Star Trek

Chapter 481 Battle Time 2

So, in this way, with the arrival of the last attack moment, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling a little nervous. However, Liu Zheng knew that it seemed to be more of excitement. Liu Zheng is looking forward to the impending disaster in an enemy base.

In this way, soon after, with Liu Zheng's order, another long-range intercontinental attack on super nuclear missiles finally began. Suddenly, on the missile launcher of his base, a huge rocket slowly rose into the air and sprayed a orange tail flame on the stomach. Then, the huge rocket flew faster and faster and faster. After flying to a certain announcement, it suddenly changed. In the direction of the enemy's base, fly quickly. But

Finally, ten seconds later, as a huge nuclear missile fell from the sky, a mushroom cloud that seemed to rise from the sky in the enemy's base, and then continued to spread around. It is permeated. In the enemy's base, a mushroom cloud that seemed to rise from the sky from the base, and then continued to spread around. It is permeated.

At the same time, as the huge mushroom cloud continued to spread, too many combat units and military division facilities were destroyed one after another in the enemy's base and above the ground. Therefore, the enemy's base was full of scenes of death.

In modern times, with the progress of the war, Liu Zheng knows that he is about to win this war in the near future. Looking back on the just-finished scene, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing with emotion. Yes, that's true. Of

I know that in the face of the attack of the enemy's crazy super weapons, I can resist it. It seems that this situation can only be regarded as an extraordinary performance. In modern times, after a few days of rest and being called by the headquarters, Liu Zheng once again took up and began a new war.

On this side, Liu Zheng learned from the lessons of the previous battle and conducted a detailed inspection of the location of his base before starting a frontal battle with the enemy. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng saw that his base was surrounded by the sea on three sides, and there were only two wooden bridges connected with the outside world. At the same time, there are nine islands in that important area of the ocean. Several technological drilling wells were built on an island. Undoubtedly, an island has long become something like Liu Zheng looks like. Yes, it seems that you have to occupy that island. For nothing else, on the one hand, there are rich resources on it. Those scientific and technological oil wells are enough to make their base have endless production and construction funds.

This is undoubtedly of great value and significance for the construction of combat production of its own base. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Yes, that's true. In addition, from the perspective of this terrain, since the position where your base is located and there are only two wooden bridges connected for the enterprise, this means that the enemy is likely to mainly rely on air strike forces to launch a pre-catching attack on their base.

Shida, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that the first thing he needs to do at present is to destroy the two wooden bridges. Yes, Liu Zheng knew that it was impossible for him to deal with the enemy's air strikes and ground attacks at the same time. In modern times, only by destroying the two wooden bridges first can they eliminate the threat of enemy ground attacks on their bases. The rest is to concentrate all your energy on dealing with the enemy's air strikes.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that although he can basically avoid the danger of being attacked by the enemy as long as he destroys the two wooden bridges. However, you should know that the two wooden bridges are not so easy to destroy. Yes, that's true. Compared with its own tree species, so far, there are only five main battle tanks.

The key to VT is that it will take at least a minute for these five main battle tanks to fire at the same time and attack the wooden bridge. However, in about this time, it is difficult to say that the enemy's ground combat forces will not be implanted. Therefore, on the one hand, Liu is constantly improving the air defense system, which is mainly to improve his air defense system by building more land-based light air defense bubbles. After all, during the initial construction of the base, the enemy's main means of attack was air strike.

At the same time, on the other hand, Liu is commanding his five main battle tanks to attack the two wooden bridges. At the same time, he has also considered that once the two wooden bridges are destroyed, once the enemy's ground attack force attacks, it will catch him off guard. Therefore, while preparing for the rainy day, he commanded his five main battle tanks to constantly attack the two wooden bridges. On the other hand, Liu Zheng also continued to carry out his own combat production. However, in the current situation, because the chariot factory has not been completed, Liu Zheng can only produce some infantry combat weapons. These include 20 marines, and in addition, 15 police dogs. These are indispensable for Liu Zheng. It is also the only thing that can be done in your current situation. Yes, that's true.


