Star Trek

About StarCraft 2

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. In the end, all the brainworms who refused to accept Kerrigan's leadership were killed. But Zeratul couldn't trust her anyway and refused to assassinate the new master.

Kerrigan's plan to use the Earth Federal Army, which has just joined the battlefield, to control the new master to eradicate all competitors. She lodced Mengsk, Raynor and Fenix of the Star Spirit to form an alliance. Kerrigan left an undercover agent named Samir Duran inside the Earth Federal Army, and he is also destroying the Earth Federal Army from the inside. After a victory by Korhal, the Blade Queen betrayed her allies - while they were resting, she attacked their allies' armies and killed the generals of Fenix and Mengsk.

Shortly after that, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal at Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

alien arms [14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Charles, it was Zeratul who corrected Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to begin to bridge the gap between the star spirit and the dark temple on the star of Ayr. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to destroy the stars from Al who had "desecrated" Shakulas, Zeratul played a key role in smashing Ulrezaj's conspiracy.

But Zerattus also bears a lot of terrible burdens. In the battle to eliminate the nest brain worm Zasz, Zeratu accidentally established a brief spiritual connection with the master. Although he learned the unknown secret motives and plans of the master, the master also got the position of Al from him, so he planted the seeds of Ayr's destruction. In addition, there is a painful and long past between Zerat and the Blade Queen. After the death of the master, the Blade Queen tried to control all the Zerg and eliminate the remaining nest brain worms. Zelatu was used by her more than once and betrayed by her every time.

Star II game original painting (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit [11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C

Attack Machine

Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I


Capital ship 400400200 ground, air-to-air M

Star Spirit Building[12]

Building Shield Value Health Value Energy Value Hot Key

node 7507500N

absorption 4504500A

Crystal Tower 200200--P

Photon Tower 1251250C

boundary gate 5005000G

Dimensional Gate 5005000W

Robot Factory 450450--R

Stargate 600600--S

Forging plant 550550--F

Control core 550550--Y

Light and Shadow Council 500500--W

Holy Church Archives 500500--T

Dark Sanctuary 500500--O

Mechanical Station 500500--N

fleet beacon 500500--F

Exogeneic insects

I Alien Insect*[13]

The alien insect is a completely different race from humans and astral spirits

Screenshot of StarCraft II (17 photos). Their populations are formed by infecting other races. In order to achieve the purpose of alien insects to rule everything, these creatures will selectively and quickly evolve into effective and deadly killing machines once they are infected. Alien insects do not need to use science and technology to make weapons, armor or spacecraft. Instead, these functions are effectively realized through biological adaptability and planned mutations. Even the buildings of foreign insects are specially functional organs composed of growing organisms attached to the nest. When the aliens just arrived at the Koprulu star area, they were still under the collective consciousness of a foreign insect - the absolute rule of the domination. It fundamentally directs the actions of each alien insect in the herd through some low-level consciousnesses. The first and most important link is the brain worm, each of which is entrusted to directly control a considerable part of the population. The host executes the order of the brainworm and is responsible for directly commanding and controlling most of the alien insects in the nest and battlefield. Although the primary purpose of the domination is to destroy the highly evolved star race and absorb their genes, it has still found something very useful but undeveloped in humans. After infecting Sarah Kerrigan, a human with powerful ghost energy, the master evolved a new and unique creature - Blade Queen. When the master was destroyed by the star spirit when he invaded Ayr, the Blade Queen manipulated the Dark Templar to destroy the rest of the living brainworms and finally ruled the swarm.

Hero of Aliens

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Now Kerrigan is subordinate to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her mind is firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. Finally, all refuse to accept that Kerrigan is now subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident. Now Kerrigan is subordinate to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Queen of Blade has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. In the end, all the brainworms who refused to accept Kerrigan's leadership were killed. But Zeratul couldn't trust her anyway and refused to assassinate the new master.

