Star Trek

Chapter 435 Axis 5

In this way, Liu Zheng sent some of his carrier-based aircraft and finally successfully destroyed the geothermal power plant in the enemy's base. Yes, you know, the enemy's geothermal power plant is really equivalent to the enemy's super power plant. After destroying the enemy's geothermal power plant, Liu Zheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's base can be said to rely entirely on that geothermal power plant to power his military facilities. Once the geothermal power plant is destroyed, it means that the power supply in the enemy base will be cut off. Thus, it also seriously affected the normal operation of some of the enemy's military facilities.

In this way, it is certain that it is more beneficial for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng knows that once some military facilities in the enemy base cannot work normally due to problems with power supply, then naturally, their air defense systems will naturally be paralyzed. In this way, it can be assessed that its carrier-based aircraft will be more free when it continues to launch attacks, because the enemy's air defense system has basically failed at this time. Therefore, without any anti-aircraft attack, basically the survival rate of some of their own carrier-based aircraft is 100%.


However, in fact, one of the main reasons why Liu Zheng finally gave up his plan to build a general factory in the enemy's base is that it is not easy to send engineers to occupy an enemy base. Yes, that's true. It can be said that Liu Zheng suffered a great setback when he tried to send engineers to occupy the enemy's main factory. Even Liu Zheng didn't think of this kind of setback at all.

Just after destroying the geothermal power plant in the enemy's base, because the enemy's air defense system is basically paralyzed, it is a rare opportunity for Liu Zheng at this time. So, immediately, with the entry of his third aircraft carrier, it should be said that his attack power was strengthened. In this case, in order to improve the efficiency of the attack, some of the most basic and important enemy bases have been destroyed by themselves. For example, the enemy's geothermal power plant. Therefore, at this time, in this case, the most important thing is to improve the efficiency of attack. Liu Zheng's plan is to divide his three aircraft carriers into three routes and fight separately. In this way, a one-time attack, three aircraft carriers will attack in different places. In this way, after one attack is over, it is certain that the enemy's three combat targets will be destroyed.

In this way, naturally, the attack efficiency will be three times higher than before. This should be a very good number. It's a pretty good effect. Therefore, in this way, three aircraft carriers launched attacks against different targets one after another. In the enemy base, as the carrier aircraft on his first aircraft carrier flew over, air-to-ground missiles attacked one after another, so an ore refinement factory was suddenly blown off. In this way, three aircraft carriers, one after another, to compare different eyes Launch an attack. In the enemy's base, as the carrier aircraft on its first aircraft carrier flew over, air-to-ground missiles attacked one after another, so a ore refinement factory was suddenly blown away.

Then, the second aircraft carrier, the carrier-based aircraft, also began to launch an attack. And his attack target has been designated by Liu Zheng as the barracks in the enemy base. Of course, this is easier to solve. Yes, you know, the health value of that barracks is so poor that it can even be destroyed with only one attack by a carrier-based aircraft. At this time, seven carrier-based aircraft, in a combat formation, had flown over the enemy base at this time.

Then, Susu, Susu, successive air-to-surface missiles, dragging the orange tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and finally hit the target one after another. Suddenly, another earth-shaking explosion suddenly sounded, and then the barracks in the enemy base quickly turned into countless wreckage and debris, scattered away. It hit the target one after another. Suddenly, another earth-shaking explosion suddenly sounded, and then the barracks in the enemy base quickly turned into countless wreckage and debris, scattered away.

Soon, the carrier-based aircraft on the third aircraft carrier has also flown over. This time, their target was the combat laboratory in the enemy base. Yes, Liu Zheng also planned to keep this combat laboratory by himself. As long as he occupies his own engineers, then this enemy's combat laboratory must be his own. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. However, later, Liu Zhengyi, in fact, felt that there was not much need. Because, in any case, as long as you occupy the enemy's main construction factory, because now you have a considerable amount of production and construction funds in your hands, you can afford to build not only a combat laboratory, but also ten combat research laboratories.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng planned to continue to command his three aircraft carriers and intend to continue bombing the enemy's base. Moreover, the ultimate goal is to destroy everything in the enemy base together. Of course, except for the main construction plant. Because I must keep the main building factory and occupy it from my own engineers. After the occupation, Liu Zheng knew that he would also say goodbye to the days without the construction of the main factory. Except for the main factory. Because I must keep the main building factory and occupy it from my own engineers. After the occupation, Liu Zheng knew that he would also say goodbye to the days without the construction of the main factory.

Yes, that's true. It can be said that without the construction of a general factory, it means that there is no soul in a base, and this base has become a water without a source and a tree without a foundation. In this case, once some of the military facilities in his base are destroyed by the enemy, he will no longer have the ability to regenerate. Therefore, at this time, in this case, Liu Zheng intends to occupy the construction of the main factory in the enemy's base for his own use and make up for the losses he has caused.

However, the actual situation is not that simple. Now, Liu Zheng saw that the aircraft continued to command its two aircraft carriers and made a final attack on the enemy's base with the large-scale attack ability of the high-strength tools of that carrier aircraft. The situation has really changed. At this time, the base that came to the enemy had been basically razed to the ground under the yellow bombardment of some of its carrier-based aircraft. Only a few military facilities still stand there.


