Star Trek

Chapter 485 Final Moment 6

Not long ago, Liu Zheng succeeded in making his debut on the aircraft carrier he had just produced. Several carrier-based aircraft roared across the sea and accurately attacked a series of air-to-ground missiles on the weather controller in the enemy's base. Although the triangular carrier aircraft was knocked down by the enemy's ground air defense fire during the attack, in any case, the positive second attack simply destroyed a weather controller in the enemy base. Since then, the fixed-point clearance attack method of Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier, its attack ability, and its great lethality have once again been vividly reflected.

Now, under the current situation, it is only known that its own aircraft carrier, especially the second aircraft carrier, is under construction. At the same time, the aircraft carrier that has been produced has been deployed to the central sea by Liu Zheng. In this way, as long as super weapons are built in the enemy's base, it is certain that within ten seconds, Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier will be able to destroy the enemy's super weapons that have just been built. In this way, it can be said that the enemy's super weapons have no chance to play their role. As long as super weapons are built in the enemy's base, it is certain that within ten seconds, Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier will be able to destroy the newly built enemy's super weapons. In this way, it can be said that the enemy's super weapons have no chance to play their role.

Normal University, that's indeed the case. In the face of this situation, it can be said that Liu Zheng was finally relieved. In addition, as the enemy's super weapon was finally suppressed by himself, his super weapon, the super attack nuclear missile, was finally built in Liu Zheng's base. Now, it is in an almost countdown to the attack.

Now, Liu Zheng saw 17 long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground nuclear missiles stationed in the nearest enemy base, where 17 long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack nuclear missiles were stationed around the main factory. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. Liu Zheng knows that if such a large number of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic nuclear missiles are all attacked by one generation, then it is certain that even if his base has a relatively complete air defense cylinder, it still can't avoid such a huge and extremely powerful attack on the enemy. Destroy it. Therefore, after seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked.

Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking that it seemed that the enemy seemed to be carrying out a new attack. That is, actively launch more than a dozen long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground nuclear missiles, and then launch a sudden attack on Liu Zheng's base when the time is ripe. In this way, although their super weapons, suppressed by Liu Zheng's aircraft carrier, cannot play their due role at all. However, on the positive side, most long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack nuclear missiles can still be used in this way to achieve a huge lethality.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng felt ridiculous about the enemy's combat plan. Because if ten is in the initial construction of the base, it can be said that the enemy's attack method is quite terrible. It will definitely cause a devastating blow to Liu Zheng's base. However, now, the situation has changed. You know, now, in Liu Zheng's base, the super weapon, the super attack nuclear missile, is counting down. That is to say, it won't take long for Liu Zheng's super nuclear weapon to launch an attack on the target.

Now, after seeing this situation, Liu Zheng has decided that his inscription is super attack nuclear missiles, and the target of the enemy is several long-range host nuclear missiles. Liu Zheng thought that after watching Laozi's super and weapons hit, no matter how many such remote host ground-to-ground nuclear missiles are, they will all disappear!

Yes, it should be said that what Liu Zheng didn't expect was that this time, the three bases of the enemy were so vulnerable! It should be said that this is really beyond Liu Zheng's expectation. Yes, that's true.

After all, the bases of these three enemy armies, in terms of type, belong to that kind of cruel level of opponents. Naturally, they are also extremely difficult to fight. Therefore, in this case, in this case, generally speaking, even if there is only one base, Liu Zheng has to spend considerable strength to destroy it. However, this time, it's so easy!

What's more, among these three enemy bases, they all have super weapons. Naturally, this is more difficult for the realization of Liu Zheng's goal. However, no matter what, Liu Zheng didn't spend too much effort in the end, so he destroyed it. Naturally, this is quite an incredible thing.

However, later, Liu Zheng also thought that this is the only way. One of the most important factors is that his base and the passage outside are only the two wooden bridges. And I had already destroyed the wooden bridge at the beginning of the war. In this way, naturally, all the ground attack forces of the enemy cannot attack!

In this case, naturally, the enemy can only consider other attack plans. Ground attack is naturally impossible. For Liu Zheng, naturally, he only needs to make full preparations from the aspect of air defense, and as for other things, he doesn't have to think about it at all.

Moreover, in terms of air defense operations, it is certain that Liu Zheng now has a fairly complete air defense system in his hands. And that fairly perfect air defense system can basically make the enemy's air strike force not threaten the safety of Liu Zheng's base at all. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that in his base, land-based light anti-aircraft guns and self-propelled howitzer vehicles, waiting for some of the most basic air defense forces can play a very important role in the base. Yes, that's really the case.

Especially later, under the great pressure of the enemy's super weapon attack, an aircraft carrier was finally successfully produced. Yes, it is the kind of aircraft carrier that has successfully upgraded its parameters in all aspects. Since the production of that aircraft carrier, the attack of the enemy's super weapons naturally has no threat. Or so, since the production of his own aircraft carrier, it is certain that he can completely pass the declaration of war clearance attack of his own aircraft carrier, and eventually put the super weapons in the enemy's base, whether it is that kind of super nuclear power. The bullet, or the same kind of weather controller, has been completely killed.