Kerrigan's plan to use the Earth Federal Army, which has just joined the battlefield, to control the new master to eradicate all competitors. She lodced Mengsk, Raynor and Fenix of the Star Spirit to form an alliance. Kerrigan left an undercover agent named Samir Duran inside the Earth Federal Army, and he is also destroying the Earth Federal Army from the inside. After a victory by Korhal, the Blade Queen betrayed her allies - while they were resting, she attacked their allies' armies and killed the generals of Fenix and Mengsk.

Shortly after that, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal at Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

Exotic arms[14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Charles, it was Zeratul who corrected Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to begin to bridge the gap between the star spirit and the dark temple on the star of Ayr. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to destroy the stars from Al who had "desecrated" Shakulas, Zeratul played a key role in smashing Ulrezaj's conspiracy.

But Zerathu also bears a lot of terrible burdens. In the battle to eliminate the nest brain worm Zasz, Zeratu accidentally established a brief spiritual connection with the master. Although he learned the unknown secret motives and plans of the master, the master also got the position of Al from him, so he planted the seeds of Ayr's destruction. In addition, there is a painful and long past between Zerat and the Blade Queen. After the death of the master, the Blade Queen tried to control all the Zerg and eliminate the remaining nest brain worms. Zelatu was used by her more than once and betrayed by her every time.

Star II game original painting (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit Corps[11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C


Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I


Capital ship 400400200 ground, air-to-air M

Star Spirit Building[12]

Building Shield Value Health Value Energy Value Hot Key

node 7507500N

absorption 4504500A

Crystal Tower 200200--P

Photon Tower 1251250C

boundary gate 5005000G

Dimensional Gate 5005000W

Robot Factory 450450--R

Stargate 600600--S

Forging plant 550550--F

Control core 550550--Y

Light and Shadow Council 500500--W

Holy Church Archives 500500--T

Dark Sanctuary 500500--O

Mechanical Station 500500--N

fleet beacon 500500--F

Exogeneic insects

I Alien Insect*[13]

The alien insect is a completely different race from humans and astral spirits

Screenshot of StarCraft II (17 photos). Their populations are formed by infecting other races. In order to achieve the purpose of alien insects to rule everything, these creatures will selectively and quickly evolve into effective and deadly killing machines once they are infected. Alien insects do not need to use science and technology to make weapons, armor or spacecraft. Instead, these functions are effectively realized through biological adaptability and planned mutations. Even the buildings of foreign insects are specially functional organs composed of growing organisms attached to the nest. When the aliens just arrived at the Koprulu star area, they were still under the collective consciousness of a foreign insect - the absolute rule of the domination. It fundamentally directs the actions of each alien insect in the herd through some low-level consciousnesses. The first and most important link is the brain worm, each of which is entrusted to directly control a considerable part of the population. The host executes the order of the brainworm and is responsible for directly commanding and controlling most of the alien insects in the nest and battlefield. Although the primary purpose of the domination is to destroy the highly evolved star race and absorb their genes, it has still found something very useful but undeveloped in humans. After infecting Sarah Kerrigan, a human with powerful ghost energy, the master evolved a new and unique creature - Blade Queen. When the master was destroyed by the star spirit when he invaded Ayr, the Blade Queen manipulated the Dark Templar to destroy the rest of the living brainworms and finally ruled the swarm.

Hero of Aliens

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Now Kerrigan is subordinate to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her mind is firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole population. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. Finally, all refuse to accept that Kerrigan is now subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Shortly after that, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal at Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federation, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Charles, it was Zeratul who corrected Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to begin to bridge the gap between the star spirit and the dark temple on the star of Ayr. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to destroy the original paintings of the "blasphemed" Star II game (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit Corps[11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C

Attack Machine

Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I


Capital ship 400400200 ground, air-to-air M

Star Spirit Building[12]

Building Shield Value Health Value Energy Value Hot Key

node 7507500N

absorption 4504500A

Crystal Tower 200200--P

Photon Tower 1251250C

boundary gate 5005000G

Dimensional Gate 5005000W

Robot Factory 450450--R

Stargate 600600--S

Forging plant 550550--F

Control core 550550--Y

Light and Shadow Council 500500--W

Holy Church Archives 500500--T

Dark Sanctuary 500500--O

Mechanical Station 500500--N

fleet beacon 500500--F

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. In the end, all the brainworms who refused to accept Kerrigan's leadership were killed. But Zeratul couldn't trust her anyway and refused to assassinate the new master.

