Star Trek

Chapter 480 Final Battle Moment 1

Now, it is certain that Liu Zheng has basically taken the initiative on the battlefield. Moreover, Liu Zheng's battle plan has also been well prepared. That is, use your own super weapon - super nuclear missile, and that is, the long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine you have just produced, plus your own aircraft carrier, to use these long-range strike forces to carry out a long-range attack on the enemy's base first.

Through this long-range attack, it should be said that some important combat units and military facilities in the enemy base should be destroyed to the maximum extent, especially. By cutting off the power supply in the enemy base, the enemy's base and its defense system will be largely destroyed. Then, on this basis, he used his own ground combat power, especially the kind of coastal ship missile launcher, which was matched by his own long-range heavy howitzers to attack the city and plunder the land. At that time, it was almost invincible.

Now, it is certain that Liu Zheng has no more and more hope for this battle. Confidence is constantly increasing. Liu Zheng knew that in less than half an hour, this battle would end in his own victory. Moreover, it should be said that this is a protracted battle. In this battle, my base and spirit are being tested by fire and rebirth. What makes me feel relieved is that no matter what, in this fire-like test of rebirth, both your base and your own spirit have turned to a beacon like Nirvana. Yes, it is really Phoenix Nirvana.

Floating at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that an enemy base closest to his base, including military facilities, combat forces and defense systems, had been almost destroyed under the continuous attack of his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile. In the enemy base, Liu Zheng saw that there was smoke everywhere, debris everywhere, bomb pits and fierce war. It should be said that Liu Zheng is still very gratified about the attack effect of his long-range intercontinental ground attack missile just now. Yes, that's true. You know, that attack is certain that it caused a devastating blow to the enemy's base. It is no exaggeration to say that an enemy base has been disabled.

You should know how powerful your long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground nuclear missile is really strong. At one launch, 17 nuclear warheads attacked the target one after another. Moreover, my own strategy and tactics are also very good. First, through the super intercontinental attack missile, because that kind of super host attack nuclear missile will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system at all. Seventeen nuclear warheads continuously attack the target. Moreover, my own strategy and tactics are also very good. First, it is through the super intercontinental attack missile, because that kind of super host attack nuclear missile will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system at all.

Therefore, in this case, it has its own super attack nuclear missiles, destroying the power system in the enemy base and cutting off the power of the enemy base. In this way, it has also caused damage to the enemy's air defense system. In this way, his three long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground nuclear missiles can not be intercepted by the interception system in the enemy's base during the attack. This eventually led to the success of his own attack.

So, now, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that he can send his own ground combat as if it were a force to level the enemy base. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, seven of their own long-range heavy howitzers, the so-called vanguard troops, etc., were in the front. Behind, closely followed by five of their own shore ship missile launchers.

Yes, that's true. According to Liu Zheng's established combat plan, that is, first use its own shore ship missile launcher to attack the possible combat forces in the enemy base. After all, the attack distance of this shoreship missile launcher is much farther than its own long-range heavy howitzer. Yes, that's true. As much as possible, use your long-range strike force to destroy the units or military facilities in the enemy base that can resist, and finally send some of their own long-range heavy howitzers to defeat the enemy's base.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, the huge ground attack force set out from its own base and rushed to the enemy base closest to his base. So, for a moment, on the winding path, a rolling iron flow rolled forward. In fact, it is invincible. After flying, under Liu Zheng's command, his ground attack force finally rushed into a jungle less than 50 kilometers away from the enemy's base. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's combat plan, this own expeditionary force is now taking a rest in this jungle to make final preparations for the final attack.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that in the current situation, everything is ready, only the east wind. Yes, that's true. However, when his ground attack force attacked less than 50 kilometers away from the enemy's base, his shore ship missile launchers could not help but automatically attack some military facilities in the enemy's base.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that his shoreship missile launcher does have automatic attack capability. In particular, when he feels that some local combat units or the machines of military facilities have a certain threat, then, as long as he is within his own attack range, it is certain that he will do his best to do his best, first, and then suffer.

Liu Zheng saw that the targets attacked by his shore ship missile launchers were not clear, but the gun bunkers on the edge of the enemy base. Yes, now that I think about it, Liu Zheng also feels that this first-first attack strategy is still very correct. Because the enemy's machine gun bunker seems to be built in a relatively batch, it is easy to be found in the process of repetition. However, once it hits their side, it is impossible to reflect your long-range attack advantage at that time. On the contrary, it must be covered by the melee advantage of the machine gun bunker.

Therefore, its own shore ship missile launchers were stronger first, and the narcissus began to carry out medium-range and long-range strikes at the machine gun bunkers built on the edges of the enemy's bases. Swish, swish, Liu Zheng clearly saw that one long shore missile after another, roaring, and the rear tail dragged a dark red flame, suddenly flew over the sea, and then used it to pass through the jungle, over the mountains, and saw that it was about to hit the target. One after another The long shore missile roared, dragging a dark red flame in its rear tail, suddenly flew over the sea, and then crossed the jungle, over the mountains, and was about to hit the target.

