Star Trek

Now, Liu Zheng took a look at what damage this lightning storm attack caused to his base after the end of the enemy's lightning storm attack. At first glance, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, it turned out that in his base, the science and technology combat laboratory that was about to be built was actually destroyed. On the ground, all kinds of debris and debris are scattered on the ground. A large crater looks very conspicuous. The smoke is filled with fire, and it is burning. It looks like it has fallen into the end of the world.

Fortunately, before that, Liu Zheng had inspired his long-range heavy howitzers to a safe place. In this way, naturally, the fate of being destroyed together has been avoided. You know, it took a lot of effort to finally produce my long-range heavy howitzers. It plays a vital role in your own ground defense. If those long-range heavy howitzers of their own were destroyed by a lightning storm by the enemy, it would be really miserable for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true.

For good, those long-range heavy howitzers of their own are still certified. In this way, although I have suffered a heavy blow, I have not been exhausted by B. However, immediately after the enemy's lightning storm attack, the enemy's ground attack finally began. Liu Chang first saw that the five enemy's main battle tanks, as pioneers, were at the front, closely following dozens of enemy infantry fighting forces. It looks like a vast and powerful rainbow, coming towards its own base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng swam to a sneer. Damn, he just launched a lightning storm attack on himself and immediately carried out a ground attack. This is also too rampant. ~~~~, it seems that I can taste it at 11 o'clock. I don't know if I'm not easy to mess with.

So, when I thought of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the five long-range heavy howitzers they had just produced moved from a safe place to the forefront of their base. There, Liu Zheng has already deployed 17 ground combat units, including seven main battle tanks and more than a dozen infantry combat forces. Infrastructure, the five newly produced long-range heavy howitzers moved from a safe place to the front position of his base. There, Liu Zheng has already deployed 17 ground combat units, including seven main battle tanks and more than a dozen infantry combat forces.

It should be said that such a combat force is enough to resist this ground attack by the enemy. Yes, that's true. Because, anyway, according to Liu Zheng's plan, the front of the main battle tanks and the more than a dozen infantry fighting forces, as defensive combat units, are enough to resist any ground combat forces that may pass through the enemy. Behind, five long-range heavy howitzers fired at the same time. It should be said that a one-time attack could destroy at least five enemy combat units. In this way, it can't be attacked several times. This ground attack of the seemingly aggressive enemy will soon be resolved by itself. Yes, that's true.

So, after thinking of this, at this time, Liu Zheng's five long-range heavy howitzers had arrived at the designated location. Yes, it was a jungle, hiding its five long-range heavy howitzers, even if it was an enemy spy satellite, it was difficult to find. In this way, it is possible to avoid being attacked by the enemy's air strike force. In comparison, although my own long-range heavy howitzer is very powerful, it does not have the ability to fight against air defense. Even at the edge of its own base, a generation has sent a large number of F22 fighters to launch an attack, so it can be said that its own long-range heavy grenades Cannon, whose health value is relatively good, can't stand any blow at all.

Now, everything is ready and the attack is about to begin. Throughout the time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the enemy's F22 fighters were divided into two groups and attacked in the direction of his base again. However, this time, Liu Zheng saw that two newly produced short-range anti-aircraft missiles were tracking the target next to his own chariot factory. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy. Liu Zheng knew that after some efforts, his air defense ability had finally been further improved. Because this short-range anti-aircraft missile has a long attack distance and can attack enemy fighters before they reach their own bases.

At this time, with the sudden sound of several anti-aircraft missile launches, several anti-aircraft missiles fired out, broke through the air, roared, and flew straight to the target. In mid-air, for a moment, the missile flew and the sound of explosions was endless. As several anti-aircraft missiles hit the target one after another, the enemy's F22 fighters were shot down three times. Two of them exploded directly in mid-air. Of course, there are also two enemy F22 fighters, which finally passed the blockade and fired several air-to-ground missiles (of course, the conventional air-to-ground missiles, cloud) the first few air-to-ground missiles, trailing orange tail flames, constantly changing the direction of flight, or left or right, constantly Adjust the direction of flight and constantly adjust the attack on the target. Finally, he accurately hit the main construction factory in his base.

coaxed, and once again there was a huge harsh deafening explosion. Continuously, the dark red explosions of the group rose to the sky. Liu Zheng saw that at this time, his base seemed to be trapped in a disaster. For a while, in the base, the smoke of gunpowder was filled, the flames of war were burning, and bullets were everywhere.

However, despite this, for Liu Zheng, he is not very worried. Because Liu Zheng knows that as long as it is not the enemy's super weapon, his base can basically bear it. Now, the key problem is that, in any case, the enemy's ground attack should be smashed first. Now, with the enemy's ground combat forces, after all, Liu Zheng's base, the counterattack has finally begun. It is also necessary to smash the enemy's ground attack first. Now, as the enemy's ground combat forces continue to fight against Liu Zheng's base, the counterattack has finally begun.

In that dense forest, their own long-range heavy howitzers, at this time, were pioneers, and then, they were all connected. At the mouth of the barrel, the dark red fire was constantly shining. One by one, shells shot out, crossed the arcs that seemed to be very reason, and accurately hit the target. Yes, the shells fell from the sky without warning and fell on the enemy's moving chariot. Coax, coax, at this time,

The enemy's main battle tanks that rushed to the front were blown up. The dark red explosion of the group rose to the sky and kept rising among the enemy's chariots and ground combat infantry units. Rising. With each explosion, there are always some enemy combat units that have been completely destroyed. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the ground attack of the enemy, which looked fierce just now, had basically been destroyed so far. There are only two main battle tanks and five enemy infantry fighting forces left.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally put his heart into his stomach. Of course, for him, such a little ground combat force in his lifetime can no longer care about any threat. Then, in this situation, with Liu Zheng's order, the ground attack of the long-range heavy howitzers began again. Tongtong, Tongtong, and a few long-range heavy howitzers shot through. Those shells roared in mid-air and broke through the air, and then concentrated on the remaining ground combat forces of the enemy.

