Star Trek

Chapter 475 9

Because, after the enemy's three superweapon attacks, as long as his body is tied to a private meeting, it should be said that by that time, he had at least two aircraft carriers. In this way, he can move the two aircraft carriers to the ground, and the other can attack the enemy's three bases at the same time. Yes, that should be a core position, which should be about the same distance from the three enemy bases. In this way, you can attack any of the enemy's three bases at will at the same time. By that time, it is certain that he is no longer afraid of the enemy's super weapons.

Yes, that's true. At that time, for Liu Zheng, it is completely OK. As long as you dare to build it, then I can blow up the built super weapon through the carrier-based aircraft at any time. It should be said that it is really very simple to kill an enemy superweapon for the carrier aircraft attack of your own aircraft carrier. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, his biggest problem now is that he should stick to it no matter what. If he is tied to Cui, he should be patient and stick to it, because victory is ahead.

Suddenly, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that from behind his base, several enemy long-range strategic bombers did not know how to fight and successively carried out the occurrence of small nuclear missiles to the construction factory in his base. Quality inspection, one after another, small nuclear missiles, as the magazine slowly opened, shot out, broke through the air, roared, and attacked the target fiercely.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very worried. Yes, that's true. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that although his main construction factory has very good health and strong defense ability. However, despite this, it comes back. Anyway, in the face of such a continuous small nuclear missile attack, even with strong defense capabilities, it is impossible to withstand such a fierce blow.

, with the one after another air-to-ground small nuclear missiles hit the target one after another, and the dark red explosion rose to the sky. Then, in the deafening explosion sound, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the health value of the main factory in his base was meat. The visible speed is falling and falling. Soon after, there was only less than 10% of the health value left!! After looking here, the health value of the construction factory in the base is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon after, there was only less than 10% of the health value left!! After looking here,...

Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Shit, in this situation, it can be said that as long as an enemy's small air-to-ground nuclear missile hits its own construction plant, it is certain that its own construction plant will no longer be able to hold on. Wow, damn it, how good is this? How good is this? Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng has fallen into a very helpless situation.

It seems that the ups and downs are not. Suddenly, when Liu Zheng feels a dilemma, when Liu Zheng feels left and right, suddenly, Liu Zheng's eyes can't help but see the engineer next to his business, where he is repairing. Up. Yes, affiliation, isn't this the best solution? Yes, Liu Zheng remembered that he had trained many engineers just in case, and these engineers were distributed in various places in his base. That is, once they are fiercely attacked by the enemy, some of their very important military facilities must be repaired by engineers in the shortest time.

Yes, that's true. This knows that although Liu Zheng can also repair his damaged military facilities through system tools, it will take too long to go back in that way. Since then, once the enemy's attack continues, it is very likely that this base will no longer be able to be preserved. Therefore, the best way is to use your own engineers to station in the severely hit military base facility as soon as possible, and then the military facility will be quickly repaired in the shortest time.

Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng's preparation has finally paid off. With Liu Zheng's order, an engineer, holding a toolbox in his hand, moved quickly and walked three steps and two steps towards the construction factory that had been blown up. Soon after, an engineer came to the side of his main construction factory with less than 10% of his health. Then, with a deep flash, the whole project, the shadow fell into the main building factory.


After the engineer's figure entered the construction factory, almost immediately, almost at the moment when the engineer disappeared, Liu Zheng suddenly heard a strange noise in his ear, brushing, and suddenly looked at his main construction factory. At this time, he was completely rejuvenated. However, the health value has reached 100%, and all the traces of attack on it have been repaired. It seems that a brand-new main factory is rotating against a fire attack that has not been attacked by the enemy. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart should not mention more and save. It seems that it is very necessary to prepare more famous engineers for a rainy day.

Yes, at the beginning, in order to ensure that some important military facilities in his base would not be destroyed by some serious firepower of the enemy, Mongolia repaired them at the most critical time, so he trained a number of engineers. So far, these engineers are enough There are more than a dozen, and they are all distributed in every corner of their base.

One of the main reasons why Liu Zheng did this is that one side destroyed all his engineers against the enemy's heavy strike weapons. Yes, that's true. You know, this kind of project is that as a special existence, the health value and defense ability are very underground.

At this time, in this case, it can be said that it is easy to be attacked by the enemy and easily destroyed. Therefore, in this situation, it is very necessary for Liu Zheng to distribute those engineers in all corners of the body. In this way, even if most of the enemy's strong attacks in a certain place of their base, at most, the engineers in that place will be destroyed, but it will not affect the safety of engineers deployed elsewhere. In this way, not all engineers will be eliminated. Thus, it is more powerful to ensure the safety of your base.

Now, it is certain that with more than a dozen engineers distributed in various locations of his base, Liu Zheng is naturally more relieved. Yes, in this case, unless you have encountered a large-scale bombardment by the real enemy, in general, it is really not so easy for your base, especially some important military facilities in the base, to be destroyed by the enemy. Yes, that's true.


