Star Trek

Chapter 430 Easy Ending 8

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: the airport with four F-16 fighters stationed in the enemy base! Boom~


However, although not long ago, Liu Zheng finally destroyed an enemy's airport. It caused the damage of the enemy's four F22 fighters. However, Liu Zheng suddenly found that another lightning storm attack by the enemy finally began. In the face of this enemy's lightning storm attack, Liu Zheng was still very helpless. Liu Zheng suddenly found that another lightning storm attack by the enemy had finally begun. In the face of this enemy's lightning storm attack, Liu Zheng was still very helpless.

Yes, for a moment, over my base, there were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, strong wind, sand and stones. Lightning, seemingly very crazy, attacked the military facilities or some combat units in their bases on the ground. Suddenly, the smoke and fire on the ground kept coming from the sound of explosions. Finally, after a lightning storm attack that lasted for nearly ten seconds, Liu Zheng looked at his base again and was very crazy, attacking the military facilities or some combat units in his base on the ground. Suddenly, the smoke and fire on the ground kept coming from the sound of explosions. Finally, after the lightning storm attack that lasted for nearly ten seconds, Liu Zheng looked at his base again. Oh, damn it, this time, it was really troublesome.

Because Liu Zheng saw that after this lightning storm attack by the enemy, the global sky-eye device in his base was actually destroyed. In this way, naturally, it is equivalent to making Liu Zheng a blind man. Yes, I'm just close to a global device to observe the enemy's base and spy on the effect. To collect relevant information. Knowing that you don't understand the whole war situation at all, then it can be said that you will become very passive. There is even no autonomy and no initiative. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would build his own two-seat lap device for a few days in the shortest time. Otherwise, in this case, your own base can only wait for its fate to be destroyed.

However, the current situation is that the more anxious it is, the more there is no way. Because Liu Zheng could not effectively stop the enemy's lightning storm attack now, Liu Zheng saw that two enemy bases in a row actually launched a lightning storm attack on his base at the same time.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was almost broken. It is self-evident what the two lightning storms will result in overlapping attacks. Yes, you know, this kind of lightning storm attack, just one attack, will have such strong destructive power. However, if two lightning storm blacksmith attacks, it is conceivable that it will cause irreparable losses to his base. Yes, you know, this kind of lightning storm attack, just one attack, will have such strong destructive power. However, if two lightning storm blacksmith attacks, it is conceivable that it will cause irreparable losses to his base.

Sure enough, Liu Zheng saw two black clouds flying quickly towards his base. Soon after, the attack began. Rumbled, rumbled, and then, a larger lightning storm attack over his base began. Dark clouds, lightning and thunder, lightning, crazy, intensively attacking all military facilities and combat units on the ground. In this case, it is very likely that this base will suffer irreparable losses. However, there is nothing I can do.

However, Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng saw in his heart that several aircraft carriers were about to be produced. At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about praying for heaven. Amitabha, my God, this time, don't let your aircraft carrier be annihilated again. Otherwise, there is really nothing I can do this time. Several of its own aircraft carriers are about to be produced. At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about praying for heaven. Amitabha, my God, this time, don't let your aircraft carrier be annihilated again. Otherwise, there is really nothing I can do this time.

Finally, the lightning storm attack of more than ten seconds ended. At this time, Liu Zheng looked at his base again. On it, it's really a mess, full of devastation, full of craters, and debris everywhere. The smoke is full and the fire is blazing. What made Liu Zheng unable to accept was that after this lightning storm attack, the main construction factory on his base was actually destroyed. Moreover, the war factory was also destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zhengzhi felt black in front of him. He knew that he was really in trouble this time.

Because without the construction of a main factory, then your own base is equivalent to losing the foundation. Because the main factory is not built, all other military facilities will no longer be built. Moreover, the enemy's lightning storm attack is still going on and continues. Since then, it is certain that there will be fewer and fewer military facilities in their bases. Destroy one and you can't rebuild it.

In addition, more importantly, its own chariot factory was actually destroyed in this lightning storm attack. It should be said that this is a fatal blow to Liu Zheng. Because everyone knows that the most important and most advanced combat units are basically produced through this war factory. Now that the chariot factory is gone, how can I produce high-end combat units? In particular, those air defense forces. It should be said that this is a fatal blow to Liu Zheng. Because everyone knows that the most important and most advanced combat units are basically produced through this war factory. Now that the chariot factory is gone, how can I produce high-end combat units? In particular, those air defense forces.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that his air defense combat force, in time, in the current situation, can stop the enemy's air strike. ( Of course, the enemy's air strike here mainly refers to the bombing of enemy bombers. However, Liu Zheng also knows that this can only be stopped. In this case, it can be said that the enemy's dense air bomber will pass through its own air defense force and attack its base. If that's the case, combined with the enemy's lightning storm attack, then it seems that you can only die.