The harsh and deafening explosions kept ringing. Finally, in that scream, in the disabled and flying situation, Liu Zheng finally saw that the remaining ground combat forces of the enemy, the enemy's ground attack force, were heavy in their own long-range heavy In the fierce fire of the howitzer, it was completely eliminated. In that scream, in the disabled and flying situation, Liu Zheng finally saw that the remaining ground combat force of the enemy, the enemy's ground attack force, was finally completely eliminated in the fierce artillery fire of his long-range heavy howitzer.

After arriving here, with Liu Zheng's order, ten engineers were training in his new recruit training camp. Soon, Liu Zheng's base will be able to serve. Yes, that's true.

It seems that next, on the one hand, you should constantly strengthen your comprehensive capabilities, and on the other hand, you should also carry out some appropriate attacks on the enemy's base. Only in this way can you heal the enemy's attack through this kind of good. Otherwise, if you wait here and be beaten passively, then it is equivalent to the attack of the enemy. So, after thinking about this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng continued to build his own superweapons. On the other hand, three of the five long-range heavy howitzers were sent, together with three light anti-aircraft guns, rushed to the nearest base. After thinking about this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng continued to build his own superweapons. On the other hand, three of the five long-range heavy howitzers, together with three light anti-aircraft guns, rushed towards the nearest base.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that on the one hand, he is building super weapons, and on the other hand, he must build spy satellites. Without the vision of the spy satellite, it is certain that you can't see anything in front of you. That's simply fatal for combat. Therefore, advanced weapons are very important as an effective means of attack. However, spy satellites are more important from a strategic point of view. Yes, that's true. Spy satellites must be built. Without the vision of the spy satellite, it is certain that you can't see anything in front of you. That's simply fatal for combat. Therefore, advanced weapons are very important as an effective means of attack. However, spy satellites are more important from a strategic point of view. Yes, that's true.

Now, it should be said that after Liu Zheng's operation for a period of time, it is certain that it has achieved very good results in air defense operations. Yes, that's true. At least, more than a dozen land-based light air defense bubbles have very good air defense combat capabilities. On this basis, Liu Zheng produced five short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers. Yes, that's true. At least, more than a dozen land-based light air defense bubbles have very good air defense combat capabilities. On this basis, Liu Zheng produced five short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers.

I only know that although the air defense range of this short-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicle is not very far, it is much more powerful than that kind of land-based light anti-aircraft bubble. Yes, that's true. In this way, these seven short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers, combined with more than a dozen land-based anti-aircraft bubbles on the ground, can be said to have stronger air defense capabilities.

Liu Zheng knows that that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile launcher has a relatively long attack distance, but their health value is relatively low and their defense ability is also relatively poor. At this time, in this case, it is certain that if it is combined with that kind of land-based light air defense bubble, it is almost certain that its air defense capability will increase significantly. Yes, that's true.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knew that his ground combat power had not been produced. In other words, in the current situation, it can be said that in terms of ground combat strength, you still only have those sent main battle tanks. As for its own long-range heavy howitzer, it has not been produced at all.

It should be said that Liu Zheng has always been worried about this. Of course, Liu Zheng knew that his long-range heavy howitzer was naturally and quite powerful. Whether it is the attack distance or the killing force, it is definitely a good hand. If you can have four to five long-range heavy howitzers, then it is certain that in the face of the enemy's attack power, (the attack power here, of course, refers to the enemy's ground attack power) is certain that you don't have to worry about yourself.

However, the problem now is that in Liu Zheng's base, the air defense force has been greatly enhanced. However, the enemy's air attack also became stronger. The attack frequency is getting faster and faster, and there are at least two formations for each attack. Each formation is composed of four enemy F22 fighters. In this way, it is certain that the air attack on Liu Zheng's base has also been further strengthened.

Sure enough, not long ago, the enemy's low-cost F22 fighter finally broke through Liu Zheng's air defense shallowness and accurately hit several air-to-ground missiles at its own main construction plant. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that in his base, his own main construction factory suddenly caught a dark red explosion and burst into the sky. At the same time, a deafening explosion came. Liu Zheng saw that his main construction factory had suddenly lost 30 to 40 percent of his health. Function.

In this situation, Liu Zheng knows that although the enemy wants to destroy their main construction factory, it is certain that it is not so easy. Yes, that's true. However, after a long time, Liu Zheng can't make up for the rise. Therefore, in this case, the best way is to ensure that the main factory will not be destroyed by the enemy's air strike force. Although it can be repaired through the system, the speed of maintenance is very slow.

In this situation, naturally, Liu Zheng can't help thinking that if he carries out maintenance through engineers, it will definitely be more effective. Because as long as the engineer flashes in, even if his main construction plant has reached the last moment, it will be completely repaired in an instant. Yes, that's true.

In this case, it is very necessary for Liu Zheng to train more engineers as a backup maintenance force. Therefore, after arriving here, with Liu Zheng's order, ten engineers were training in his new recruit training camp. Soon, Liu Zheng's base will be able to serve. Yes, that's true.

However, at this time, another air strike by the enemy began. However, although the enemy's air strike this time was very strong and suddenly destroyed 30 to 40 percent of the health of the construction factory, because Liu Zheng had trained a large number of engineers at this time, Liu Zheng did not care at all.