Star Trek

Chapter 466 Ferocious Opponent 11

Now, it should be said that Liu Zheng's attack force is fully prepared. Although Liu Zheng also knows that it is indeed very difficult to destroy some important military facilities in the enemy base with his long-range intercontinental attack missile alone. Because so far, the air defense system has not been destroyed in the enemy's base, and it still has a very strong air defense capability. In this case, it is still quite difficult for Liu Zheng to destroy or mutilize the enemy's base. Yes, that's true.

However, judging from the current situation, Liu Zheng decided that he could first use a long-range intercontinental ground attack missile to kill the surface warships around the enemy's shipyard. Because Liu Zheng knows that at least a dozen surface warships have been produced around the enemy's shipyard so far. Moreover, the more than a dozen surface warships, the most important of which are missile frigates. However, this enemy missile frigate has a very good air defense capability. In addition, there are more than a dozen missile cruisers, which also have very professional air defense capabilities.

Since then, it is certain that, not to mention the mid-range air defense system of the enemy's base, it is only the dozens of missile destroyers or missile frigates with anti-aircraft combat capabilities, as well as missile cruisers. The air defense network they jointly form, fundamentally, their own intercontinental attack missiles, absolutely Through the dense air defense network. In this case, Liu decided that from the current situation, he could only use the same long-range intercontinental ground attack missile to threaten the enemy's surface warships. In fact, it can't hit the target directly, but Liu Zheng knows that with the very powerful attack ability of this long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, it is very likely to destroy most of the life of those surface warships.

Because, of course, Liu Zheng knows very well, that is, even if his intercontinental ground attack missile explodes in mid-air, the huge shock wave (if it is intercepted by the enemy, it will explode in mid-air) will also cause very strong lethality. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Yes, that's true.

Now, Liu Zheng's main consideration is to use his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, which caused a huge shock wave caused by its explosion in mid-air, causing a certain degree of damage to the dozens of surface warships of the enemy on the surface of the water. In this way, even if you can't catch all the enemy's surface warships, at least you can destroy them to a certain extent and persevere. Over time, the decision will have a very good effect.

Therefore, since the battle plan has been formulated, Liu Zheng's decision is to do everything he can to prepare for this long-range attack from all aspects. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that the most important preparation is to fully guarantee the safety of his group of long-range strike forces. By the way, Liu Zheng was thinking about using the seven medium-range ballistic missiles to destroy an enemy shipyard and some surface warships around the shipyard, thus further weakening the enemy's air defense firepower. However, not long ago, just after Liu Zheng launched his first attack, more than a dozen enemy's main battle tanks rushed over one after another. As a result, his medium-range ballistic missiles knocked down two of the enemy's main battle tanks that rushed up. At the same time, the three long-range heavy howitzers they used for ground defense were also destroyed by the enemy in the process of fighting with the enemy's main battle tanks.

Since then, naturally, Liu Zheng knows that if he wants to truly form a continuous attack capability, he must fully protect the security of his long-range attack force. Therefore, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng saw that five long-range heavy howitzers had been produced again in his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, that's true. You know, this long-range heavy howitzer has an extremely powerful attack power, whether it is attack distance or lethal strength, which is almost unique. As a ground attack force or ground defense force, it should be said to be a very good combat unit.

At the same time, in order to prevent and receive air strikes by the enemy, Liu Zheng seems to have dispatched three short-range anti-aircraft missiles that have been upgraded to Samsung Elite. Now, Liu is seeing that three short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers and the five long-range heavy howitzers that have just been produced have set out from their own base and rushed to their own frontier bases. There, it can be said that Liu Zhengduo has no other ground combat force other than two main battle tanks.

Therefore, at this time, in this situation, once the enemy's ground combat force hits, it is certain that this long-range strike force will completely destroy the enemy and destroy the whole army. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng is trying to find ways to strengthen the security protection of his remote strike force, of course, which seems very timely, very necessary and very important. Yes, that's true.

Normal University, that's indeed the case. Perhaps, at this time, in this situation, I can devote my main energy to the counterattack. It should be said that now, in this case, the time is ripe to fight back against the enemy.

Now, his attack team is still in the jungle that is only dozens of kilometers away from the enemy's base. However, Liu Zheng is naturally not sure whether to rely on that attack team to launch an attack on the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. Anyway, for Liu Zheng, the attack team, although not long ago, it had destroyed the enemy's technology drilling wells and made great achievements. However, in any case, the defense forces of some enemies around the enemy's scientific and technological drilling wells are not very strong.

In particular, under the attack of this lightning storm, it is certain that the elite combat forces in those defensive combat forces have been almost killed. However, in return, once you attack the enemy's base this time, it is certain that it will alarm a large number of combat forces in the enemy base. These include a variety of main battle tanks, medium- and short-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles, and even enemy super weapons. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, for myself, this counterattack should be cautious, not too hasty and too aggressive. If you don't fight, you should win. Once it is carried out, you should win. Therefore, we must draw strength and take into account the possible situations in all aspects. Eat a comprehensive combat strategy.

Yes, you know, although Liu Zheng has achieved certain results during this period of time, on the one hand, it seems that he has finally found the weakness of Liu Zheng's base. That is, although the air defense system is very perfect, it is almost impeccable. However, in terms of ground defense, it is indeed the initiative of the whole team. That is, although the long-range heavy howitzer is very lethal, the attack distance is far, and the lethal power is large, but anyway, there are only three long-range heavy howitzers in Liu Zheng's hands and in the base.

