Star Trek

Chapter 441 It's time to attack 3

At this time, when Liu Zheng's sea-based combat force continued to sail towards the front, suddenly, with a strange sound came. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw the two missile frigates not far ahead, or their two missile frigates rushing in the front. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by several magnetic arcs! Magnetic arc? Wow, damn it, this kind of magnetic arc light is obviously emitted by the enemy's magnetic storm coil. Now, Liu Zheng is sure that his naval combat unit has come to the edge of an enemy base. There, there must be several enemy magnetic storm coils that are attacking.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, then, their warships placed in the front (that is, the missile frigates that play the role of air defense) immediately turned over the bow and drove quickly to the back. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that at this time, under such circumstances, he could not still moor his warships there after the magnetic arc attack of the enemy's magnetic storm coil made by his several missile frigates. Of course, that's unrealistic.

Sure enough, just after their missile frigates retreated hundreds of meters, the enemy's magnetic storm coil could not attack Liu Zheng's missile frigates.

However, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that the best way for him to destroy the enemy's magnetic storm coils was to use his own aircraft carrier. Yes, Liu Zheng has known for a long time that the best way to deal with this kind of magnetic storm coil and other combat rooms is to clear them at a fixed point. And its own aircraft carrier has this kind of combat performance.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng immediately completed the deployment. Liu Zheng found that on the edge of the enemy base in front of him, near the coast, it was exactly the magnetic storm coil of the three enemy troops. Well, there are exactly three aircraft carriers in his hand. Therefore, naturally, an aircraft carrier is responsible for dealing with an enemy's magnetic storm coil. Three aircraft carriers can just deal with the three magnetic storm coils of the enemy one-on-one. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the carrier-based aircraft on the three aircraft carriers rose from the deck and roared to the three sets of magnetic storm coils on the edge of the enemy's base.

Soon, the sky above the narrow river was once again completely covered by the carrier-based aircraft that looked like flying locusts. Then a beautiful turn followed, flying over the sea, roaring, forming a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

In this way, Liu Zheng then quickly destroyed the magnetic storm coil on the edge of the base he had just discovered by himself through his three aircraft carriers. Of course, Liu Zheng knew that this kind of enemy's magnetic storm coil was built on the edge of the base. Obviously, it was mainly to play the role of a defensive position. It should be said that this deployment is still relatively reasonable. Because although the attack distance of this magnetic storm coil deployed at the edge of the base is not very far away, any combat unit that enters his attack range (of course, mainly ground attack combat units) will destroy its extremely powerful attack in one fell swoop.

Yes, that's true. Of course, Liu Zheng knows how lethal the magnetic arc emitted by this magnetic storm coil is. The magnetic arc light, the light blue magnetic arc light, looked like a flash of lightning, breaking through the air and roaring at the target. Therefore, especially in the case of insufficient preparation, some aggressive attack units are often inexplicably destroyed by the lightning-like arcs that are squeezed out one after another.

Therefore, Liu Zheng is sure about deploying this kind of magnetic storm coil at the edge of the base. However, this trick is not effective for me. Because I have a very keen observation, and according to this observation, it can be said that few people can have it. It is with this keen observation that Liu Zhengcai has long discovered this kind of enemy's magnetic storm coil. Then, use your own carrier-based aircraft to clear it at a fixed point. Finally, all the magnetic storm coils of the enemy were finally destroyed.

Although Liu Zheng destroyed the magnetic storm coils built by the enemy on the edge of the base, and the battle was very beautiful. Yes, that's true. However, despite this, it did not attract the attention of the enemy. This is naturally a very good thing for Liu Zheng. That is to say, under this situation, Liu Zheng can naturally continue to use his own naval combat force to attack the enemy's base.

However, after all, this enemy base is still shrouded in the fog of war so far. In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng could not see what kind of military facilities and combat units there were in this enemy base. Since then, naturally, it has affected Liu Zheng's attack to a certain extent.

However, such a small problem will naturally not defeat Liu Zheng. Soon, Liu Zheng came up with a solution. That is, you can send your own carrier-based aircraft to forcibly bomb the edge of the enemy's base. In this way, it can also forcibly drag away the fog of war. Moreover, as the fog of war is broken little by little, I can continue to move forward step by step. In the end, I will definitely be able to fully present some of the specific situations in the enemy base.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng once again ordered his aircraft carrier to forcibly bomb the edge of the enemy base. There is actually a forest and some strange mountains. It is covered with thick snow. It seems that the sky and the earth are vast, and the silver dress is particularly enchanting. However, Liu Zheng knew that such a beautiful scenery would soon be attacked by the ruthless gunfire. Yes, if this is not the case, then it is impossible for me to break the fog of war. And once I can't break through this fog of war in time, then I will definitely not know what is under this fog of war.


Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that with his carrier-based aircraft continuously bombing the edge of the enemy's base, the fog of war was also shrinking. Shrinking. In this way, naturally, soon after, the enemy's base finally appeared in front of his eyes. Suddenly, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, such a large number of heavy long-range intercontinental attack ballistic missiles have been produced in this enemy base.

