Star Trek

Chapter 486 Finale 01

The battle should be said to be very difficult. According to Liu Zheng's plan, only after producing long-range heavy howitzers can he counter the enemy's long-range strike force. However, in fact, after Liu Zheng's first two long-range heavy howitzer shells were finally produced, they also played a certain defensive role. The long-range heavy howitzer that had just been produced kept rotating his turret. At the same time, at the mouth of the barrel, one shell after another, shot out and attacked the enemy's long-range strike force in different directions.

It should be said that at the beginning, my newly produced long-range heavy howitzer did play a very good role in attack. However, due to the fog of war, Liu Zheng knew that he could hear that with his long-range heavy howitzer, his turret was constantly rotating, and then a deafening explosion kept coming. However, what kind of combat units or military facilities of the enemy were destroyed, Liu It's not clear at all.

However, Liu Zheng intends to produce at least five such long-range heavy howitzers. Yes, that's true. It should be said that only after producing five such long-range heavy howitzers with two hands can they effectively counter and attack the enemy's long-range strike force. Otherwise, it is just such a long-range heavy howitzer. Relatively speaking, it is single-shaped and weak, and does not compete with the many long-range strike forces of the enemy.

However, when his 22nd long-range heavy cannon was sneered and produced, suddenly, the cannonballs fell from the sky, coaxed and coaxed. Therefore, for a moment, Liu Zheng did not know where the shells came from. However, just like the shell fired by his long-range heavy cannon, this kind of shell is very powerful. Not only did it destroy its newly produced long-range heavy artillery, but at the same time, its own chariot factory was also destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very surprised. This kind of shell is very powerful. Not only did it destroy its newly produced long-range heavy artillery, but at the same time, its own chariot factory was also destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very surprised.

Yes, it seems that the battle plan just now really can't go on. The enemy seems to be fully prepared for the attack of their own base. Moreover, more importantly, the previous combat styles are very different. Because Liu Zheng knew that in the past, the enemy's combat style mainly relied on air strike power, while ground attacks were generally used as an auxiliary attack method.

However, this time, the situation has changed significantly. The enemy's attack was actually an air attack and a ground attack. Yes, that's true. In terms of air attack, fighter jets were launched one after another, together with the enemy's super air strike force-B2 hidden strategic bombers, covering Liu Zheng's base one after another. Moreover, with a little carelessness, its own air defense system can't completely intercept the enemy's air fighters at all. Therefore, under such circumstances, Liu Zheng had to strengthen his air defense system again. Otherwise, it is very likely that your base, in the face of the enemy's air attack, is also overstretched and very embarrassed in defense.

70% At the same time, in terms of ground attacks, it can be said that the enemy is very prominent in this battle. Moreover, those who participate in the attack are not like before, just use some main battle tanks to stop, just make a tentative attack, or carry out a reconnaissance attack. It should be said that the enemy's shallow attack will naturally never pose any threat to Liu Zheng's base.

However, the current situation has definitely gone beyond the shallow attack method, but a truly comprehensive and serious attack. Liu Zheng has noticed that the enemy has basically used their core ground combat force. For example, their long-range heavy howitzers and their medium-range attack missiles can be said to be absolutely inspiring and lethal. Liu Zheng has noticed that the enemy has basically used their core ground combat force. For example, their long-range heavy howitzers and their medium-range attack missiles can be said to be absolutely inspiring and lethal.

Now, it can be said that for Liu Zheng, the situation is not optimistic. The main reason is that, on the one hand, the long-range heavy howitzer he had just produced was finally destroyed by the enemy. Another reason is that its chariot factory, as the most important military facility in its own base, was actually destroyed in an attack by the enemy just now. In this way, this also means that I must see this very important military facility again. Yes, that's true.

Now, it is certain that if the enemy continues to use their long-range ground attack force to attack their own base under such circumstances. Or, they give full play to the joint strike advantages of their various ground combat forces and unite in various ways from all angles to carry out a comprehensive attack on their own base. It can be said that in this case, their own base will certainly be in a situation. Yes, that's true.

