Star Trek

Chapter 449 closing action 1

Now, Liu Zheng saw that the chariot factory that had just been built in his base was destroyed by the enemy again. Moreover, the culprit is the lightning storm with the enemy's superweapons. Wow, damn it. Originally, Liu Zheng thought that the enemy's superweapon attack might be just aimed at his own shipyard. However, now, judging from the current situation, this is not the case.

Before that, the reason why the enemy's super weapon only targeted its own shipyard as the only target of attack was as if it was because the couple released it. Liu Zheng finally understood that it was only because in that situation at that time, because there was nothing else in Liu Zheng's base. The value of the attack target is appropriate and indeed so.

Now, the situation has changed, that is, no matter what, Liu Zheng finally has his own construction factory again. Moreover, after owning the construction of the general factory, Liu Zheng immediately built some necessary military facilities, starting from the recruit training camp, including the ore refinement factory, chariot factory, which is just a combat laboratory, spy satellite and so on. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, the enemy determined the target of the attack, so they chose. Relatively speaking, Liu Zheng's chariot factory should be more important. Therefore, in this case, it is easy to understand that the enemy once again targeted the attack as the chariot factory that has just been built. Yes, that's true.

In the face of another lightning storm attack by the enemy, Liu Zheng has formulated a new battle plan. Yes, that's true. For Liu Zheng, the most important thing is to destroy the super weapons in the enemy base first. I know that during this period, the reason why my base has fallen into this situation and has to occupy the enemy's main construction factory seems to be one of the important reasons, that is, in the face of the continuous lightning storm attacks of the enemy, there is really nothing I can do. Although Liu Zheng's base, the air defense system is relatively complete. But what can that be? Because the enemy's super weapons are not intercepted by their own air defense system at all. Therefore, in this case, it can be said that Liu Zheng also feels very helpless.

So, now, for Liu Zheng, he has finally restarted the base construction. Although the main construction factory of the enemy I occupied did not bring high-end ground combat power to myself, at least, it can be smooth. In the following three aspects, it has made very obvious progress when wearing the original. At the same time, it is of great strategic significance to solve the urgent needs.

One aspect of

, with the rebuilding of the combat laboratory, Liu Zheng is now building a spy satellite. Liu Zheng knows that once the spy satellite is successfully built, it is certain that his vision will be significantly enhanced. Now, it can be said that in front of Liu Zheng's eyes, it is a smear. Without spy satellites, other places are completely shrouded in the fog of war. Yes, that's true. In this case, it is impossible to see where the enemy's base is and what the situation is in the enemy's base. I won't find all this at all.

In this way, it is certain that this will definitely affect the formulation of Liu Zheng's strategy and tactics. Yes, that's true. You should know that what is said in the art of war, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy is invincible. In order to achieve this, it can be said that the most critical point is that you must have a full understanding of the situation of the enemy's base. However, this must rely on spy satellites. With the reconstruction of his spy satellite, Liu Zheng knows that in the near future, his eyes will suddenly open. The whole world, the location of all enemy bases, and the specific situation in the enemy bases, including the construction of the base, the production of combat power, and the deployment of combat power, will be presented. Now in front of my eyes.

In addition, since I regained the construction of the main factory, naturally, the combat laboratory has been rebuilt. After the construction of the combat laboratory, you can also re-produce aircraft carriers. Yes, Liu Zheng must admit that the aircraft carrier occupies a very important position in its overall combat capability. Yes, that's true. The reason is very simple, that is, relatively speaking, the designated strike capability of this kind of aircraft carrier occupies a very important position in the destruction of important military facilities in enemy bases, and aircraft carriers in their overall combat capabilities. Yes, that's true. The reason is very simple, that is, relatively speaking, the fixed-point strike capability of this aircraft carrier is for destroying important military facilities in enemy bases,

The powerful construction factory is still a super weapon, which is one of the best, and the most powerful combat force. Because, relatively speaking, no matter what, the enemy's main factory or super weapon has a very strong defensive ability. The health value is also very high. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, it is difficult to destroy the target through some other attack forces. The enemy's construction factory or superweapon has very strong defensive capabilities. The health value is also very high. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, it is difficult to destroy the target through some other attack forces.

