Star Trek

Chapter 450 closing action 2

In this case, it can be assessed that the form of the whole war has been developing towards Liu Zheng. For Liu Zheng, his pressure will become less and less. At the same time, his attack ability and his comprehensive combat strength are constantly improving.

Finally, at this time, although the enemy's super weapons still attacked Liu Zheng's base from time to time. However, for Liu Zheng, that doesn't matter. Yes, on the one hand, I have a very rich and almost inexquious production and construction funds in my hands, and on the other hand, I have regained the construction of the main factory. With these two factors, it means that it is certain that even if the small divisional facilities in your base are destroyed by the enemy, you can completely rebuild them. So, now, my task is to take a good look at how my aircraft carrier destroys some super weapons in the enemy base.

Liu Zheng knows that with the attack of his aircraft carrier, the super weapons in the enemy base will be reduced one by one. In this way, the pressure on your base will become smaller and smaller. Now, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier battle group, which was attacking in a clockwise direction, had approached an enemy base. There, a weather controller is cut off, and the launch time is not very long. The pressure on your base will become smaller and smaller. Now, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier battle group, which was attacking in a clockwise direction, had approached an enemy base. There, a weather controller is cut off, and the launch time is not very long.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order and began to attack! Yes, Liu Zheng knows that if he destroys an enemy's super weapon, his base will also be complete. With Liu Zheng's order, this sage attacked the past aircraft carrier battle group in a clockwise direction and finally began to attack the target. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

In this way, Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers flipped over at this time. In this case, the soldiers divided into two routes and began to attack the super weapons in the enemy's base on the shore.

Shida, it is obvious that Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers have very good attack capabilities. In particular, the combat radius of the carrier aircraft above has exceeded 700 kilometers. Since then,. You can attack targets remotely. Moreover, this kind of carrier-based aircraft belongs to the upgraded carrier-based aircraft, which is quite good in terms of the amount of ammunition and attack distance. Therefore, in this case, two aircraft carriers, the construction of the main factory or superweapon in the enemy base, of course, this superweapon, some belong to the super intercontinental attack nuclear missile, and some are the kind of lightning storm.

For Liu Zheng, it seems to be bigger to destroy the enemy's super weapons first. More valuable. It is also the most necessary. Because for a long time, my base has really suffered too much from the enemy's super weapon. If it hadn't been for the enemy's continuous superweapon attacks, Liu Zheng could be sure that the main building factory in his base would not have been destroyed. Perhaps, if the main building of the factory has not been destroyed, it is very likely that this war is over long ago. Yes, that's true.

So, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng has entered the counterattack stage. With his own aircraft carrier, when facing the construction of the main factory and super weapons in the enemy base, it is certain that, first of all, the target targeted by Liu Zheng is the enemy. Super weapon.

So, under Liu Zheng's order, the two aircraft carriers mercilessly carried out a fixed-point clearance attack on the enemy's super weapons found on their own range. One after another, carrier-based aircraft roared, rising from the deck of the aircraft carrier, flying over the wide sea, flying over the seemingly wide virgin forest, flying over the mountains, and finally quickly flying over the enemy's base.

"Start the attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the continuous carrier-based aircraft in mid-air are like a locusts flying in the sky, one after another air-to-ground missiles, dragging the orange tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, roaring through the air. In the end, it hit the target accurately and made a burst of explosions.

Yes, in the face of Liu Zheng's attack of carrier-based aircraft, it can be said that the health value of the super weapons in the enemy base is gradually falling and decreasing at a gradually visible speed. Liu Zheng knows that it is certain that even his carrier-based aircraft cannot destroy the target at one time. However, after all, his aircraft carrier was not attacked by the enemy at all. After all, the aircraft carrier is quite far from the enemy's base.

Therefore, at this time, under the current situation, basically, only Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft attack the development of super weapons in the enemy base, while the enemy's base has no way to deal with Liu Zheng's aircraft carriers. Finally, coaxed and coaxed. With the continuous sound of explosions, Liu Zheng saw that his two armies had destroyed three enemy super weapons one after another.

In this way, Liu Zheng naturally felt very gratified. Yes, that's true. Because, in any case, in this situation, you can destroy several of the enemy's super weapons, which greatly relieves the pressure on your base. In this way, it can be said that Liu Zheng can certainly consider the construction and production of his own super weapons in his own base. He was able to destroy several super weapons of the enemy and greatly eased the pressure on his base. In this way, it can be said that Liu Zheng can certainly consider the construction and production of his own super weapons in his own base.

Before that, even the enemy's superweapons dealt a fatal blow to themselves. Yes, anyway, there are successive superweapons, some are intercontinental attack nuclear missiles, and some are lightning storm attacks launched by weather controllers. However, either way, it has basically caused a huge blow to Liu Zheng's base.

However, now, the situation has changed. Yes, that's true. The current situation is simply very beneficial to Liu Zheng. Because it can be said that the bloody days everywhere have passed. It is certain that as long as Liu Zheng can come over strongly in the original days, he will definitely see the rainbow after the wind and rain. Now, that's what it is. The bloody days everywhere have passed. It is certain that as long as Liu Zheng can come over strongly in the original days, he will definitely see the rainbow after the wind and rain. Now, that's what it is.