Kerrigan wants to use the plan of the Earth Federal Army, which has just joined the battlefield, to control the new master to eradicate all competitors. She loited Mengsk, Raynor and Fenix of the Star Spirit to form an alliance. Kerrigan left an undercover agent named Samir Duran inside the Earth Federal Army, and he is also destroying the Earth Federal Army from the inside. After a victory by Korhal, the Blade Queen betrayed her allies - while they were resting, she attacked their allies' armies and killed the generals of Fenix and Mengsk.

Shortly after that, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal at Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war. The Blade Queen is facing the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

Exotic arms[14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Charles, it was Zeratul who corrected Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to begin to bridge the gap between the star spirit and the dark temple on the star of Ayr. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to destroy the stars from Al who had "desecrated" Shakulas, Zeratul played a key role in smashing Ulrezaj's conspiracy.

But Zeratu also bears a lot of terrible burdens. In the battle to eliminate the nest brain worm Zasz, Zeratu accidentally established a brief spiritual connection with the master. Although he learned the unknown secret motives and plans of the master, the master also got the position of Al from him, so he planted the seeds of Ayr's destruction. In addition, there is a painful and long past between Zerat and the Blade Queen. After the death of the master, the Blade Queen tried to control all the Zerg and eliminate the remaining nest brain worms. Zelatu was used by her more than once and betrayed by her every time.

Star II game original painting (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit Corps[11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C


Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I


Capital ship 400400200 ground, air-to-air M

Star Spirit Building[12]

Building Shield Value Health Value Energy Value Hot Key

node 7507500N

absorption 4504500A

Crystal Tower 200200--P

Photon Tower 1251250C

boundary gate 5005000G

Dimensional Gate 5005000W

Robot Factory 450450--R

Stargate 600600--S

Forging plant 550550--F

Control core 550550--Y

Light and Shadow Council 500500--W

Holy Church Archives 500500--T

Dark Sanctuary 500500--O

Mechanical Station 500500--N

fleet beacon 500500--F

Exogeneic insects

I Alien Insect*[13]

The alien insect is a completely different race from humans and astral spirits

Screenshot of StarCraft II (17 photos). Their populations are formed by infecting other races. In order to achieve the purpose of alien insects to rule everything, these creatures will selectively and quickly evolve into effective and deadly killing machines once they are infected. Alien insects do not need to use science and technology to make weapons, armor or spacecraft. Instead, these functions are effectively realized through biological adaptability and planned mutations. Even the buildings of foreign insects are specially functional organs composed of growing organisms attached to the nest. When the aliens just arrived at the Koprulu star area, they were still under the collective consciousness of a foreign insect - the absolute rule of the domination. It fundamentally directs the actions of each alien insect in the herd through some low-level consciousnesses. The first and most important link is the brain worm, each of which is entrusted to directly control a considerable part of the population. The host executes the order of the brainworm and is responsible for directly commanding and controlling most of the alien insects in the nest and battlefield. Although the primary purpose of the domination is to destroy the highly evolved star race and absorb their genes, it has still found something very useful but undeveloped in humans. After infecting Sarah Kerrigan, a human with powerful ghost energy, the master evolved a new and unique creature - Blade Queen. When the master was destroyed by the star spirit when he invaded Ayr, the Blade Queen manipulated the Dark Templar to destroy the rest of the living brainworms and finally ruled the swarm.

Hero of Aliens

Salad Kerrigan

Sarah Kerrigan joined the SonsofKorhal resistance as a ghost rescued from the Federation by ArcturusMengsk. After showing enough courage and successfully using various tactics, Kerrigan became an important assistant to Mengsk.

