Star Trek

Chapter 446 It's time to attack 8

But now, anyway, I have regained that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Liu Zheng knows that with the huge strike capability of this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, especially the lethality of this host attacking nuclear submarine, since some of the enemy's heavy grenade sports cars that ignore long-range have gathered and assembled together, this is exactly a very good machine. Will.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that the newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine that had come to the depths of the ocean and was preparing for the final attack. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine must surface when launching this kind of submarine missile. Of course, this is also something that makes Liu Zheng feel very helpless. Because as a submarine, its greatest advantage is to attack under the water. However, once it surfaced, it would definitely be attacked by the enemy. However, this kind of attack submarine, although its own attack submarine belongs to the kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. However, its own health value is still very underground. In this way, in terms of defense ability, it is naturally very poor.

Therefore, it is also because of this that Liu Zheng felt very helpless about his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to surface when launching missiles. However, after all, compared with surface warships, the exposed target is not very large. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, naturally, the attack ability of this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine still makes Liu Zheng feel that it is a very good combat unit.

Finally, after the final preparations, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally began to attack the enemy's Hu Shi long-range heavy howitzers on the edge of the base. It should be said that in Liu Zheng's base, this kind of enemy's long-range heavy howitzer will be attacked by an intercontinental attack nuclear missile from the sky. That large-area destruction ability is enough to cause large-scale damage to these enemy long-range heavy howitzers. In Liu Zheng's base, this enemy's long-range heavy howitzer will be attacked by an intercontinental attack nuclear missile from the sky. That large-area destruction ability is enough to cause large-scale damage to these enemy long-range heavy howitzers.

Sure enough, five seconds later, he saw his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally surfaced. Then, a missile launcher also began to open slowly. Then, in the fierce vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed a orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: the airport with four F-16 fighters stationed in the enemy base! Boom~

It seems that now, at this time, in this case, Liu is carrying out a fixed-point clearance attack on some important military facilities and some combat units in the enemy's base through his two aircraft carriers. Liu Zheng knew about this attack. In fact, it depends on how strong his patience is. Yes, that's true. You know, every attack, such a fixed-point clearance attack, can only destroy an enemy's combat unit or an enemy's military facility. Since then, in the face of so many moral combat units in the enemy base, it is true that it is really a test for Liu Zheng's heart. Yes, that's true.

However, there is nothing we can do. Because in Liu Zheng's base, there is no other better combat force at present. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that if he now holds five to 62 long-range heavy grenade vehicles in his hands, he does not have to upgrade to the elite level of Samsung. It is forbidden to quickly upgrade to a group of Red Soldiers, then it is only five to seven general-level heavy grenade sports cars, then in the enemy base Some military facilities and combat units will soon be destroyed by themselves. Yes, that's true.

You know, your own long-range heavy grenade sports car is indeed a quite strong ground attack force. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Once upon a time, in many cases, with this long-range heavy grenade sports car, I fought against an enemy's body, and all of them were buried under the fierce artillery attack of their own long-range heavy grenade sports cars. Liu Zheng's heart is very clear. Once upon a time, in many cases, with this long-range heavy grenade sports car, I fought against an enemy's body, and all of them were buried under the fierce artillery attack of their own long-range heavy grenade sports cars.

You know, when he thinks of the classic battles after another, Liu Zheng has also felt surging so far. Yes, it should be said that it was a hearty battle. Several of their own long-range heavy grenade sports cars can be attacked at least 700 kilometers away from the enemy base.

Yes, due to its own long-range heavy grenade sports car, the attack distance is quite far, and at the same time, the lethality is quite strong. Therefore, some military facilities in the enemy's bases were destroyed without much artillery attack. In this process, even the enemy will send some ground combat units, such as the enemy's main battle tank, or the enemy's long-range attack, swimming, and even the enemy's intercontinental attack missiles. However, at this time, in this situation, as long as Liu Zheng is equipped with a certain amount of protective firepower, no matter what kind of attack force the enemy sends, it cannot attack the enemy base with the company's own long-range heavy howitzers.

That kind of blow is really devastating, irreversible and irreparable. Therefore, in many battles, Liu Zheng relies on his own long-range heavy grenade sports cars, which are almost invincible. From the south to the north, from east to Xisha, attacking the city and plundering the land, omnipotent. This long-range heavy grenade sports car has indeed played a very rich and glorious role in Liu Zheng's combat history. However, in this battle, Liu Zheng felt very helpless because he faced seven to eight enemy bodies at the same time, and each enemy base had super weapons. Some are super intercontinental nuclear missiles, and some are lightning storm attacks. Anyway, no matter what kind of super weapon it is, it will cause a blow to Liu Zheng's base.

However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that because his base was attacked by several successive lightning storms by the enemy not long ago, some of the most important military facilities in his base were completely destroyed. Among them, his own chariot factory, and most importantly, his own construction factory in his base was actually destroyed by the enemy.