Now, Liu Zheng saw that on the edge of his base, next to the shipyard, after about ten minutes of careful preparation, his first aircraft carrier was finally produced. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart is not so congratulating. Yes, so to speak, I basically made the best effort to produce this aircraft carrier. There have also been great sacrifices and costs.

Yes, that's true. You should know that during this period, new super weapons continued to attack their bases, and in the worst cases, the whole base was almost destroyed by the enemy's super weapons. At that time, Liu Zheng's only hope was that his shipyard,

Can stick to it and insist on producing aircraft carriers. In this way, as long as you own the aircraft carrier, it is certain that your real counterattack against the enemy will really begin. Yes, that's true. Otherwise, in this case, your own base will only be suppressed by the enemy's super weapons, ready to attack the enemy's base without power, conditions or possibility. Yes, that's true. It will always be suppressed by the enemy's super weapons, ready to attack the enemy's base without power, conditions and possibility. Yes, that's true.

To be honest, in that case, it is certain that Liu Zheng can launch a counterattack against the enemy. Even if his base can successfully guard the safety of his base.

Now, with the production of its first aircraft carrier. It can be said that Liu Zheng's heart finally made a moderate fall to the ground. Yes, so far, Liu Zheng has seen that among the enemy's three bases, three super weapons, are coveting, but do not intend to attack his own base. Now, my aircraft carrier has finally been produced. Yes, it should be said that at the most critical time, at the most critical moment, I finally have an aircraft carrier. It can be said that at this time, in this situation, it is really too important for me.

It can be said that at the critical moment of life and death, I finally owned the aircraft carrier. At the same time, with the official production of its own aircraft carrier, it means that so far, it has finally had the ability of good enemy super weapons. Yes, that's true. That is, use your own aircraft carrier to give full play to the fixed-point clearance strike role of your aircraft carrier and destroy some important military facilities in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. That is, use your own aircraft carrier to give full play to the fixed-point clearance strike role of your aircraft carrier and destroy some important military facilities in the enemy base.

In particular, the super weapons in the enemy base, whether it is that kind of super attack and weapon, or that kind of lightning storm, should be said, within their own attack range. Then, if possible, you can launch an attack on the construction factory in the enemy base. In this way, it can be said that with its own aircraft carrier, it can successfully suppress the enemy's super weapons. It can be said that the whole battle situation will develop in a direction that is very beneficial to itself. Since then, things have been much easier to do. Yes, that's true.


Now, it can be said that everything is ready. After thinking about this, with Liu Zheng's order, his newly produced aircraft carrier set out from its own base and sailed through the wind and waves to the water in the middle of the whole map. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that only by parking his aircraft carrier in that place can he attack the three enemy bases at the same time. Because that place is almost the same distance from the three enemy bases.

Finally, after a three-minute voyage, one of his aircraft carriers finally came to the central waters. There, Liu Zheng saw that the whole sea looked very wide. Above the sea, the waves are splashing, the waves are turbulent, and the sea and sky are surging. However, Liu Zheng is not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful sea scenery at all. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng is concerned about the superweapon in the enemy's base that is planning to attack him. Yes, it can be said that you should never be careless about the enemy's super weapons and should take them seriously. Because once you are attacked by a super weapon in demand, it will be a devastating attack for you. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, no matter when or under what circumstances, the attack on the enemy's super weapons should be cautious and go all out, and never let the enemy's government's weapons succeed again. Now, through the spy satellite, Liu Zheng finally found that in the enemy's farthest base, an enemy lightning storm attack - that is, the kind of weather controller that weaves lightning storms. At this time, it seems to be less than half a minute away from the final attack time. Through the spy satellite, Liu Zheng finally found that in the enemy's farthest base, there was an enemy lightning storm attack - that is, the kind of weather controller that weaves lightning storms. At this time, it seemed to be less than half a minute away from the final attack time.

So, after seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, his own aircraft carrier, which had just sailed here, was almost the first time, locked the target of the attack on the enemy's base far away from him. The farthest, the super weapon in the enemy base - the weather controller.

"Start the attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack officially began. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

It should be said that in this case, it is certain that Liu Zheng's attack on the aircraft carrier this time is also quite sharp. Seven to eight carrier-based aircraft roared up to the sky and flew across the sea. Soon after, they flew over the enemy's farthest base from their own base. Although at this time, the enemy's base also has a variety of air defense forces, constantly attacking Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft. Moreover, some of their carrier-based aircraft were constantly shot down as the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower was strengthened, or simply exploded in the air.

However, even so, what can be done? After all, in the enemy's base, the anti-aircraft firepower cannot be so strong! At the same time, because of Liu Zheng's carrier-based aircraft, the health value should also be very powerful. Naturally, it will not be so easy to be shot down by the enemy. Therefore, in the end, there were at least four carrier-based aircraft successfully attacking the superweapons in the enemy base and began to carry out air-to-ground missile attacks!