Even if Liu Zheng knows that these three long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level, what can they do? Yes, no matter what, you know, relatively speaking, this long-range heavy howitzer can only be said that no matter how many enemy's main battle tanks there are, no matter what kind of enemy's ground attack in any way, can you not have to worry about it.

After all, there are only three long-range heavy howitzers in Liu Zheng's base. In this way, this weakness in ground defense is obvious. At this time, Liu Zheng finally found that the enemy had finally carried out a ground attack on his base again. Moreover, this time, more than 30 enemy main battle tanks came. At this time, Liu Zheng finally found that the enemy had finally carried out a ground attack on his base again. Moreover, this time, more than 30 enemy main battle tanks came.

Although Liu Zheng mobilized almost all the combat forces in his base in the face of the enemy's more than 30 main battle tanks, what can he do? After a series of long-range heavy howitzers shot out, and the barrel once again shone with a dark red explosive light, and several long-range heavy howitzers were enlightened above the head of the enemy's group of main battle tanks. However, for the attack scale of more than 30 main battle tanks, two or three main battle tanks were destroyed, and the army did not affect the enemy's attack. Yes, that's true.

Finally, although Liu Zheng mobilized almost all his combat forces, at least a dozen of the enemy's more than 30 main battle tanks eventually rushed to Liu Zhong's base. Therefore, at this time, there was chaos in Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that once this main battle tank, as a melee force, enters the base, it will be a disaster for his base. Normal University, that's indeed the case.

In Liu Zheng's base, three enemy main battle tanks are attacking Liu Zheng's two long-range heavy howitzers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that this time, his mother was really troublesome. Yes, you know, this is obvious. Because this kind of long-range heavy howitzer belongs to a long-range strike force. Once he is approached by the enemy's melee forces, then for him, the hero is really useless. This is obvious. Because this kind of long-range heavy howitzer belongs to a long-range strike force. Once he is approached by the enemy's melee forces, then for him, the hero is really useless.

Therefore, Liu Zheng clearly saw that although his two long-range heavy howitzers were upgraded to the elite level of Samsung, although in terms of long-range strikes, they were really fierce and very strong, but now, the proximity of the three main battle tanks facing the enemy There is nothing we can do about the attack. You can only retreat repeatedly. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that for this long-range strike force, it is impossible to attack any target around him. However, when it was retreated one after another by the enemy's main battle tanks, it was attacked with the shells of several enemy's main battle tanks. Although the long-range heavy howitzer had more powerful room, it could not resist such a dense attack. Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his two long-range heavy howitzers were finally destroyed by the enemy's three main battle tanks.

In the current situation, it should be said that Liu Zheng's one to one thousand attack troops have been deployed in the designated position. Next, Liu Zheng knew that his counterattack against the first enemy base was about to begin in full swing.

However, Liu Zheng knows very well that although he has a clear medium-range ballistic missile launcher in his hand, and this kind of medium-range ballistic missile launcher has a long attack distance, the missile flight speed is very fast, the mobility is very small, and also has a certain flexibility. Using this medium-range missile launch vehicle to carry out a fixed-point clearance attack is certain that it will have a very good effect. Yes, that's true.

However, it is said that there is no better way to face the air defense system in the enemy base, which is the missile launched by this medium-range ballistic missile launch vehicle. So, now, Liu Zheng's combat plan is, preferably, the most likely, it will drop the air defense system of the enemy base. Only in this way can these medium-range ballistic missile launchers hit the target. Realize your strategic intentions. Yes, that's true.

However, it is only a question of what means should be used to destroy the air defense system of the enemy base. Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that since his oil is a super weapon attack - lightning storm, is coming. Then, you might as well make full use of a lightning storm attack. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that if it stimulates the lightning storm to destroy the power supply of the enemy base and cause a shortage of power supply in the enemy base, then it is certain that the air defense system of the enemy base will basically replace him. And once he changes the air defense system of the enemy base, it will be much easier to do.

It should be said that Liu Zheng's battle plan is relatively good. At the very least, this combat plan can grasp the key point of the defense of the enemy base, that is, for a base, in fact, there is a very strong type of power supply. Basically, the defense system of a base, especially the air defense system, is mostly some fixed ground air defense combat weapons. Most of these ground air defense weapons belong to a land-based air defense system, or a military facility. Generally speaking, this kind of military facilities need to be supported by electricity.

So, and at this time, in this case, once the power supply in the enemy base is supplied, but after that, it can basically be said that the enemy's base has been destroyed by more than 30%. Yes, that's true. It is also because of this that Liu can really find this link in the battle plan of attacking the enemy's base, that is, to cut off the power supply in the enemy base first. Only in this way, the air defense system of the enemy's base will be cut off due to the power supply, and he will replace it. Once the air defense system of the enemy base is paralyzed, for Liu Zheng, basically, every target in the enemy base will become a live target for his medium-range ballistic missiles.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to make such a decision. Damn it, I have my own lightning storm and destroy some power plants in the enemy base first. Liu Zheng saw that in fact, in the enemy's base, the one that provides electricity to the base mainly includes two power plants. One is an ordinary type of power plant. Another kind, that is, a nuclear power plant. Naturally, this kind of nuclear power plant is crucial for the enemy's base. Generally speaking, when the base is founded, most of them provide power support for the operation of the base through general power plants. However, with the continuous expansion of the base, the required power supply will also continue to increase. Therefore, at this time, general power plants are far from meeting the needs of the base for power supply. Therefore, at this time, generally speaking, each base will build its own super power plant.