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of heavy intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile is the top long-range ground-to-ground combat unit. As a top-level ground-to-ground ballistic missile, Liu Zheng knows that once hit by this long-range weapon, it can be said that both combat units and military facilities will suffer a devastating blow. Because Liu Zheng knows that this super intercontinental ballistic missile, on the one hand, is carrying a large nuclear weapon. On the other hand, there will be more than a dozen nuclear warheads in a one-time launch.

You can imagine what will happen if 17 nuclear warheads attack the next target at the same time. Therefore, once hit by this long-range intercontinental super ballistic missile, it is certain that there is only one result, that is, it will be completely destroyed. Yes, that's true. It is certain that no matter what kind of construction unit or combat unit, once it is attacked by this long-range host super ballistic missile attack, the final result is indeed only this one. There is nothing we can do. It is indeed inconceivable how horrible and lethal it is for more than a dozen large nuclear missiles to attack targets at the same time. Liu Zheng naturally understands this very well.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was shocked and had made a decision. That is, use your own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to destroy these super-range intercontinental ballistic attack missiles in the enemy base. Liu Zheng knew that it was inappropriate to deal with such a large missile combat unit and use his own carrier-based aircraft to carry out fixed-point clearance. Because this large missile combat unit, generally speaking, is itself a huge ammunition depot. Therefore, once it is destroyed and one of them is hit and explodes, it will inevitably cause a chain reaction.

In addition, it is also very important that the submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile launched by this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is quite lethal. Yes, nuclear weapons, the ability to destroy is naturally very powerful. Yes, that's true. Moreover, Liu Zheng knows that if he uses this nuclear weapon to attack the enemy's super intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missiles, it is certain that a one-time attack will cause the greatest lethality to those enemy's intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missiles. And Liu Zheng knew that the decision was not to be achieved by the fixed-point clearance attack carried out by the carrier-based aircraft on his own aircraft carrier.

So, now, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally began to attack the target. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, after crossing a trajectory, the submarine missile finally hit the target: the intercontinental ballistic attack nuclear missiles in the enemy base.

So, immediately, Liu Zheng saw that as one of his submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile hit the target, three to four or four intercontinental missile launch vehicles were finally blown up in the enemy's base. Because the enemy's intercontinental ballistic missile launcher itself is an ammunition depot. Therefore, after the intercontinental ballistic missile launches were blown up, almost all of the intercontinental ballistic missile launch vehicles in the enemy base were detonated one after another.

coaxed, coaxed, bursts of deafening explosions kept coming, and at the same time, a group of dark red explosions burst into the sky. Therefore, Liu Zheng soon saw that the enemy's base had become a sea of fire almost at this moment.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, mother, this time, I'm very happy. Those enemy intercontinental ballistic missiles were launched and basically destroyed under the attack of their own submarine-launched intercontinental attack missiles. Moreover, because of this attack, it is basically equivalent to detonating a huge nuclear arsenal. Therefore, the explosion wave formed is very strong. Even an airport and an ore polishing plant in the enemy base,

There are also three general power plants, all of which have been destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally saw a very commonality. I thought to myself, after the transformation, mother-of-law, this time, I want to see you, what else can I do? After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally saw a very commonality. I thought to myself, after the transformation, mother-of-law, this time, I want to see you, what else can I do?

However, despite this, when Liu Zheng was very happy, suddenly, Liu Zheng actually saw an enemy intercontinental ballistic missile in the ruins and on the ground. At this time, the missile launcher on it had been erected. That is to say, the final launch is being prepared.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt something strange. He knew that it was very likely that this time, he would be damaged by this enemy's long-range intercontinental base attack missile.

Yes, that's true. The reason is very simple, that is, this kind of enemy super intercontinental ballistic attack missile has quite extraordinary lethality. Even if the target is not hit, even if it is intercepted by the explosion of local air defense fire in mid-air, the huge shock wave formed by the explosion is enough to destroy too many distant targets. Even if the target is not hit, even if it is intercepted by the explosion of local air defense fire in mid-air, the huge shock wave formed by the explosion is enough to destroy too many distant targets.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that it is time to test the air defense capabilities of his missile frigates. Yes, what kind of air defense capabilities your own missile frigates have will be vividly reflected in this time. Soon after, while Liu Zheng was busy staring at the ground, the enemy's intercontinental ballistic attack missile finally began to attack the ocean-going combat force of the conqueror above the sea.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was also conscious and sailed a distance behind his aircraft carriers. At the same time, he sailed a distance forward with his missile frigate formation. In fact, Liu Zheng is not very clear whether such an arrangement can play a certain role. However, at this time, in this case, for Liu Zheng, this is just an instinctive reaction. Now, the enemy's attack has finally begun. They just set up their missile launchers one after another,

Then, with the sound of missile launch, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flame from the launch pad, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the intercontinental missile launchers, under the effect of their acceleration, sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction. Then, in the air, it skimmed over its base, flew over the jungle, and flew over a large area of sea, and then attacked Liu Zheng's naval ocean-going combat force above the sea!

In that mid-air, he skimmed his base, skimmed through the jungle, and skimmed across a large area of the sea, and then attacked Liu Zheng's naval ocean-going combat force above the sea!