In the revolution of AntigaPrime, Kerrigan and Jim Raynor (who have deep sympathy or deeper feelings for her) successfully eliminated the main forces of the local federation and liberated the colony. But as the situation changed, an alien creature called an alien insect invaded the planet. Mengsk tried to take advantage of the situation and ordered Kerrigan to place the ghost energy launcher (a device stolen from the Federation that can guide interplanetary alien insects) at the federal base. The alien insects flocked and flattened the federal army. Kerrigan left while watching the massacre caused by her and was full of disgust.

The SonsofKorhal's next goal is to attack Tarsonis (the federal capital). After defeating the federal army, Mengsk ordered the placement of ghost energy launchers on Tarsonis. So countless alien insects arrived on the planet, and in order to eliminate the insect disaster, the star spirit began to intervene. Seeing that the situation was about to take a turn, Mengsk gave Kerrigan a suicidal task - to protect the hive of alien insects from star spirits, and finally she completed the task. However, after requesting an emergency evacuation, Kerrigan found that he had been abandoned on the planet by Mengsk. Perhaps after using and understanding Kerrigan's power, Mengsk thought that she would be a great threat to his future plans. After that, Jim Raynor and his troops separated from the Sonsof Korhal.

Kerrigan was captured by a foreign insect and wrapped in a protective cocoon and transported to Char. In the days like a nightmare in the cocoon, Kerrigan slowly evolved into a powerful weapon of strange insects - the Blade Queen. She used electrocardiogram to ask Jim Raynor for help. Unfortunately, Jim Raynor is too slow. The Blade Queen has broken out of the cocoon.

The Blade Queen stared coldly at her "savior". She is no longer the same Kerrigan, and her body has changed significantly: she has skin as mottled like a protective case, snake-like hair, and a pair of bone wings (used as a fighting weapon). Only her human body size, appearance, language ability, wisdom, spiritual ability and past memories have survived. Because Raynor did not pose any threat to her, she let him leave unharmed.

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. In the end, all the brainworms who refused to accept Kerrigan's leadership were killed. But Zeratul couldn't trust her anyway and refused to assassinate the new master.

Kerrigan wanted to use the plan of the Earth Federal Army, which had just joined the battlefield to control the new master, to eradicate all his competitors. She loited Mengsk, Raynor and Fenix of Xingling to form an alliance. Kerrigan left an undercover agent named Samir Duran inside the Earth Federal Army, and he is also destroying the Earth Federal Army from the inside. After a victory by Korhal, the Blade Queen betrayed her allies - while they were resting, she attacked their allies' armies and killed the generals of Fenix and Mengsk.

Shortly after that, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal at Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

Exotic arms[14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Charles, it was Zeratul who corrected Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to begin to bridge the gap between the star spirit and the dark temple on the star of Ayr. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to destroy the stars from Al who had "desecrated" Shakulas, Zeratul played a key role in smashing Ulrezaj's conspiracy.

But Zerathu also bears a lot of terrible burdens. In the battle to eliminate the nest brain worm Zasz, Zeratu accidentally established a brief spiritual connection with the master. Although he learned the unknown secret motives and plans of the master, the master also got the position of Al from him, so he planted the seeds of Ayr's destruction. In addition, there is a painful and long past between Zerat and the Blade Queen. After the death of the master, the Blade Queen tried to control all the Zerg and eliminate the remaining nest brain worms. Zelatu was used by her more than once and betrayed by her every time.

Star II game original painting (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit Corps[11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C


Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I

Kerrigan was captured by a foreign insect and transported to Char in a protective cocoon. In the days like a nightmare in the cocoon, Kerrigan slowly evolved into a powerful weapon of strange insects - the Blade Queen. She used electrocardiogram to ask Jim Raynor for help. Unfortunately, Jim Raynor is too slow. The Blade Queen has broken out of the cocoon.

