Star Trek

Chapter 445 It's time to attack 7

Now, Liu Zheng is continuing to use his aircraft carrier to reattack the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. Anyway, Liu Zheng knew that he had to destroy all the combat forces in the enemy base. Only then can I consider occupying this enemy base. Otherwise, everything can only be an empty word.

In addition, another important point is that it should be said that in the current situation, Liu Zheng's original base camp, his own recruit training camp was finally destroyed by the enemy's lightning storm attack not long ago. Yes, that's true. In this case, Liu Zheng knew that he would certainly not be able to train that kind of engineer. However, if it were, without the engineer's princess, it would be impossible for him to occupy a base. Yes, that's true. In this case, Liu Zheng knew that he would certainly not be able to train that kind of engineer. However, if it were, without the engineer's princess, it would be impossible for him to occupy a base.

In addition, of course, Liu Zheng also knows that even if the number of engineers is not large, it is not possible. Because what I occupied was not only the main building factory in the enemy base, but also the main building factory that had long been kept and destroyed. The force is that this base of the enemy can still continue to carry out the construction of various other military facilities. In this way, it is naturally a very troublesome thing for Liu Zheng. As expected, it would be better to destroy the enemy's main construction factory. In this way, naturally, the enemy's base and all the military facilities will be knocked down and one less. So far, that's certainly a very good thing for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true.

So, Liu Zheng clearly saw one ship-based aircraft roaring over the enemy's base, hovering and attacking. A machine gun bunker that took over the enemy kept exploding under the attack of successive air-to-ground missiles.

At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that several enemy airports were still stationed there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that he would definitely not let go of this enemy's airport. Because, you know, this kind of airport and the fighters on it have a very good bombing ability. Although, under normal circumstances, this kind of enemy bomber will not bomb its own base. However, I will definitely not let it go. Because, you know, this kind of airport and the fighters on it have a very good bombing ability. Although, under normal circumstances, this kind of enemy bomber will not bomb its own base. However, despite this, under certain conditions, he can't rule out that kind of enemy bombers will bomb his own base. For example——

Yes, for example, when Liu Zheng's engineers go to some military facilities in the enemy base, in order to protect their military facilities, the enemy's bombers will take off, and then, even in their own bases, they will Still insist on bombing. Of course, the target of the bombing, the enemy's bombers, will take off, and then, even in their own bases, they will still insist on bombing. Of course, the target of the bombing will naturally not be the engineers of Liu Zheng, who are the military divisions in the enemy's base.

So, for a period of time, whether it is the machine gun bunker that catches one by one, or the ordinary power plants, it has been within the scope of Liu Zheng's attack. In this way, after a thorough attack, it should be said that there is basically no combat force in the enemy's base. In this way, it has laid the conditions for the next step to send engineers to occupy an enemy base. In this way, after a thorough attack, it should be said that there is basically no combat force in the enemy's base. In this way, it has laid the conditions for the next step to send engineers to occupy an enemy base.


However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that there was a sharp alarm sound in his base camp. After hearing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt a little surprised. Yes, damn it, what the hell happened? What happened? You know, his base base, two wooden bridges leading to the outside world, have long been blown up by himself. After hearing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt a little surprised. Yes, damn it, what the hell happened? What happened? You know, his base base, two wooden bridges leading to the outside world, have long been blown up by himself.

In this way, it can be said that one of its own bases is basically isolated from those. In this way, how can the enemy have a ground combat force to attack their own base? Could it be, is it the long-range strike force of the enemy? What kind of coastal missile launch, or finally dyed into a ground-to-ground attack missile launcher? Yes, these are all very possible. Don't think that the two pontoon bridges were blown up by themselves and occupied their own bases to connect with the outside world; in fact, some really powerful combat units can reach the other side without a pontoon bridge.

So, after thinking of this, almost in the first time, Liu Zheng rushed his own mobile re-to-repatriation artillery vehicles that were driving towards the front position, Tiangou's seven super snipers, through the newly repaired stone bridge to his base. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that there must be a situation in his base. What's the specific situation? I believe that soon, I will really get out of it. In the current situation, I must first protect my base base. Otherwise, once the military facilities in our base are destroyed by the enemy gold, then, for us, nothing can make up for it.


In this way, in the following time, Liu Zheng finally destroyed all the military facilities or combat units with certain combat capabilities in the enemy's base. In this way, naturally, it has the conditions to occupy the enemy base. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng has truly realized that he can only make a certain threat to the enemy if he really occupies the construction factory in an enemy base. Yes, that's true. Only after truly occupying the construction factory in an enemy base can it truly pose a certain threat to the enemy. Yes, that's true.

Because for a long time before, it can be said that I was only trapped in a very passive situation everywhere and all the time. One of the very important reasons is that, that is, his mother, I did not have a main factory! Yes, my main construction factory was destroyed by several lightning storms by the enemy not long ago!