Moreover, the problem is that before that, due to Liu Zheng, he was just improving his air defense system. Therefore, I don't pay attention to my ground combat strength. Since the camel, naturally, that kind of long-range heavy grenade sports car has not been produced. Therefore, so far, Liu Zheng's hands are really overstretched in terms of ground combat strength. It can even be said that it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Yes, that's true. But what can we do?

Fu So, now, Liu Zheng can only clear the attack through his two aircraft carriers and through the carrier-based aircraft. However, although the fixed-point clearance attack method of its own carrier aircraft is also very good. However, in the face of a large number of enemy combat units, this fixed-point clearance attack method seems very necessary.

Because, although this fixed-point clearance attack method can destroy some combat units or military facilities with strong defense capabilities, in the face of a large number of combat units, it is certain that this fixed-point clearance attack method will be very rigid. For example, around the enemy's main construction factory, there are dozens of enemy infantry combat units. If the carrier-based aircraft is still used for a fixed-point clearance attack, it is certain that it will take at least about ten minutes until the infantry forces of the group of the enemy are completely eliminated.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that for himself, it is not only a matter of inner testing, but also a matter of time and efficiency. Therefore, in the face of the dense enemy infantry combat units gathered together, Liu Zheng knew that his kind of fixed-point clearance attack could never be there. In this case, how should I destroy that group of enemy infantry combat units? It's really a problem. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that his kind of fixed-point clearance attack could never be there. In this case, how should I destroy that group of enemy infantry combat units? It's really a problem. Yes, that's true.

However, now, Liu Zheng sees that he has finally produced his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Liu Zheng knows that his mainframe attack nuclear submarine can launch a submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile. Moreover, this submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile carries a nuclear warhead. Once this nuclear warhead explodes, it is indeed a natural enemy attack on the enemy's infantry combat force. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to use his newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Once the target - the group of enemy infantry combat units is eliminated, then, basically, there is no more effective defensive combat force in the enemy's base.

That is to say, in that case, you can send engineers to sneak into the enemy's base and then occupy the construction factory in the enemy's base. Then, transform it into a base car and lead your own base. In this way, I will soon end my history of not building a main factory.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that the newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was fully prepared for the final attack. Suddenly, on the sea, the waves splashed and the waves were surging. Liu Zheng knew that it was exactly a manifestation before the attack of his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Finally, the attack began. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, after crossing a trajectory, the submarine-launched missile finally hit the target - the group of 70 infantry fighting forces at the edge of the construction factory in the enemy base.

Sure enough, Liu Zheng saw that his submarine intercontinental attack nuclear missile really had a natural killer power for some of the enemy's infantry combat units. With a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, a dark red explosion burst into the sky. Then, a dark red encouragement enveloped the dozens of infantry combat units on the edge of the enemy base. A dark red explosion burst into the sky. Then, a dark red encouragement enveloped the dozens of infantry combat units on the edge of the enemy base.

At the same time, a series of screams came. Soon, when the piece was no more than five and finally dissipated, Liu Zheng saw that the infantry fighting forces of the famous enemy had disappeared without a trace. Wow, damn it, that's it. Is it so easy to get rid of it all? After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but believe his eyes.

Now, in this case, basically all the excellent combat forces in the enemy's base have been destroyed by themselves. In this way, the conditions have been created for the construction of a general factory in an enemy base occupied by itself. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to simply seize the opportunity to send his engineers to the enemy's base to occupy the enemy's main construction factory. Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought that he would soon say goodbye to the history of not building the main factory.

Of course, what method is used to occupy the construction factory in the third army base? Of course, it is also a test for Liu Zheng. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that the team is by no means an easy thing. Yes, that's true. Although this enemy base was basically disabled by itself. The military facilities and combat units in it basically do not exist. Including the enemy's machine gun bunkers, Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, and even the very tightly hidden long-range heavy artillery have been cleared by their own carrier aircraft.

However, then again, after all, it is not far from this enemy base, but another base of the enemy. It is very likely that the enemy base will send a combat unit to reinforce it. Therefore, it is obviously not very realistic to actively send an engineer to build a general factory in an enemy base. Yes, that's true. Once attacked by the enemy's combat units, the engineers he sent will die.

Therefore, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that he must be fully prepared for safety. First of all, you send your own combat unit that is enough to destroy the enemy's infantry combat force. Relatively speaking, Liu Zheng knows that his own anti-aircraft gun vehicle should have a very good anti-infantry combat capability. In this case, Liu Zheng crashed two stealth anti-aircraft guns into the amphibious transport ship. Because under the current situation, the wooden bridge has not been repaired for the time being. Therefore, to think of the enemy's base, you must pass through a strait that doesn't look very wide through the two-stage transport ship.