Star Trek

Chapter 461 Fierce Opponent 06

Yes, now, Liu Zhengjin knows that his situation is really bad. Because, in any case, my own ore refinement factory was destroyed by the enemy.

In the current situation, you should know that an ore refinement factory is really too important for yourself. Yes, that's true. Because now, the production and construction funds in my hands are not very abundant. In this case, it is very necessary for you to accumulate more production and construction funds for yourself through the ore polishing plant. The production and construction funds in our hands are not very abundant. In this case, it is very necessary for you to accumulate more production and construction funds for yourself through the ore polishing plant.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that when his base develops to a certain extent, he no longer has to earn production and construction funds through ore refinement plants. Yes, that's true. Because that kind of technology drilling oil wells can relatively be more stable and even faster to provide production and construction funds for themselves. However, under the current situation, his base is under preliminary construction, so it can be said that Liu Zheng still has no time to build that kind of technology drilling oil well. Be able to provide production and construction funds for yourself more stably or even more quickly. However, under the current situation, his base is under preliminary construction, so it can be said that Liu Zheng still has no time to build that kind of technology drilling oil well.

Yes, that's true. In this case, Liu Zheng decided to carry out some of the most basic and important combat productions first. Especially the air defense forces. Therefore, before that, although the system gave 20,000 production and construction funds, it was basically all used by Liu Zheng to rebuild and produce air defense forces. So far, it should be said that Liu Zheng's base has basically no air safety hazards. Some ordinary enemy air combat forces basically cannot threaten the safety of the base.

Yes, that's true. However, not long ago, two enemy long-range strategic bombers actually destroyed their ore polishing plant by launching small air-to-ground nuclear missiles. Yes, the situation at that time really made Liu Zheng feel very helpless. Beilai, the enemy's F22 fighters in front of them basically did not pose much threat to Liu Zheng's base. However, immediately after that, there were two enemy long-range strategic bombers.

The enemy's long-range strategic bomber looks like a huge bat and is very large. However, although his flight speed is not very fast, his health is quite high. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to knock it down. Yes, that's true. On the ground, red, dense anti-aircraft shells kept shooting out, breaking through the air, and accurately hitting the target.

However, at this time, what made Liu Zheng feel a little unbelievable is that the enemy's long-range strategic bomber really has such a strong defense ability. Yes, this kind of defensive ability seems to reassure Liu Zheng. Wow, damn it, it's too tough. You know, in the current situation, in your own base, it should be said that some of the attack firepower (here refers to the air defense combat force) should also be very good. Yes, more than a dozen light land-based anti-aircraft guns that have just been built are also very fierce. However, in the face of such a fierce attack, the enemy's two long-range strategic bombers were actively killed by 30 to 40 percent of their health. However, immediately after, their attack on Liu Zheng's base had begun.

Obviously, Liu Zheng knew that this enemy's long-range strategic bomber, this time, was targeted by his own ore refinement factory. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that his ore refinement factory was simply a thorn in the enemy's side. It is certain that if the enemy does not destroy its ore refinement factory, then the enemy will never give up. Yes, that's true. At that time, Liu Zheng knew very well,

So, in the current situation, what is considered in the current war is basically, first of all, economic operation capacity. Yes, a big battle is a lot of money. Almost basically, everyone understands this truth. Therefore, it is because of this that all intelligent opponents and intelligent players will basically attack the enemy's economic facilities at the first time. A big battle is a lot of money. Almost everyone understands this truth. Therefore, it is precisely because of this that any brainy opponent and brainy player will basically attack the enemy's economic facilities in the first place.

Yes, it can be said that economic factors, in the current situation, no matter which player, are very important. It should be said that this is also one of the main reasons why the enemy first attacked and locked on one of their own ore refinement factories. In fact, Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's main combat strategy is still very correct. Because, for sure,

Now, Liu Zheng's main battle tanks have rushed to the side of the enemy's medium- and short-range ballistic missile launchers, and then a fierce attack, and 17 shells shook through arcs, falling from the sky, as fertile as jade, and deeply hit the target.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that no matter what, you should know that the enemy's medium-range ballistic missile launch vehicle is not very high in its own health value and its defense ability is not very strong. Therefore, at this time, under the battle situation, facing the close attack of Liu Zheng's main battle tanks, naturally , a feifei explosion. On the ground, the wreckage is everywhere, and there are many craters. With the continuous dark red explosive fire, it kept shining, the smoke filled with the flames of war.

"Damn, just relying on these medium-range ballistic missiles, it's like destroying Laozi's base. It's too easy to think about it!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his main battle tanks had destroyed the enemy's medium-range ballistic missile launchers. Two of them have been upgraded to the rank of veterans. This is naturally very good news for Liu Zheng.

However, Liu Zheng was also late. One of the main factors for his success and victory in this battle was that the deployment of the enemy and the command of the enemy made mistakes. Because it can be said that it is a mistake to accurately use this medium-range missile launcher to attack the target. Because one of the main factors of being able to succeed and win is that the deployment of the enemy and the command of the enemy have made mistakes. Because it can be said that it is a mistake to accurately use this medium-range missile launcher to attack the target. Because...

Although this medium-range ballistic missile launcher has a very good attack distance and a very powerful killing ability, come back, in any case, this medium-range ballistic missile launcher is suitable for long-range strikes, once the other party If the combat forces rush over, then, if they do not have proper protection capabilities and do not have the cover of other combat forces, then it is certain that these medium-range ballistic missile launchers will definitely become the target of the enemy's combat units.

