew that it was difficult for him to deal with the enemy's kind of nuclear weapons or weather controllers, and he could not rely on his own super weapons alone.

Because Liu Zheng knows that although his super weapon, the super nuclear missile, has a very good attack ability, a very long range and a very large attack range, after all, in terms of whether the target can be destroyed, it also depends on whether it is an attack target. Generally speaking, if you want to attack some power plants, or chariot factories, or even ore green power plants, combat research laboratories, these military facilities should be said. However, if you let your super weapon attack the enemy's super weapon, it will be impossible. Because the forward superweapon itself has quite strong defense capabilities. In the same way, the enemy's super weapons, whether it is weather controllers or nuclear missile launchers, also have very strong attack capabilities and defense capabilities. The health value is quite high, and it is basically impossible to destroy it at one time.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng must consider that he must use other forces to destroy the enemy's super weapons. At the same time, he must also ensure that the airport in the enemy's base will be destroyed as much as possible.

Liu Zheng knows that in fact, as long as he can really suppress the enemy's superweapon attack, and to a certain extent, he can suppress the enemy's air strike force, then basically, no matter how many enemy bases there are, they have nothing to do about themselves. Yes, that's the current situation.

It should be said that in fact, Liu Zheng's analysis of the situation at that time was still very scientific. However, the situation will be much more complicated when the analysis is analyzed and the real action is taken. In fact, Liu Zheng is also fully prepared for this. Now, Liu Zhengxi is thinking that as long as the enemy cannot destroy its own base within half an hour, it is certain that he basically occupies the initiative of the battlefield. Because within half an hour, you can build your own shipyard and produce a sufficient number of aircraft carriers and intercontinental nuclear submarines.

As long as you can produce a certain number of aircraft carriers, and of course, there are intercontinental attack nuclear submarines in the region, then it is certain that whether it is enemy air bombers, such as F22 fighters, or long-range strategic stealth bombers, they will no longer worry. In addition, as long as you build your own shipyard and will produce aircraft carriers, as long as you have four to six, the super weapons in the five bases of the enemy will not pose any threat to you. Liu Zheng is still very confident about this.