Star Trek

Chapter 484 Final Battle Time 5

However, in modern times, the current situation is no longer like that. Yes, everything has changed. After all, when moving its position, its base looks relatively close to the enemy's main base, but at the same time, its own base is also completely exposed to the attack range of the enemy's mainframe. Therefore, it is certain that on the one hand, it may be more direct, easier and more profitable for the enemy's base. However, in the same way, the enemy will be easier, more convenient and more powerful when attacking their own bases.

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng must consider that he must change his previous battle plan. That is, now, you must not only strengthen the airman's anti-aircraft firepower, but also be fully prepared for the enemy's ground attack. Now, the enemy is likely to attack in an all-round way.

Sure enough, just after Liu Zheng had just built three land-based light air defense bubbles, he had not even produced a movable anti-aircraft gun vehicle, and an air attack by the enemy had begun. Yes, still, there are several F22 fighters in front, followed by two or three B2 printing bombers of the enemy. Although the land-based light air defense bubbles that had just been built hit the target fiercely. However, there is still an enemy's small air-to-ground nuclear missile (this was launched by the enemy's printing B2 strategic bomber,)

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the air-to-surface small nuclear missile launched by the enemy's B2 printing bomber dragged the bright green tail flame and constantly changed the direction of flight. Under the guidance of his own guidance system, it drilled through clouds and fog and broke through the air, although its flight speed was It's not very fast, but Liu Zheng knows that such a flight speed, after hitting the target, is certain that his base will suffer a heavy blow.

Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knows very well that although the fund's air-to-ground strategic nuclear missile launched by Bill's bomber flies very slowly, this kind of air-to-ground strategic attack small nuclear missile has the kind of nuclear missile launched by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, which has a phase The same offensive. Although the flight speed is very slow, this kind of air-to-ground strategic attack small nuclear missile has the same aggressiveness as the nuclear missile launched by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

Yes, that's true. That is, this kind of attack nuclear missile can avoid the enemy's air defense system and accurately hit the target. At the same time, this attack nuclear missile itself has a very good guidance ability. Even if the target moves quickly, it will go with the wind and finally hit the target. In addition, as a small attack nuclear missile, the explosive equivalent of the explosion launched after the explosion is not very simple. Yes, that's true. At this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he must be careful and deal with various situations that may occur.

Suddenly, with the small nuclear missile launched from the enemy's B2 long-range strategic bomber, it finally hit the target - the main construction plant in his base. Suddenly, a dark red explosive mushroom cloud rose to the sky. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his main construction factory was suddenly destroyed by more than 50%. In addition, two power plants in the surrounding area were immediately destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Wow, damn it, I didn't expect that when my base was just beginning to be built, it would have been attacked by the enemy on such a scale.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng knew that there was nothing he could do. It seems that the enemy is always very good at air strikes. Then, under the order of Liu Zheng, his own construction factory began to be maintained. Although it needs to consume a certain amount of production and construction funds, Liu Zheng knows that this is also very necessary for himself. Yes, it is impossible to have a power plant. Since two power plants have been blown up, I am simply building five power plants.

In this way, after about ten minutes of machine preparation, Liu Zheng's base has finally returned to the previous level in terms of air defense capability. Thirteen land-based light anti-aircraft bubbles are five self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, all deployed at the front position of Liu Zheng's base. Since then, if the enemy's air fighters want to launch a attack on Liu Zheng's base, then it is certain that they will pass through that position first. In this way, it is not easy to easily pass through Liu Zheng's air defense position.

However, in the following time, what Liu Zhengdi did not expect was that in his base, on the edge of the defensive position of his base, his more than a dozen mobile anti-aircraft artillery vehicles were hit by the enemy's unknown firepower. The more coaxed and coaxed, the more vulnerable it is to be hit by this unknown firepower.

Yes, it seems that it is clearly one shell after another, falling from the sky. In this case, it is almost the same as the kind of long-range heavy howitzer for yourself. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that three of his own self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were destroyed by the enemy's long-range strike force. After seeing this, Liu Zheng had no choice but to leave his bicycles to the gun truck and design a distance towards the interior of his base.

However, just after Liu Zheng had just withdrawn his self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery vehicles in the direction of his base, suddenly, the enemy's B2 long-range stealth bomber took this opportunity to fly in the direction of his base again. After seeing this, Liu Zheng secretly shouted that it was not good. Yes, obviously, this was a battle plan carefully planned by the enemy. With the help of that long-range ground strike force, he forced his self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicle to retreat in the direction of his base. However, just as he launched, the enemy's air strike force made a comeback again and took advantage of the adjustment of his air defense system to Liu Zheng's base again. Strike in the air.

At this time, Liu Zheng had already seen that the three enemy's B2 long-range strategic stealth bombers were successively attacking their own bases and again with the small air-to-ground nuclear missiles. Produced, 13 small air-to-surface small nuclear missiles, dragging a bright green tail flame and slowly falling from the air,

Breaking through the air, Liu Zheng saw that the attack ability formed by such as 13 small air-to-ground nuclear missiles after a generation hit the target must have caused damage to his base. However, still, Liu Zheng has no choice but to deal with this kind of attack by the enemy. Because the small air-to-ground nuclear missile launched by this B2 bomber has an anti-intercepting system, and its own anti-aircraft firepower cannot intercept them at all. Liu Zheng has no choice but to deal with this kind of attack by the enemy. Because the small air-to-ground nuclear missile launched by this B2 bomber has an anti-intercepting system, and its own anti-aircraft firepower cannot intercept them at all.