Normal University, that's indeed the case. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that because the factory is big this time, the enemy will definitely make adjustments in the next attack. Therefore, you must also prepare for a rainy day. Otherwise, once the enemy makes adjustments, send some combat units with very strong offensive ability and defensive capabilities to rush to the front, followed by the seven medium-range ballistic missile launchers. In this way, even if they have a relatively good air defense The system, however, is too big to suppress its own base anyway.

Therefore, considering this reason, Liu Zheng decided that he must strengthen his ground combat strength. Soon after, Wuliang's own long-range heavy howitzer was finally produced. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very relieved. Yes, that's true. You should know that this long-range heavy howitzer is powerful on the far sand, which can be said to be one of the most important ground combat forces. Generally speaking, as long as you have this kind of long-range heavy howitzer, then basically have no worries about whether it is attack or defense. Normal University, that's indeed the case.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that it is far from enough to rely on five long-range heavy howitzers. Because, after all, their attack distance has obvious limitations. Generally speaking, it is good for defense. However, it takes a lot of conditions to attack with them. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that he must produce some remote strike forces. Under the current situation, Liu Zheng also knows that, in fact, under the current conditions, it is not ripe to produce that kind of long-range intercontinental ground attack missile. Because that kind of long-range intercontinental ground-to-surface ballistic missile costs a lot of money to produce one, which requires at least 10,000 production and construction funds.

It is certain that 10,000 production and construction funds are really not a small amount for Liu Zheng, especially for Liu Zheng's current situation. Normal University, that's indeed the case. Moreover, because of the high cost, naturally, the production time will be very long. In this way, it is certain that in terms of time and the grasp of the fighter, it is very likely that you will fall behind. I can't grasp the fighter better. However, Liu Zheng also knows that fighters are fleeting, so in terms of time, he must strive for it.

Liu Zheng knows that such a long-range intercontinental ballistic attack missile can be said to be considered when its comprehensive combat level rises to a certain level. After all, that kind of long-range intercontinental attack missile can only be used as a strategic deterrent, so in the current situation, the most effective missile for itself is still the medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missile. When your comprehensive combat level rises to a certain level, it can still be considered. After all, that kind of long-range intercontinental attack missile can only be used as a strategic deterrent, so in the current situation, the most effective missile for itself is still the medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missile.

Relatively speaking, this medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missile has a range of more than 2,000 kilometers. It should be said that it is very good to attack some of the main targets of the enemy and carry out a fixed-point clearance strike on some key targets of the enemy base. Yes, that's true. So, soon after, five medium-range ballistic missile launchers were finally produced. It is very good to carry out a fixed-point clearance strike on some key targets of the enemy base. Yes, that's true. So, soon after, five medium-range ballistic missile launchers were finally produced.

At the same time, Liu Zheng was very pleased that his spy satellite was also successfully built at this time. This also means that from now on, Liu Zheng's eyes will no longer be dark, but will see the location of all enemy bases and the specific situation in enemy bases, such as the construction of the base, the production of combat power, the distribution and deployment of combat power, to the whole world. This is of course of great significance for the setting of your next strategic tactics and the implementation of your next strategic plan.

So far, under Liu Zheng's careful planning, the enemy's medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles have finally been destroyed. At the same time, five long-range heavy howitzers were produced at Liu Zheng's base. In this way, it can be said that it has greatly strengthened its ground attack power. Of course, it is quite important for the defense of your base.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that even so, it is a great pity that there is no real long-range strike force for him anyway. Yes, that's true. In particular, now that I have built a spy satellite, in this case, the whole world can see it clearly. Among them, please distribute the enemy's bases anywhere. It can be said that Liu Zheng has clearly understood what the military facilities and combat units in the enemy base are.

Because of this, Liu Zheng found that there were two enemy technology drilling oil wells not far from his base. Yes, Liu Zheng saw that those two scientific and technological oil wells can basically be said to be the economic source of the enemy. Because, as if at a certain moment, the economic sources of the three enemy bases basically rely on these two technologies to drill oil wells. Liu Zheng saw that the two science and technology drilling wells can basically be said to be the economic source for the enemy. Because, as if at a certain moment, the economic sources of the three enemy bases basically rely on these two technologies to drill oil wells.

Therefore, at this time, in this case, if the two enemy's technology drilling wells are destroyed, it will cause a heavy blow to the enemy's base. However, at the same time, Liu Zheng also saw that near the two enemy's science and technology drilling wells, the enemy has deployed quite strong defensive combat forces. Therefore, if it is, it is certainly not easy to destroy the two enemy's technology drilling oil wells in a conventional way. In that case, it is certain that it will consume too much of its own combat power. Obviously, it is very unfair to me.

So, in this case, it is natural for Political Commissance Liu to destroy the two enemy's scientific and technological drilling wells through long-range strikes. In its own base, it should be said that there are actually only two kinds of long-range strike forces. Yizhu is the kind of long-range heavy howitzer that has been produced, and the other is its own medium-range ballistic attack missile.

However, I was stunned to know that it would cost at least 3,000 production and construction funds to produce such a medium-range ballistic attack missile. Relatively speaking, it is relatively expensive. However, despite this, it is really beneficial for Liu Zheng to really destroy the two enemy's technological drilling wells. Relatively speaking, it is relatively expensive. However, despite this, it is really beneficial for Liu Zheng to really destroy the two enemy's technological drilling wells.

Because if a generation can achieve this goal, it means that it has cut off the economic source of the enemy. Of course, once the economic source of the enemy base is cut off, it will be a great help to you. Now, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the two enemy's scientific and technological oil wells had a total of technological oil drilling. It is distributed in two places. One of them is backed by a big mountain, and in front of it is a lush forest. It looks very secretive. In total, there was another outbreak of technology drilling oil wells. It is distributed in two places. One of them is backed by a big mountain, and in front of it is a lush forest. It looks very secretive.