Star Trek

Chapter 442 It's time to attack 4

So, Liu Zheng saw that with the continuous long-range intercontinental ballistic missile attacks, although he continued to launch anti-aircraft missiles against the missile frigate deployed by Liu Zheng at the front, the enemy's super intercontinental ballistic attack missiles were finally at a distance of their own The intercontinental attack submarine was not very far in mid-air and exploded.

So, Liu Zheng clearly heard a deafening explosion suddenly, and in mid-air, a dark red explosive firelight suddenly shone there. At the same time, a huge shock wave hit the sea from top to bottom. Above the sea, the waves are rough, the sea is turbid, and the waves are splashing and surging. The huge shock wave almost caused a tsunami. And the liberation with the strongest attack is naturally the place where Liu Zheng's long-range host attacked the submarine. As a result, his intercontinental attack submarine, facing such a fierce attack, finally, slowly sank to the bottom of the sea after losing the last health value.

At the same time, what made Liu Zheng feel very helpless was that this attack by the enemy's long-range intercontinental missile not only caused the destruction of one of his intercontinental attack nuclear submarines, but also caused the huge shock wave to cause his two aircraft carriers to be seriously hit. More than 70% or 80% of the life site has been destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that in the face of the attack of the enemy's super long-range intercontinental ballistic attack missile, his missile frigate was really not as powerful as he thought in terms of air defense operations.

In this case, it is best to take thirty-six strategies. It seems that this place is really dangerous. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his remaining three aircraft carriers, as well as the attack submarines and the missile frigates, sailed in the direction of their arrival at the fastest speed. Yes, Liu Zheng's heart is very clear, that is, at this time, in this situation, he should definitely be a good man without knowing the immediate loss. If you stay in the green mountains, you won't be afraid of firewood. Of course, he is very clear about this truth. There were also several missile frigates sailing in the direction they came at the fastest speed. Yes, Liu Zheng's heart is very clear, that is, at this time, in this situation, he should definitely be a good man without knowing the immediate loss. If you stay in the green mountains, you won't be afraid of firewood. Of course, he is very clear about this truth

However, Liu Zheng saw that when his naval combat unit roared along the direction at the fastest speed, but the enemy's super long-range intercontinental ballistic attack missile. Still unrelenting, he continued to pursue his own naval combat force in the process of fleeing. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt that something was wrong. However, in the current situation, there is really nothing I can do. There is nothing we can do. Yes, that's true.

It seems that what kind of fate will be the seven warships of their own? It can only be up to fate. Suddenly, another enemy's long-range intercontinental super ballistic attack missile finally attacked. Similarly, although their own missile frigates continue to launch anti-aircraft missiles, after all, the attack distance of the anti-aircraft missiles launched by this missile frigate is not very far. In this way, they can only fall from the sky and stay away from the target. You can only hit it when it is not very far away.

However, Liu Zheng certainly knew that at that time, in that case, the anti-aircraft missile launched by his missile frigate hit the enemy's long-range mainframe ballistic attack missile, but it was too late.

coaxed, coaxed, sure enough, soon, as the enemy once again dyed into an intercontinental super ballistic attack missile and intercepted it in mid-air, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded again. Seven, a dark red explosive firelight, followed by countless debris and debris falling from the sky and falling on the surface of the water, splashing a snow-white spray. A deafening explosion suddenly sounded again. Seven, a dark red explosive firelight, followed by countless debris and debris falling from the sky and falling on the surface of the water, splashing a snow-white spray.


So, at this time, under this situation, Liu Zheng finally found that not long ago, it was still a vast naval combat force. Under the current situation, it has given birth to a group of aircraft carriers. Damn, this time, I am huge at any time! Not long ago, my own ocean-going combat force also had three aircraft carriers. I know that these three aircraft carriers are my own treasures. Many times, in many cases, especially, if you want to destroy the main factories and super weapons in the enemy base and leave this kind of aircraft carrier, it is really impossible. Yes, that's true.

However, Wu, it was another long-range mainframe ground-to-ground missile attack, and the violent shock wave destroyed the two aircraft carriers with little health left. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally shocked. The couple seems to be in this section. What should they do? In the current situation, what should they do? Now, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking straight ahead and was immediately destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally shocked. The couple seems to be in this section. What should they do? In the current situation, what should they do? Now, Liu Zheng can't help looking straight ahead, as if he is thinking about a specific solution to this problem.

In this way, in the following time, Liu Zheng continued to order his aircraft carrier to continue to retreat in the direction of arrival. Retreat to a safe place. Not long ago, my vast ocean combat force has only had an aircraft carrier left so far. Naturally, Liu Zheng felt very sad.

However, Liu Zheng knows very well that, in fact, even if he only has one aircraft carrier, he can still launch a attack on the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. However, compared with the three aircraft carriers, the success rate of the attack is naturally lower. However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng can only rely on this aircraft carrier. Yes, there is no other better way than that.


Now, Liu Zheng sees that in that enemy base, almost no other military facilities have been affected except that he has destroyed several enemy's intercontinental ballistic attack nuclear missiles. However, at this time, one of its aircraft carriers has been driven to a safe area by itself. The enemy's combat forces, especially the only long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missile, have been unable to find the target of attack at all.