However, Fortunately, in this case, the enemy did not really launch a comprehensive counterattack on the ground against their base. And Liu Zheng also took this rare opportunity to speed up desperately and build his second chariot factory. At the same time, because of his own combat laboratory, it was also destroyed by the enemy in the battle just now. Therefore, in order to truly form combat effectiveness, Mongolia produces long-range strike forces. After the generals come out of the chariot factory, they must also build a combat laboratory. In this way, in terms of base construction, your task should be more important.

In this situation, on the one hand, Liu is constantly speeding up the construction of his chariot factory in order to produce his own long-range strike force as soon as possible. Yes, that's true. On the other hand, Liu Zheng decided to detect the place where the enemy's long-range strike force was deployed in any case. Only in this way can I find an opportunity to destroy the enemy's medium- and long-range strike force. It is also necessary to detect the place where the enemy's long-range strike force is deployed. Only in this way can I find an opportunity to destroy the enemy's medium- and long-range strike force.

Yes, only by destroying the enemy's medium- and long-range strike force. Then, your own base will be safe. At the very least, until you have a medium- and long-range strike force, you will not suffer a devastating blow that may be caused by the medium- and long-range strike force of the enemy. That kind of strike effect is really cruel for Liu Zheng's base. With the combat power I had at that time, it is certain that it is inevitable.

Therefore, in this case, in order to find the location of the enemy's medium-range strike force, Liu Zheng decided that he could use his own paratroopers to achieve this strategic goal. Yes, it is certain that if you use your own ground reconnaissance force, it will definitely not work. Because all kinds of long-range strike forces of the enemy are so strong that they will not allow their ground melee forces to approach the past. Often, before approaching the target, it has been destroyed by the enemy's medium- and long-range strike forces. In this way, the gains have not been worth the losses. I have lost my wife and lost my army, and I can't eat a handful of rice without stealing chickens. Naturally, Liu Zheng is not willing to do this kind of thing. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng decided that if he uses his own airborne troops, it is very likely to achieve this strategic goal.

Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu made a haste decision to set the landing site of his airborne troops within the range of the possible medium- and long-range strike force of the enemy. Finally, soon after, a large transport plane flew over. Fortunately, it did not pass through the enemy's base. Otherwise, with the air defense strike force in the enemy base, this heavy transport plane will definitely be shot down. A large transport plane flew over. Fortunately, it did not pass through the enemy's base. Otherwise, with the air defense strike force in the enemy base, this heavy transport plane will definitely be shot down.

In this way, finally, half a minute later, the large transport plane finally flew to the designated area, and then, seven to eight airborne troops fell from the sky from the large transport plane and so on. Moreover, in this place, according to some information previously detected by Liu Zheng, it must be outside the coverage of the enemy's air defense firepower, so these airborne soldiers will not be hit by the enemy's air defense firepower. In this way, as the airborne troops landed at the designated place one after another, and then suddenly appeared in front of Liu Zheng.

However, what made Liu Zhengxin watch was that with some of his airborne troops, he landed safely. However, the medium and long-range strike force of the enemy was not found in that area. However, in this situation, Liu Zheng did not give up. With an order, the 78 airborne soldiers were divided into three directions and searched in three directions. Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's long-range strike force was deployed nearby. As long as his supervisor searched, soon after, he listened to a slam. Yes, that's true.

It should be said that in this case, Liu Zheng searched and advanced about 300 kilometers away from his base through his airborne troops to find the enemy's long-range strike force. It should be said that the enemy's long-range strike force is simply too threatening to its own base. Therefore, if you want your base to be invincible in the next action and no longer threaten and suppress the enemy's long-range strike force, the first way is to eliminate the enemy's medium and long-range ground attack force. Yes, there is no better way.

So, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his airborne troops were composed of about seven to nine airborne special forces. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that his own airborne special forces have a strong comprehensive combat capability, which not only has a very long-range sniper ability, but also is inherently feasible for the enemy's infantry combat strength. At the same time, it is more anonymous and can specifically deal with the enemy's chariot combat troops. In addition, there are several blasters. In this case, once the enemy's medium and short-range ground attack force is found, it can be given that Liu Zheng's airborne special forces will effortlessly destroy them.