The Blade Queen stared coldly at her "savior". She is no longer the same Kerrigan, and her body has changed significantly: she has skin as mottled like a protective case, snake-like hair, and a pair of bone wings (used as a fighting weapon). Only her human body size, appearance, language ability, wisdom, spiritual ability and past memories have survived. Because Raynor did not pose any threat to her, she let him leave unharmed.

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. In the end, all the brainworms who refused to accept Kerrigan's leadership were killed. But Zeratul couldn't trust her anyway and refused to assassinate the new master.

Kerrigan's plan to use the Earth Federal Army, which has just joined the battlefield, to control the new master to eradicate all competitors. She lodced Mengsk, Raynor and Fenix of the Star Spirit to form an alliance. Kerrigan left an undercover agent named Samir Duran inside the Earth Federal Army, and he is also destroying the Earth Federal Army from the inside. After a victory by Korhal, the Blade Queen betrayed her allies - while they were resting, she attacked their allies' armies and killed the generals of Fenix and Mengsk.

Shortly after that, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal at Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

Exotic arms[14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Charles, it was Zeratul who corrected Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to begin to bridge the gap between the star spirit and the dark temple on the star of Ayr. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to destroy the stars from Al who had "desecrated" Shakulas, Zeratul played a key role in smashing Ulrezaj's conspiracy.

But Zerat has also taken on many terrible burdens. In the battle to eliminate the nest brain worm Zasz, Zeratu accidentally established a brief spiritual connection with the master. Although he learned the unknown secret motives and plans of the master, the master also got the position of Al from him, so he planted the seeds of Ayr's destruction. In addition, there is a painful and long past between Zerat and the Blade Queen. After the death of the master, the Blade Queen tried to control all the Zerg and eliminate the remaining nest brain worms. Zelatu was used by her more than once and betrayed by her every time.

Star II game original painting (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit Corps[11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C


Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I


Capital ship 400400200 ground, air-to-air M

Star Spirit Building[12]

Building Shield Value Health Value Energy Value Hot Key

node 7507500N

absorption 4504500A

Crystal Tower 200200--P

Photon Tower 1251250C

boundary gate 5005000G

Dimensional Gate 5005000W

Robot Factory 450450--R

Stargate 600600--S

Forging plant 550550--F

Control core 550550--Y

Light and Shadow Council 500500--W

Holy Church Archives 500500--T

Dark Sanctuary 500500--O

Mechanical Station 500500--N

fleet beacon 500500--F

Exogeneic insects

I Alien Insect*[13]

The alien insect is a completely different race from humans and astral spirits

Screenshot of StarCraft II (17 photos). Their populations are formed by infecting other races. In order to achieve the purpose of alien insects to rule everything, these creatures will selectively and quickly evolve into effective and deadly killing machines once they are infected. Alien insects do not need to use science and technology to make weapons, armor or spacecraft. Instead, these functions are effectively realized through biological adaptability and planned mutations. Even the buildings of foreign insects are specially functional organs composed of growing organisms attached to the nest. When the aliens just arrived at the Koprulu star area, they were still under the collective consciousness of a foreign insect - the absolute rule of the domination. It fundamentally directs the actions of each alien insect in the herd through some low-level consciousnesses. The first and most important link is the brain worm, each of which is entrusted to directly control a considerable part of the population. The host executes the order of the brainworm and is responsible for directly commanding and controlling most of the alien insects in the nest and battlefield. Although the primary purpose of the domination is to destroy the highly evolved star race and absorb their genes, it has still found something very useful but undeveloped in humans. After infecting Sarah Kerrigan, a human with powerful ghost energy, the master evolved a new and unique creature - Blade Queen. When the master was destroyed by the star spirit when he invaded Ayr, the Blade Queen manipulated the Dark Templar to destroy the rest of the living brainworms and finally ruled the swarm.

Hero of Aliens

Salad Kerrigan

Sarah Kerrigan joined the SonsofKorhal resistance as a ghost rescued from the Federation by ArcturusMengsk. After showing enough courage and successfully using various tactics, Kerrigan became an important assistant to Mengsk.