Even Liu Zheng knows that even if his kind of building intercontinental nuclear attack nuclear missiles is a situation and weapon, a single attack can only kill 6% to 70% of his health. It is impossible to attack war factories or superweapons at one time. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, (for Liu Zheng, in the face of such a large number of enemy bases, especially almost every base, has super weapon attack capabilities. Therefore, in this situation, naturally, there are a few points that are certain, that is, if the enemy's main factory or super weapons are not destroyed in time, then it is certain that although Liu Zheng finally owns the main factory again, but soon after, with the enemy's super Weapons, powerful lightning storm attacks, or super and weapon attacks will once again be destroyed by Dazhi to build a factory. Although Liu Zheng has finally owned the construction factory again, in the near future, with the enemy's super weapons, powerful lightning storm attacks, and super and weapon attacks, Dazhi will once again destroy a construction factory.)

Therefore, it is precisely because of this factor that Liu Zheng's top priority is to destroy the construction of the main factory in the enemy base, especially some super weapons. However, Liu Zheng also knew that if he wanted to destroy the enemy's main factory or superweapons, he must rely on his own aircraft carrier. Therefore, since the construction of the main factory and the construction of the combat laboratory, Liu Zheng has set up a production plan for aircraft carriers. Because so far, Liu Zheng only has an aircraft carrier in his hand. A group of aircraft carriers, anyway, is too small. Unable to form a real combat effectiveness. Therefore, at least two aircraft carriers are needed to truly form combat effectiveness.

Moreover, there is another important point, that is, according to Liu Zheng's plan, after the construction of the aircraft carrier, he divided his troops into two routes, an aircraft carrier, under the protection of the missile frigate, in a counterclockwise direction, to attack the superweapons in the enemy's base along the river. Destroy the superweapons in the enemy base by vouching out the appropriate attack methods. Yes, that's true. Destroying superweapons is undoubtedly a top priority. Because only in this way, in the next battle plan, Liu Zheng knows that his base will be invincible.

The other way, that is, still sending several towed swords to protect another newly produced aircraft carrier, picking and attacking along the direction of the water world. Similarly, smell ** & super weapons in the enemy base to carry out a fixed-point attack. In this way, with his two aircraft carriers, they began to fight back. Under the guidance of spy satellites, Liu Zheng believed that the super weapons in the enemy's bases would be quickly destroyed by himself. With the destruction of those super weapons, the security of Liu Zheng's base will become relatively safer and safer.

The third point is that with the re-ownership of the main factory and the re-construction of the combat laboratory, the weak point in the army is that Liu Zheng's super weapons can finally be built and used. It is known that before that, Liu Zheng's super weapons were only super missiles and weapons. However, Liu Zheng knows that the attack ability of that kind of super weapon is much worse than that of lightning storm. Therefore, in many cases and in many cases, Liu Zheng dreams of having a lightning storm attack. However, because it is determined by the nature of the construction of the main factory, I can only have super and weapon attacks. And you can't have a lightning storm attack.

However, all this has been solved now. Because, under the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that it should be said that this construction factory is the construction factory of the occupied enemy. And this occupied main factory happens to have the super weapon construction ability of the lightning storm. Therefore, in this case, it is certainly great news for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. It is the construction of the main factory of the occupied enemy. And this occupied main factory happens to have the super weapon construction ability of the lightning storm. Therefore, in this case, it is certainly great news for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knows that once he builds his own weather controller, although every lightning storm attack will consume a lot of production and construction funds. However, this is not a problem at all for Commissar Liu. Because Liu Zheng now has a large amount of production and construction funds in his hands. It can be said that there is no need to play at all. In this situation, although Liu Zheng does not dare to defend the situation and spend money like dirt, it is time to spend money, because this must be for the victory of the war.