Since then, it should be said that to a certain extent, I have been in a very unfavorable situation. There is nothing we can do. Yes, that's true. However, although Liu Zheng also fought all the way, and in the face of the indiscriminate bombing of so many super weapons by the enemy, he can still maintain such an undefeat. It should be said that this is also quite good!

Now, what makes Liu Zheng feel a little relieved is that in this situation, he has produced an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine anyway. Liu Zheng knows that in many cases and in many cases, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is of great significance. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was finally produced. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that another lightning storm attack by the enemy was attacking in the direction of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of enemy lightning storm attack was too powerful. Another lightning storm attack by the enemy attacked in the direction of their base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of enemy lightning storm attack was too powerful.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that although the lightning storm is very powerful, as a super weapon, to be honest, Liu Zheng has no way to resist the attack of this lightning storm. Now, what Liu Zheng is most worried about is that this kind of enemy lightning storm is basically certain that the target of the attack is still his own shipyard. However, its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has just been produced. In this way, it is easy to be attacked by a lightning storm by the enemy. Because this own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is near the enemy's shipyard.

In this way, the only way is to move your intercontinental attack nuclear submarine first. Move to a safer place. Then, it should be said that it can avoid being attacked by the enemy's lightning storm to a certain extent. While thinking about this, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the enemy's lightning storm had attacked at this time. In the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and there was a strong wind on the ground, flying sand and stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard. So, Liu Zheng saw that some of the military facilities in his base were fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, the health value finally fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, it was blown into countless wrecks with a bang. With fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

Looking at his base, several power plants were once again destroyed by the enemy's lightning storm. Liu Zheng naturally felt helpless. Wow, damn it, this super weapon of the enemy is really awesome. At this time, in this case, it should be said that this lightning storm attack once again caused heavy damage to its base. Wow, damn it, this super weapon of the enemy is really awesome. At this time, in this case, it should be said that this lightning storm attack once again caused heavy damage to its base.

However, the good thing is that its own shipyard, after all, has a very good defense capability. At the same time, more importantly, because I had begun to move my newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to a safer position before that. Therefore, in this case, its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was not destroyed by this enemy's lightning storm. For me, although this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has very good attack ability, especially long-range strike ability, as well as his submarine intercontinental attack nuclear missile, which can break through the enemy to the air defense system, it should be said to be a very good combat unit.

However, despite this, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has a very fatal weakness. That is, the health value is very low. The defensive combat performance is very poor. Once attacked by the enemy, even if it is attacked by any combat unit of the enemy, it is easy to destroy its own mainframe attack nuclear submarine. Therefore, from the above point of view, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is really very fragile. Yes, that's true. No matter what kind of combat unit attack the enemy attacks, it is easy to destroy your own mainframe attack nuclear submarine. Therefore, from the above point of view, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is really very fragile. Yes, that's true.


However, after all, due to Liu Zheng's relatively rapid action, in this case, his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was only killed by about 30% of his health. It should be said that this is already very good. Later, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's lightning storm finally calmed down. On the surface of the water, countless debris and debris floated there. In this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he should seize this opportunity to move his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to a truly safe place.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine passed through its own shipyard and the narrow passage between its base, and then leaned towards the two aircraft carriers located in the depths of the ocean. The own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine passed through its own shipyard, the narrow passage between its own base, and then towards the two its own aircraft carriers located deep in the ocean.

Now, the two aircraft carriers are still attacking the enemy's base. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of aircraft carrier is completely a fixed-point clearance attack. It is impossible to cause large-scale damage. It should be said that only submarine-launched intercontinental missiles wrongly launched by their own intercontinental attack nuclear submarines can create a large area of Shanghai. Because this kind of submarine host attacks nuclear missiles, and after all, it is equipped with nuclear warheads.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base and some important military facilities were basically destroyed by himself. However, in the enemy's base, more than a dozen tiger long-range heavy howitzers, as if all of them had been sent to the edge of the base by the enemy at this time. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of enemy's tiger-style long-range heavy howitzer was also a very powerful combat unit. In terms of combat performance, it is basically the same as the long-range heavy howitzer you gave yourself. However, the current problem is that such a large number of enemy Hu Shi long-range heavy howitzers gather on the edge of the enemy base. With that ultra-long-range attack capability, it can be said that it will pose a huge threat to their own aircraft carrier or the newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

Yes, that's true. However, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that if he still uses his own aircraft carrier to attack some enemy's tiger long-range heavy howitzers, yes, that is, the kind of tiger long-range heavy howitzer who attacks on the ground, it can be said that you will be very laborious. Because, it is certain that since its own aircraft carrier can only carry out fixed-point clearance attacks, naturally, in the face of such a large-scale combat unit, it must have the strength but lack of strength in the attack.