In the revolution of AntigaPrime, Kerrigan and Jim Raynor (who have deep sympathy or deeper feelings for her) successfully eliminated the main forces of the local federation and liberated the colony. But as the situation changed, an alien creature called an alien insect invaded the planet. Mengsk tried to take advantage of the situation and ordered Kerrigan to place the ghost energy launcher (a device stolen from the Federation that can guide interplanetary alien insects) at the federal base. The alien insects flocked and flattened the federal army. Kerrigan left while watching the massacre caused by her and was full of disgust.

The SonsofKorhal's next goal is to attack Tarsonis (the federal capital). After defeating the federal army, Mengsk ordered the placement of ghost energy launchers on Tarsonis. So countless alien insects arrived on the planet, and in order to eliminate the insect disaster, the star spirit began to intervene. Seeing that the situation was about to take a turn, Mengsk gave Kerrigan a suicidal task - to protect the hive of alien insects from star spirits, and finally she completed the task. However, after requesting an emergency evacuation, Kerrigan found that he had been abandoned on the planet by Mengsk. Perhaps after using and understanding Kerrigan's power, Mengsk thought that she would be a great threat to his future plans. After that, Jim Raynor and his troops separated from the Sonsof Korhal.

Kerrigan was captured by alien insects and transported to Char in a protective cocoon. In the days like a nightmare in the cocoon, Kerrigan slowly evolved into a powerful weapon of strange insects - the Blade Queen. She used electrocardiogram to ask Jim Raynor for help. Unfortunately, Jim Raynor is too slow. The Blade Queen has broken out of the cocoon.

The Blade Queen stared coldly at her "savior". She is no longer the same Kerrigan, and her body has changed significantly: she has skin as mottled like a protective case, snake-like hair, and a pair of bone wings (used as a fighting weapon). Only her human body size, appearance, language ability, wisdom, spiritual ability and past memories have survived. Because Raynor did not pose any threat to her, she let him leave unharmed.

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, shortly after the master, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal on Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

Exotic arms[14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Char, it was Zerat to correct Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to bridge the gap between the Star Spirit and the Dark Church. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to eliminate those "blasphemed" sand worms*[13]

The alien insect is a completely different race from humans and astral spirits

Screenshot of StarCraft II (17 photos). Their populations are formed by infecting other races. In order to achieve the purpose of alien insects to rule everything, these creatures will selectively and quickly evolve into effective and deadly killing machines once they are infected. Alien insects do not need to use science and technology to make weapons, armor or spacecraft. Instead, these functions are effectively realized through biological adaptability and planned mutations. Even the buildings of foreign insects are specially functional organs composed of growing organisms attached to the nest. When the aliens just arrived at the Koprulu star area, they were still under the collective consciousness of a foreign insect - the absolute rule of the domination. It fundamentally directs the actions of each alien insect in the herd through some low-level consciousnesses. The first and most important link is the brain worm, each of which is entrusted to directly control a considerable part of the population. The host executes the order of the brainworm and is responsible for directly commanding and controlling most of the alien insects in the nest and battlefield. Although the primary purpose of the domination is to destroy the highly evolved star race and absorb their genes, it has still found something very useful but undeveloped in humans. After infecting Sarah Kerrigan, a human with powerful ghost energy, the master evolved a new and unique creature - Blade Queen. When the master was destroyed by the star spirit when he invaded Ayr, the Blade Queen manipulated the Dark Templar to destroy the rest of the living brainworms and finally ruled the swarm.

Hero of Aliens

Salad Kerrigan

Sarah Kerrigan joined the SonsofKorhal resistance as a ghost rescued from the Federation by ArcturusMengsk. After showing enough courage and successfully using various tactics, Kerrigan became an important assistant to Mengsk.