However, in the current situation, the question is where the medium- and long-range ground attack troops of the enemy who have just caused huge losses to their base are, which is really a question. Therefore, in this case, with Liu Zheng's order, the airborne special forces continued to search in all directions in a radial manner. Liu Zheng knew that as long as the enemy's medium- and long-range attack force did not play their base, it would be searched. Once searched, it can be said that their end is coming. Yes, that's true.


In this way, after about three minutes of death, in a seemingly dense jungle, suddenly, all the fierce gunfire came. Liu Zheng knew that it should be said that the target was finally searched. Therefore, Liu Zheng just switched his perspective to there at the first time. Sure enough, in the forest of Omi, three enemy's fuzzy heavy long-range howitzers and two medium-range ballistic missiles were all gathered there.

In fact, Liu Zheng knows very well that the enemy's long-range heavy howitzer has the same attack ability as his own long-range heavy howitzer. Yes, that's true. You know, the biggest feature of this Tiger long-range heavy howitzer is that it has a long attack distance and great lethality. Moreover, the attack method she adopts is the kind of dragged attack, not the kind of missile attack powered by rocket technology, which is powered by rockets, which is easily vulnerable. Interception of enemy air defense systems. Because of this, this Tiger long-range heavy howitzer, in many cases, has been a medium- and long-range strike force, has a unique advantage. It's unpreventable.

Yes, that's true. It can be given that if this Tiger long-range heavy howitzer is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, then the attack power it causes to the target is quite terrible. On the one hand, his attack distance will be longer, and on the other hand, his lethality will be stronger. In this way, for the goal, the solid is a solid ink. Yes, if the other party does not have the same long-range strike force to compete with this Tiger heavy howitzer, then it can be evaluated that this Tiger long-range heavy howitzer will become a terrible combat force that can destroy a base. In fact, Liu Zheng is very clear about this. Because in the past, she had destroyed an enemy base with several long-range heavy howitzers of her own. In this case, Liu Zheng has used this mode of combat many times.

However, whether it is this kind of enemy's tiger long-range heavy howitzer or the enemy's medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missile, they are only good at medium-range strike. This kind of combat force can be said to have no way at all in the face of melee attack units. Therefore, at this time, in this situation, the airborne special forces facing Liu Zheng have been close to the target and should be far enough. Otherwise, they will not be able to fire and attack. If you force fire, it will cause damage to yourself. It is also possible that relying on the past, the target was not eliminated, but blew itself up. This situation, of course, should be avoided as much as possible for this medium and long-range strike force.

Now, since the target has been found, Liu Zheng will naturally not let them use their long-range strike power. Therefore, under an order, the eight to nine airborne special forces ceased to attack. Some directly use the machine guns and submachine guns in their hands to attack. Some, one after another, they turned to the target and notified a one-to-meter*. Yes, it is used as a small rocket launcher in the book to launch small rockets at the target. Therefore, for a while, his eight to nine airborne special forces, basically the enemy's medium and long-range strike forces, were completely surrounded. So, all kinds of attack methods crossed. For a while, the enemy's medium and long-range strike combat units were fundamentally helpless. Under their fierce attack on Liu Zheng's fierce attack, they had quickly put that enemy The medium and long-range combat force, his shareholder, Liaoxi, can't find the north at all.

Coaxed, coaxed, and coaxed, so soon, under the fierce attack of Liu Zheng's airborne special forces, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the life of the enemy's medium and short-range chariots was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye. Suddenly, coaxed, coaxed, one after another, two or three cars had exploded. The remaining three cars came to escape in many ways, but because their speed was not very fast, they could not escape at all. It's a fierce attack. Soon after, Liu Zheng clearly saw that the remaining two enemy medium- and long-range combat troops were destroyed.

