Star Trek

Chapter 456 Fierce Opponent 01

Now, Liu Zheng knows that he has reached the last moment. Normal University, that's indeed the case. In the current situation, basically, the enemy's bases, factories and superweapons have all been destroyed by themselves. So far, on the conqueror map, it can be said that only you have a super weapon - the weather controller. Since then, at least, it has a very obvious advantage in superweapon attacks.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that naturally, he cannot completely rely on super weapons to destroy all the enemy's military facilities and combat units. Yes, the so-called superweapons, that is to say, can maximize the moral lethality of the enemy's military facilities or combat units. So, at this time, in this case, it is impossible to destroy all the combat units and military facilities in the sharp base. Liu Zheng is still very clear about this.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that from now on, he should prepare ground combat forces. Fearing, at least 30 main battle tanks were produced, and then through his own long-range strike force to maximize the destruction of the enemy's military facilities and combat forces, he destroyed all the remaining enemy's military facilities and combat units. Yes, that's true. In particular, under the current situation, I already have a large amount of production and construction funds in my hands. In this way, it is certain that as long as you give yourself time, you can produce a large number of combat units. Moreover, these combat units have very strong attack capabilities.

Finally, after ten minutes of preparation, Liu Zheng felt that he could launch a comprehensive counterattack against the extracted base. On the main line, Liu Zheng still used his super weapon, Lightning Storm, to launch an attack on an enemy base. There, more than a dozen enemy's main battle tanks, Tiger long-range heavy howitzers, were gathering together at this time. After seeing this place, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel it.

alive, mother, such a large number of enemy main battle tanks, and it is that kind of long-range heavy howitzer, which is very difficult to deal with. It is certain that for these enemy long-range heavy howitzers, if they do not attack them through long-range strike forces, they only rely on their own main battle tanks. It can be said that even if they have the largest number of main battle tanks, it doesn't matter. Yes, that's true. . Because, you should know, some of the enemy's Hu Shi long-range heavy grenade sports cars have a very long attack distance and are quite lethal. In this case, it is impossible for some of their main battle tanks to rush over. On the way, they have been destroyed by some of the enemy's Tiger long-range heavy howitzers.

So, in this case, after seeing this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Shit, damn it, in this case, since I hold that kind of super weapon in my hand - lightning storm attack, then it will be gloomy first. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his lightning storm attack finally began again. Mastering that kind of super weapon - lightning storm attack, then, then gloomyly, give it this first. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his lightning storm attack finally began again.

In addition, there is another very important reason why Liu Zheng attaches great importance to his own ore refinement factory, that is, if he does not build such an ore selection factory, he can evaluate his own combat laboratory, airport, and other few sentence patterns. Yes, it can't be built at all. Since then, some of its high-end combat units have naturally been unable to produce. Yes, it's actually such a very simple truth.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that his lightning storm attack is very lethal. In particular, all kinds of gathered combat units of the enemy have a natural attack ability. Suddenly, with Liu Zheng's order, his super weapon built in the base - the weather controller, a gray light, can be said to shine more strongly. It looks very dazzling. Then, suddenly, a deafening sound suddenly came, and a strong light rose to the sky, and then disappeared into the vast sky.

Soon after, I, Liu Zheng, saw that this lightning storm attack finally began to carry out a crazy attack on the distant fluorine-free heavy grenade sports car crowded with a couple in the enemy's base. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knew that this was a very heavy attack. It can be said that with this lightning storm attack, the five tiger long-range heavy howitzers of the enemy will basically be destroyed. According to Liu Zheng's plan, the remaining enemy's Tiger long-range heavy howitzers can be given to the two newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarines. The five fierce tiger long-range heavy howitzers of the enemy will basically be destroyed. According to Liu Zheng's plan, the remaining enemy's Tiger long-range heavy howitzers can be given to the two newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarines.

So, over the enemy's base, in a blink of an eye, dark clouds, lightning, lightning shot down from the air, hitting the enemy's group of tiger-style long-range heavy grenade sports cars. The incentive said that with a lightning attack by the United States, at least one truck drove two, and the enemy's Tiger long-range heavy howitzers were destroyed. In this way, in the sand, lightning and thunder, in the enemy's base, more than a dozen enemy tiger-style long-range heavy howitzers have been destroyed by about two-thirds.

Liu Zheng has developed a very powerful air attack force, that is, a long-range heavy strategic bomber. This kind of long-range heavy strategic bomber code-named Yingling Bomber is quite powerful. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of bomber has a large number of nuclear missiles. Once the target is attacked, the destructive power of the target is quite powerful. Therefore, it is certain that as long as this long-range strategic bomber flies over the enemy's base, then it is certain that basically, all the targets will be executed before.

In this way, under Liu Zheng's fierce attack, especially using his own lightning storm attack, and two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines, plus, the two aircraft carriers, through these long-range strike forces, first of all, before launching the attack, the enemy Some important military facilities and some powerful military combat units in the base have almost been destroyed. Then, in this situation, dozens of main battle tanks finally rushed out of their base through the wooden bridge.

Liu Zheng knew that this also meant that his counterattack had finally begun. Yes, that's true. That's it. Finally, after half an hour, all five enemy bases were destroyed by Liu Zheng. However, soon after, after only less than three days of rest, Liu Zheng received the order from the headquarters again. That is, to re-enter the battlefield, because, according to the news from the headquarters, this battle is very important. All four enemy bases must be destroyed within five days.

