Star Trek

Chapter 464 Ferocious Opponent 09

Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng did not expect that the enemy would attack his base again. Moreover, this attack is more powerful in terms of scale. You know, the attack power of more than 20 main battle tanks launching attacks at the same time is quite strong. Obviously, this attack was organized, and it can be evaluated that it was not just an enemy base, but a joint action taken by the three enemy bases. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Otherwise, it is certain that it will never have such a scale. Yes, that's true.

In this case, although two long-range heavy howitzers were left in Liu Zheng's base for base defense. However, in the face of such a strong attack, especially in the face of such a large number of enemy ground attacks, to be honest, only two or three long-range heavy howitzers are far from enough. Yes, that's true. Two long-range heavy howitzers were left to defend the base. However, in the face of such a strong attack, especially in the face of such a large number of enemy ground attacks, to be honest, only two or three long-range heavy howitzers are far from enough. Yes, that's true.

And, it is certain that once this enemy's main battle tank rushes into Liu Zheng's base and passes through the two long-range heavy howitzers, it can be said that the power of this long-range heavy howitzer will be completely lost. Because, you know, this long-range heavy howitzer is essentially a long-range strike force. In this case, after a generation of melee combat forces rush over, her long-range strike ability will be completely suppressed. In this way, naturally, they will be passive and beaten everywhere, and will really become a living target for the melee combat forces of the rushing enemy.

Yes, it should be said that under the circumstances, it is really a test for Liu Zheng. Because at this time, some of the enemy's main battle tanks, which were leased from seven to eight, had rushed to Liu Zheng's base. And, more importantly, his two and long-range heavy howitzers have been destroyed by several enemy main battle tanks. It is suggested that the most powerful combat force in Liu Zheng's base no longer exists at all.

Just when Liu Zheng felt a little desperate, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw a convenient beam of light falling from the sky from above his base, looking very dazzling. It was like a long sword that deeply hit several enemy main battle tanks. So, at this time, in this situation, the two enemy's main battle tanks suddenly exploded under the attack of the thick beam of light. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Finally, he understood. Shit, damn it, I thought it was something. It turned out to be the Shenwu cannon in my base. At the critical moment, it played a huge role.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that his kind of Shenwu cannon was not the last combat force of his base. This kind of Shenwu cannon not only has the ability to fight against the ground, but also has the ability to attack from the ground. It can be said that I am completely a multi-functional combat unit. However, under normal circumstances, this kind of biological cannon will not launch an attack. Only when the enemy's combat force attacks its own base, at this time, in this case, will this kind of Shenwu cannon play her attack role. For example, this time, when Liu Zheng saw that his base was facing the enemy's main battle tanks and attacked arbitrarily, when he was helpless, suddenly, the Shenwu cannon in his base finally began to show its power.

So, in this way, under the sudden attack of his Shenwu battle, the enemy's main battle tanks suddenly, as if they had suddenly fallen into the real knowledge, and suddenly converged against the very fierce offensive. At this time, Liu Zheng seized this opportunity and gave an order to bring his five main battle tanks over, and then concentrated his firepower to fiercely counterattack the enemy's main battle tanks. At the same time, Liu Zheng mobilized all the infantry combat forces in his base, including some marines and several super snipers, and then concentrated his firepower to counterattack.

Tongtong, Zhengtong, at this time, one shell after another, shot out. At the common stock of Liu Zheng's five main battle tanks, the dark red explosive firelight kept shining, and one by one shot out, crossed the arc, and accurately hit the target. At the same time, more than a dozen various ground combat forces (the ground combat forces mentioned here mainly refer to the senior infantry combat units of Liu Zheng) concentrated their firepower and launched a fierce attack on an enemy's main battle tank.

D Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! The dense firepower swept over, so the main battle tanks of the enemy, which had already been hoisted, at this time, in this situation, suddenly panicked, and the shareholders could not take care of the west. In the end, they could only face the fate of being eliminated.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that he should launch an attack on the enemy's base. Although, before that, he had organized an attack. However, it can be said that the attack was not very successful. One of the main reasons is that although I know that I mainly rely on those medium-range ballistic missiles, anyway, when my ballistic missiles approach the enemy's base, it is obvious that once the attack is launched, the patrol police will suffer from the enemy's base. The counterattack of war units.

Yes, that's true. It should be said that there are also spy satellites in the enemy's base. Then, in this case, one of his attacking troops will see the enemy clearly. In this case, at this time, in this case, it is certain that once their medium-range ballistic missile launchers approach the enemy's base, they will definitely attract the attention of the enemy. One of their own attacking troops will see the enemy clearly. In this case, at this time, in this case, it is certain that once their medium-range ballistic missile launchers approach the enemy's base, they will definitely attract the attention of the enemy.

Liu Zheng knows that it is easy for the enemy to launch a counterattack against one of its own attacking troops. Because, according to the information Liu Zheng has now, there are very many forces that can be mobilized in the enemy's base. These include the long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles, the 2F 22 fighter, and the long-range strategic bomber. In addition, once needed, the enemy can also send their main battle tanks to attack through the wooden bridge. In short, it can be said that once one of your attacking troops is noticed by the enemy, it is certain that it is very difficult to protect it. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that if he wants to really make his attacking force effective and achieve certain results, he must be equipped with an escort combat force.

