Star Trek

Chapter 431 A Thousand and One Shot 1

At this time, in this case, Liu Zheng's other thing is that his second aircraft carrier can be produced in time. Because so far, although I have produced an aircraft carrier. However, in the current situation, it is really difficult to say whether only an aircraft carrier can undertake the task of attacking the enemy.

Yes, you know, although I have produced an aircraft carrier. However, in the current situation, it is really difficult to say whether only an aircraft carrier can undertake the task of attacking the enemy. In this situation, it can be said to be very difficult. The situation is very serious. Because, the most critical point is that now, the main construction factory in Liu Zheng's base was destroyed by the enemy in a lightning storm not long ago. In this way, it means that

It can be said that the situation has forced Liu Zheng to the Jedi. Yes, that's true. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knew that his only way out was to build a general factory in an enemy base, so that his base would not be destroyed. Because in the current situation, since the main construction factory no longer exists, it is certain that all the military facilities in one of the bases will not be permanent.

Yes, that's true. Because in this case, some of the military facilities in their base will continue to be attacked by the enemy's superweapon, Lightning Storm, in the future. Moreover, you know, the lightning storm of the enemy is very powerful. The damage range is very large, and the lethality is also very strong. Under one blow, within a considerable range, all military facilities and combat units will suffer huge losses.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng must continue the life of his base by occupying the enemy's main factory. Otherwise, as the enemy's lightning storm continues to attack, some infrastructure in your base will definitely continue to decrease.

Even in the current situation, Liu Zheng also knows that there are few truly useful military facilities left in his base. Yes, that's true. At the very least, the most important chariot factories have been destroyed. Since then, I have been unable to produce anti-aircraft missiles at all. When the base was founded, it could only rely on the more than a dozen land-based light air defense bubbles built on the edge of its own base for air defense. All have been destroyed. Since then, I have been unable to produce anti-aircraft missiles at all. When the base was founded, it could only rely on the more than a dozen land-based light air defense bubbles built on the edge of its own base for air defense.

For good, what makes Liu Zheng feel a little relieved is that despite this, his shipyard naturally has such a strong health value. Naturally, the defense ability is also very good. In this situation, there is no reason why Liu Zheng does not feel very sober. Yes, if the enemy even destroys this shipyard, then it can be said that they really have no chance to serve the fluorine-free turnover. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Qingshan knows very well that in fact, in the current situation, his hope is to achieve all the goals he wants to achieve through his aircraft carrier.

It can also be said that now, Liu Qingshan's microcomputer can only cry and realize his own strategic intentions is this kind of aircraft carrier. Therefore, it can be seen how much Liu Zheng valued that shipyard and the combat power of that aircraft carrier. It was because of his fancy that Liu Zheng felt very happy when he saw the lightning storm, after all, he did not destroy his shipyard in the end. Yes, as said, God will definitely open a window for you when he closes a door.

And what Liu Zheng is facing now seems to be such a situation. Yes, that's true. The current situation is that among the enemy bases, there are at least two superweapons that are preparing to attack their own bases. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knew that the two enemy's super weapons were also weather controllers. That is to say, at this time, at least two weather controllers in the enemy's base are preparing to attack themselves.

However, not long after, Liu Zheng finally found one thing, that is, he could deal with one of the two enemy weather controllers. Moreover, this situation was just discovered by myself not long ago. Yes, that's true. Because before that, Liu Zheng had always believed that the enemy's super weapon must be very far away from his base. This. Because before that, Liu Zheng had always believed that the enemy's super weapon must be very far away from his base.

Yes, the reason why Liu Zheng thinks so does not mean that Liu Zheng lacks necessary observation in this regard. The real reason is that, in fact, due to the successive attacks of lightning storms from the enemy, there is a global sky-eye device in Liu Zheng's base. All have been destroyed.

And that global performance allows Liu Zheng to see the specific situation in all enemy bases in the whole map. For example, their specific location, how the military facilities in their base are distributed, and more importantly, how much combat forces the enemy has. What kind of combat characteristics do these combat forces have, how dangerous they are to themselves, and so on. These things are very important. Their specific location, how the military facilities in their bases are distributed, and more importantly, how much combat forces the enemy has. What kind of combat characteristics do these combat forces have, how dangerous they are to themselves, and so on. These things are very important.


Normal University, it should be said that in this case, Liu Zheng is very clear that in the face of a lightning storm attack by the enemy, he must find ways to drive his aircraft carrier that is about to be produced to a safe place. Because Liu Zheng naturally knew how important this aircraft carrier was to him. Yes, that's true. We should also drive our aircraft carrier, which is about to be produced, to a safe place. Because Liu Zheng naturally knew how important this aircraft carrier was to him. Yes, that's true.

In fact, Liu Zheng knows that his aircraft carrier is definitely not enough. It is also because of this that for Liu Zheng, this aircraft carrier that is about to be produced has a very small role. Therefore, Liu is deciding to preserve this aircraft carrier no matter what. In this way, under the premise of the destruction of his own main factory, it is possible for him to gain a glimmer of life.

Now, Liu is seeing that another lightning storm of the enemy is rushing madly in the direction of his base. According to his own experience, Liu Zheng judged that it took less than ten seconds. Then, this lightning storm attack of the enemy can come quickly. Well, in this situation, the first thing I need to do is to drive this aircraft carrier that is about to be produced to a safe place anyway.

