Star Trek

Chapter 453 closing action 5

Yes, now, in this situation, it can be said that Liu Zheng has once again encountered unprecedented difficulties. That is, in the current situation, in the hands of the agency, there are two aircraft carriers, and the two aircraft carriers are indeed very strong attack capabilities. Because the above carrier-based aircraft should be said to have a large bomb load, a long attack radius, and a strong lethality. Indeed, this kind of aircraft carrier, as its main combat force, has made great contributions this period. Of course, Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Yes, that's true.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knew that when he went to attack the enemy's base with his carrier-based aircraft (the construction of the main factory in that base has now become Liu Zheng's main target of attack. Yes, that's true. Because, it can be said that the construction factory in the enemy base is the last construction factory in the enemy base he is now facing. Liu Zheng knows that as long as the construction factory is destroyed, it can be assessed that the enemy will never continue to build super weapons, posing a huge threat to himself.)

Yes, its own carrier-based aircraft took off from the aircraft carrier, flew over the sea and flew towards the enemy's base. However, in this process, Liu Zheng found that some carrier-based aircraft must fly to the enemy's shipyard. The problem is that around that shipyard, there are a considerable number of enemy surface warships, including missile frigates with very good air defense capabilities. You know, that kind of missile frigate itself has quite strong anti-aircraft combat capability. Therefore, when its own carrier-based aircraft fly by, it is certain that it will suffer a fierce air defense attack from some enemy missile frigates.

As a result, Liu Zheng clearly saw that when more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft flew over the enemy's shipyard, a series of anti-aircraft missiles flew out of the seven to eight missile frigates, and then flew to hit the target. Then, one after another ship-borne aircraft, some exploded directly in mid-air, and some, after losing their balance, dragged the rolling black smoke and swooped down from the air, hitting their heads like a breeze on the ground, and a dark red explosive firelight.

In a word, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that in order to solve this problem, he must use a weapon of mass destruction. Yes, that's true. Under the current situation, it happens that he has built a super weapon - Lightning Storm Attack. That is, the superweapon attack launched by that kind of weather controller.

Before that, it can be said that Liu Zheng had had enough of the enemy's superweapon attack. Now, it should be said that it is time for you to retaliate against the enemy. Moreover, as long as the enemy's main factory is destroyed, it is certain that the enemy's bases still have very good attack capabilities so far. However, it is certain that they no longer have super weapons. Because in some enemy bases, almost all super weapons and construction factories have been destroyed by relying on Liu Zheng's aircraft carriers with that kind of fixed-point clearance.

So far, it should be said that only this enemy base, the construction of the main factory and super weapons, is still there. Therefore, Liu Zheng knows that as long as this attack can succeed, it means that the whole war situation will change fundamentally from then on. Yes, that's true. This fundamental change is a direct reversal in super weapons. Not long ago, seven to eight enemy bases were attacked by super weapons, but Liu Zheng's base could only be passively beaten. Under such circumstances, at one time, Liu Zheng's base was on the verge of being destroyed.

Now, everything has fundamentally changed. In the enemy's base, almost all super weapons were destroyed. However, he successfully built a super weapon, that is, that kind of weather controller, through a construction factory of the enemy of the battleship. Now, Liu Zheng knows that as long as he destroys the superweapon of the General Factory in this last enemy base, it will be a great success for him.

So, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng saw that in his base, the weather controller was less than a minute away from the final attack time. That weather controller looks like a huge technical iron ball. Yes, the metal iron ball made a few small metal hands around it, which looked ferocious and chilling. Liu Zheng knows that this weather controller has a destructive attack ability, which can forcibly carry out that kind of lightning storm attack over the enemy's base. With a very strong attack ability, it is simply the creation of heaven and earth, earth-shaking ghosts and gods. Liu Zheng knew that with this lightning storm attack, he could attack the enemy's surface warship to the maximum extent. Although Liu Zheng also knew that it was impossible to destroy some of the enemy's surface warships at one time. However, now, around its own shipyard, another important heavy combat unit has been produced, that is, the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

Yes, that's true. According to Liu Zheng's plan, a lightning storm attack triggered by a weather controller was carried out first. Then, after a certain extent, use this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to continue to attack the remaining surface warships. Several times, the combination of lightning storm attacks and that kind of small nuclear missile attack can be judged to have dealt a devastating blow to the enemy's shipyard and the surrounding surface warships. And this is exactly what Liu Zheng wants to see most. Yes, that's true.

In this way, time passed very quickly. In a blink of an eye, a minute finally passed. At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the weather controller, a super weapon that had just been built in his base, began to show a silver-gray light. The gray light is constantly shining, shining, and it looks very strange. It seems that there will be demons rushing out of that weather controller immediately.

Liu Zheng knew that when the next gray light began to shine, it meant that this weather controller could already be attacked. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very happy. At the same time, it is more full of expectation, some tension and some excitement. In a word, at this time, in Liu Zheng's mind, the epidemic showed that this lightning storm was raging over the enemy's shipyard, and his ferocious face was like a demon coming to the world.