Liu Zheng knows that it is necessary to organize such a combat unit that can play an escort role, including at least the following combat forces. First of all, it should have air defense capability. Yes, that's true. For example, once its own medium-range ballistic missile launch vehicle is hit by the enemy, including the F22 fighter, long-range strategic bomber, and that kind of long-range ground-to-ground attack missile. If it has a certain air defense capability, then even if the enemy's air strike, What about those medium-range ballistic missile launchers?

Another point is that its own national escort combat force should have a very good ground-to-ground melee combat capability. In this way, once attacked by the enemy's ground combat forces, it is said that the enemy's main battle tanks and some other possible infantry combat forces can be destroyed in this case. So as to effectively protect your own medium-range ballistic missile launchers and launch attacks on targets.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to strive to complete the construction of his escort force in the time. Liu Zheng has decided that the main combat units contributing to this national escort combat force should include 52 long-range heavy howitzers, three short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers and five light anti-aircraft guns. Since then, it should be said that this offer to escort the combat force should be almost enough.

Sure enough, after about ten minutes of preparation, the attack force carefully prepared by Liu Zheng, the volitional combat force needed for quotation, was finally organized. Liu Zheng saw that three short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers with auxiliary long-range heavy howitzers, and three light anti-aircraft guns together formed a combat force until the escort.

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, this escorted combat force, set out from its own base, passed through the jungle, and then crossed the wooden bridge and rushed to its own attacking force. Soon after, the troops finally met. Therefore, so far, Liu Zheng also knows that in this case, his long-range attack force can be said to have a comprehensive combat capability. In this way, I can safely attack an enemy base. Liu Zheng knew that as long as one of the enemy's bases was destroyed, it was basically equivalent to his own competition to seize the initiative of the battlefield. The rest of the matters should be said to be much easier to do. Yes, that's true.

At this time, that is to say, when Liu Zheng's national escorted combat force just arrived at the front line, Liu Zheng suddenly saw a sharp roar in the sky. Obviously, this was the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missile attacking his own unit. However, now, Liu Zheng knows that he is actually no longer worried. Because, in the current situation, it is certain that the combat force in his hand has a very good air defense combat performance. Sure enough, when the enemy's intercontinental attack missile was still dozens of kilometers away from the ground, suddenly, on the ground, the three short-range anti-range anti-aircraft missile launchers that had just arrived suddenly launched several anti-aircraft missiles.

I saw these air bombs turning the ship and dragging the orange tail flame to the rear. It seemed that the flight speed was very fast. Su Susu, Susu, these anti-aircraft missiles, flying at high speed, broke through the air under the guidance of their own guidance system. In the morning, they directly hit the intercontinental missile of the enemy who fell from the sky. So, suddenly, at the moment when it hit the intercontinental missile of the enemy, there was a loud noise in mid-air, and then the dazzling explosion was constantly shining. Then, countless debris and debris scattered and looked as deep as rain. After here

, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. He knew that if this generation of the enemy's intercontinental missile hit his own chariots, then, it is certain that with the strong lethality of the intercontinental missile machine, his own chariots will basically be compensated. Shit, it's really suspense!

However, now, Liu Zheng knows that he can carry out a retaliatory attack on the enemy base. Now, Liu Zheng saw that his attacking force was facing a river with an enemy base. On the river, there is another wooden bridge. Liu Zheng thought that in order to ensure the safety of his attack force, to be precise, to really ensure the safety of the medium-range ballistic missile launchers among his attack force, Liu Zheng decided to destroy the wooden bridge through long-range strikes. In this way, in fact, he began to attack the targets in the enemy base, so it was not so easy for some melee forces in the enemy base to attack in time. Yes, that's true. At this time, in this situation, there is no doubt that Liu Zheng's combat idea is still very correct.

Now, Liu Zheng has a combat idea, that is, it is best to destroy some of the ul combat forces in the enemy base before launching the final attack on the enemy base. Yes, through the spy satellite, Liu Zheng has detected that there are also a lot of combat forces in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. ~~

At least, Liu Zheng found that there were at least a dozen main battle tanks in that enemy base. In addition, there are seven long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launchers with such a strong combat force. Liu Zheng knows that if these combat units are not eliminated, then it is certain that once his large attack force attacks the enemy's base, then some of the enemy's The combat forces will scramble to attack one after another. In that situation, Liu Zheng knew that the situation would become very unfavorable for him. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, it is also because of this that Liu Zheng decided to give him some sound combat forces in the enemy base. However, what should I think of to achieve my combat intention? This is really a problem. Therefore, Liu Zheng chased his eyebrows and began to think about an excellent combat plan. Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng patted himself on the head fiercely. Obviously, he finally came up with a solution. That is, you can use the method of hitting the east and the west.

The specific method is as follows. Because so far, Lightning Storm, the super weapon in its base, is less than half a minute away from the next attack. Therefore, in this case, you can use your own lightning storm attack. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of lightning storm attack is very suitable for attacking some of the enemy combat units gathered together. Therefore, the problem I want to solve now is to gather all kinds of effective combat forces in the enemy base. Only in this way can you use your own lightning storm attack and carry out a pot-to-end attack on some enemy combat units gathered together. In this way, it is certain that after a lightning storm attack, even the combat forces in the enemy base will not be completely eliminated, and there should be few left. Yes, that's true.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided to use these medium-range ballistic missile launchers to attack a target in the enemy base. In this way, it is certain that as those medium-range ballistic missiles fall from the sky, some combat units in the enemy base will definitely attack one after another. Yes, instinctively, out of their guard team, it can be said that once there is a movement, once the base is attacked, they will rush to the place where the attack is like half of the living moths.