Now, finally, in the midst of Liu Zheng's thousands of calls, the aircraft carrier was finally produced from its own shipyard. After seeing this, Liu Zhengbo was able to * wave light. However, at this time, Liu Zheng knew that he should immediately take the aircraft carrier to a safe place. Otherwise, with the arrival of this enemy's lightning storm, it is very likely that this aircraft carrier will be buried in the sea.

Yes, that's true. You know, the enemy's lightning storm attack was very powerful. Yes, that's true. However, although its own shipyard can withstand the attack of the enemy's lightning storm, on the other hand, its aircraft carrier has no way to face the enemy's lightning storm attack. As long as one or two lightnings from the sky are hit, the aircraft carrier will definitely be sunk. Liu Zheng knows that it is 100%. Yes, that's true.


On the basis, just when Liu Zheng had just led the aircraft carrier to a relatively safe place, Liu Zheng clearly saw that another lightning storm attack by the enemy had finally arrived. Suddenly, over my own base - this time, the enemy's lightning storm attack, the focus of the attack was still my own shipyard. It seems that for the enemy, it seems that the other party also realizes how important this shipyard is to themselves and for Liu Zheng. Therefore, we have to find ways to destroy this shipyard.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that it was almost impossible to rely on lightning storms, just like destroying his own shipyard. Yes, that's true. Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his second aircraft carrier, which had just been produced, had given his first aircraft carrier on the wide sea, on the sea where the enemy's lightning storm would not attack, and successfully met. However, at this time, the enemy's lightning storm attack finally arrived. In the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and there was a strong wind on the ground, flying sand and stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard.

So, immediately, Liu Zheng saw that some military facilities on the edge of Liu Zheng's base were naturally attacked by the lightning storm. Soon, he could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, this Under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless debris and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

Yes, it should be said that at this time, in this situation, the enemy's lightning storm attack, although very powerful, did not destroy Liu Zheng's shipyard. Because, relatively speaking, this kind of shipyard has a very high health value, and naturally it is not so easy to be destroyed. However, in comparison, the shipyard has also lost 5060 percent of its health.

Liu Zheng saw that at this time, the sky over the shipyard was filled with smoke and bright fire. On the surface of the water, it looked surging and splashing waves. All kinds of debris and debris floated on the surface of the sea. Perhaps at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that this was the best result for him. Yes, that's true. Because even if some of its own military facilities, especially those located on the edge of their base, have been fiercely attacked. 23 power plants were also destroyed again. But what can that be?

For the situation of Liu Zheng's current base, even if more general military facilities are destroyed, it doesn't matter. Because in the current situation, the most important thing for Liu Zheng is to have adequate combat capability. In particular, if you can have a two-su aircraft carrier, then you may turn defeat into victory.

As for this base, which has been destroyed by the enemy, it is in a mess, so what this base will be like is no longer the most important thing. The most important thing is that you must destroy some of the enemy's lightning storm attacks as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it goes on like this, on the one hand, the enemy's lightning storm attack is still continuing. However, on the other hand, he could not occupy the enemy's main factory. Therefore, in this way, for Liu Zheng, he can only wait for the fate to be eliminated by the enemy. In addition, what else can it get?

Therefore, it was also for this reason that Liu Zheng felt that this lightning storm attack by the enemy did not actually cause substantial damage to himself. On the contrary, the newly produced aircraft carrier could not escape this attack, so to a certain extent, Liu Zheng even felt very lucky.

Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng is finally relieved. Because now I have finally mastered two aircraft carriers. Moreover, fly to the target you just discovered. In the not far away, but still yearning place, it is actually a super weapon of the enemy - the weather controller. Yes, because before that, the spy satellite in his base had been destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, in this case, it can be said that there is darkness in front of your eyes. I don't know the specific location of each enemy base, let alone what kind of combat units and what kind of military facilities each enemy base has.

In this case, since he accidentally found an enemy's weather controller, Liu Zheng naturally asked for such an opportunity. He will never let it go either. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the two aircraft carriers attacked the weather controller, a super weapon just discovered by Liu Zheng on the edge of the enemy's base. He will never let it go either. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the two aircraft carriers attacked the weather controller, a super weapon just discovered by Liu Zheng on the edge of the enemy's base.

Yes, Liu Zheng should know that, in fact, the biggest threat to himself is the enemy's super-lightning storm attack. Therefore, it is also in this situation that, on the one hand, his own Shuzhong finally has two aircraft carriers. Of course, Liu Zheng is the most clear in his heart what kind of strike capability the quality aircraft carrier has.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that the attack radius of the carrier aircraft should be about 800 kilometers. The weather controller, the enemy's super weapon, can be said to be about 500 kilometers away from Liu Zheng's base. In this way, it is certain that the enemy's weather controller will definitely be able to attack its own aircraft carrier.

Moreover, Liu Zheng knows very well how strong the attack ability of his aircraft carrier is. Because the current aircraft carriers and the carrier-based aircraft on them are all enhanced. Yes, that's true. It seems that the size is much bigger than before. At the same time, his bomb load has also increased a lot than before. In this way, one take-off can attack the target three times. Since then, even the most powerful enemy target has faced such a fierce attack, and it has been costly. Yes, that's true.