On the ground, the smoke is raging, the war is raging, and the bullet pits are full. The seemingly dense jungle just now was basically destroyed with the end of the war. A piece of jungle has basically disappeared.

In this case, Liu Zheng saw that since he had destroyed the enemy's medium- and long-range ground strike forces, it can be said that this is very important for him. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that three of his own long-range heavy howitzers were also produced in his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally took a long breath. Damn, it's fine now. So far, it should be said that these three long-range heavy howitzers are enough for their own use today.

Before that, it was precisely because I lacked this kind of long-range ground attack force that I was really powerless in the face of the enemy's medium and short-range ground attack firepower. However, all that has become history so far. Now, it can be said that after resisting the enemy's long-range ground attack, Liu Zheng already has quite good attack firepower. On the one hand, these three long-range heavy howitzers have long-range strike capabilities enough to restrain the enemy's ground long-range firearms. Another aspect is that in this case, Liu Zheng has also set up a production plan for five short-range anti-aircraft missiles. With the completion of this production plan, it can be said that Liu Zheng's air defense system will be further strengthened. By that time, basically, Liu Zheng's base was fully prepared for defense operations in all aspects. Yes, that's true.

In this case, with Liu Zheng's order, in fact, there is a Grand Canyon between his own base and the enemy's base. Although the Grand Canyon looks very wide, Liu Zheng knows that he can reach the enemy's base from the edge of his base with his long-range heavy howitzer. At the very least, some enemy military facilities near the edge of the enemy base, or some military combat forces, can become the targets of their own three long-range heavy howitzers.

So, at this time, in this situation, the three long-range heavy howitzers were constantly rotating. At the same time, the dark red explosive firelight kept shining in the bitterness of the barrel. At the same time, one after another, long-range heavy howitzers roared out, broke through the air, crossed an arc, and accurately fell one after another to the edge of the enemy base.

So, coaxed, coaxed, with the long-range heavy howitzer shells one after another, constantly drew an arc, flew over the Grand Canyon and hit the target. At the edge of the enemy's base, with the deafening explosions, one after another burst of explosive flames rose to the sky, the same At that time, some enemy military facilities also exploded one after another. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Yes, that's true. Wow, damn it, it's all right now. I can finally have my own medium- and long-range strike force to threaten the enemy's base.

I remembered that not long ago, more than a dozen mobile anti-aircraft artillery vehicles in my base, were suddenly attacked by the enemy's ground strike force falling from the sky. As a result, Liu Zheng and he were afraid to deploy their combat units there within a certain area. Otherwise, it will definitely become the target of the enemy's long-range strike forces on the ground. Now, it should be said that everything has become history. Yes, that's true. As the saying goes, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Now, the situation at that time, that situation, happened to be sent. The enemy's medium- and long-range strike force, that is, the medium- and short-range ground attack force of the enemy that caused a considerable threat to Liu Zheng's base, has now been destroyed by Liu Zheng's airborne special forces. Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng's medium- and long-range ground attack power has an absolute advantage. Now, the three long-range heavy howitzers are making a fierce attack on the enemy base without hesitation.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng saw that his three long-range heavy cannons, although, with time, their level is getting higher and higher. Yes, as they continue to destroy some military losses or military combat units of the enemy, their base will naturally continue to improve. Now, the three long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In this way, both the attack distance and the lethal strength will be several times higher than the original time. Of course, this is a very good thing. However, no matter what, Liu Zheng finally saw helplessly that his three Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzers could only attack a very limited range on the edge of the enemy base. As for the most important military facilities in the core of the enemy base, they could not be attacked at all. In this way, of course, this is not possible for Liu Zheng.

Yes, that's true. Although under the current situation, Liu Zheng has built two long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground nuclear missiles. You should know that this kind of long-range intercontinental ground attack ballistic nuclear missile has a very long attack distance and is quite lethal. However, he has a very obvious weakness, that is, he is also vulnerable to the interception of the enemy's air defense forces. That is to say, as long as the air defense system is not destroyed in the enemy's base, then its own long-range host ground-to-ground nuclear missile,