It was very late, so at this time, Liu Zheng began to count down the final attack. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Start attacking! So, with the arrival of the last second, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that his super weapon-weather controller built in the base, a gray light, which could be said to shine more strongly. It looks very dazzling. Then, suddenly, a deafening sound suddenly came, and a strong light rose to the sky, and then disappeared into the vast sky.

Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng is full of expectations. That is, what kind of effect does one's lightning storm attack have? Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng admitted that when his base or combat unit is attacked by the enemy's super weapons, it should be said that feeling, that feeling is given to his super weapons, especially this mass destruction weapon - lightning storm, when attacking the enemy's base, or when the enemy's combat unit I think it's absolutely different. Yes, that's true.

Now, this lightning storm is moving towards the enemy's base at a very fast speed. Liu Zheng knew that when this seemingly black cloud was accompanied by flying sand and stone, over the shipyard that did not lead the enemy, his lightning storm attack officially began. Ten seconds later, in Liu Zheng's expectant eyes, he saw that in the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and a strong wind on the ground.

Flying sand and stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard. So, Liu Zheng saw that those military facilities were very fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, the health value finally fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

In this way, Liu Zheng clearly saw that with his lightning storm attack, dozens of enemy surface warships could be said to have suffered a devastating blow. Yes, that's true. After this lightning storm attack, basically, more than 70% of the enemy's group of surface warships were sunk. Since then, naturally, conditions have been created for Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers to attack. Because not long ago, when his carrier-based aircraft went to attack the enemy's last construction factory and weather controller, it naturally created conditions for Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers to attack. Because, not long ago, when my own carrier-based aircraft went to attack the enemy's last construction factory and weather controller,

The enemy shipyard that must pass. However, around that shipyard, there are actually all kinds of surface warships, especially missile frigates, with very professional air defense capabilities. Therefore, in this situation, naturally, when your carrier-based aircraft fly over the enemy's shipyard, more than 80% and 90% will be shot down by the anti-aircraft missiles launched by the enemy's dozen missile frigates. Some of them were even blown up directly in mid-air.

So, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that only by eliminating a group of enemy missile frigates and his two aircraft carriers can he show his skills and destroy the last main construction factory of the enemy. In this way, it can be said that in the face of seven to eight bases of the enemy, Liu Zheng has a real advantage for the first time. Yes, that's true. Before that, although Liu Zheng was not afraid of such a fierce attack by the enemy. Don't worry. However, after all, every enemy base has super weapons. In particular, the lightning storm did cause huge losses to Liu Zheng.

Now, as long as you destroy this enemy's base, especially a main factory and weather controller in the base, it basically means that you will no longer worry that your base will be attacked by the enemy's super weapons. On the contrary, because I built a weather controller, I can carry out this kind of lightning storm attack against some of the enemy's more dense combat units. It can be said that it has been 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. This change, caused by the change of quantity, from the strong to the weak, from the enemy to the strong, Feng can be said that during this period, it has simply gone through a long process. However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng was subjected to a severe test in this process, but after all, he survived. Now, Liu Zheng saw that most of the enemy's dozens of surface warships had been destroyed by his own lightning storm. Naturally, the rest is no longer under Liu Zheng's consideration.

Because at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng was very pleased to see that his shipyard finally successfully produced an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. You know, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is really important to you. Yes, that's true. Because this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, on the one hand, is so far away that it can attack the target no matter where it is.

Another feature is that the submarine-launched intercontinental missile launched by this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, Mongolia breaks through any air defense and hits the target. Moreover, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is involved in intercontinental attack nuclear missiles, which has very good guidance ability. Even in the face of movable targets, it will eventually hit them. The couple ordered that this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is involved in the intercontinental attack nuclear missile, which has very good guidance ability and will eventually hit them even in the face of movable targets. The couple ordered

Therefore, it can be said that this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has indeed had a direct impact on Liu Zheng's comprehensive combat level. Therefore, the enemy has always been very concerned about this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, that's true. It is precisely because of the strategic strike ability of this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine that has an extremely strong strategic deterrent. It can be said that for this reason, after Liu is using the mainframe to attack nuclear submarines to launch an attack, it will always lead to the enemy making more bases and using a variety of combat energy to counterattack his new production. The intercontinental attack nuclear submarine came out.

So far, it is certain that basically, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has not existed for a long time. Generally speaking, it is good to be able to carry out three consecutive attacks. That's because on the enemy's side, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine will never be allowed to exist. As long as he shows his head, it will lead to a face-to-face blow. This kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine will never be allowed to exist. As long as he shows his head, it will lead to a face-to-face blow.

In addition, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, anyway, its life location is relatively low, but the cost is very high. The production of such an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine requires at least 7,000 production and construction funds. It should be said that such a large amount of consumption cannot be huge. However, it cost 7,000 to produce such an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, but it is very easy to be destroyed by the enemy, which is really contradictory for Liu Zheng.

Yes, that's true. On the one hand, this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is really important for itself. On the other hand, he is relatively fragile. Wow, damn it, whether to use it or not, whether to produce or not, sometimes, it really makes Liu Zheng feel embarrassed. However, during this period, due to the enemy, the superweapons have been almost destroyed by themselves. Therefore, as the main combat force to attack its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, since the enemy's super weapons have been almost destroyed, naturally, it is also a very good opportunity for Liu Zheng's intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.