It seems that under this situation, with Liu Zheng's order, their main battle tanks were divided into two roads and rushed towards the two wooden bridges. Yes, only by blowing up the two wooden bridges can you effectively stop the enemy's ground attack forces from rushing into your base. Only in this way can you concentrate on defending against the attack of the enemy's air power. Normal University, that's indeed the case.

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his main battle tanks rushed to the side of the two enemy's wooden bridges. Then, several shells shot out one after another, so soon after, one of the wooden bridges finally broke open with a click under the bombardment of cannonballs one after another. In this way, Liu Zheng has also known that as long as a gap is opened, what can be given is that the enemy's ground combat strength can no longer come to his base through this wooden bridge.

However, just after Liu Changwei had just burst a wooden bridge and saw some relief, suddenly, on another wooden bridge, at this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that more than a dozen camel soldiers of the enemy rushed towards his base. At this time, four-third of the enemy's camel soldiers have passed through the wooden bridge and came to their own base! Liu Zheng clearly saw that more than a dozen camel soldiers of the enemy rushed to his base. At this time, four-third of the enemy camel soldiers had passed through the wooden bridge and came to their own base!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows that although this kind of enemy camel soldier is not very capable of attack in general, this kind of enemy camel soldier has very good special military facilities. Yes, whether it is on the boulder, whether it is a shipyard, a chariot factory, a barracks, a power plant, an ore refinery, or a technology drilling well, or even a superweapon and a construction factory, these enemy camel soldiers are the best targets. Yes, that's true.

However, despite this, for Liu Zheng, these camel soldiers of the enemy army did not attach Liu Zheng's attention at all. Because Liu Zheng had already made the necessary preparations before he died. Yes, more than a dozen police dogs, at this time, saw the 27 camel soldiers of the enemy. They had passed the wooden bridge and were rushing towards the base. Those police dogs, regardless of their lives, roared and barked wildly, rushed out of the base, and then rushed out of the enemy's more than a dozen camel soldiers. , rushed over bravely. The police dogs, regardless of their lives, roared and barked wildly, rushed out of the base crazily, and then rushed bravely towards the more than a dozen camel soldiers of the enemy army.

Soon after, more than 20 of Liu Zheng's police dogs rushed to the enemy's camel soldiers. Then, although the enemy camel soldiers kept casting small explosive bags at the police dogs, the police dogs, because of their very agile and neat movements, were able to avoid the attack of the small explosive bags of the camel soldiers very quickly. After flying, he jumped up for the opportunity and threw the enemy's camel soldiers at once. Then, with a scream, the enemy's camel soldiers were repeatedly swallowed by Liu Zheng's police dogs.

Soon, it was useless to start after running away from the black smoke. Some of Liu Zheng's police dog troops simply wiped out some of the enemy's camel soldiers. In this way, it can be said that it was their own police dogs who stood up at the most critical time and wiped out all the camel soldiers who had rushed into Liu Zheng's base. Thus, he cooperated with Liu Zheng's main battle tanks in a very timely manner and finally blew up the wooden bridge.

At this time, in this situation, although the enemy has sent some ground attack troops one after another, some camel soldiers, and some are various main battle tanks. However, due to the only two wooden bridges leading to Liu Zheng's base, so far, It has been destroyed by Liu Zheng. Therefore, in this situation, some of the enemy's ground attack troops could not enter Liu Zheng's base at all. Since then, it is certain that the security of Liu Zheng's base has not been caused, at least in terms of ground defense. Yes, that's true.

Unless, on the first hand, the missile is sent to Liu Zheng's base across the river through that kind of long-range attack missile. Unless this is the case, Liu Zheng's base has basically photographed the threat of ground attack by the enemy. However, that's why Liu Zheng is not worried. Yes, in the next time, Liu Zheng will soon produce his own short- and medium-range attack weapons. At that time, the enemy can reach themselves, so, in the same way, their medium- and long-range missiles can also hit the enemy.

