Star Trek

Chapter 467 1

Now, Liu Zheng has driven his eight long-range heavy howitzers to the side of an enemy shipyard. Then, Liu Zheng didn't care about 3721. With an order, he saw that the eight long-range heavy howitzers, more than 3 miles away from the target, began to attack. I saw that, swish, swish, ordinary bitterness, the dark red explosive firelight kept shining, and then, one shell after another, shot out, crossed a line of fire, and accurately hit the target - a surface warship around a shipyard.

At this time, it can be said that Liu Zheng saw that his quite strong attack ability of this long-range heavy howitzer was almost perfectly demonstrated. Yes, that's true. Laba long-range heavy howitzers almost became half an arc, attacking more than a dozen enemy surface warships above the surface of the water from different directions. So, in mid-air, the number of households were shells, roaring through the air, and then accurately hit the target. Above the water, for a moment, the waves splashed, surging, and the sea and air were turbid. No, the enemy's surface warships after the attack were filled with water in the deafening explosions.

Finally, after three minutes of shelling in the prison, Liu Zheng saw that most of the more than a dozen enemy surface warships had been destroyed. Even the enemy's shipyard has less than 30% of its health. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Liu Zheng knows that now, it can be said that the strategy he just adopted is still very correct. Yes, that's true.

Although it is dangerous to hear this time, it has proved that thanks to this action. Otherwise, according to the original combat plan, its long-range attack missiles cannot work at all under the interception of the enemy's intensive air defense system. Therefore, now, these eight long-range heavy howitzers can give full play to their strong attack effect. Since then, together with the enemy's shipyard and the dozen surface warships, they have not had time to react and have been almost destroyed.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that on that water, it can be said that only one shipyard is still standing there. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, eight of their own long-range heavy howitzers, with full firepower, began to fight back at the enemy's shipyard. For a while, countless shells crossed the sky again, roaring through the air, crossing an arc, and accurately hitting the target.

So, in this way, the shipyard was obtained, and in the face of such a fierce attack, the last bit of health was finally knocked out. With a bang, a larger dark red explosion burst into the sky, so the enemy's shipyard was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. Now, with the enemy's shipyard, it was finally destroyed by itself. Of course, it was destroyed together, as well as more than a dozen surface warships around the shipyard. Since then, it can be said that the enemy's air defense system has basically been destroyed by itself by more than 30 to 40 percent. Finally destroyed by myself. Of course, it was destroyed together, as well as more than a dozen surface warships around the shipyard. Since then, it can be said that the enemy's air defense system has basically been destroyed by itself by more than 30 to 40 percent.


Now, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng decided that with his eight long-range heavy howitzers, he should once again use long-range strike force to launch a final counterattack against the enemy's base. Yes, it should be said that after destroying more than a dozen surface warships of the enemy, as the enemy's air defense system has been damaged to a certain extent, then it is certain that its long-range strike force, especially some of its own medium-range attack missiles, should be reconsidered into combat. It should be said that after destroying more than a dozen surface warships of the enemy, as the enemy's air defense system has been damaged to a certain extent, it is certain that its long-range strike force, especially its own medium-range attack missiles, should be reconsidered into combat.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, especially his own, is very lethal and cannot directly hit the target in time. Even if it explodes in mid-air, then, the huge explosive power will also cause great lethality to the target on the ground. Now, because their eight long-range heavy howitzers destroyed the enemy's shipyard and the more than a dozen important surface warships of the shipyard, most of their health and their levels have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In this way, it is certain that their combat performance will be greatly improved. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knows that their combat performance, in terms of attack distance and lethal strength, the Samsung elite level, is very different from the one-star veteran level. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng saw that since his eight long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the elite level of Samsung, it is self-evident how strong their attack ability is. Yes, that's true.

In addition, although the eight long-range heavy howitzers are far from the military facilities in the enemy's base, the river is not very fast. With the super strong attack distance of the long-range heavy howitzers after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, Liu Zheng believes that since The eight long-range heavy howitzers can also attack a considerable number of military facilities in enemy bases across a river. It is said that some enemy military facilities near the bank of the river, including two ore refineries, three scientific and technological drilling oil wells, three general-level power plants, and two airports. These enemy military facilities can be said to be located in Liu Zheng's eight Samsung elite-level long-level long range. Within the attack range of heavy howitzers. Yes, that's true.

However, Liu Zheng knew that it was far from enough to rely on the eight long-range heavy howitzers to attack. After all, they are like a river. The farthest place from the river is the core location of the enemy base, and the most important military facilities of the enemy, such as the enemy's main factory, chariot factory, combat laboratory, geothermal power plant, etc. These core military facilities are the most important. However, generally speaking, these most important enemy military facilities, generally speaking, are built in the core of the enemy base. Therefore, it is difficult to take care of your own long-range heavy grenade sports cars separated by a river. Although most of the eight long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

Liu Zheng knows that there is indeed a substantial difference between combat weapons and combat weapons. Each has its own characteristics and its own advantages. For example, although this long-range heavy howitzer is also a long-range strike force, the shell it launches does not have a power system to continue to fly forward, but completely relies on the kind of propulsion given by the barrel at the beginning of launch. In this way, the shell fired by this long-range heavy howitzer can only hit the target with a ballistic trajectory. Fifth, its flight distance cannot be too far. Because he does not have a power propulsion system.