In this way, Liu Zheng clearly saw that three small air-to-ground nuclear missiles hit the target one after another - it was still the main construction plant in his base. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

Yes, it should be said that in this case, anyway, in Liu Zheng's base, suddenly, their own self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery vehicles were attacked by unknown forces of the enemy. Naturally, this made Liu Zheng feel very annoyed. However, in the current situation, there is really no better way to do it. Yes, that's true.

Because, it is obvious that the enemy's combat unit that attacked Liu Zheng's self-propelled anti-aircraft gun vehicle must be the enemy's long-range strike force. Moreover, from the current situation, it should be said that the long-range strike unit of the enemy is similar to the long-range heavy howitzer given to Liu Zheng. After all, Liu Zheng has just seen that it is like a shell.

Liu Zheng knows that in this case, if he can hold several long-range heavy howitzers, or the kind of missile that loyally attacks the ground, then what can be given is that the enemy's attack has no threat to him at all. However, the problem now is that there is no such medium- and long-range strike force in Liu Zheng's hands. Yes, that's true. In the current situation, Liu Zheng actually only has a few main battle tanks. And these main battle tanks are impossible to compete with the enemy's long-range ground strike forces. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that the only way to avoid this situation continues, that is, he must produce a medium-range strike force as soon as possible.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, and soon, in his chariot factory, the short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers simply stopped the production plan and put three long-range heavy howitzers first to produce. The location, so that it is certain, is natural that the reason is also very obvious, that is, in order to deal with the enemy's medium- and long-range ground strike force, Liu Zheng must produce this kind of heavy long-range howitzer. In the first position of production, it is certain that the reason is naturally obvious, that is, in order to cope with the enemy's medium- and long-range ground strike force, Liu Zheng must produce this kind of heavy long-range howitzer.

However, despite this, you should know that each construction of that long-range heavy howitzer also requires 3,000 production and construction funds, and it is not so easy to produce at once. However, at this time, the enemy's ground combat forces seem to be more rampant. More dense shells fell from the sky, and even its own main factory, especially the chariot factory next to the main factory, has been hit.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very nervous and quite a cycle. You know, if your chariot factory is destroyed by the enemy, then it is really too big for Liu Zheng at any time. Moreover, it would not be so easy to build a new chariot factory. Yes, that's true.

Finally, after a period of hard work, Liu Zheng's first long-range heavy howitzer was finally produced. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was so happy. Yes, that's true. Shit, in this way, I can finally feel at ease. Liu Zheng's heart is not so happy. Yes, that's true. Shit, in this way, I can finally rest assured.

Sure enough, just after Liu Zheng's long-range heavy howitzer was produced, Liu Zheng saw that his own long-range heavy howitzer began to shake her huge turret, and then, boom, boom, the barrel was bitter, the red light shining, and the continuous shells burst out and broke through the air. Attack in the direction of the enemy's base. Then, a deafening explosion suddenly came, but because Liu Zheng did not build a spy satellite now, Liu Zheng did not know what kind of combat unit the enemy had been destroyed. Anyway, since the construction of this long-range heavy howitzer, many enemy combat units or military facilities have suffered a crazy blow from their own long-range heavy howitzer.

It seems that my long-range heavy howitzer has been waiting for a long time. Yes, that's true. However, after Liu Zheng's long-range heavy howitzer was played, the enemy's long-range heavy printing bomber suddenly flew over its base. Then, several small air-to-ground nuclear missiles were fired out, and then it looked very slow, but it had a magnificent momentum and accurately hit the main construction plant in Liu Zheng's base.

coax, coax, coax, although the construction plant, because of its own health is very high and its defense ability is very strong, it is impossible to be destroyed at all. However, some of Liu Zheng's combat units and some military facilities next to the main factory were involved. As a result, after several deafening explosions, Liu Zheng clearly saw that his own chariot factory and the long-range heavy howitzer with his own interests were blown up without a trace by several air-to-ground small nuclear missiles of the enemy. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help saying a word for a long time.

attached to him, this enemy is too horrible. The ground attack is very good, and the air attack shows no sign of weakening. However, relatively speaking, Liu Zheng is very clear in his mind that compared with the previous attack methods of the enemy, it is obvious that the current attack seems to focus more on ground attacks. And this seems to be very different from the previous attack method.

Moreover, it seems that this kind of ground attack by the enemy seems to be more vivid! Quite powerful. And this, it can be said, is exactly what Liu Zheng is most worried about. Yes, that's true.

Now, his chariot factory and his only long-range heavy howitzer have been killed by the enemy. Moreover, it was their old enemy, the enemy's B2 stealth fighter bomber. In the face of this situation, it can be said that Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very emotional.

However, in this case, naturally, Liu Zheng will never relax. Wow, at all, didn't you blow up my chariot factory in one fell swoop? So what can happen? I can still build it again!

After thinking of this, on the one hand, Liu Zheng hurriedly ordered his other, almost all the air defense forces, to rush to the front of his own defensive position. There, a solid air defense system was once again formed. Then, with an order, his second chariot factory began to be built...