As the saying goes, under the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that the only thing that still affects and threatens his base is the enemy's air strike force. Liu Zheng knows that some of the enemy's air strike forces mainly include the F22 fighter, and in addition, it is the B21 strategic bomber. However, after this period of operation, the air defense system has been improved day by day in Liu Zheng's base. Yes, that's true. At the edge of Liu Zheng's base, there are at least seven to eight land-based light air defense bubbles.

Of course Liu Zheng knows, but his land-based light air defense bubble, on the whole, has a very good air defense capability. Yes, that's true. On the one hand, the cost of this kind of land-based light air defense bubble is relatively low. When the base was first built, due to the lack of production and construction funds, in addition, the air defense pressure in its own base is very high. That's true. On the one hand, the cost of this kind of land-based light air defense bubble is relatively low. When the base was first built, due to the lack of production and construction funds, in addition, the air defense pressure in its own base is very high.

That is to say, in that case, you must use the fastest speed to improve your air defense system. In this way, on its own side, it can effectively resist the enemy's air attack. Therefore, in this case, the land-based light anti-aircraft bubble has become the best choice for Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft firepower. Yes, that's true. In general, with the least production and construction funds in the shortest time, the most effective air defense weapon can be built. It should be said that there is no better choice except this kind of land-based light air defense bubble.

In addition, this kind of land-based light air defense bubble also has a very excellent art, that is, its defense ability is very good. Yes, although the cost is relatively low, the health value is very high, and the defense ability is very strong, as if it is even quite terrible. Yes, in fact, that's true. That is to say, in this case, it is difficult for the enemy's air strike force, whether it is the enemy's F22 fighter or the enemy's B2 long-range strategic Type 1 bomber, to destroy its own land-based light air defense bubble. At best, these air strike forces of the enemy can only defeat some of their land-based light air defense bubbles to a certain extent. However, it is certainly not so easy to completely destroy some of your own land-based light air defense bubbles. Yes, that's true. For this point, it can be said that Liu Zheng has a considerable self-confidence factor there.

In addition, in order to strengthen the anti-aircraft firepower, Liu Zheng produced seven to eight self-propelled anti-air bubbles. This kind of confident air defense bubble, in terms of air defense firepower, in fact, is similar to the kind of land-based light air defense bubble given to Liu Zheng. However, it also has a very obvious weakness, that is, this kind of self-propelled air defense bubble has a relatively low health value, once it is hit by the enemy's air fire. Strike, it is easy to be destroyed.

So, to a certain extent, it can be said that Liu Zheng's air defense systems mainly rely on those land-based light air defense bubbles. Now, under the protection of these two most basic anti-aircraft firepower, it can be said that its own base is basically able to cope with the air strikes of the enemy. Yes, that's true. Under the protection of these two most basic anti-aircraft firepower, it can be said that its own base has basically been able to cope with the air strikes of the enemy. Yes, that's true.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that he needs to further improve the air defense system. Among them, in the next time, if his anti-aircraft firepower needs to be further strengthened, then Liu Zhengzi can produce that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile. Yes, in any case, the anti-aircraft missiles launched by that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile launcher have a relatively long range and can more effectively shoot down various enemy fighters in advance, instead of allowing the enemy's air fighters to fly over their own base before shooting them down.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that for himself, the most basic defense system has been almost completed. These include anti-aircraft firepower and ground defense combat systems. However, at this time, Liu Zheng knew that at the same time, although he was doing his best to improve his defense system, on the other hand, his production and construction funds were almost used.

Fluorine-free, so on the one hand, Liu Zheng is constantly strengthening his defense system, and on the other hand, it is certain that Liu Zheng must also prepare for his economic construction.