And now, Liu Zheng knows that more than 80% of his base is the kind of light land-based anti-aircraft guns built when the base was founded. However, in that case, although the land-based anti-aircraft gun has high health, strong defense ability and strong lethality. However, the problem is that the protection range of this kind of land-based light air bubble is not very large. In this case, only when the enemy's air combat forces fly over their own bases can they attack them.

However, at many times, it is too late for some enemy fighters, especially those long-range strategic stealth bombers, to intercept and attack them once they really fly over their own bases. Yes, they themselves have very good defense capabilities. In addition, the heavy bombs they drop are generally light nuclear weapons. It is self-evident that it is so lethal.

So, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that it was very necessary to produce that kind of launch vehicle. Yes, only by relying on anti-aircraft missiles can the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bombers be shot down. Because, in any case, it has a more distant air defense range. In this case, it is naturally difficult for the enemy's air strike force to approach Liu Zheng's base. Only then can the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bomber be shot down. Because, in any case, it has a more distant air defense range. In this case, it is naturally difficult for the enemy's air strike force to approach Liu Zheng's base.

In fact, before that, Liu Zheng had produced five short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers. However, in the face of such a dense air attack by the enemy, five such long-range anti-aircraft missiles are naturally far from enough. However, in the current situation, its main factory and chariot factory have been destroyed into a pile of ruins under the attack of the enemy's lightning storm. In this way, it means that it is impossible to produce its own short-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that his only way is, on the one hand, to try to keep his base, that is, his base camp, safe. Another aspect is that you can take a second base by occupying an enemy base. Only in this way can you regain ownership of the main factory. That is the safety of my own base camp. Another aspect is that you can take a second base by occupying an enemy base. Only in this way can you regain ownership of the main factory.

Anyway, Liu Zheng is very clear, that is, in this case, it is certain that if he does not build a general factory, it means that he has basically lost the qualification to fight against the enemy. Because in the face of such a dense superweapon attack, it is almost impossible for your own base to be preserved.

So, the best way for Liu Zheng is to obtain his own construction factory by occupying the enemy's base. Perhaps, the enemy's base is very different from its base in all aspects. It may be a little uncomfortable to use. Generally speaking, nothing is much stronger. Yes, that's true.

Of course, how can you occupy an enemy base? In addition, the enemy base should be the problem that Liu Zheng is considering now. Fortunately, at this critical moment, Liu Zheng saw that an aircraft carrier was finally born in his shipyard. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally took a long breath. Wow, damn it, now, I finally have an aircraft carrier. Only then can we occupy an enemy's base. In addition, the enemy's base should be the question Liu Zheng is considering now. Fortunately, at this critical moment, Liu Zheng saw that an aircraft carrier was finally born in his shipyard. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally took a long breath. Wow, damn it, now, I finally have an aircraft carrier.

Of course, Liu Zheng is very clear, but what it means to have an aircraft carrier for him. Yes, that's true. At least, Liu Zheng knows that as long as he owns the aircraft carrier and gives the necessary protection to this aircraft carrier, he will not let any combat forces of the enemy destroy it. Of course, this is very important.

Then, on this basis, I can fully play the role of this aircraft carrier, although in the current situation, it is not very easy for me to destroy all the enemy's super weapons. However, in this case, one thing can be done. That is, I can give full play to the long-range strike ability of this aircraft carrier and the inexhaustible carrier-based aircraft above to obtain a second base of my own. Only in this way can you regain ownership of the main factory.

Liu Zheng knows that in fact, as long as he really owns the construction of a general factory, he may be qualified to be invincible. Otherwise, one of the military base facilities in his base camp will be destroyed by the enemy, and there will be one less. In this case, it can be said that we can no longer rebuild together. Once you can't see it again, it won't take long for some military facilities in your base to be destroyed. By that time, everything was late. Yes, that's true.

Now, under the current situation, after some consideration, Liu Zhengfu decided to lock the target of his attack on the enemy base closest to him. Yes, the enemy base seems to be very well defended. However, I now have an aircraft carrier, and all this will be possible.

In this way, at this time, Liu Zheng slowly rushed the aircraft carrier towards an enemy base. Of course, Liu Zheng also knew that it was impossible to make his aircraft carrier too close to the enemy's base. Because in that case, it is easy to be attacked by the enemy. In fact, Liu Zheng left his shipyard with this aircraft carrier because the shipyard was very vulnerable to lightning storm attacks by the enemy.

So, in this case, you must leave this difficult aircraft carrier. Only in this way can her safety be guaranteed. Now, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier was leaving his shipyard. However, it is in the process of marching that turbid waves can attack the target. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack finally began.

The target of the attack is actually an important combat force in the nearest base. The first attack target, Liu Zheng, has been locked on some Patriot anti-aircraft missiles in the enemy base. Yes, just destroy them. Then, the more likely it is for its own carrier-based aircraft to succeed in attack. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his aircraft carrier finally began to attack the target. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, an enemy carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target. And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "flopping" missile launch, air-to-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog. Keep swinging the direction of its flight and hit the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.