Star Trek

Chapter 454 closing action 6

So, it was also under this situation that another intercontinental attack nuclear submarine of Liu Zheng was finally born. Looking at his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally being produced again, Liu Zheng knows that now his combat strength has really been further strengthened. Yes, that's true. At the same time, it should be said that my intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has appeared now, which is at the most needed time for me, because not long ago, with the lightning storm attack, although I basically defeated the surface warships of the group of the enemy, after all, at least one third still exist. There.

In addition, facing one-third of the surface warships, Liu Zheng knew that it would be difficult to continue to rely on his own lightning storm to attack. Because that kind of lightning storm attack, although very good, has a long cooling time. However, the gun said that the second lightning storm attack required at least a cooling time in the atmosphere. Because that kind of lightning storm attack, although very good, has a long cooling time. However, the gun said that the second lightning storm attack required at least a cooling time in the atmosphere.

So, in this case, naturally, for Liu Zheng, the emergence of this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is simply just right. Therefore, looking at the remaining enemy's surface warships around the shipyard, they looked godless and panicked. Liu Zheng knew that now was the best time for him to continue to attack them. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine finally began to attack the target. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, after crossing a trajectory, the submarine-launched missile finally hit the target and bombarded~~

It should be said that this time, Liu Zheng carried out a final attack on the remaining surface warship near the enemy's shipyard through his newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. With that one, it seemed that the flight speed was not very fast to build an intercontinental attack nuclear missile. In mid-air, he dressed on Friday, broke through the air and flew across the sea and attacked the target. It seems that the flight speed is not very fast to build an intercontinental attack nuclear missile. In mid-air, he dressed on Friday, broke through the air, flew across the sea, and attacked the target.

At the same time, the sound of harsh alarms kept coming, resounding in the sky, which made people feel creepy. Finally, the submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear missile finally hit the target. As the dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky, a deafening explosion came. It seemed that nothing existed between heaven and earth, but it was full of that dazzling white light. Finally, as the dark red firelight finally went out, Liu Zheng saw that around the enemy's shipyard, It can be said that except for that shipyard, all the surrounding surface warships have been destroyed. Above the surface of the water, all kinds of debris and debris floated casually there. It seems that he is talking about the repeated devastating attack just now.

Now, it can be said that with the construction of intercontinental attack missiles this time, some of the remnant surface warships of the enemy were destroyed. Liu Zheng knew that this time, he could finally play the role of the two aircraft carriers against the enemy's base. The last main factory inside was built and launched the final attack. Yes, you should know that this enemy's main construction factory is almost the last of the enemy's seven to eight bases. In addition, the weather controller, a super weapon in this base, is also the last super weapon of the enemy. Therefore, in this case, it is certain that once the construction of the main factory and super weapon gold in this enemy base are destroyed, it can almost be said that Liu Zheng is already sure to win.

In this way, soon after, because the enemy's more than a dozen surface warships were finally destroyed, it was basically eliminated, eliminating the threat of the enemy's most important air defense forces to its carrier-based aircraft. Yes, that's true.

At this time, more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft have successfully flown over the enemy's shipyard, and then launched an attack on the main construction factory in the enemy base. Su Susu, Susu, successively, were several air-to-ground missiles, roaring out, dragging the golden tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and finally hitting the target one after another.

The deafening explosion suddenly remembered, and a group of dark red explosions also rose to the sky over an enemy's main construction plant. In this way, because there is no too strong air defense force in the enemy's base, under the repeated attacks of Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers, half a minute later, the enemy's main factory successfully destroyed Liu Zheng.

After seeing this, it can be said that Liu Zheng felt very relaxed. At the same time, I also felt quite excited. Yes, that's true. It is certain that after destroying this enemy base, basically, there will be no longer a main factory for those enemy bases. In this way, it is quite beneficial for me. Now, with the enemy's last construction factory, it was finally destroyed by Liu Zheng T. Liu Zheng's heart is naturally full of expectations for the final victory.

Then, he still used his two aircraft carriers, and Liu Zheng destroyed the weather controller, a super weapon in the enemy base. However, at this time, what Liu Zheng could hardly believe was that another enemy shipyard appeared in a corner of the super river of the enemy base. Moreover, the shipyard is building and producing surface warships at a very fast speed. Perhaps, among those combat units that seem to be just surface warships, they also contain the enemy's submarine attack power. Shit, damn it, this is not good!

Yes, it can be said that at this time, Liu Zheng will never allow the enemy to build a shipyard again. In particular, Liu Zheng will never allow the enemy society to produce such a large number of surface warships. Because in this way, it will once again cause great danger to yourself. In particular, there are at least three aircraft carriers among those surface warships. Liu Zheng will never allow the enemy society to produce such a large number of surface warships. Because in this way, it will once again cause great danger to yourself. In particular, there are at least three aircraft carriers among those surface warships.

Liu Zheng knows that one of the main reasons why he can turn the tide and keep his base and occupy a construction factory of the enemy at the last moment, so that his base is finally invincible. Basically, it relies entirely on its own two aircraft carriers. It can be said that without those two aircraft carriers, it is certain that one of its bases would have been destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, and precisely because of this, at this time, in this situation, the shipyard that suddenly appeared in the face of the enemy's shipyard is carrying out the production of surface warships at a high speed. In particular, three aircraft carriers have been produced, which is simply a heavy thing for Commissar Liu. The blow, or a solemn warning!