Now, the weather controller is under construction. Liu Zheng believes that this weather controller will be built in the near future. After construction, it only takes five minutes of cooling time to attack the target. Now, Liu Zheng can't help but say that in the past, he was only injured by the enemy's lightning storm, but now, he finally has his own weather controller and can finally attack the enemy's base in a lightning storm. This is quite a pleasant thing for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Everything is quietly changing after he occupied the enemy's main factory. Of course, it is beneficial to Liu Zheng's changes.

So, in the current situation, with Liu Zheng's order, the two aircraft carriers attacked the enemy's base from two directions under the protection of several missile frigates. Two aircraft carriers attacked the enemy's base from two directions under the protection of several missile frigates.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that, especially now, with the re-occupation of the construction of the main factory in his base, naturally, after the construction of the combat laboratory, Liu Zheng can be rational at any time. And afraid of building spy satellites, then the whole world, almost can be said to be under the surveillance of Liu Zheng. Therefore, in this case, under the indirect routine guidance, the two aircraft carriers, or the two aircraft carrier formations, can also carry out targeted and purposeful attacks on the enemy's base, to be precise, the construction of the main factory or superweapons in the enemy's base. .

The sea is still surging, the waves are surging, the waves are splashing, and the turbid waves are empty. It seems that despite this, Liu Zheng's two aircraft carrier formations could not be stopped from attacking the enemy's base. Now, it is certain that Liu Zheng has finally waited for the period of counterattack. Yes, before that, my base had been bombarded by enemy super weapons. Thus, I was almost exhausted for a long time. Now, it can be said that I have finally made it. It has always been bombarded by enemy super weapons. Thus, I was almost exhausted for a long time. Now, it can be said that I have finally made it.

Liu Zheng knows that with his two aircraft carrier battle groups and their carrier aircraft, it should be said that it is not very difficult to remove some super weapons in the enemy base one by one. The key reason why Liu Zheng is so confident is that he knows that his aircraft carrier has a considerable combat radius. Yes, that's true. The carrier-based aircraft on its own aircraft carrier has a combat radius of 700 kilometers. At such a long distance, it can be said that you can park the aircraft carrier far away from the enemy's base to attack.

Since then, it is certain that although its own carrier-based aircraft can attack the target. However, it is difficult for some long-range strike forces in the enemy's base to attack their own aircraft carriers. In this way, an asymmetric mode of combat has also been formed. Of course, this asymmetry is beneficial to Liu Zheng.

At the same time, there is another important point, that is, with his combat time, it was rebuilt, and soon after, Liu Zheng also built his own weather controller. Yes, before that, it can be said that it was basically a lightning storm from the enemy to attack itself. He was embarrassed and exhausted. Now, looking at the weather controller in his base, he finally saw it. Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very excited.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that now, his own time has finally come. Next, with its two aircraft carrier battle groups, they continue to attack the super weapons in the enemy base, give full play to the fixed-point clearance strike method, and destroy some of the super weapons in the enemy base one by one. Then, the enemy's main building factory is being destroyed. Since then, let the enemy also have a taste, constantly attack the super weapons in the enemy base, give full play to the fixed-point clearance strike method, and destroy some super weapons in the enemy base one by one. Then, the enemy's main building factory is being destroyed. Since then, let the enemy have a taste of what it is like not building a main factory.

In addition, according to this situation, it is certain that there will be fewer and fewer super weapons in enemy bases until they are completely destroyed. However, even if the enemy's base still has a main factory that can rebuild super weapons, but then again, Liu Zheng knows very well that this super weapon has a very high health value. When it is built, it naturally needs to consume a considerable amount of production and construction funds. At the same time, the practice of construction will become very long at any time. Therefore, this kind of super weapon will never be seen in a very short time.