According to the news from the headquarters, there is a considerable amount of production and construction funds hidden in the four enemy bases, and at the same time, they also have very advanced combat weapon production and construction technology. Therefore, occupying several enemy bases is of very strong practical significance for the overall development of its headquarters. Therefore, in this case, the headquarters issued an order, which can be said to be a death order! Within three days, these four enemy bases must be occupied unconditionally.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that the difficulty coefficient of this task is very large. Because since the enemy has very advanced weapon production technology, it is certain that the combat power in the hands of the enemy is very strong. Because since the enemy has very advanced weapons production technology, they can certainly build a considerable number of high-end combat units. This, but for sure.

Yes, that's true. Therefore, after accepting the task, Liu Zheng naturally did not dare to take it lightly. Be careful and respond nervously. After the construction of the main factory, according to the old habits, barracks, ore green power plants, chariot factories, these most basic military facilities are naturally already in the process of construction.

However, Liu Zheng knew that when the base was first built, the enemy's main attack method, generally speaking, focused on air strikes. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng has no reason not to strengthen his flood control firepower construction. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, five air defense bubbles were built on the left and right sides of their own base. This kind of air-air bubble should be said to be more than four. Because they not only have very good air defense combat ability, but also seem to be more important that this kind of air defense bubble is very strong and has a high health value. In this case, it is difficult to be destroyed by the enemy's air strike force.

Yes, that's true. It is certain that in many cases, new knowledge, that kind of costly medium- and long-range anti-aircraft missiles, are almost vulnerable to the enemy's air attack. However, this land-based light air defense bubble, which also has very good air defense combat capability, can withstand the attack of the third runner-up's air defense firepower. At best, even if a nuclear bomb attacks, it will not destroy them at once. Yes, this has been tested in actual combat.

Well, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that in the current situation, he must strengthen the construction of air defense firepower. Only by constantly increasing and improving your own air defense system can you have the possibility, experience, time and opportunity to build other aspects of your own base, and you must strengthen the construction of air defense firepower. Only by constantly increasing and improving your own air defense system can you have the possibility, experience, time and opportunity to build other aspects of your own base and produce richer and more combat-capable combat units.

Soon after, when Liu Zheng's base was carrying out hot economic construction and combat production, several enemy F22 fighters rushed over in mid-air. Tongtong, ordinary, at this time, the land-based light air defense bubbles that had just been built on the ground immediately opened fire and attacked. In mid-air, anti-aircraft shells fired out one after another, and then hit the target one after another, making a bombardment sound after another.

Then, two enemy F22 fighters, directly in mid-air, made a loud noise, and a dark red explosion suddenly shone. Then, the two enemy F22 fighters finally disappeared. However, the enemy's upcoming 22 fighter jets, after all, also launched several air-to-surface missiles. It's just that it has nothing to do with pain. It didn't cause much damage to Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. The two enemy F22 fighters finally disappeared. However, the enemy's upcoming 22 fighter jets, after all, also launched several air-to-surface missiles. It's just that it has nothing to do with pain. It didn't cause much damage to Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true.

However, soon, a scene that made Liu Zheng feel unbelievable finally appeared. As a sharp siren suddenly sounded in mid-air, Liu Zheng saw that two enemy long-range strategic bombers had attacked. In the face of the enemy's bombers, Liu Zhengke was very afraid. Because this bomber can launch a unique air-to-surface missile. This unique air-to-ground missile is like an intercontinental attack missile involved in its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Although the flight speed is not very fast, then again, this kind of thing has a very good long-range pursuit ability, because it itself knows this performance. Therefore, even in the face of movable targets, they can still be destroyed. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the two attack missiles looked like two fierce deployments, flying slowly in mid-air. However, after the figure passed by, Feiming made people feel a devilish posture.

Finally, the two small air-to-ground attack missiles (which is actually a nuclear missile) finally hit the construction factory in Liu Zheng's base.

I saw the nuclear warhead roaring through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, as the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb fell one after another, on the ground, the ground that had just been attacked by the enemy was naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there.

In this way, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the enemy's two small nuclear missiles came down to the air-to-ground small nuclear missiles and accurately hit the construction factory in his base. Coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, in this way, with the sudden sound of two deafening explosions, a dark red explosion burst into the sky. However, his main construction factory, like Mount Tai, has only been knocked out of about 30% of its towering health.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very gratified. However, Liu Zheng soon became very surprised. Because at this time, Liu Zheng actually saw that although his main construction factory had not been destroyed, a general construction factory held up an ore refinement factory, but at this time, it had disappeared. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally surprised. More heartache.

Because Liu Zheng knows that his own ore refinement factory is of great significance to him. Because without an ore refinement plant, at least under the circumstances at that time, it was no longer possible to continue to earn production and construction funds. Because, during the initial construction of the base, the earning channels of their own production and construction funds were said to be obtained only through this kind of ~, the ore refinement factory. Now, the ore Refinery has been destroyed by the small nuclear missiles dropped by the two enemy fighters. Of course, this made Liu Zheng feel very angry. Wow, damn it, that's true.