However, for Liu Zheng, his current self is no longer what he used to be. Yes, the combat forces in all aspects are unusually powerful. Among other things, there is no longer a two-class aircraft carrier. (This kind of aircraft carrier should be the world's top aircraft carrier at that time. First, there are a large number of aircraft carriers. Generally speaking, they can only carry five to six carrier aircraft.

However, this kind of aircraft carrier can be mounted on nine carrier aircraft. Therefore, it can be said with certainty that this kind of aircraft carrier is definitely the world's top-class aircraft carrier. In addition, so far, because the enemy's superweapons have been basically destroyed by Liu Zheng, the enemy's attack on Liu Zheng's base, in addition to the occasional attack of some F22 fighters, basically, there is no enemy's combat force, causing any danger to Liu Zheng's base. Risk. In addition to the occasional attack of some F22 fighters, basically, there is no combat force of the enemy, which poses any danger to Liu Zheng's base.

Since then, it is certain that Liu Zheng's base is now in the stage of rapid development. Therefore, Liu Zheng not only has two aircraft carriers, but also two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines have been tightly held by Liu Zheng. In this way, it means that Liu Zheng has a very strong combat force in terms of attack power. At the same time, this is also a very good heavy code. At critical times, under critical circumstances, only with one order, the two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines can fully exert their unique attack power.

And now, Liu Zheng not only has the two killer weapons of aircraft carriers and intercontinental attack nuclear submarines, but also has his own super weapon, the lightning storm attack, at this time, has once again received the countdown to the attack. That is to say, in fact, in the face of some important enemy combat units or military facilities, Liu Zheng's first attack methods should be said to be very rich. At this time, the countdown to the attack has been taken again. That is to say, in fact, in the face of some important enemy combat units or military facilities, Liu Zheng's first attack methods should be said to be very rich.

Now, looking at the enemy's shipyard that seems to suddenly appear, and the dozen surface warships around it, look majestic. Perhaps, the enemy is relying on the last and only strongest combat force towards Liu Zheng's base. Launch the last attack. However, whether Liu Zheng will give the enemy this opportunity or not is certainly not the enemy's decision. It seems to be majestic. Perhaps the enemy is relying on the last and strongest combat force to launch the last attack on Liu Zheng's base. However, whether Liu Zheng will give the enemy this opportunity or not is certainly not the enemy's decision.

Now, Liu Zheng has decided to use all the combat forces he has to destroy the newly emerging enemy shipyard, and, of course, all those various surface combat forces. Kill all the nets and eradicate them, and never give the enemy any chance again. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng issued a multi-faceted attack order almost at the same time. First of all, the Lightning parent attack begins! Then, Liu Zheng issued a second attack order, that is, his two intercontinental nuclear submarines also aimed at the same target, that is, the shipyard attacked some of the enemy's surface warships around the shipyard and launched an attack at the same time! The third attack order, but Liu Zheng ordered his two aircraft carriers to focus on the most important aircraft carriers among the enemy's surface combat forces with the fixed-point clearance attack method they were good at.

So, as Liu Zheng continuously issued three attack and combat orders, first of all, the lightning storm attack swept away at the target again. You know, this kind of lightning storm attack is a very powerful and lethal attack weapon. Fast attack speed, large killing range, strong attack ability. It should be said that this lightning storm can be watched is that among all combat units, including all superweapon attacks, it is worth trying to go. In particular, attacking some more concentrated combat units has the most obvious attack effect. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that with his order, another lightning storm attack is brewing, and soon after, it will cause a huge blow to the target. At this time, it seemed that some dark clouds had begun to be washed up, and the air happened. Suddenly, the weather controller, its own superweapon built in the base, a gray light, can be said to shine more strongly. It looks very dazzling. Then, suddenly, a deafening light suddenly came, and a strong light rose to the sky, and then disappeared into the vast sky!

So, soon, Liu Zheng saw that over the newly built shipyard of the enemy, he once again began to stage a fierce attack of a super weapon - a lightning storm! In the sky, there were clouds, lightning and thunder, and there was a strong wind on the ground, flying sand and stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard.

So, immediately, Liu Zheng saw that some military facilities were very fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, The sound was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. It was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

Yes, it is certain that such a fierce lightning storm attack did cause deadly lethality to the enemy's shipyard and some surface warships around that shipyard!

One after another of lightning, it looked like poisonous snakes, shot out of the rolling dark clouds in the sky, broke through the air, and hit the target fiercely! Click, click! The sound that seemed to be more harsh was like a bolt from the blue, raging and crazy over the enemy's shipyard. Therefore, the enemy shipyard, at this time, was finally destroyed by more than 70% or 80%.

At the same time, most of the enemy's surface warships were also sunk to the bottom of the sea one after another...


At this time, Liu Zheng saw that just after his lightning storm had ended the attack, the nuclear missiles launched by his two newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarines had also flown over! Yes, that's true. Because that kind of submarine-launched nuclear missile itself has the ability to break through the enemy's air defense system, there is no need to worry about being intercepted by the enemy's air defense firepower.