In Liu Zheng's base, Liu Zheng has now seen that more than 70% of the super weapon he is building, the weather controller, has been built so far. Basically, after about three minutes, this weather controller will be put into use. Liu Zheng believes that this weather controller will have a huge impact on the course of the war. Yes, that's true. Because, although my two aircraft carriers have very good fixed-point clearance strike capability. However, then again, there are many enemy combat units that are not suitable for aircraft carriers to attack.

For example, now, as Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers continue to advance, there is an enemy base with more than a dozen various surface warships in their shipyards. In the face of such a large number of surface warships, Liu Zheng certainly knows that if he only relies on his own aircraft carrier to attack, then the attack efficiency will be very underground. Yes, that's true. So, in this case, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng must consider whether he should use his other attack forces. Perhaps, it will achieve better results.

In this case, Liu Zheng naturally thought of his own super weapon, the weather controller, which is under construction. Yes, that's true. At the beginning, in his base, it was irrationally hit by the enemy's superweapons. Almost, my base was almost completely destroyed. Therefore, Liu Zheng sneaked on, no matter what, at the beginning, in his base, he suffered an irrational blow from the enemy's super weapons. Almost, my base was almost completely destroyed. Therefore, what Liu Zheng sneaked in is that in any case, those days, those dark days, finally came over.

Now, I have entered the counterattack stage. Under the current situation, on the one hand, their two aircraft carriers continue to send carrier-based aircraft to bomb the enemy's base indiscriminately. In particular, carry out an all-out attack on the super weapons in the enemy base. Since then, the enemy's super weapons have basically not been able to pose any threat to Liu Zheng's base.

Now, for Liu Zheng, it is the time when the so-called blood debt needs to be repaid. Everywhere, the enemy is using all kinds of super weapons to deal with themselves. Now, I can only give tit for tat. Or, treat him in his own way. Facing the dense surface warships around the enemy shipyard in front of him, Liu Zheng roughly counted at least a dozen of them. In this case, Liu Zheng knows that he has his own carrier-based aircraft to deal with such a large number of enemy surface warships, so it is better to use his own super weapons. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that if you use a lightning storm to attack the very small surface warship, it will have a very good attack effect. To be sure, an attack will destroy at least seven to eight surface warships of the enemy.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng knew that he would never stop doing it, and he would do it at five o'clock. So, just at this time, the last attack of his super weapon, the weather controller, finally arrived. Therefore, under this situation, with Liu Zheng's order, in Liu Zheng's expectant eyes, practiced that more than a dozen surface warships in the shipyard on the edge of an enemy base were about to cause great damage to Liu Zheng's lightning storm.

Sure enough, soon after, after the team Liu Zheng gave the order to attack with its own super weapons, at least dozens of kilometers away from the enemy's shipyard, suddenly there were wind and clouds, sand and stones, and the fund was cloudy, lightning and thunder. Then, the seemingly terrible lightning storm was attacking near the enemy's shipyard at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour. Finally, seven to eight seconds later, this lightning storm finally flew over the enemy's shipyard.

Then, I saw that in the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and on the ground, there was a strong wind and sand flying rocks. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard. So, Liu Zheng saw that those military facilities were very fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, the health value finally fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

Yes, that's true. It should be said that the final result of Liu Zheng's lightning storm attack was completely expected by Liu Zheng. More than a dozen enemy surface warships were killed more than one-third of them after their own lightning storm attack. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very common. Thinking to myself, damn it, now, it's finally not the time for me to attack. Moreover, all my main attack weapons are the lightning storm that attacked me. This is the so-called way to repay others.

However, what surprised Liu Zheng at this time, or more precisely, what surprised Liu Zheng very much was that after his lightning storm attack, although one-third of the surface warships were killed, the remaining The enemy's surface warships unexpectedly set out from the enemy's base and began to rush towards Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier along the narrow river.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, this time, it's really troublesome. Yes, that's true. Before that, Liu Zheng did not expect that his aircraft carrier would be attacked by the enemy's surface warships. By the way, the enemy's surface warships gathered around the enemy's shipyard and did nothing. However, after his own lightning storm attack, it was as if the enemy's surface warships were suddenly half rescued. Wake up completely from sleep. Therefore, the mentality that emerged from the failure rushed to Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier.

And at this time, Liu Zheng also saw a group of enemy surface warships, including two aircraft carriers, and a variety of other surface combat forces. Including three missile destroyers, the missile frigate 232, and two others, which should be called the ray destroyer.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that although the number of enemy's surface warships was not small, the two enemy aircraft carriers were really threatening. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to do it first. At the same time, the aircraft carrier, so it is basically certain that it can take the lead in launching the attack. Yes, that's true. In this case, if anyone can seize the opportunity, then whoever has the initiative to fight.

Because, no matter what aspect, as long as the carrier aircraft first begins to take off, then it can be assessed that she also takes the lead. After the carrier aircraft takes off, even if the aircraft carrier is destroyed, their parliament will fall down after attacking the target or completing their mission. Therefore, it can be said that only ten carrier-based aircraft take off, which means that all attack targets will be hit hard. Even if it can't be destroyed and 7 to 8 percent of the life sites can be destroyed, it is still very certain. Yes, that's true.