It seems that, however, relatively speaking, the attack distance of their own long-range ballistic missiles is very far because they all have their own power propulsion systems. That is to say, in the process of flying, through the power propulsion system carried by itself, it can continuously provide the power to advance, so the distance of flight will naturally increase greatly. In this way, it can attack further away. That is to say, in the process of flying, through the power propulsion system carried by itself, it can continuously provide the power to advance, so the distance of flight will naturally increase greatly. In this way, it can attack further away.

Even its own long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic attack missile can reach almost every position on the map. However, this missile itself does not have anti-interception capability. Therefore, as long as there is a certain air defense system in the enemy's base or over the target, then this missile cannot hit the target at all. At best, it is only a threat. Or, it causes a strategic suppression of the enemy. It will not really hit the target fundamentally. Causing substantial harm.

However, now, Liu Zheng's combat ideas have become more and more clear. Yes, that's true. That is, Liu Zheng clearly saw that with his eight Samsung elite long-range heavy howitzers, they can attack most of the power plants in the enemy base on the other side of the river, even if they are across the river. Even the geothermal power plant, which is relatively at the core, can be attacked.

Since then, naturally, Liu Zheng knows that it means that he can completely cut off the power supply system in the enemy base through the eight long-range heavy howitzers. Once the power supply in the enemy base is cut off, it means that the air defense system in the enemy base is basically destroyed by itself. However, Liu Zheng knew that the air defense system in the enemy base mainly relied on the air defense network composed of Patriot missiles distributed in various parts of the base. However, as a land-based air defense system, land-based air defense weapon, that kind of Patriot missile, of course, needs the support of electricity. Once the power system in the enemy base is destroyed and there is a shortage of power supply in the enemy base, it is certain that the Patriot missiles distributed in various positions of the enemy will not be able to work properly because the power system is true.

In this way, it is certain that the enemy's air defense system will not be dropped by itself. At that time, her long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missile can fully exert her strong killing ability. In this way, things have become much easier to do. Yes, that's true. The enemy's air defense system will not be dropped by itself. At that time, her long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missile can fully exert her strong killing ability. In this way, things have become much easier to do. Yes, that's true.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't help making the final decision. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, most of the eight long-range heavy howitzers that had been upgraded to Samsung elite level were distributed to the river to the shore. Then, under an order, the eight long-range heavy howitzers, across the river, towards the power plant in the enemy base began to carry out the whole Powerful attack.

The picture is ordinary, swirling, the bitterness of the barrel, and the dark red explosive firelight is constantly shining and shining. At the same time, one by one, shell after another shot out, crossed an arc, roared, flew over the river, and attacked the depth of the enemy base. For a while, in the enemy's base, the sound of explosions sounded one after another, and one after another of dark red explosions rose in different places. No, all kinds of debris and debris also fell from the sky. For a moment, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base was shrouded in the shadow of war. There is smoke everywhere, debris everywhere, explosions everywhere, and craters everywhere.

Finally, with the destruction of the last enemy's geothermal power plant, Liu Zheng finally saw that the light prism towers in the enemy's base stopped turning at this time. Haha, haha, the power system of the enemy base was finally destroyed by himself. Since then, the power supply of the enemy's base has finally had problems. With the interruption of the power supply, the enemy's air defense system must have failed.

Master, in this case, his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile should fully exert their power. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missile hidden in the dense jungle was preparing for the final attack. Yes, as a long-range strategic strike force, this kind of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic missile attack is not that simple. It needs to be prepared for all kinds of attacks. For example, the correction of the position of the target needs to be guided by the spy satellite to make the final decision. Finally, after half a minute of preparation, Liu Zheng saw that his long-range intercontinental ballistic attack missile was finally ready for the attack.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile finally began to attack the target. They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the air, it swept over its own base, flew over the jungle, and flew over a large sea area, and then to the construction factory in the enemy base. Keep roaring and flying away...

So, finally, in this case, because there is no air defense system protection in the enemy's base, Liu Zheng's long-range intercontinental ground attack nuclear missile finally hit the target after about ten seconds of flight - the construction factory in the enemy base .

Yes, although the enemy's main factory has very high health and strong defense ability. But what can that be? After all, Liu Zheng's long-range ground-to-ground attack missile attack, at least three attack missiles were launched in one launch. Moreover, these three attack missiles are all small nuclear weapons. You know, it is self-evident how lethal the three attack missiles with nuclear warheads hit the target at the same time. Yes, that's true.

A series of huge dark red explosions rose to the sky. In the intermittent sound of deafening explosions, the enemy's construction factory finally fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, with a bang, there was an explosion of fog on the flat ground. Then, the enemy's construction factory finally blew into countless debris and fragments in the deafening explosion, and then fell down and looked like rain.