Star Trek

Chapter 427 Easy Ending 5

It should be said that in this case, it is really very dangerous for Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. In any case, although 56 enemy bases are not able to launch attacks on Liu Zheng's base through ground combat forces, they know that that kind of air strike is quite deadly. In comparison, five to six enemy bases have a considerable number of terrible air attack forces.

There are F22 fighters, and at least four F22 fighters will attack in one attack. At this time, I believe that Liu Zheng's heart is the clearest thing about how lethal it will be to attack Liu Zheng's base under such a large number of doctors and fighter planes. In fact, relatively large amounts of anti-aircraft firepower have been built in its own base, but even so, what can it do? I believe that Liu Zheng's heart is the clearest how lethality it is. In fact, relatively large amounts of anti-aircraft firepower have been built in its own base, but even so, what can it do?

In particular, the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bomber. Although the speed of that type of bomber is not very fast, because it has stealth combat ability, it is difficult to detect the radar system in Liu Zheng's base at the first time. In this way, naturally, their attack is very easy to succeed. Moreover, it should be said that this kind of enemy stealth bomber, anyway, uses air-to-surface missiles, is actually a small nuclear weapon. Therefore, it is self-evident how lethal it can be to the target.

In this way, one catches all kinds of fighters and constantly attacks Liu Zheng's base. Yes, and because his base has been surrounded by the enemy. Therefore, the enemy's air attack naturally comes from all directions. From all directions of Liu Zheng's base, they attacked one after another. Therefore, for a while, in mid-air, there were shadows of enemy fighters everywhere, which looked like locusts across the sky. On the ground, air defense bubbles kept roaring, and anti-aircraft shells exploded in mid-air one after another. Therefore, in the mid-air, there was a dark red explosive firelight. Similarly, the enemy's fighters were constantly corrected and exploded directly in the air. At the same time, countless wreckage and fragments also fell from the air one after another and hit the ground.

Some enemy fighters were seriously injured after being hit, so they dragged the thick smoke, sobbed, and swooped down from mid-air, and then hit their heads on the ground, blowing up a flame. Therefore, in this situation, for a period of time, almost the two sides fought fiercely again and again. On both sides of the battle, one side was a variety of air fighters, or that kind of F22 fighter, or that kind of long-range strategic stealth bomber hit the ground and blew up a sky-high flame. Therefore, in this situation, for a period of time, almost the two sides fought fiercely again and again. On both sides of the battle, one side is a variety of air fighters, or that kind of F22 fighter, or that kind of long-range strategic stealth bomber. Continuously and continuously.

One side is Liu Zheng's ground air defense system. It mainly includes light land-based anti-aircraft guns on the ground. In addition, this is the kind of feasible anti-aircraft gun vehicle produced by myself. Because the cost of these combat units is relatively low, the protective performance is not very poor. Therefore, for some time, they have almost become Liu Qingshan's most important air defense force. Together, Liu Qingshan's air defense system was formed. Thus, it has played a very important role. Yes, that's true.

Liu Qingshan knows that his land-based light air defense bubble is not only good and cheap, but also very important, that is, this kind of land-based light air defense bubble is very high, and its defense ability is also very strong. In this case, naturally, it is not easy to be destroyed by the enemy's air strike force. This is not like a feasible anti-aircraft gun vehicle. Although it is similar to that of land-based light anti-aircraft gun in terms of air defense capability, once it is hit by the enemy, it is easy to be destroyed.

Liu Zheng saw that two or three of his land-based light anti-aircraft artillery vehicles had been bombed by the enemy for a long time and had not been repaired in time, so most of their health values were less than 10%. It seems that flames are burning threally on it. It may explode at any time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was surprised to find that because they have existed for a long time and do not know how many air attack forces have been destroyed by the enemy, most of them have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that such a level is naturally more powerful in terms of air defense performance. However, in the face of the situation that their health points were about to be destroyed, Liu Zheng gave an order to repair them as soon as possible through system maintenance tools. Yes, you know, to a large extent, your base must rely on these land-based light air defenses for a period of time. Their importance and their importance to Liu Zheng's base are naturally very important. Yes, that's true.


Now, the main problem facing Liu Zheng is that in the current situation, in fact, he needs to build his own combat laboratory. I know that if I can't build my own combat laboratory in time, then it is certain that in the face of such a fierce attack by the enemy, I want to walk all over this base, it is almost delusional. You should know that so far, what I have faced is only a general air-to-ground attack by the enemy. It was an enemy air bombardment. In this case, as long as you have a certain degree of air defense capability, it can be said that you can basically deal with the enemy's air-to-ground attack.

At best, if you feel that the effect is not very good, you can build a few more anti-aircraft guns by yourself. However, in another case, with the passage of time, it is certain that the enemy's superweapons - or lightning storm attacks, or supernuclear missiles, in short, any kind of superweapon attack will cause serious lethality to their bases. Especially the lightning storm, once it attacks, almost all the military facilities of the combat unit will be destroyed within the range of one attack. That scene looks very terrible. Moreover, in many previous battles, Liu Zheng has also suffered many attacks of this kind of lightning storm.

Yes, that's true. Once he thought that his base would be attacked by the enemy's successive super weapons in the near future, Liu Zhengzhen shuddered. This is an obvious thing. Therefore, you must build your own combat laboratory as soon as possible. Only after the construction of the combat laboratory can I be qualified to produce that kind of high-end combat unit in the following time. For example, aircraft carriers. Liu Zhengzhen shuddered when his base would be attacked by the enemy's successive super weapons in the near future. This is an obvious thing. Therefore, you must build your own combat laboratory as soon as possible. Only after the construction of the combat laboratory can I be qualified to produce that kind of high-end combat unit in the following time. For example, aircraft carriers.