In the revolution of AntigaPrime, Kerrigan and Jim Raynor (who have deep sympathy or deeper feelings for her) successfully eliminated the main forces of the local federation and liberated the colony. But as the situation changed, an alien creature called an alien insect invaded the planet. Mengsk tried to take advantage of the situation and ordered Kerrigan to place the ghost energy launcher (a device stolen from the Federation that can guide interplanetary alien insects) at the federal base. The alien insects flocked and flattened the federal army. Kerrigan left while watching the massacre caused by her and was full of disgust.

The SonsofKorhal's next goal is to attack Tarsonis (the federal capital). After defeating the federal army, Mengsk ordered the placement of ghost energy launchers on Tarsonis. So countless alien insects arrived on the planet, and in order to eliminate the insect disaster, the star spirit began to intervene. Seeing that the situation was about to take a turn, Mengsk gave Kerrigan a suicidal task - to protect the hive of alien insects from star spirits, and finally she completed the task. However, after requesting an emergency evacuation, Kerrigan found that he had been abandoned on the planet by Mengsk. Perhaps after using and understanding Kerrigan's power, Mengsk thought that she would be a great threat to his future plans. After that, Jim Raynor and his troops separated from the Sonsof Korhal.

Kerrigan was captured by a foreign insect and was transported to Char in a protective cocoon. In the days like a nightmare in the cocoon, Kerrigan slowly evolved into a powerful weapon of strange insects - the Blade Queen. She used electrocardiogram to ask Jim Raynor for help. Unfortunately, Jim Raynor is too slow. The Blade Queen has broken out of the cocoon.

The Blade Queen stared coldly at her "savior". She is no longer the same Kerrigan, and her body has changed significantly: she has skin as mottled like a protective case, snake-like hair, and a pair of bone wings (used as a fighting weapon). Only her human body size, appearance, language ability, wisdom, spiritual ability and past memories have survived. Because Raynor did not pose any threat to her, she let him leave unharmed.

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, shortly after the master, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal on Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federation Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

Exotic arms[14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

Star II game original painting (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit Corps[11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C

Attack Machine

Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I

Kerrigan was captured by a foreign insect and transported to Char in a protective cocoon. In the days like a nightmare in the cocoon, Kerrigan slowly evolved into a powerful weapon of strange insects - the Blade Queen. She used electrocardiogram to ask Jim Raynor for help. Unfortunately, Jim Raynor is too slow. The Blade Queen has broken out of the cocoon.

The Blade Queen stared coldly at her "savior". She is no longer the same Kerrigan, and her body has changed significantly: she has skin as mottled like a protective case, snake-like hair, and a pair of bone wings (used as a fighting weapon). Only her human body size, appearance, language ability, wisdom, spiritual ability and past memories have survived. Because Raynor did not pose any threat to her, she let him leave unharmed.

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned a revenge against the Tarsonis incident.

In the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen has controlled most of the power of the alien insects. Daggoth and other brain worms saw that they were losing control of the insect population and formed a new master. Kerrigan came to Shakuras, the home of the distant Dark Templar, and controlled Raszagal, the female leader of the Dark Templar through infection. She manipulated Raszagal, claiming that she was not controlled by the master, and then proposed to form an alliance to hunt her worms. Competitors in the group. In the end, all the brainworms who refused to accept Kerrigan's leadership were killed. But Zeratul couldn't trust her anyway and refused to assassinate the new master.

Kerrigan's plan to use the Earth Federal Army, which has just joined the battlefield, to control the new master to eradicate all competitors. She lodced Mengsk, Raynor and Fenix of the Star Spirit to form an alliance. Kerrigan left an undercover agent named Samir Duran inside the Earth Federal Army, and he is also destroying the Earth Federal Army from the inside. After a victory by Korhal, the Blade Queen betrayed her allies - while they were resting, she attacked their allies' armies and killed the generals of Fenix and Mengsk.

