Star Trek

Chapter 474 Chapter 475 9

Yes, that's true. Under such circumstances, Liu Zheng knows that in the next step, he should be more cautious and pay more attention to the enemy. Yes, through the battle just now, Liu Zheng has learned that the enemy not only has sufficient production and construction funds, but also has more efficient production and construction speed, and more decisive production technology. At the same time, in terms of technology and tactics, it can be said that some have become It's getting more and more mature. Yes, that's true. It has a more efficient production and construction speed and more decisive production technology. At the same time, in terms of technology and tactics, it can be said that some of them have become more and more mature. Yes, that's true.

In this case, Liu Zheng has turned his attention to the construction of his own base in the following time. Yes, it should be said that in the battle just now, the enemy was able to attack successfully use the tactics of attacking east and west, and attracted its own ground air defense firepower with the current 22 fighter jets to launch the attack. Later, the enemy's long-range heavy printing strategic bomber is the real Attack the trump card. Therefore, in that case, its own air defense system has been completely attracted by the enemy's F but fighter, and it is naturally difficult to separate forces to attack the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bombers.

At the same time, because some bombers of the enemy's second-range strategy have very strong defensive combat capabilities and high health, even if their own air defense systems can distinguish some air defense firepower, they may not be able to knock them down. Therefore, as the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bomber attacked several tactical nuclear missiles to its own base, so a loud noise and a deafening loud noise kept coming. At the same time, a huge dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the smoke was filled with gunpowder. In this way, the airport in his base and the chariot factory were completely destroyed by the enemy. Then, Liu Zheng saw that in the smoke, the airport in his base and the chariot factory were completely destroyed by the enemy.

Yes, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng can be sure that his base has finally been attacked by the enemy's air force again. Although, this heavy damage is not fatal to your base. Yes, that's true. However, Liu Zheng knew that for the relatively perfect air defense system, the enemy's air strike force, which was still rough, was the two most important military facilities in his base and were destroyed on the spot. It is even a great shame to affect the construction of their own base and production. This is simply unacceptable to me.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng feels that it is very necessary to further strengthen his air defense firepower. Yes, that's true. The battle just now has taught too many lessons. Although, to a large extent, the reason for the success of the enemy's success in a battle is that it has lost strategic tactics with the opponent and confused the reason for the success of the enemy in a battle. To a large extent, it has lost strategy and tactics with the opponent and confused its own air defense system. Therefore, this makes the enemy's kind The long-range bomber attacked successfully. His own air defense system, so this made the enemy's combat power long-range bomber attack successful.

However, again, there is another very important point, that is, although the air defense system of its base seems relatively perfect, in fact, there are some loopholes. It's definitely not solid and seamless. Yes, that's true. It can be said that if you have stronger air defense firepower, denser air defense firepower, more perfect air defense system, and more perfect air defense system, then even if the enemy is flying to a better combat plan, it will not attack its own base. Therefore, in the final analysis, the most fundamental reason is that the air defense system of its own base is not perfect.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that it is naturally necessary for him to further strengthen his air defense construction. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, more than a dozen large city anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles once again entered the production and construction plan. At the same time, five long-range anti-aircraft missile launchers are also under construction. Since then, this long-range anti-aircraft firepower has been further strengthened. With the successful construction and production of a generation, it is certainly impossible for some of the enemy's long-range strategic bombers to attack the targets in their own bases. Yes, it's also unrealistic.

In this way, it can be said that Liu Zheng's base has further strengthened the air defense system. However, Liu Zheng knows that the most critical problem must be solved immediately. That is, now, the super-strategic attack nuclear missile, a super weapon in an enemy base, is less than a minute away from the final attack time. Liu Zheng knows that in the current situation, it is certain that he really has no power to stop the attack of the enemy's super weapon. Yes, that's true. The reason is that on the side of the enemy, in fact, the three enemy bases have their own super weapons. Whether it is a long-range intercontinental attack strategic nuclear missile or a lightning storm attack, the attack power is very strong.

However, in the face of the enemy's superweapon attacks, I have no choice but to worry about it. ( To be precise, in the current situation, there is no better way to do it. Because I really lack the means to directly and effectively destroy the enemy's super weapons)

In general, ground attack is impossible. You know, so far, you have not produced your own king of land warfare - long-range heavy howitzers. However, without this long-range heavy howitzer, its own ground attack can keep up with no attack. In addition, in terms of long-range strike power, although it has produced two intercontinental ground-to-nuclear missiles, in any case, although this missile can hit any position on the map and attack any target, it has its own target very large and its flying speed is not ancient. At the same time, there is no anti-interception system, so in this case, even if it can attack the farthest place, what can it do? After all, just after its own attack missile flies over the enemy's base, it will be software by the enemy's air defense system. That was really a tragedy.

Therefore, from the current situation, his house does not have the ability to counterattack superweapon attacks that violate the fluorine-free enemy. Yes, that's true. It seems that at this time, in this situation, Liu Zhengqi can easily get a small hat, that is, his super weapon can be produced as soon as possible.