Yes, at this time, in this case, in fact, Liu Zheng knows that he only needs to attack two or three times, so all other military facilities will no longer exist except for the main factory. Since then, he has been sending engineers to repair the wooden bridge, and then crossing a river, entering the enemy's base and successfully occupying a main factory. This is exactly what Liu Zheng wants to see. And that's his plan.

However, at this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng heard a sharp alarm sound. Soon, according to the source of the intelligence, Liu Zheng has made it clear where the problem is. It turned out that at this time, when their two aircraft carriers were constantly attacking the enemy's base on a wide sea, it seemed that the two aircraft carriers were very safe. Yes, that's true. Just above the wide water, you know, the sea looks boundless. On the sea, the waves are splashing, surging, turbid waves in the sky, and the waves are rough. The deep blue sea, under the deep blue sky, looks very spectacular.

However, at this time, in this situation, when his two aircraft carriers continued to carry out their missions and wanted to cleanly destroy the enemy's base within three attacks, Liu Zheng suddenly found that its long-range intercontinental geodrome bomb The missiles are roaring in the sky, and the target of the attack has been seen at this time that it is Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers!

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that because of his two aircraft carriers, this sound does not have anti-aircraft combat capability. Therefore, in this situation, in the face of the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground attack missile attack, there is no way to dodge. And

Yes, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the two aircraft carriers that saw themselves made a sharp turn to both sides almost at the first time, and finally avoided an attack by the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missile at the fastest speed. However, Liu Zheng also knew that this time, it was really dangerous. But once hit, it is certain that with the great power of the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic nuclear missile, their two aircraft carriers, at least at the fastest speed, finally avoided an attack by the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missiles. However, Liu Zheng also knew that this time, it was really dangerous. But once hit, it is certain that with the great power of the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic nuclear missiles, at least one of their two aircraft carriers will be sunk. For Liu Zheng, of course, it is unacceptable.

Fortunately, now, in this case, due to Liu Zheng's reaction, it is relatively agile. Therefore, despite this, it finally avoided the enemy's long-range intercontinental attack missile attack. However, at this time, just as Liu was preparing to destroy the enemy's seven long-range mainframe ground attack missiles, the place also launched another attack. It seems that the enemy's hopes are also completely pinned on two long-range ground-to-ground missile launchers. Now, the enemy's two long-range mainframe ground-to-ground ballistic missile launchers have finally launched another attack on Liu Zheng's three aircraft carriers moored above the sea. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain altitude, it suddenly changed direction. Then, in the mid-air, it skimmed its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew over a large area of sea. Then, it suddenly changed direction to the power plant in the enemy base, and then, in that mid-air In the middle, he passed his base, flew through the jungle, and flew over a large area of sea, and then continued to roar to the power plant in the enemy base...

Yes, in fact, under the situation at that time, Liu Zheng occupied the construction of the main factory in the enemy base. In fact, it was more difficult than Liu Zheng imagined. Yes, that's true. Because, after a violent bombing, it should be said that the enemy's base has basically become a ruin.

Yes, that's true. Under the circumstances at that time, Liu Zheng saw that almost all the combat forces in one of the enemy's bases had been destroyed. There is a lonely construction factory left. Even the surrounding wall of the main factory was blown up by Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft. In this way, one of his engineers can also enter and occupy it.

However, In this case, everything is ready and only owes the east wind. Next, as long as Liu Zheng sends his own engineers to repair the wooden bridge, then go through the wooden bridge to the enemy's base and then occupy it. It's that simple. However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that when he sent an engineer to repair the wooden bridge first, and then sent another engineer to cross a wooden bridge and walk towards the enemy's base, suddenly, from the enemy's base, on the ruins, one after another. Several shells suddenly sounded, and then Liu was watching one shell after another, roaring down from the sky and then accurately hitting him on the head of one of the engineers who were rushing towards the enemy base.

Yes, at that time, several shells fell from the sky and hit Liu Zheng's engineer's head. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, on the ruins, it seems that there are still combat forces that have not been destroyed by themselves. However, at the same time, Liu Zheng has also seen that this is a long-range artillery. It's equivalent to your own long-range heavy grenade sports car. This long-range gun has a long range, great power and a very strong attack ability.

In this case, Liu Zheng knows that his engineer will definitely not survive. Yes, obviously, not to mention the winning engineer, even a mecha combat unit will be enough to destroy it in the face of such a fierce shelling. Yes, that's true. I'm sure I can't live. Yes, obviously, not to mention the winning engineer, even a mecha combat unit will be enough to destroy it in the face of such a fierce shelling. Yes, that's true.

After all, this long-range gun is too powerful. Sure enough, with the sudden sound of a deafening explosion, a dark red explosion burst into the sky. Then, with a scream, his own engineer was blown into the air, and then fell to the ground and never got up again.

At this time, Liu Zheng finally saw clearly that it turned out that the artillery that bombarded his engineers was actually a kind of enemy's long-range combat artillery - invincible heavy artillery. This kind of invincible heavy gun is basically very similar to Liu Zheng's long-range heavy grenade sports car.

So, at this time, in this case, Liu Zheng knew that it was certain that he could not forcibly send engineers to occupy an enemy factory. The only way is to destroy an enemy's invincible heavy artillery first. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, one of the aircraft carriers finally locked the target of the attack on the enemy's invincible heavy artillery. Destroy an enemy's invincible heavy artillery first. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, one of the aircraft carriers finally locked the target of the attack on the enemy's invincible heavy artillery.