Star Trek

Chapter 463 Ferocious Opponent 08

However, now, there are still many crises in my own base! You should know that the attack ability of the seven or eight enemy's main battle tanks is not very strong, but once they really attack their base, their powerful attack will be really improved. Because now, you should know that in Liu Zheng's base, except for the two long-range heavy grenade vehicles, there is basically no stronger ground attack force.


Now, Liu Zheng is very clear in his heart that, that is, in fact, in this situation, if he wants to use his medium-range ballistic missiles to counterattack the enemy's base, first of all, he must have a huge melee force to escort. At that time, this kind of melee force that could shoulder this heavy responsibility was only its own long-range heavy howitzer vehicle. Although Liu Zheng has also sent two or three long-range heavy howitzers before, after all, the number is very limited. Therefore, in that situation, naturally, if it is facing a small amount of combat power of the enemy, there is no problem. However, once the enemy's large number of melee forces rush over, it will be really troublesome. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, in one case, you must be fully prepared, especially in terms of long-range heavy howitzers, you should have at least seven to eight long-range heavy howitzers. Only in this way can you resist the attacks of some enemy melee units.

Yes, that's true. Perhaps, at this time, in this situation, I can devote my main energy to the counterattack. It should be said that now, in this case, the time is ripe to fight back against the enemy.

Now, his attack team is still in the jungle that is only dozens of kilometers away from the enemy's base. However, Liu Zheng is naturally not sure whether to rely on that attack team to launch an attack on the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. Anyway, for Liu Zheng, the attack team, although not long ago, it had destroyed the enemy's technology drilling wells and made great achievements. However, in any case, the defense forces of some enemies around the enemy's scientific and technological drilling wells are not very strong.

In particular, under the attack of this lightning storm, it is certain that the elite combat forces in those defensive combat forces have been almost killed. However, in return, once you attack the enemy's base this time, it is certain that it will alarm a large number of combat forces in the enemy base. These include a variety of main battle tanks, medium- and short-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles, and even enemy super weapons. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, for myself, this counterattack should be cautious, not too hasty and too aggressive. If you don't fight, you should win. Once it is carried out, you should win. Therefore, we must draw strength and take into account the possible situations in all aspects. Eat a comprehensive combat strategy.

Yes, you know, although Liu Zheng has achieved certain results during this period of time, on the one hand, it seems that he has finally found the weakness of Liu Zheng's base. That is, although the air defense system is very perfect, it is almost impeccable. However, in terms of ground defense, it is indeed the initiative of the whole team. That is, although the long-range heavy howitzer is very lethal, the attack distance is far, and the lethal power is large, but anyway, there are only three long-range heavy howitzers in Liu Zheng's hands and in the base.

Even if Liu Zheng knows that these three long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, what can they do? Yes, no matter what, you know, relatively speaking, this long-range heavy howitzer can only be said that no matter how many enemy's main battle tanks there are, no matter what kind of enemy's ground attack in any way, can you not have to worry about it.

After all, there are only three long-range heavy howitzers in Liu Zheng's base. In this way, this weakness in ground defense is obvious. At this time, Liu Zheng finally found that the enemy had finally carried out a ground attack on his base again. Moreover, this time, more than 30 enemy main battle tanks came. At this time, Liu Zheng finally found that the enemy had finally carried out a ground attack on his base again. Moreover, this time, more than 30 enemy main battle tanks came.

Although Liu Zheng mobilized almost all the combat forces in his base in the face of the enemy's more than 30 main battle tanks, what can he do? After a series of long-range heavy howitzers shot out, and the barrel once again shone with a dark red explosive light, and several long-range heavy howitzers were enlightened above the head of the enemy's group of main battle tanks. However, for the attack scale of more than 30 main battle tanks, two or three main battle tanks were destroyed, and the army did not affect the enemy's attack. Yes, that's true.

Finally, although Liu Zheng mobilized almost all his combat forces, at least a dozen of the enemy's more than 30 main battle tanks eventually rushed to Liu Zhong's base. Therefore, at this time, there was chaos in Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that once this main battle tank, as a melee force, enters the base, it will be a disaster for his base. Normal University, that's indeed the case.

In Liu Zheng's base, three enemy main battle tanks are attacking Liu Zheng's two long-range heavy howitzers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that this time, his mother was really troublesome. Yes, you know, this is obvious. Because this kind of long-range heavy howitzer belongs to a long-range strike force. Once he is approached by the enemy's melee forces, then for him, the hero is really useless. This is obvious. Because this kind of long-range heavy howitzer belongs to a long-range strike force. Once he is approached by the enemy's melee forces, then for him, the hero is really useless.

So, Liu Zheng clearly saw that although his two long-range heavy howitzers were upgraded to the elite level of Samsung, although in terms of long-range strikes, they were really fierce and very strong, but now, the proximity of the three main battle tanks facing the enemy There is nothing we can do about the attack. You can only retreat repeatedly. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that for this long-range strike force, it is impossible to attack any target around him. However, when it was retreated one after another by the enemy's main battle tanks, it was attacked with the shells of several enemy's main battle tanks. Although the long-range heavy howitzer had more powerful room, it could not resist such a dense attack. Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range heavy howitzers were finally destroyed by the enemy's three main battle tanks.

However, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng suddenly found that from the enemy's base, more than a dozen enemy's main battle tanks had passed through the wooden bridge and rushed towards his base.

