Star Trek

Chapter 457 Ferocious Opponent 02

Yes, now, Liu Zhengjin knows that his situation is really bad. Because, in any case, my own ore refinement factory was destroyed by the enemy.

In the current situation, you should know that an ore refinement factory is really too important for yourself. Yes, that's true. Because now, the production and construction funds in my hands are not very abundant. In this case, it is very necessary for you to accumulate more production and construction funds for yourself through the ore polishing plant.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that when his base develops to a certain extent, he no longer has to earn production and construction funds through ore refinement plants. Yes, that's true. Because that kind of technology drilling oil wells can relatively be more stable and even faster to provide production and construction funds for themselves. However, under the current situation, his base is under preliminary construction, so it can be said that Liu Zheng still has no time to build that kind of technology drilling oil well. Be able to provide production and construction funds for yourself more stably or even more quickly. However, under the current situation, his base is under preliminary construction, so it can be said that Liu Zheng still has no time to build that kind of technology drilling oil well.

Yes, that's true. In this case, Liu Zheng decided to carry out some of the most basic and important combat productions first. Especially the air defense forces. Therefore, before that, although the system gave 20,000 production and construction funds, it was basically all used by Liu Zheng to rebuild and produce air defense forces. So far, it should be said that Liu Zheng's base has basically no air safety hazards. Some ordinary enemy air combat forces basically cannot threaten the safety of the base.

Yes, that's true. However, not long ago, two enemy long-range strategic bombers actually destroyed their ore polishing plant by launching small air-to-ground nuclear missiles. Yes, the situation at that time really made Liu Zheng feel very helpless. Beilai, the enemy's F22 fighters in front of them basically did not pose much threat to Liu Zheng's base. However, immediately after that, there were two enemy long-range strategic bombers.

The enemy's long-range strategic bomber looks like a huge bat and is very large. However, although his flight speed is not very fast, his health is quite high. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to knock it down. Yes, that's true. On the ground, red, dense anti-aircraft shells kept shooting out, breaking through the air, and accurately hitting the target.

However, at this time, what made Liu Zheng feel a little unbelievable is that the enemy's long-range strategic bomber really has such a strong defense ability. Yes, this kind of defensive ability seems to reassure Liu Zheng. Wow, damn it, it's too tough. You know, in the current situation, in your own base, it should be said that some of the attack firepower (here refers to the air defense combat force) should also be very good. Yes, more than a dozen light land-based anti-aircraft guns that have just been built are also very fierce. However, in the face of such a fierce attack, the enemy's two long-range strategic bombers were actively killed by 30 to 40 percent of their health. However, immediately after, their attack on Liu Zheng's base had begun.

Obviously, Liu Zheng knew that this enemy's long-range strategic bomber, this time, was targeted by his own ore refinement factory. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that his ore refinement factory was simply a thorn in the enemy's side. It is certain that if the enemy does not destroy its ore refinement factory, then the enemy will never give up. Yes, that's true. At that time, Liu Zheng knew very well, so, in the current situation, what is considered in the current war is basically, first of all, economic operation ability. Yes, a big battle is a lot of money. Almost basically, everyone understands this truth. Therefore, it is because of this that all intelligent opponents and intelligent players will basically attack the enemy's economic facilities at the first time.

Yes, it can be said that economic factors, in the current situation, no matter which player, are very important. It should be said that this is also one of the main reasons why the enemy first attacked and locked on one of their own ore refinement factories. In fact, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's main combat strategy is still very correct. Because, for sure,

Yes, it is certain that this long-range heavy strategic bomber of the enemy said that it was a difficult time for Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng really didn't expect that he would be attacked so fiercely by the enemy at the beginning of the construction of his base. Moreover, the target of the attack is actually the ore refinement factory in his base.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that although after being bombed by the enemy's F22 fighters, two ordinary power plants in his base were destroyed. However, Liu Zheng also knew that this would not play much role in giving famous wine to him. Because so far, a super power plant has been built in Liu Zheng's base. Therefore, as long as you build your own super power plant, it is certain that those ordinary-level power plants have basically not had much joys and sorrows for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Therefore, in that situation at that time, Liu Zheng did not pay much attention to the enemy's F22 fighters. Yes, that's true. Anyway, the enemy's F22 fighter is not very strong. Therefore, Liu Zheng didn't pay attention to it at all.

However, the problem is that although the enemy's F22 fighters did not cause much trouble to Liu Zheng's base. However, then again, the small nuclear missiles launched by the two long-range strategic bombers behind them are indeed real, but there is a lot of trouble for Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the two long-range strategic bombers with the enemy launched small air-to-ground nuclear missiles were spraying orange tail flames, but from mid-air, roaring and falling from the sky to the ground, Liu Zheng's ore Refinery, attacking the past.

