Star Trek

Chapter 434 A Thousand and One Hair

Originally, for Liu Zheng, in any case, he had to occupy an enemy base closest to him. Only in this way can you stand on an undefeated base. Yes, that's true. It should be said that this plan was very correct at the beginning. Because, in any case, under the attack of the enemy's lightning storm, it can be said that it has been basically disabled. In this case, it means that some of the military facilities in their base, as well as all their combat units, are basically knocked out one less and one less. Yes, that's true. There is nothing we can do. Because in that case, it can be said that not only has the main construction factory in its base been destroyed by the enemy, but also its own chariot factory no longer exists.

However, you should know that no matter what, your main combat force still relies on the chariot factory for production. However, the chariot factory is gone, so it is certain that it will be fatally affected in its most important combat units. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. It is certain that it will be fatally affected in its most important combat units. Liu Zheng is very clear about this.

So, and precisely because of this, Liu Zheng also decided that he must occupy an enemy's main factory anyway. Take this as your own main factory. Only when you have the construction of a main factory can your own base be regarded as a real base. Otherwise, it can be said that your base will basically become a soulless ruin.

Now, it is according to such a combat idea that Liu Zheng has made full use of the long-range strike capabilities of his two aircraft carriers to destroy some of the most important military facilities in the enemy's base one after another. For example, the shipyard and the surface combat forces around the shipyard.

In the next time, according to Liu Zheng's intention, it will further destroy some of the combat forces in the enemy base and prepare his engineers to repair and cross a wooden bridge and occupy an enemy's main factory. So, one after another, carrier-based aircraft kept roaring from their two aircraft carriers to the sky, flying over the surface of the water and flying to the enemy's base at a high speed.

For a while, Liu Zheng saw that his carrier-based aircraft over the enemy's base was simply like a locust flying, constantly changing its flying posture, or dive down, or rushing to the sky. Some of them continuously project air-to-ground missiles one after another. Anyway, basically Over the enemy base, it is completely belonged to Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft. Constantly changing the flying posture, or diving down, or rushing to the sky, some continuously project air-to-ground missiles. Anyway, basically a piece of enemy base already belongs to Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft.

On the ground, naturally, under the bombing of Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft, at this time, the smoke had long been filled with gunpow and the flames of war was raging. At the same time, successive air-to-ground missiles almost blew up the enemy's base into ruins. However, at this time, when Liu was preparing to send his own engineers to repair the wooden bridge first, and then passed a wooden bridge to occupy the main factory in the enemy base. However, at this time, the situation changed again.

Yes, that's true. Because now, Liu Zheng suddenly found that through his electronic reconnaissance, the superweapons that have super weapons and have entered the countdown attack state have now reached five from the original two enemy bases. That is to say, now, users make super weapons and aim at their own base at the same time.

Among these superweapons, there are both lightning storm attacks and super nuclear weapons. Liu Zheng knows that whether it is a lightning storm attack or a super nuclear weapon, they all have quite strong attack capabilities. It can be said that the lethality is very great. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng naturally felt great psychological pressure. Yes, that's true. What does this mean? A well-eyed person can see it at once. They all have quite strong attack capabilities. It can be said that the lethality is very great. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng naturally felt great psychological pressure. Yes, that's true. What does this mean? A well-eyed person can see it at once.

To be sure, even if you occupy the enemy's main factory, what can you do? At that time, it is very likely that under the attack of so many superweapons by the enemy, then your base may have been razed to the ground, leaving a pile of ruins. At that time, I already owned a main factory, which had no meaning or value.

Normal University, that's indeed the case. In this case, Liu Zheng decided to simply change his combat strategy and not occupy the construction factory in the enemy base, but concentrate his forces to destroy some of the super weapons in the enemy base, and even the construction of the general factory of the enemy base. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng has now clearly realized that now, it can be said that there are only two paths in front of him. One is that in the face of the upcoming superweapon attack of the enemy, he was lucky enough to pray for a miracle to survive under the attack of various frequent superweapons of the crazy enemy army.

However, now that I think about it, that kind of miracle basically doesn't exist. Yes, that's true. Because it is self-evident what such high-density frequent superweapon attacks will bring to themselves. Therefore, in that case, even if you occupy a main factory, it is impossible to form a very effective air defense capability in such a short time.

Even if the air defense combat capability is formed, it can only defend against the attacks of some enemy fighters, whether it is the F22 fighter or the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bomber. However, in the face of enemy superweapon attacks, all these air defense systems are fundamentally powerless. It is still the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bomber. However, in the face of enemy superweapon attacks, all these air defense systems are fundamentally powerless.

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng has made it very clear that he should not go this road at all. This road belongs to Yangtang and can't solve the problem fundamentally. Therefore, in this case, you should choose another way, that is, it is not the way to stop the boiling, but the way to extract the pot.

Naturally, this so-called way to pull out the bottom of the kettle is to simply repair it, use your last combat power to destroy the super weapons in the enemy base and even build a general factory in the enemy base. You know, only by destroying these fundamental military facilities can you solve the problem fundamentally. At the very least, only in this way can the pressure on your base not be so great if you continue to destroy the most basic military facilities in the enemy base, whether it is the construction of the main factory or the enemy's super weapons.


So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to attack decisively, using his only two aircraft carriers, together with one of his newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, to launch the final attack on the enemy's base from his base in a counterclockwise direction. .

