Star Trek

Chapter 433 3

So, with Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers, they have excellent attack capabilities. Although the weather controller, a super weapon on the edge of the enemy base, has a very good defense ability and a very high health value, then again, in comparison, compared with Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers, whether it is attack range or killing. Strength, that's all quite good.

Yes, that's true. Therefore, with his dozen carrier-based aircraft, they roared to the sky and flew across the sea. Finally, they attacked the enemy's super weapon, the weather controller, one after another. I saw that the air-to-ground missiles dragged the orange tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and attacked the enemy's super weapon, the weather controller, one after another. The air-to-ground missiles dragged the orange tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and finally hit the target accurately.

So, above the sea, the enemy's super weapon, the weather controller, finally, in the fierce explosions, finally exceeded 10% for the first time. Yes, you should know that the lethality of your own carrier-based aircraft is very huge. It is certain that once the two aircraft carriers cooperate with each other and attack in turn, it can be said that there are basically some enemy military facilities that can escape the carrier-based attack of this fierce aircraft carrier. Yes, that's true.

Of course, in the next time, what should be done? In fact, Liu Zheng naturally knew it in his heart for a long time. But in any case, you must occupy a base away from your latest enemy. Of course, the reason why Liu Zheng has to occupy this enemy base is not because Liu Zheng is more interested in that territory. To be honest, it is mainly to prevent the enemy's armed attack force from being too strong.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided to bomb down the main construction factory in the enemy base anyway. However, it cannot be destroyed. Because once it is destroyed, it will be difficult for us to produce this kind of base car. Yes, that's true. It is also necessary to bomb down the main building factory in the enemy base. However, it cannot be destroyed. Because once it is destroyed, it will be difficult for us to produce this kind of base car. Yes, that's true.


Yes, the next goal, for Liu Zheng, is to use his two aircraft carriers to destroy all the offensive combat units in the enemy's base, whether they are land-based combat units or movable combat units. It is the remaining main factory. Then, he could send engineers, but the wooden bridge occupied the enemy's main factory.

Because in the current situation, it is certain that you must occupy a main factory. Then, after the successful occupation, he will pack the main building factory into a base car, and then lead it back to his base and launch it. Therefore, he will have a brand-new construction factory. However, relatively speaking, Liu Zheng knew that he must destroy the enemy's shipyard before attacking the military facilities or combat units in the enemy's base. Of course, and the surface warships I met in my shipyard.

One of the main reasons for Liu Zheng's arrangement is that under the current situation, it should be said that there are not many threats to his two aircraft carriers. Yes, that's true. The greatest threat is definitely the enemy's surface warship. Normal University, that's indeed the case. It should be said that some of the enemy's surface warships are the main combat units that can directly attack Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers.

So, in this case, in any case, you have to find a way to destroy the enemy's shipyard and the surface warships around the shipyard. This is undoubtedly very correct. Liu Zheng saw the surface warships, including two aircraft carriers, and three missile destroyers. Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that in fact, the entry poses a threat to his two aircraft carriers,

It's nothing else, but the two enemy aircraft carriers. Because, although the enemy's missile destroyer also has a certain attack ability, this missile destroyer seems to be more mainly used for air defense, and in terms of construction, due to its short range, the attack range is naturally relatively small. Therefore, in this case, he is not qualified or capable of attacking aircraft carriers. This missile destroyer seems to be more mainly used for air defense, and in terms of construction, due to its short range, the attack range is naturally relatively small. Therefore, in this case, he is not qualified or capable of attacking aircraft carriers.

In this way, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his two aircraft carriers targeted the attack on the aircraft carriers around the enemy's shipyard. Yes, that's true. The reason why Liu Zheng did not attack the enemy's shipyard first was that he was afraid of beating grass and frightening snakes. Because the two enemy aircraft carriers around the enemy's shipyard were not a joke. Not to all, it's not vegetarian. If you are not careful, it should be said that the two enemy aircraft carriers will be shocked. Once alarmed, it can be said that the two sides are evenly matched and have two aircraft carriers. In this case, it is naturally not what Liu Zheng wants to see.

Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to destroy the two enemy aircraft carriers before they startled the two enemy aircraft carriers. Then, the initiative is also controlled in its own number.

After arriving here, with Liu Zheng's order, the two aircraft carriers on the edge of their base finally began to launch a sudden attack on the target. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Finally, a surprise attack on the target began. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog. Keep swinging the direction of its flight and hit the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.