So, at this time, in this situation, I am naturally very confident. Yes, although the firepower of an aircraft carrier is not very fierce, it is good that I still have time. The next attack target is naturally the only enemy's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missile. After thinking of this, immediately, with Liu Zheng's order, seven to eight carrier-based aircraft once again roared up from the deck and soared to the sky. Then they circled in mid-air, followed by a single sea, and then roared straight in the direction of the enemy's base.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that even in the enemy's base, the protective firepower is basically not so fierce. Therefore, although the number of carrier-based aircraft is not very large, the survival rate is relatively high. With the arrival of several air-to-ground missiles, soon, the enemy's only long-range ground-to-ground ballistic attack nuclear missile was blown into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered.


In the following time, Liu Zhengyi, with the help of this swell aircraft carrier, successively destroyed the construction factory, the chariot factory, the combat laboratory, and the spy satellite in the enemy base. It can be said that so far, some of the most important military division facilities in one of the enemy's bases have been destroyed by themselves. However, just after Liu Zheng destroyed the enemy's spy satellite, he found that in the southeast corner of the enemy base, on the edge, there was a tall building that looked very towering.

Wow, what kind of military facility is this? Liu Zheng couldn't help but do it for himself. Soon, Liu Zheng. Finally realized that this military facility seems to be very unusual. Sure enough, soon after, with Liu Zheng's further research, it was finally found that this military facility was actually the enemy's super nuclear weapons launcher. Wow, damn it, this is the enemy's super weapon! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Did he know that he sent an ocean-going combat force thousands of miles away just to destroy the enemy's super weapons? Now, this enemy's super weapon is in front of your eyes!

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his aircraft carrier, once again launched an attack on the enemy's super nuclear weapon that had just been discovered. One after another carrier aircraft roared through the air and flew over the sea. Soon after, they finally flew over an enemy nuclear bomb launch well. At the same time, with the sound of air, one after another air-to-ground missiles roared out from mid-air, and the rear tail dragged the orange tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight. In the end, it hit the target accurately.

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, so, with a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, on the nuclear bomb launch trap, for a moment, a rolling red flame rose. However, what made Liu Zheng feel a little helpless is that the health value of this enemy's nuclear bomb launch trap is so high! The defense ability is simply a perverted and strong. 5-6 carrier-based aircraft attacked twice in a row, but only destroyed three to four percent of the life site.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed that this kind of enemy's nuclear bomb launch trap was really not so easy to destroy. However, from the current situation, I have no other better combat weapons except aircraft carriers. Although his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can also be used, in the attack of the enemy's long-range intercontinental missile just now, his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has long been eliminated. Therefore, now, for Liu Zheng, the only thing he can use is this aircraft carrier.


"Continue to attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his aircraft carrier (At this time, Liu Zheng was finally surprised to find that his aircraft carrier had been upgraded to a Samsung elite because it had destroyed a considerable number of enemy's combat forces and military facilities. Level. Moreover, Liu Zheng knows best what this aircraft carrier means after being upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Samsung elite aircraft carriers, on the one hand, have at least two to three more carrier-based aircraft than ordinary aircraft carriers.

In addition, the combat radius of this Samsung elite aircraft carrier is farther, and the combat radius of the carrier aircraft of ordinary aircraft carriers is generally only 56,000 miles. However, the combat radius of this Samsung elite aircraft carrier and seven carrier aircraft has been increased to about 700 kilometers. In addition, the missiles launched by this Samsung elite-class carrier-based aircraft are more powerful in the attack. In fact, Liu Zheng has known this for a long time.)

However, Liu Zheng saw that the carrier-based aircraft that took off from his three-star elite aircraft carrier finally flew over the enemy's base again and was planning to attack the enemy's nuclear bomb launch trap. At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the enemy The army's super weapon, super nuclear weapons, is now starting to launch anti-missiles. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that this also meant that his base would be attacked immediately. Yes, it is certain that the target of this enemy's nuclear bomb launch trap must be Liu Zheng's own base. Liu Zheng is sure of this.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng can also be sure that the enemy's nuclear bomb launch trap cannot be destroyed at all before the missile is launched. This also means that it seems that its own base, no matter what, can't escape this blow at all. Liu Zheng is actually not very clear about what kind of gravel this nuclear bomb strike will cause to his base.

It seems that at this time, in this case, everything can only be said step by step. Now, Liu Zheng has seen that the enemy's super nuclear weapon has finally begun to attack. Suddenly, from the missile launch well, a huge rocket suddenly sprayed a huge orange tail flame and began to rise slowly into the sky. On the ground, it was soon shrouded in the dark red smoke. Liu Zheng knew that the dark red smoke was actually a scene formed when the tail flame emitted by the rocket hit the ground when the missile was launched.

Then, after flying to a certain altitude, the rocket suddenly deviated from the direction and began to fly in the direction of Liu Zheng's base. Finally, about half a minute after the formation, the huge nuclear warhead finally fell from the sky over Liu Zheng's base. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

Liu Zheng saw that at this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, his newly attacked ground, naturally the wreckage was also full of the ground, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there. Countless debris and debris were scattered in the area of its own base. Large and small craters are scattered there. Moreover, in the smoke, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his shipyard and his barracks had all been destroyed! Wow, damn it, I really didn't expect that this time, I was beaten so badly by the enemy, and I was beaten so badly by the enemy!