Yes, it's true. In this way, naturally, you can finally suppress the attack of the enemy's super weapons. And for Liu Zheng, its significance is naturally, which is also quite important. Because next, you can fully play the role of your own super weapon!

Now, Liu Zheng sees that the attack of the enemy's superweapons has been basically suppressed by himself. Therefore, in this case, you can use your own super weapons to launch a large-scale attack on the enemy's base. With Liu Zheng's order, his super weapon, the super nuclear missile, finally began to attack the target.

This time, Liu Zheng has decided that the target of the attack is the group of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles in the enemy base. Yes, you know, once the long-range intercontinental attack missiles in some enemy bases attack Liu Zheng's base at the same time, then it is certain that even your own base has a fairly complete air defense system, but if you want to attack those enemy's long-range intercontinental attacks It is really impossible to destroy all the power. Yes, that's true.

So, now, I can completely cut off the power supply in the enemy base with the help of my super weapon attack this time. Since then, naturally, things will be much easier in the next few days. Yes, that's true.

Because once the power supply in the enemy's base is cut off, it is certain that the air defense system in the enemy base will also be destroyed. In this way, naturally, their long-range intercontinental attack nuclear missiles will also be able to play their significant role. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his super nuclear missile attack finally began. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, as the light fog of the nuclear bomb explosion fell one after another, on the ground, the enemy's ground that had just been attacked was naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there.

It should be said that now, Liu Zheng once again feels how powerful his super attack nuclear missile has. As the super attack nuclear missile fell from the sky, in the enemy's base, more than a dozen long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles were all blown up one after another. Then, almost at that moment, after being blown into the air, they exploded and exploded. Countless wreckage and fragments...

At the same time, it should be said that there were at least five or six power plants in the enemy's base, and all of them were destroyed. On the ground, the wreckage of the power plants was scattered there, which looked like a pile of ruins.

At the same time, looking at the light towers one by one, most of them stopped rotating. Liu Zheng already knew that in fact, the power supply in the enemy's base has been cut off. In this case, it is just the right time to play their role as their own long-range nuclear missiles. Therefore, under Liu Zheng's order, three of their own long-range intercontinental nuclear missiles began to attack the target almost at the same time!

The tall support frame slowly rose, and then more than a dozen nuclear missiles were launched one after another! Their missile launchers were set up one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spewing fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it swept over its base, flew through the jungle, and flew over a large area of sea. Then, in that mid-air, it swept over its base, flew through the jungle, and flew again. Passing through that large area of the sea, and then continue to roar towards the enemy base...

Dozens of intercontinental attack nuclear missiles have hit the target one after another! Liu Zheng saw that it was really a rare explosion scene! More than a dozen intercontinental attack nuclear missiles hit the target one after another. Then, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen explosions rose to the sky in the enemy's base!

You should know that most of those missiles are intercontinental nuclear missiles, and the explosive equivalent is naturally quite unusual. Boom, boom boom ~ ~ The dark red explosion rose to the sky. For a moment, the enemy's base, unexpectedly, was ready to collapse just after the main building factory was blown up!

It should be said that the victory of this battle also gave Liu Zheng a new evaluation of how powerful he has for his super weapon. Yes, that's true. In the following time, Liu Zheng almost used the same method, the same strategy and the same battle plan, and successively destroyed the other two bases of the enemy. Since then, it can be said that the enemy's core base and the surrounding three satellite bases were finally destroyed by Liu Zheng. The same strategy and the same combat plan have successively destroyed the other two bases of the enemy. Since then, it can be said that the enemy's core base and the surrounding three satellite bases were finally destroyed by Liu Zheng.

In the following time, for Liu Zheng, it is to bring his current base closer to the core level of the enemy. After all, only when you are closer to the enemy's core base will you have more opportunities to hit the enemy hard. In the end, be fully prepared to completely destroy the enemy's core base. Yes, that's true. Only when you are closer to the enemy's core base will you have more opportunities to hit the enemy hard. In the end, be fully prepared to completely destroy the enemy's core base. Yes, that's true.

However, what Liu Zheng did not expect was that although the enemy's three satellite bases were relatively easy to deal with. It can be said that it did not spend much time and energy to avoid the three enemy satellite bases. The fund used its own super weapons and those long-range hosts to attack nuclear missiles, which was very easy to destroy the three enemy satellite bases.

However, now, you should know that since you have moved your own base, it is more reflected from the core base of the enemy. Despite this, in addition, it can be said that its own base has been completely exposed to the attack range of the enemy base. In the past, you should know that only the two wooden bridges of my base were connected to that, so after I blew up the two wooden bridges, it basically meant that I didn't have to worry about being attacked by the enemy's ground combat forces on the ground defense side. Therefore, at that time, in that situation, Liu Zheng just focused all his energy on defending against the enemy's air strikes.