Yes, that's true. In fact, Liu Zheng knows very well that once the enemy's two air-to-ground small nuclear missiles hit the ore refinement factory in his base, it is certain that this his own ore refinement factory will never be preserved again. Yes, that's true. Seeing that the two enemy's air-to-ground small nuclear missiles roared and broke through the air, and finally suddenly hit the target one after another. Liu Zheng

imagine that the two small air-to-ground nuclear missiles will explode with great lethality once they hit the target. Sure enough, the nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

So, at this time, in this situation, the most important task for Liu Zheng is to build his own ore refinement factory again. Because the reason is very simple, this ore refinement plant can not only provide itself with continuous production and construction funds, especially in the current situation of the start-up of such a base.

In addition, there is a very important factor, that is, if there is no such ore refinement factory in your own base, then it is certain that the construction of your own base will always be in a relatively low-level state. In this way, some high-level military facilities are not qualified to continue construction because they do not have ore refinement plants. In addition, of course, some high-end combat units can't be produced by themselves. Therefore, it is certain that this ore refinement factory is really very important to me. Yes, that's true. Of

However, under the current situation, Liu Zheng also knows that he has less than 1,000 production and construction funds in his hands. You should know that a naval gun ore polishing factory needs to consume at least 2,500 production and supervision funds. However, now, I only have about 1,000 production and construction funds. Moreover, in the current situation, five light anti-aircraft guns are being produced in their own chariot factories.

In this way, naturally, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he must first interrupt the production of the bright anti-aircraft gun. Because, you know, now, there is a shortage of production and construction funds in our hands. Therefore, in addition, Liu Zheng also knows that this ore refinement factory is really of great significance for the construction of his own base and combat production. In this situation, Wan's helplessness, Liu Zheng knew the painful decision to make up the west wall. Yes, other than that, Liu Zheng knows that he really has no other better way.

Damn, no matter what, I can't build the main factory, especially on the edge of my base, around the golden expansion that day, one by one has been destroyed by the enemy and has become countless wreckage and fragments

Liu Zheng was naturally surprised by the various military facilities and combat units of

. In particular, on the edge of his base, around the golden expansion that day, one by one has been destroyed by the enemy and has naturally become countless wreckage and fragments, which is very surprising. In particular, on the edge of their own base, around the golden expansion that day, one by one has been destroyed by the enemy and has become countless wreckage and fragments

Liu Zheng was naturally surprised by the various military facilities and combat units of


However, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he could only find ways to think about his safety. That's why he thought of the scene just now. Yes, that's true. Therefore, under the current situation, Liu Zheng decided to build his own ore refinement factory no matter what he thought. Because, you should know, that ore polishing factory is really important to you. Yes, that's true.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knows that according to the country, it is still his own strength. Liu Zheng took a general look. In his own base, he was sure that in addition to that airport, it was still his own strength. Liu Zheng took a general look at his base. It was certain that in addition to that airport, other military facilities were basically within Liu Zheng's consideration. Other military facilities are basically within Liu Zheng's consideration. yi

In terms of some other small situations, even if you sell it yourself, you can get a certain amount of production and construction funds. But what can we do? Yes, that's true. Therefore, if it is overdue, some people think that it is better to sell their own bases. Life is the most powerful military facility. Only in this way can you get more production and construction funds. If you come, you will be able to play your role at a critical time. Yes, that's true.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely and selling his airport. Yes, no matter what, Liu Zheng knows very well that his airport is really a big deal for him. However, relatively speaking, its own large ore refinement factory is more important.

So, at this time, in this case, it is undoubtedly a very correct decision to sell the airport, and then the production and construction funds to build your own ore refined factory. Now, due to the sale of that airport, Liu Zheng saw that he already had 3,500 production and construction funds. In this way, for Liu Zheng, it is really a great help. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that as long as he had the production and construction capital of 500, it meant that his ore refinement factory would be successfully built in the near future. Yes, that's true.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, an ore refinement factory finally appeared in Liu Zheng's base. Looking at the ore refinement factory, it looks very tall. Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling very much in his heart. Damn, damn it, my own airport was not sold, and finally got my own ore refinement factory. Now, the two trains, an exemplary golden frame, between their newly built ore refinement factory. At the same time, the production and construction funds in their own hands, because they finally began to collect ore again, and then turned the collected ore into production and construction funds through *.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that with the successful construction of his second ore refinement plant, his base is once again full of vitality and vitality. However, despite this, Liu Zheng knows very well that now, the enemy's attack has just begun. Although, not long ago, the two enemy's two long-range strategic bombers almost gave themselves a downbeat. However, Liu Zheng knew that it should be said that the enemy's attack taught him a very obvious lesson. That is, you must be cautious and guard against arrogance and impatience. Only in this way can you constantly strengthen your protective ability, whether it is air defense operations or ground defense operations. Only in this way, will you be more and more fierce in the face of the enemy, and you can resist it. Only in this way can you constantly strengthen your protection ability, whether it is air defense operations or ground defense operations. Only in this way, in the face of more and more fierce attacks by the enemy, can you resist.