Shida, obviously, this attack by the enemy belongs to the attack mode of roundabout attack. Yes, that's true. Now, Dock Liu Zheng has built a spy satellite, so he has a very detailed grasp of the enemy's military operations. Because this attack of the enemy seemed very hidden. After passing through the wooden bridge, the dozen main battle tanks did not rush directly to Liu Zheng's base, but made a big circle, and then, by roundabout way, had detoured to the rear of Liu Zheng's base. In this way, the assembly has been carried out at the designated place. When the combat strength reached a certain level, he suddenly launched an attack on Liu Zheng's base. It should be said that this hand is really quite powerful. Yes, that's true.

However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng has already deployed two long-range heavy howitzers there in his base. Moreover, these two long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Now that I think about it, Liu Zheng feels very clear about his deployment everywhere. Yes, that's true. You know, under the situation at that time, five long-range heavy howitzers had been produced in their own base. These five long-range heavy howitzers are simply very important to Liu Zheng. Because of the safety of its own base, (the safety of ground defense basically depends on these long-range heavy howitzers).

In this situation at that time, Liu Zheng also considered sending out all five long-range heavy howitzers. Yes, that's true. Anyway, after all, for Liu Zheng, these five long-range heavy howitzers have very powerful attack capabilities. Under that situation at that time, Liu Zheng's main attack direction was like the two ore refinement factories of the enemy that had just been discovered. In addition, there are several technology drilling wells.

You should know that for Liu Zheng, once several technology drilling wells of the enemy are destroyed, the economic lifeline of the enemy will be cut off. It should be said that this is simply fatal to the enemy. In any case, the economic lifeline of the enemy determines the speed and scale of the enemy's base construction, so as to determine the enemy's combat production. Once several of the enemy's technology drilling wells are destroyed, the enemy's economic lifeline will be broken. It should be said that this is simply fatal to the enemy. In any case, the economic lifeline of the enemy determines the speed and scale of the enemy's base construction, so as to determine the enemy's combat production.

Therefore, in order to achieve this goal, Liu Zheng sent the five medium-range ballistic missile launchers. At the same time, in order to ensure their safety, Liu Zheng specially made several light anti-aircraft artillery vehicles and two long-range heavy howitzers. At the beginning, Liu Zheng really planned to send all five long-range heavy howitzers. After all, this action is of great significance. It can be said that the success of a generation of attacks is a fatal blow to the enemy. Yes, that's true.

However, Liu Zheng suddenly thought that his base also needed defense. Once you send out all five long-range heavy howitzers, then once the enemy's combat forces come to launch an attack, especially the enemy's ground combat forces, to launch an attack, then it can be said that it is simply a heavy blow for you. Because so far, my ground combat strength has basically relied on these five long-range heavy howitzers. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to leave two long-range heavy howitzers to defend his base on the ground. Knowledge sent three long-range heavy howitzers to follow the medium-range ground-to-ground attack missiles to carry out the combat task of destroying the enemy's scientific and technological drilling wells.

Now that I think about it, the top of the ball is really famous. If the five long-range heavy howitzers are really dispatched, then it is certain that this time, I am really in trouble. Now, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen enemy main battle tanks finally began to attack his base from his base and storage. One after another of the main battle tanks, city battle formations, rushed towards their own bases. While charging, at the same time, he kept firing artillery attacks. It looked magnificent and majestic.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that once these enemy's main battle tanks really rush into his base, it is certain that it will cause great lethality to his base. After all, these main battle tanks belong to the typical melee force. The attack performance is very powerful. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, in any case, he will not allow these dozen enemy main battle tanks to really approach his base. And this task was handed over to the three long-range heavy howitzers left behind. Normal University, that's indeed the case.

At this time, as more than a dozen enemy main battle tanks were approaching, Liu Zheng saw that in his base, the three long-range heavy howitzers responsible for the defense of the base finally began to attack. At the same time, one after another, one long-range heavy grenade shell roared through the air, crossed a line of fire, and accurately hit the target - the main battle tank of the advancing enemy. The dark red explosive fire continued to shine, and at the same time, one after another, long-range heavy howitzers roared through the air, crossed a line of fire, and accurately hit the enemy's main battle tank that was on the way.

So, for a moment, Liu Zheng saw the dozen enemy's main battle tanks rushing towards his base, with shells constantly falling overhead and exploding among them. One after another of dark red explosive firelight, the very dazzling explosive workers, in the enemy's more than a dozen main battle tanks soared to the sky, constantly rising, followed by deafening explosions, kept coming.

In this way, in the continuous attack, the three long-range heavy howitzers, under the continuous long-range attacks, the enemy's main battle tanks were constantly destroyed. Basically, a dark red explosion fire rises in the sky, and an enemy's main battle tank will be destroyed. On the ground, the wreckage was full of bullet pits, and the smoke was filled with flames of war. Finally, the last three main battle tanks were basically close to their own base, but at this time, three long-range heavy howitzers fell from the sky and accurately hit the target. Therefore, almost at the same time, three long-range heavy howitzers exploded almost at the same time, and the last three main battle tanks of the enemy were destroyed almost at the same time.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have a further understanding of his main battle tank, the long-range heavy howitzer. The muzzle, the mother, my kind of long-range heavy howitzer is really powerful. Yes, that's true. I really didn't expect that this long-range heavy howitzer had such a strong lethality in terms of attack distance and strike ability. It seems that once the enemy's ground attack, these three long-range heavy howitzers will not pose a threat to their base at all. In this case, then you can fully devote your energy to the attack on the enemy's base.

In terms of attack distance and strike ability, it has such a strong lethality. It seems that once the enemy's ground attack, these three long-range heavy howitzers will not pose a threat to their base at all. In this case, then you can fully devote your energy to the attack on the enemy's base.