Star Trek

Chapter 426 Easy Ending 4

Now, in this situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng also feels a lot of pressure. Yes, that's true. Because, in the current situation, although on the one hand, he finally succeeded in avoiding being attacked by the enemy's ground combat forces, he came back and knew best what the concept was in the face of the two enemy bases at the same time. Yes, that's true.

Yes, Fortunately, not long ago, Liu Zheng finally found that in fact, his base, in connection with the outside world, basically relied on those two wooden bridges. Yes, it should be said that the whole terrain is still very beneficial to itself. My own base is surrounded by a sea area. At the same time, the sea area surrounds its own base, that is to say, in this way, its own base is equivalent to an isolated island. There are only two wooden bridges. Through those two wooden bridges, your base can be connected to the outside world.

Therefore, it is also because of this that when the base was founded, Liu Zheng had already thought that if he destroyed the two wooden bridges, it would mean that his base would really become an isolated island. In this way, although this will cause some difficulties in terms of access. However, then again, it will definitely make it very difficult for the enemy's ground combat forces to attack their own base. Yes, that's true. Although, this will cause some difficulties in terms of access. However, then again, it will definitely make it very difficult for the enemy's ground combat forces to attack their own base. Yes, that's true.

Under this situation, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the five main battle tanks given by the system, at this time, rushed to the two wooden bridges in two ways. Then, Liu Zheng continued to hear the sound of cannons. Soon after, the two wooden bridges were quickly destroyed. In this way, it can be said that Liu Zheng's heart has finally been much more secure. Yes, in this case, you basically don't have to consider the enemy's ground attack. Instead, it fully considers the air strike force of the enemy. I want to know that, in fact, the enemy's main attack method is air strike. Therefore, under the current situation, in any case, we should strengthen the construction of air defense firepower. Otherwise, once the enemy's air strike really begins, it is very likely that he will be at a loss.


So, in the following time, Liu Zheng spent almost all his production and construction funds on building his own land-based light anti-aircraft guns. Yes, that's true. Because of course, Liu Zheng knows that from the current situation, the only way he can really deal with the enemy's air strike force is to build this land-based light air defense. Because, on the one hand, this kind of anti-aircraft gun is relatively cheap, so in this case, you can completely spend less production and construction funds, but you can produce a considerable amount of air defense combat power. Since then, naturally, once the enemy's air strike force begins to attack its own base, then he can use this land-based light anti-aircraft gun to fiercely attack the enemy's air combat forces. In this way, it has been able to avoid causing too much damage to its base by the enemy's air strike force to a certain extent.

So, in five minutes, Liu Zheng has actually built the land-based light anti-aircraft gun he built. At this time, just after the construction of the land-based light anti-aircraft gunfire was completed, at this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng finally heard a roar of fighters in the air.

After hearing this, Liu Zheng knew that the patrol was the enemy's air attack force. Sure enough, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that four enemy fighters had been hit by 22 fighter jets. At this time, he had already flew over the sea and approached his base. However, just above their base, they have not launched an air-to-surface missile attack. On the ground, the eight land-based light anti-aircraft guns that have just been built finally began to attack the F22 fighters of the enemy that had already flew in mid-air. Seeing that Chen Hongcheng successfully rushed, with the sound of fierce anti-aircraft guns, one after another, anti-aircraft shells roared out, broke through the air, and continued to explode in mid-air. As a result, the enemy's two fighter jets were destroyed one after another. Two of them exploded directly in mid-air.

The other two, at this time, because they had been severely damaged, their rear tails dragged black smoke, and then sobbed and dived down from mid-air to the sea. Finally, he plunged into the sea and blew up a turbid wave of sea and air aging. Because they had been hit hard, their rear tails dragged black smoke, and then sobbed and swooped down from mid-air to the sea. Finally, he plunged into the sea and blew up a turbid wave of sea and air aging.

However, although this time, with his eight land-based light anti-aircraft guns, Liu Zheng finally destroyed the enemy's four F22 fighters, Liu Zheng knew very well that this enemy's air strike was only the beginning. In the next time, it is certain that the enemy's air strike will be more fierce.

Sure enough, three minutes later, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's second air attack finally began again. This time, Liu Zheng was a little surprised that the enemy sent two air bombers to attack the bureau's own base. In the front, there are still four F22 fighters, followed by two long-range strategic stealth bombers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it was likely to be effective this time. Yes, that's true.

Although at this time, Liu Zheng has produced three more mobile anti-aircraft guns, and this kind of mobile anti-aircraft vehicle is basically the same as that of land-based light anti-aircraft sports cars in terms of attack performance. However, Liu Zheng knew that despite this, he was certainly sure to destroy the four 22 percent fighter jets of the enemy, but he was not sure whether the two long-range strategic stealth bombers behind could also be destroyed. Yes, that's exactly what it is.

After that, I can only take one step. At this time, some of the enemy bombers had just flew over Liu Zheng's base. Suddenly, on the ground, those land-based light anti-aircraft guns once again showed their power. In the bitterness of the barrel, the dark red firelight kept shining. Then, the documentary Mei Ting anti-aircraft shells shot out. Flying in mid-air. At the same time, the two newly produced self-propelled air-air sports cars are also starting to carry out air defense attacks. Therefore, in mid-air, the four enemy F22 fighters were shot down again.