Yes, before that, that is to say, when his base had not suffered such a violent and fundamental devastating blow, his spy satellite could still be used normally, so Liu Zheng still knew the whole terrain very well. Liu Zheng knew that basically all enemy bases were built on the shore of a sea area. In this way, naturally, my own aircraft carrier can also come in handy.

Although, in the process of moving forward, the front is dark, and I don't know what's going on in front of me. However, even so, as their aircraft carriers continue to advance, the fog of war ahead will continue to disperse. So, at least, you can see part of the previous scene. As their aircraft carriers continue to advance, the fog of war in front of them will continue to disperse. So, at least, you can see part of the previous scene.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that his role is actually taking great risks. Yes, that's true. Because, according to my current situation, because under the current situation, the only real combat capable combat units in my hands are these two aircraft carriers and the newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Other than that, I have nothing.

So, in this case, the naval combat forces you use can almost be said to be your last combat forces. Moreover, the road ahead is vast and there are too many unknowns. In this case, in the process of sailing forward in this naval combat unit, it will certainly encounter various problems and encounter various difficulties.

Especially in this case, it is certain that once the enemy detects this naval combat force, it will send a large number of counterattack forces. Therefore, at this time, in this case, it should be said that this sea-based combat force is not very mature. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that a mature aircraft carrier combat force should be said to be an aircraft carrier combat group. In that aircraft carrier battle group, it not only has anti-ship and cross-shore attack power, but also has anti-aircraft and anti-submarine combat capabilities.

Therefore, it can be said that if there is no such comprehensive three-dimensional combat capability, then it is certain that the so-called aircraft carrier battle group is a live target of the enemy's attack firepower, and it can't resist the enemy's attack at all, which will be a very fragile force.

Yes, of course, in this case, Liu Zheng originally did not intend to use this method to carry out this kind of gambling attack on the enemy's base. Because since then, it is very likely that his last combat force will be destroyed by the enemy. This is very possible. However, in the current situation, there is nothing I can do.

Yes, according to Liu Zheng's own plan, that is, to occupy an enemy's main factory first. In this way, it should be said that in this case, it can also be regarded as stable. Yes, that's true. Moreover, generally speaking, such an arrangement is also reasonable.

However, what happened later made Liu Zheng have to change his battle plan. But that is, at the enemy base (the closest enemy base to Liu Zheng's base), in fact, there is only a small river between Liu Zheng's base. Nine wooden bridges spanning that river. Knowledge, when the base was first built, in order to prevent the enemy's ground combat forces from launching an attack on himself, at that time, Liu Zheng had blown up the wooden bridge.

Yes, originally, when launching an attack on an enemy base that he thought of, of course, it was an air-to-ground attack of his carrier aircraft. It should be said that that attack was still very suction. More than a dozen carrier-based aircraft roared and bombarded over the enemy's base according to their own attack targets. Finally, it should be said that the enemy's base, basically all the military facilities, has been destroyed by itself.

These include a geothermal power plant, (you know, that kind of geothermal power plant is almost their super power plant for the enemy. Yes, it can be said that the enemy can supply electricity to the whole base by relying on such a geothermal power plant. Therefore, this kind of geothermal power plant is really good. Because of this, when Liu Zheng sent his aircraft carrier to launch an attack, the first target was the enemy's geothermal power plant.)

Liu Zheng knows that once the enemy's geothermal power plant is destroyed, then there will be a shortage of electricity supply in the enemy's base. Once the enemy's power supply is short, then all the forces of this enemy base, especially those military division facilities or military combat units that rely on electricity as power, will become a pile of scrap iron.

Therefore, the first target is naturally an enemy geothermal power plant. Finally, more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft attacked at the same time. It looked like a locust across the sky, shouting one after another, air-to-ground missiles. It looked like a storm, falling from the sky one after another and deeply hit the target.

coax, coax, coax, so, the enemy's geothermal power plant on the ground, although it seems to cover a large area, what can it do? After all, her defense ability is not very strong, and her health value is not very strong. In fact, no matter how strong its vitality is and strong defensive performance, it doesn't matter. Yes, that's true. Because I believe that all people will know how lethal it is to attack more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft at the same time.

More importantly, this kind of carrier-based aircraft is an improved carrier-based aircraft. It not only looks huge, but also has a very good bomb load. Since then, naturally, such a large number of carrier-based aircraft can carry out three attacks at the same time, and then go to the base for bagging. In this way, I believe that any target will never have any delusions under their attack.

Finally, with a loud noise, the geothermal power plant in the enemy base suddenly exploded. On the wide ground, a dark red explosion soon rose. At the same time, there seemed to be a thunder in the sky, which was earth-shaking. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that after the dark red explosion firelight slowly shy, the ground looked very magnificent. The thermal power plant no longer has his shadow. There is only a large crater left on the ground. At the same time, the ground is full of large and small mess, with all kinds of debris and debris scattered on the ground.

In this way, the enemy's geothermal power plant was finally destroyed. At the same time, the military facilities that relied on electricity as power also immediately stopped working. For example, the light towers on the edge of the built enemy bases have stopped rotating at this time with the destruction of geothermal power plants and the shortage of electricity supply in enemy bases. In addition, there are some Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, and naturally they can no longer carry out air defense attacks.