Star Trek

Chapter 443 5

Now, it seems that Liu Zheng is not very anxious. Yes, that's true. Because in this situation, no matter what, I only hold an aircraft carrier in my hand. In addition, there are several missile frigates and integrated warships. In this case, naturally, even if you are in a hurry, it will be useless. Yes, that's true. Fortunately, under the current situation, there is still plenty of time. Therefore, he can only rely on this aircraft carrier to attack the enemy's base.

Fortunately, at this time, in the enemy's base, the naval combat force had been basically destroyed by Liu Zheng. At the same time, the shipyard has been destroyed. This also means that it is impossible for the enemy to send a naval combat force to threaten their own ocean-going combat force. In this case,

So, this seems to mean that in the next time, as long as you calm down, it should be said that completing this attack and destroying the enemy's base should be a matter of time. Then, this seems to mean that in the next time, as long as you calm down, it should be said that completing this attack and destroying this enemy base should be just around the corner.

In this way, although it is 70 kilometers away from the enemy base, it is already very close to its own aircraft carrier. Because Liu Zheng knows that his aircraft carrier should have a combat radius of 700 kilometers. At this time, with the successive carrier aircraft, they kept roaring up from the deck of the aircraft carrier and flying across the sea. Then, as if it were the base of the heart of a leader, Liu Zheng had destroyed an enemy shipyard and a war factory one after another, and then, It is the most important construction factory in Liu Zheng's mind.

Liu Zheng knew that as long as the main building was destroyed by himself, it meant that the enemy's base was basically disabled by himself. Finally, after another enemy's ore refinement factory was completely destroyed by his aircraft carrier, Liu Zheng finally found that there had been a slight change in the enemy's base. The earth was shaking illegally, as if a big earthquake was coming.

Yes, that's true. And the scene in front of him made Liu Zheng feel very familiar. Because this is clearly a manifestation of the enemy's base's final struggle under forced helplessness. Next, Liu Zheng knew that this base would soon surrender like himself. Sure enough, half a minute later, with the release of the violent shaking, the enemy's base once again took place more changes to Liu Zhengmu's crying father. A manifestation of the final struggle. Next, Liu Zheng knew that this base would soon surrender like himself. Sure enough, half a minute later, with the release of the violent shaking, the enemy's base once again took place more changes to Liu Zhengmu's crying father.

On the enemy's base, some dilapidated military facilities, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, battle bunkers and other military facilities, suddenly shook, and looked like an earthquake. Then, the enemy's military facilities with large and small wrecks actually shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the combat power of the broken enemy, the chariots exploded, and the infantry, in the scream, turned into a pool of green water...< /P>

In this way, the enemy base was finally destroyed by Liu Zheng. Next, naturally, Liu Zheng's next attack target was another enemy base. That base should be the fourth base attacked by Liu Zheng. Now, what Liu Zheng sees is just the shipyard of that base. And a dense surface warship around the shipyard.

After seeing this, it should be said that Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, so many surface warships look shocking. Liu Zheng took a general look. Among those surface warships, the aircraft carrier was at least good. In addition, there are some missile frigates, missile destroyers, various attack submarines and so on. It's really variety and looks dazzling.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that if he owns the kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, it is definitely a piece of cake to deal with these enemy warships. Because, on the one hand, the missiles launched by their own intercontinental attack nuclear submarines are real small nuclear missiles. The strong attack ability is unbelievable. In addition, it is also very important that the submarine-launched nuclear missiles launched by their own intercontinental attack nuclear submarines will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system.

Since then, it has gloomyly ensured 100% success of the attack. Even the submarine-launched nuclear missile launched by its own intercontinental attack submarine has very good guidance ability. That is to say, after launch, even if the target belongs to the kind of movable target, under the effect of this very good guidance ability, this submarine attack nuclear missile can automatically track. Until the target is hit.

Now, for Liu Zheng, he can only attack the enemy's base through this only aircraft carrier. Yes, that's true. In this case, at this time, Liu Zheng knew that in fact, he had no choice at all.

Of course, it just relies on this aircraft carrier to attack the enemy's base. Anyway, it is a little weak. In this way, the efficiency of the attack will definitely be very good. What should I do? At this time, Liu Zheng saw that even in his own base, there was no long-range strike force now. Otherwise, it should be said that at this time, in this situation, it should be a very good opportunity to sit. Yes, that's true.

For example, if you still have that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, then it should be a very good battle to attack a series of surface warships around the enemy shipyard with the construction of intercontinental attack missiles launched by the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Way. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that the submarine-launched nuclear missiles launched by his intercontinental attack nuclear submarines do have a very good attack ability against the enemy's surface warships. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that the submarine-launched nuclear missiles launched by his intercontinental attack nuclear submarines do have a very good attack ability for the enemy's surface warships.

However, the problem now is that not long ago, one of its intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was destroyed by several remnants of the enemy's intercontinental ballistic missiles. In this way, it can be said that Liu Zheng immediately lost a very good opportunity to attack. Although, he can also use the only aircraft carrier to attack the naval combat forces of the enemy. However, that kind of attack is a fixed-point clearance attack, and it is impossible to destroy multiple enemy combat units at once. Yesterday, from the perspective of attack efficiency, that was far worse.