However, at this time, as Liu Zheng expected, although he finally destroyed the four enemy F22 fighters in front of him, he could not shoot down the two roaring long-range printing strategic bombers in one fell swoop. Because, on the one hand, the two enemy's long-range strategic stealth bombers have stealth capabilities. In this case, naturally, it is not easy for your own air defense force to find the target. Yes, it is true. In this case, it is certain that the long-range strategic operation bombers of the two enemies may cause a lot of trouble to their own bases.

Finally, with the enemy's two long-range strategic stealth bombers, they further approached Liu Zheng's base. Finally, above the base, some of their own air defense forces woke up and attacked with all their strength. What makes Liu Zheng feel a little helpless is that the enemy's long-range strategic line of bombers actually have very good health values and strong defense capabilities. Therefore, in this case, it is impossible to destroy it all at once. However, just as Liu Zheng felt a little helpless, the two enemy's long-range strategic stealth bombers finally began to attack.

In Liu Zheng's expectation, Liu Zheng knew that the bomb used by this enemy's long-range strategic stealth bomber must be different from the site implemented by ordinary F22 fighters when launching the attack. Sure enough, at this time, Liu Zheng saw two green air-to-ground missiles flying above the ground in a series of harsh sounds from the two long-range strategic bombers.

Yes, it can be held that this kind of air-to-surface missile is not very fast in the process of flying, but Liu Zheng knows that the more such a missile is, the more powerful their attack ability and destructive force will be. Sure enough, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that with the two air-to-ground heavy missiles, they hit the target - an airport of Liu Zheng's base vehicle, and another such bomb hit his own power plant.

At this moment, Liu Zheng saw that a scene similar to the explosion of a nuclear bomb finally appeared in front of his eyes. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, as the light fog of the nuclear bomb explosion fell one after another, on the ground, the enemy's ground that had just been attacked was naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there.

In this way, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the enemy's two long-range strategic bombers and the two nuclear missiles dropped on the line finally hit the ground, five of their own main factories. Another nuclear missile, simply, hit its own ore concentrate factory. So, with a bang, the own ore refinement factory exploded directly. Fortunately, when Liu was in the beginning of the base, he suddenly built two ore polishing factories.

In this way, after one was destroyed by the enemy, he also controlled an ore refinement factory in his own hands. In this case, in fact, Liu Zheng has also thought that although he built two ore selection factories, at that time, it was only to improve the speed of production and construction funds. But I didn't think of considering this problem from the perspective of insurance. I didn't expect that at that time, my caution created the current five situation. Otherwise, at this time, in this case, the production and construction funds in their own hands are not very large. If their ore selection factories are destroyed by the enemy, it will inevitably affect the earning of their own production and construction funds. Thus, it will seriously affect the construction of his base and combative production. In fact, Liu Zheng has also thought that although he built two ore selection factories, at that time, it was only to improve the earning speed of production and construction funds. But I didn't think of considering this problem from the perspective of insurance. I didn't expect that at that time, my caution created the current five situation. Otherwise, at this time, in this case, the production and construction funds in their own hands are not very large. If their ore selection factories are destroyed by the enemy, it will inevitably affect the earning of their own production and construction funds. Thus, it will seriously affect the construction of combat production of its own base. Yes, that's true.

Of course, relatively speaking, his own base, or the construction factory in his own base, has a high health value. Generally speaking, it will not be destroyed at one time. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that due to the attack of an air-to-ground nuclear missile by the enemy just now, until this time, the main factory of his own construction was still shrouded in a green light. Moreover, its health value, due to the attack of an air-to-ground nuclear missile by the enemy just now, the main factory of its own construction was still shrouded in green light. Moreover, its health value, in this case, is not much left.

Despite this, Liu Zheng still saw that his main construction factory had been knocked out of 60 to 70 percent of his health. It should be said that a one-time attack can kill so many health points, which is also a little unbelievable for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. The main building of its own factory has been destroyed by 60 to 70 percent of its health. It should be said that a one-time attack can kill so many health points, which is also a little unbelievable for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true.

Soon after, Liu Zheng finally saw that, in fact, the attack force of the enemy just now, (specially set up air attack force.) Unexpectedly, it flew from another direction. In this case, naturally, Liu Zheng knew that it was not too late to mend. If several more long-range strategic bombers of the enemy fly from this direction to their own base, then if they do not strengthen their air defense capabilities there, it is certain that their own base will suffer great difficulties. Yes, that's true.

You should know that the direction of the enemy's air attack force will affect the whole war. Because from this perspective, when a generation really attacks, it is certain that the most basic military facilities built here will be destroyed. For example, God of War, airport, combat laboratory and so on. However, in the current situation, once the enemy finds out the later combat forces in this base, it is naturally clear what kind of damage will be caused by several air-to-ground nuclear missiles.

Therefore, it is certain that in this case, you must produce enough air defense forces. Only in this way can you crush the enemy's air strikes. Yes, that's indeed the case. It should be said that in the current situation, it is certain that as long as they can survive during this period of time, they will gradually become so powerful according to the enemy's attack habits. Therefore, the most critical point is that at this time, in this situation, whether you can stand alone and withstand the crazy air attack of the enemy.

Yes, according to Liu Zheng's plan, it is unrealistic to rely on this general air bubble to prevent enemy attacks in the next time. Yes, that's true. On the one hand, after all, the kind of land-based light air defense bubble and the kind of nemesis air defense projectile produced by light fog, although the air defense combat ability is very good. However, back to the saying, the paid personality, these air defense units are still good for short-range air defense operations. However, because they do not have a remote detection system, in this case, the target can attack it after flying over.

However, in some cases, with the difference in time, Liu Zheng has slowly felt that there seem to be many shortcomings in that way. Yes, that's true.