However, at this time, the situation suddenly changed. From the enemy's base, several anti-aircraft missiles roared out and rushed to the sky at the fastest speed. Finally, they hit Liu Zheng's shore missiles in mid-air.

coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, so, with the sound of successive explosions suddenly sounded, a dark red explosive firelight constantly shining in mid-air, watching that several Liu Zheng'an warship missiles that were about to hit the target were destroyed by the enemy's Patriot anti-aircraft missile T. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel tight. Damn, six thought that this enemy base had once again restored the power supply, otherwise, his air defense system could not have fulfilled its mission again.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Liu Zheng knew that now he had the means to destroy the enemy's base. This is another special means to avoid spending too much time. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided that he might as well use his long-range strike force, especially his own super attack and weapons, to launch another attack on some power plants in the enemy base. Then, since his ground attack power is not far from the enemy's base, he said that just after the superweapon attack, he could send his own ground combat force to defeat the enemy's base.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng saw that his super and weapon attack had reached the last moment. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his super attack and weapons finally began again. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion!

Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on the explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, the whole world was full of yellow dust and the strong wind roared. Then, a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose from the ground, and the dust exploded, and everywhere was full of a dazzling white light, almost so that people could not open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with his super attack and weapons, which had just been completed, in the enemy's base, with the huge dark red explosive mushroom cloud, gradually dissipating, and on the ground, the enemy's construction factory noticed all the military division facilities. Including several general-level power plants, an ore refinery, a barracks, and an airport, all of which were destroyed by Liu Zheng's fierce attack and weapons. On the ground, the smoke is everywhere, the war is raging, the wreckage is everywhere, and the craters are full of bullets. A messy and messy scene.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel slightly happy. Wow, damn it, now, I can drive my ground combat force and flatten all the remnants of the military in the enemy's base in a way. All forces and military facilities have been eliminated.

So, Liu Zheng gave an order to launch his several coastal ship missile launchers. At this time, they concentrated their firepower and began to attack one of the most important military division facilities in the enemy base, the enemy's main construction factory. After a row, a series of shoreship missiles shot out and broke through the air. The rear tail dragged a dark red danger. Although the transition of flight was not very high, the speed was very fast, and the sound of breaking wind kept ringing. At the same time, because the power supply in the enemy's base has been cut off, the air defense system is naturally drawn by him. Therefore, those coastal missiles saw a continuous and accurate hit of the target - the main construction plant in the enemy base.

So, in this way, soon after, an enemy's construction factory quickly, with a bang, turned into countless wreckage and fragments, disappearing in a dark red explosive firelight rising to the sky. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, their own long-range heavy howitzers rolled forward at the fastest speed. Soon after, they rushed to the enemy's base. Then, rushing left and right, invincible in the enemy's base. With one heavy howitzers after another, they kept hitting the target. A civilian enemy's infantry combat unit was destroyed, and a tragic cry came one after another came. At the same time, some other remnant military forces, some remnants Military division facilities have been continuously eliminated.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that his main battle tanks were rising in the enemy's base. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's base suddenly had some strange changes. Yes, it seems, but it's just beginning. The ground began to take the initiative, but Liu Zheng knew that this was a symbol that the enemy's base could no longer support. Liu Zheng knew that soon, this base would be eliminated. Sure enough, at this time, Liu Zheng finally saw that some dilapidated military facilities, such as power plants, magnetic explosion coils, battle bunkers and other military facilities, suddenly shook on the enemy's base. It looked like an earthquake.

Then, the enemy's military facilities with large and small debris actually shrank to the ground one after another. At the same time, the broken enemy's combat forces, chariots, exploded, and infantry, turned into a pool of green water in the scream. ......

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the first enemy base was killed by himself very easily. Next, naturally, Liu Zheng has set his eyes on the enemy's second base. At this time, for Liu Zheng, it is really like a fish in water, windy and rainy.

Yes, that's true. Under the current situation, Liu Zheng decided that he might as well launch a final attack on the enemy's second base through a special means. That is, its own super attack and weapons, together with the series (at least seven) long-range heavy-to-ground intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles, plus its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarines, and its own three aircraft carriers,

In a word, all his trump card combat forces are dispatched. Liu Zheng knows that this attack method will certainly cause a devastating blow to an enemy base. Yes, whether it is a super nuclear missile, a long-range intercontinental ballistic intercontinental attack missile, or a nuclear missile launched by its own long-range host attack nuclear submarine, it has a devastating power. Liu Zheng is very clear about this.

Yes, that's true. According to Liu Zheng's plan, he first destroyed some power plants in the enemy base through his own super attacks and weapons, thus cutting off the power supply system in the enemy base. On this basis, and then through other long-range strike forces. I believe that in many cases and in many situations, the enemy's base can't withstand its own fierce attack at all. Yes, although this kind of attack is inhumane, it can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

Yes, Liu Zheng knows that in this expectation, what he is about to see must be the appearance of the enemy's base, just like the scene of the end of the world. Death, horror, depression, helplessness...

"Haha, haha, I'm the king of the world, I'm the king of the world!" Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting hysterically at this time, as if the whole world had been trampled under his feet.