However, Liu Zheng knows that what he is most looking forward to is his aircraft carrier and long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, that's true. It can be said that if your aircraft carrier can be produced in a day, then you will have no choice but to deal with the super weapons in the enemy base. Since then, its own base will not be endangered by the enemy's super weapons all the time. In this way, its base construction and combat production will always be in a process of suppression. Since then, its life will always be difficult. Yes, that's true.


However, Liu Zheng knew that despite this, he knew that it would take at least three minutes for his first aircraft carrier to be successfully produced. However, the enemy's first super weapon attack - super attack and weapons, is coming soon. In this case, Liu Zheng knows where the target is depends on the enemy's super weapon attack. Liu Zheng knows that relatively speaking, there are several buildings in his base, and he is not worried about being attacked by enemy super weapons.

Because these three buildings, or these three military facilities, have quite strong health points and their defense capabilities are quite abnormal. It is impossible to destroy the enemy's super weapons at once. Yes, that's true. These three military facilities with abnormal defensive capabilities include the construction of the main factory, the shipyard, and then their own superweapon - the nuclear bomb launch trap.

In addition, other military facilities can be said to have no strong defense ability against the enemy's superweapon attack, whether it is the enemy's nuclear bomb attack or the enemy's lightning storm attack. It can be said that in the face of the enemy's superweapon attack, other military facilities, and other Those combat units have no resistance at all. For example, all sentient beings, in the face of natural and man-made disasters, have no choice but to be captured and sit back and wait for death. However, at this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the enemy's super weapon attack, the super attack on nuclear weapons, had finally reached the last moment.

"Wow, damn it, since I have nowhere to escape, I have no choice but to do it! Anyway, no matter how powerful you are, you can't blow up my main construction factory at all! And as long as Laozi's main factory exists, then it is certain that I will not fail! Because in my hands, there is quite ample production and construction funds in my hands!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking like this.

And at this time, Liu Zheng finally saw that an enemy's super nuclear weapon attack had finally begun. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

In this case, Liu Zheng knows that even if he can't do anything about it. Yes, as I just said, as long as your aircraft carrier is not able to produce it, then it is certain that it is impossible for you to attack the enemy's super weapons. Yes, that's true. According to Liu Zheng's plan, now, he should do his best to deal with the enemy's super weapon attack. Strive to give yourself more time to produce aircraft carriers. Once you produce your own aircraft carrier, it is certain that you will have a way to deal with the enemy's superweapon attack.

Yes, that's true. In fact, for Liu Zheng, the best combat plan is that he has a very excellent maritime combat force with strong combat capabilities. This maritime combat force should be dominated by aircraft carriers. At the same time, missile frigates, missile destroyers and missile cruisers should serve as auxiliary forces. In this way, this aircraft carrier battle group can also sail freely over any water.

At the same time, this means that its own aircraft carrier can attack any target. In other words, some super weapons in the enemy base, whether it is super attack nuclear weapons, weather controllers, and the enemy's main construction factory, will become the main targets of their aircraft carriers. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that the biggest feature of this kind of aircraft carrier is to carry out the designated strikes. Instead of large-scale carpet bombing. It can be said that this mode of combat is completely different from the submarine attack nuclear missiles launched by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

However, Liu Zheng knows that in many cases and in many cases, the aircraft carrier aircraft often has a more obvious advantage over the way of attack. But it is often easier to play the most obvious impact. Yes, especially for some key military division facilities in enemy bases, or some key combat units, relying on that carpet bombing alone, they can't destroy them at one fell swoop. However, it can be said that with the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier, it is basically certain that the target can be destroyed 100% with each attack. Even if only one-time aircraft carrier participated in the attack.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that his base is simply a mess, full of debris, smoke, bomb pits, and raging. Yes, not long ago, the damage caused by the enemy's long-range strategic stealth bombers to their own base still existed. Liu Zheng has not fully recovered the damage caused by that blow to Liu Zheng's base. My own airport and the combat laboratory are in the process of construction. However, now, the enemy's super weapon attack has caused more serious damage to his base. Barracks, chariot factories, and a technology drilling well were all wiped out with this attack on supernuclear weapons.

Now, Liu Zheng's work, on the one hand, is actively waiting for his first aircraft carrier to be produced as soon as possible. In addition, that is, clean up the mess, clean up the battlefield, reorganize the rivers and mountains, and prepare for the final counterattack. Yes, you should know that your aircraft carrier can form an aircraft carrier battle group from seeing it to production completion,

is not a very easy thing. It will take at least half an hour. However, in this half hour, your base will definitely be attacked by super weapons that drag the enemy. Therefore, what I have to do now is to stick to it. The failure of the word is favored. Yes, only in this way can we persevere and buy more time for the birth of our aircraft carrier. It is bound to be attacked by super weapons that drag the enemy down. Therefore, what I have to do now is to stick to it. The failure of the word is favored. Yes, only in this way can we persevere and buy more time for the birth of our aircraft carrier.

Now, Liu Zheng has decided that in order to better respond to the enemy's superweapon attacks, he should take a more effective approach. Yes, that's true. Or, you should take a safer approach.

Liu Zheng knows that in fact, as long as he can successfully face the enemy's three superweapon attacks and not completely destroy his base, it will be a great victory for him. Yes, that's true. As long as you can successfully face the enemy's three superweapon attacks without allowing your base to be completely destroyed, it will be a great victory for you. Yes, that's true.