Yes, you know, this kind of aircraft carrier is quite important for Liu Zheng. It can even be said that if there is no aircraft carrier, or if you can't produce an aircraft carrier in time, it basically means that you can only face the fate of being destroyed in the face of the attack of enemy's super weapons. That's inevitable. That's quite important. It can even be said that if there is no aircraft carrier, or if you can't produce an aircraft carrier in time, it basically means that you can only face the fate of being destroyed in the face of the attack of enemy's super weapons. That's inevitable.

At present, five to six bases and fifty-six enemy super weapons, whether it is lightning storm attacks or super nuclear weapons attacks, have been attacked one after another. One attack has just ended, and it has not been well adjusted, restored and repaired. However, another attack has been successively To. In this way, no matter how capable Liu Zheng is, it is certain that it will be of no use. Waiting for him, this is the last one.

If you have a certain number of aircraft carriers, you can drive your aircraft carriers to a certain area. Then, use the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier to carry out a long-range strike against the enemy's super weapons, whether it is a weather controller or a super nuclear weapon launch well. I know that with its own aircraft carrier and the very strong attack capability of the carrier aircraft on that aircraft carrier, it should be said that it should be very easy to destroy the enemy's super weapons one by one. At the very least, among all the existing combat units, the carrier-based aircraft on this aircraft carrier is the most lethal.

Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Yes, that's true. Anyway, in the final analysis, as long as you build a shipyard and produce an aircraft carrier, you can decapitate the enemy's continuous superweapon attacks. Otherwise, then, in the face of the enemy's super weapons, you can only sigh, and there is nothing you can do.


Therefore, in this situation, it is undoubtedly the most important thing for Liu Zheng to be able to build his own combat laboratory as soon as possible. Because only in this way can you produce your own aircraft carrier as soon as possible, and you can use your own aircraft carrier to destroy the enemy's super weapons. Otherwise, it is certain that in any case, you can't avoid the fate of being destroyed by the enemy's super weapons. To destroy the enemy's superweapons that catch one by one. Otherwise, it is certain that in any case, you can't avoid the fate of being destroyed by the enemy's super weapons.

However, despite this, the words come back. Now, the power supply in my base should be said to be very tight. Now, through the power indicator, Liu Zheng has found that the power supply in his base has reached the last moment. At this time, it can be said that if you are building a military facility, it will definitely cause a sudden power outage in your base. Once the power was cut off, Liu Zheng knew that the consequences were very serious. Because some of my own land-based light air defense bubbles mainly rely on power support to carry out work. If your base cut off the power supply, it can be evaluated that those land-based light air defense bubbles will not be able to work normally. What exactly does this mean? The answer is self-evident. Yes, that's true.

In fact, that's true. Because for a period of time, it is certain that Liu Zheng's base has completely relied on this kind of land-based light air defense bubble to attack the enemy in the air and carry out a fierce attack. Yes, that's true. So far, Liu Zheng has made a preliminary statistics that he has built at least 30 such land-based light air defense bubbles around his base and in the marginal area of his base.

In this way, it means that this kind of land-based light air defense bubble has basically assumed the main force of the air defense system in Liu Zheng's base. It is an important part of Liu Zheng's air defense system. In this case, if there is a shortage of electricity in Liu Zheng's base, it is certain that these enemy anti-aircraft guns will become mute. They lost their attack performance. In this way, the air defense system on which Liu Zheng relies will also be seriously damaged. Since then, things have been troublesome. Then, it is certain that these enemy anti-aircraft guns will become mute. They lost their attack performance. In this way, the air defense system on which Liu Zheng relies will also be seriously damaged. Since then, things have been troublesome.

You should know that it has been the enemy's air strike force for a period of time. It can be said that Liu Zheng knows best how crazy it is when it is very crazy. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, in the face of the increasingly resurrected attack of the enemy, Liu Zheng knew that he must persevere and be careful and go all out. Otherwise, it is possible that a little negligence will cause huge losses to your base. Even the loss of export return. Because, not to mention, if there is a problem with the power supply of their own base, their attacks on land-based light air bubbles in their bases will be directly affected.

In this way, naturally, it will be hit by the enemy's air strike force, causing opportunities to take advantage of. Once the enemy is torn through its air defense gap, it will be out of control. Therefore, in this situation, whether you should build a combat laboratory first or a power plant first has become a very important question in front of Liu.

However, soon after, after Liu Zheng's careful thinking, he finally made a decision, that is, to build his own super power plant first. Yes, before that, the reason why the power supply in his base was so tight was that Liu Zheng had never built his own super power plant in order to deal with the fierce and continuous crazy air attacks of the enemy. Instead, use the time saved and production and construction funds to produce and build a variety of air defense forces. In this way, you can also defend against the enemy's air attack during that period of time. Yes, that's true.

However, since then, it has naturally left sequelae. That is, Liu Zheng knows that since then, there must be a problem with the power supply in his base. It can be said that the current power supply has reached a decisive moment. In this case, whether it is building a military facility or a general power plant has suffered some damage, it is certain that it will cause the power cut off of its base.

So, now, after all, our own air defense system has been initially improved. So, in this case, you should seize the time to produce your own super power plant. Only in this way can we ensure that our base has sufficient power supply and support. In this way, only their own base has sufficient knowledge of power supply, so that in the following time, they will have sufficient air defense capabilities. In the face of all kinds of enemy air bombers, you can take it calmly without affecting your other aspects of base construction and combat production.