So, with the extremely strong attack ability of aircraft carriers, several carrier-based aircraft, without being intercepted by excessively strong protective fire, were stronger in mid-air and headed for the two aircraft carriers of the enemy above the sea one after another. Air-to-surface missiles.

Yes, one after another air-to-ground missiles, the rear and tail, are dragging orange opinions and constantly changing the direction of flight, roaring, breaking through the air, coaxing and coaxing. With those air-to-ground missiles, they hit the target one after another. First of all, above the sea, waves The waves are turbulent, the waves are turbid, and the waves are splashing and surging. The huge explosive force almost seemed to cause a tsunami, and the scene looked simply shocking. It hit the target one after another. First of all, above the sea, the waves were rough, the waves were turbid, and the waves were splashing and surging. The huge explosive force almost seemed to cause a tsunami, and the scene looked simply shocking.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that the two aircraft carriers of the attacked enemy were constantly shaking and shaking greatly on the rough sea. Soon after, their health value also continued to shake, falling and falling. Finally, the two aircraft carriers shook violently one after another, and then suddenly lost their balance and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.


In this way, in this case, Liu Zheng took advantage of the hot iron, took advantage of the situation to pursue, and continued to order his carrier-based aircraft, and the other enemy's missile destroyers were also destroyed. Then, Liu Zheng saw that since then, the enemy's shipyard has become a factory built alone on the sea. It can be said that at this time, an enemy shipyard has become its own living target. Because there is no enemy's defensive combat force near him. So, very simply, with the two aircraft carriers attacking again, more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft quickly flew over the enemy's shipyard again.

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft fired air-to-ground missiles at the same target one after another. Susu, Susu, only saw that one after another air-to-ground missiles flew out of the air, broke through the air, and then accurately hit the target. So, in a series of violent explosions, above the sea, the enemy's shipyard finally could no longer stand it. With a bang, it exploded off. In a dark red explosion, the enemy's shipyard was finally blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, with rapid shooting. In mid-air, then fell down and splashed a snow-white spray on the sea.

However, things have not ended so far. Although not long ago, Liu Zheng finally succeeded in destroying the enemy's shipyard and several surface combat forces around the shipyard through the two aircraft carriers. In this way, the enemy's combat units that can directly pose a threat to Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers can be said to have been eliminated. It successfully destroyed the enemy's shipyard and the surface combat forces around the shipyard. In this way, the enemy's combat units that can directly pose a threat to Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers can be said to have been eliminated.

However, Liu Zheng certainly knows that even if this does not mean that his two aircraft carriers are really safe. Yes, that's true. At least, among the enemy's base (that is, the enemy's base that Liu Zheng valued and wants to occupy), three long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles were preparing to attack Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers at this time.

Yes, although Liu Zheng is not sure that the target of the three enemy's long-range main ground-to-ground missile launchers must be his two aircraft carriers. However, it should be said that 89 is also inseparable. Because Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy's long-range host ground-to-ground nuclear missile has a long-range strike capability, and he can attack no matter where the target is.

In addition, another very significant feature of this enemy's long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launcher is that rabbits do not scatter eagles. Yes, that's true. That is to say, unless he finds a target that threatens him, under normal circumstances, they will not take the initiative to attack. In this case, it is certain that in the battle just now, Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers should be said to have destroyed the enemy's shipyard and some sea-based combat forces that the shipyard paid attention to, including two aircraft carriers and four to five enemy missile destroyers. .

It should be said that such a killing force is not enough for the enemy to attract the attention and attention of the enemy, then it can be said that the enemy's base is really very difficult. Therefore, in this case, it can be said that the enemy must have noticed their two aircraft carriers. Therefore, at this time, their naval combat forces have been completely destroyed. If they want to retaliate against Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers, in fact, the other party can only use that kind of long-range host to attack the missile launch site. It can be said that the enemy must have noticed their two aircraft carriers. Therefore, at this time, their naval combat forces have been completely destroyed. If they want to retaliate against Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers, in fact, the other party can only use that kind of long-range host to attack the missile launch site.

So, at this time, in this case, the three long-range ground-to-ground attack missiles in the enemy base are basically the two aircraft carriers of Liu Zheng. Still, under this situation, Liu Zheng decided to simply, wow, damn it, I will never stop doing anything. Once again, with his two aircraft carriers, I will once again destroy the enemy's three long-range intercontinental intercontinental missile launchers. In this way, it should be said that there is no most direct force that poses a fatal threat to its two aircraft carriers.

Since then, I can take a new approach to consider how to finally destroy the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he finally kicked off the airport battle against the three long-range ground-to-ground missile launchers in the enemy base. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! Boom~~ So, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.