Now, Liu Zheng has decided that he must fight against an enemy base anyway. Yes, now, in its own base, but with the enemy's super weapons, it is still attacked one after another. So far, there are few military facilities on top of its own base. Yes, that's true. If it goes on like this, it won't be long before one of your bases will be completely destroyed by the enemy. Yes, that's true. In one of his bases, but with the enemy's super weapons, they are still attacked one after another. So far, there are few military facilities on his base. Yes, that's true. If it goes on like this, it won't be long before one of your bases will be completely destroyed by the enemy. Yes, that's true.

Because Liu Zheng knows that although some land-based light air bubbles have been built in his base under the current situation, it means that once the super power plant in his base is destroyed by the enemy, it means that those Their land-based light air bubbles will lose their ability to attack. Once that time comes, the situation will be very bad. Once the super power plant in your base is destroyed by the enemy, it means that those land-based light air bubbles will lose their ability to attack. Once that time comes, the situation will be very bad.

Moreover, in the current situation, due to his own ocean-going combat force, the victory was an aircraft carrier and three missile frigates. Therefore, in this case, it is certain that if you are not careful, you can destroy some important military facilities in the enemy's base, especially the anti-air bubble in the enemy base. In this way, I can't stop the attack of the enemy's super weapons. In fact, the main reason why the enemy can still threaten the security of Liu Zheng's base so far is that it relies on that kind of super weapon.

Yes, that's true. Whether it is the enemy's lightning storm or the enemy's super attack nuclear missiles, they are all enemy's super weapons. They all have very strong attack ability. Moreover, these two enemy super weapons ignore their own air defense systems at all. No matter how perfect and perfect their air defense systems are, they don't care at all.

In this case, if you don't occupy an enemy base, it can be said that your original base may be completely destroyed by the enemy at any time. And once that's the case, I will never have a chance to turn the table again. Therefore, Liu Zheng has made up his mind that he must occupy the construction factory in this enemy's base anyway. It may be completely destroyed by the enemy at any time. And once that's the case, I will never have a chance to turn the table again. Therefore, Liu Zheng has made up his mind that he must occupy the construction factory in this enemy's base anyway.

In fact, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it and didn't have to occupy the construction of the main factory in this enemy base. Moreover, from a certain point of view, you don't have to occupy a construction factory. Because, relatively speaking, it seems more beneficial for you to destroy an enemy's main factory first. Yes, that's true. Because if you think that the enemy's main factory is the only target of your occupation, then you must first destroy some of the enemy's other military facilities. For example, the enemy's Patriot anti-aircraft missile.

However, back, that is, once the construction of the main factory in the enemy's base has not been destroyed by itself, then it is certain that even if he temporarily destroyed the enemy's air-air bubbles, or Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, soon after, because of the enemy's A general building still exists, so in this case, the enemy will definitely build this kind of enemy's Patriot anti-aircraft missile again in the shortest time. In this way, it is certain that it will greatly affect your attack efficiency. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng can't help but consider that although he is very eager to occupy a construction factory owned by the enemy, and then continue to build more of his own living rooms again, and rebuild his own base.

But if that's the case, what can happen? Because of the existence of the enemy's main building factory, it is not impossible for them to completely destroy some important military facilities or combat units in the enemy base. Because of the existence of the enemy's main building factory, it is not impossible for them to completely destroy some important military facilities or combat units in the enemy base.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help patting his thigh fiercely, and then decided that he would never stop doing anything. In this case, he would simply destroy the main construction factory in an enemy base.

However, immediately, Liu Zheng found that it was not easy to destroy an enemy's main factory. Because at this time, in this case, there was a shipyard around the edge of the enemy base, where more than a dozen enemy surface warships were gathered. Yes, more than a dozen surface warships, what is the concept? These include three aircraft carriers, five missile destroyers, five missile frigates and five missile anti-submarine ships.

It should be said that these enemy surface warships are all elites for combat.

In this case, Liu Zheng knew that he only had to destroy these enemy surface warships first. Only in this way can the carrier aircraft sent by his aircraft carrier finally attack the target smoothly.


Yes, that's true. Originally, Liu Zheng had also thought about it, but in order to destroy the warships around the enemy shipyard as soon as possible and use his own missile destroyers. However, in any case, the attack distance of its own missile destroyer is not very far. Well, in this case, if you want to attack some enemy surface warships, it is certain that you must travel not far from the target. The attack distance of its own missile destroyer is not very far. Well, in this case, if you want to attack some enemy surface warships, it is certain that you must travel not far from the target.

However, Liu Zheng is not sure whether this battle plan will work or not. On the one hand, in any case, their missile frigates cannot be compared with the enemy at all. Second, more importantly, in order to send these missile frigates near the enemy's shipyard, it is certain that they must blow up the pontoon bridge.

However, the words came back, that is, once the eight floating bridges of their gold are blown up, the enemy's series of surface combat forces will attack along the waterway. In the current situation, Liu Zheng knew that with these surface combat forces in his hands, it was impossible to compete with the enemy's surface fleets. So, after thinking about it, Liu Zheng decided that he really couldn't destroy the wooden bridge at this time. Yes, that's true.

In this case, Liu Zheng finally came up with a solution. That is, send some of the main battle tanks in your base. In this case, use those main battle tanks to attack the enemy's surface combat forces. It is also possible that it will succeed. Yes, that's true.