Shortly after that, Kerrigan "grabbed" Raszagal at Shakuras and threatened Zeratul - if he did not assassinate the new master, he would never see his leader again. After struggling between these two difficulties for a long time, Zeratul finally assassinated the newborn master and the rest of the brain worms with Kerrigan. Unfortunately, Kerrigan has completely controlled Raszagal, and the leader of the Dark Templar himself refused to leave with Zeratul. Zeratul then imprisoned Raszagal in a prison, hoping to heal her. Soon, Kerrigan took her troops to break the defense of the Dark Templar and met Zeratul in front of the prison. After seeing Zeratul kill Raszagal in despair, Kerrigan let Zeratul go, and she wanted to watch him struggle with grief and self-reproach.

At the end of the mother's nest hegemony, the Blade Queen faced the final revenge force composed of the Earth Federal Army, the Star Spirit Fleet and Mengsk's troops attacking Char. As a result, once again, the alien worm led by Kerrigan completely wiped out all the enemies, which made Kerrigan the most powerful leader in the world. Her hatred and her horror gained an advantage for the alien race in the war.

Exotic arms[14]

Star Spirit Hero


Zelatu, as a famous dark temple warrior, is a warrior and killer proficient in spiritual power. His ancestors were exiled from the planet Ayr, the home of the stars, about a thousand years ago. The Dark Templars refused to integrate into the common spiritual link of the Star Spirit, that is, the Way of Carla, and they put more emphasis on the development of independent consciousness. Zeratul has the title of high priest, but his better-known deeds ensure the final survival of the star spirit family when the threat of the alien insect is emerging.

When Zerat and Consul Tasada met for the first time on the planet Charles, it was Zeratul who corrected Tasada's prejudice and took this as a starting point to begin to bridge the gap between the star spirit and the dark temple on the star of Ayr. Zerat is also the first warrior to eliminate foreign brainworms, although before that, the world generally believed that brainworms were immortal. And most importantly, Zeratu returned to Al with Tasada and immediately began to reunate the split Star Spirit family and overthrew the House of Arbitration, which implemented the high-pressure policy. During the invasion of Ayr by the Zerg army, Zeratul and Tasada fought side by side in an attempt to destroy the ruler of the alien insects. Later, as the alien insects gradually invaded the whole planet Ayr, Zeratu helped the star spirit escape from the planet. When the alien army followed the star spirit refugees to Shakulas, the home of the dark sanctuary, Zeratul also participated in the search for the lost crystal Khalis and Uraj. Under the action of these two crystals, the star spirit successfully activated the Sarnaga Temple and swept away the invaders in one fell swoop. Then, when Ulrezaj, the consul of the Dark Church, threatened to destroy the stars from Al who had "desecrated" Shakulas, Zeratul played a key role in smashing Ulrezaj's conspiracy.

But Zerattu also bears a lot of terrible burdens. In the battle to eliminate the nest brain worm Zasz, Zeratu accidentally established a brief spiritual connection with the master. Although he learned the unknown secret motives and plans of the master, the master also got the position of Al from him, so he planted the seeds of Ayr's destruction. In addition, there is a painful and long past between Zerat and the Blade Queen. After the death of the master, the Blade Queen tried to control all the Zerg and eliminate the remaining nest brain worms. Zelatu was used by her more than once and betrayed by her every time.

Star II game original painting (10 photos)?

And as part of the conspiracy of the Blade Queen, she also controlled Lassagar, the beloved female patriarch of Zerat. Zeratous later rescued the female patriarch, but he soon found that Lasagall had suffered irreparable corrosion. He was forced to kill Lhasgar with his own hands to prevent her from continuing to become a plaything in the palm of the blade queen. When death finally liberated Lhasagar's soul, she appreciated Zeratu's move and designated him as the leader of the Dark Church. But Zeratul thought that he was not suitable to accept this honor, and his soul was also scarred by his past experience.

At this time, he is dealing with a more important matter: establish contact with the stars who survived the betrayal conspiracy of the Queen of Blade as soon as possible. He tracked the energy signal of the star spirit all the way to a remote satellite, because he hoped to work together with these comrades to plot a great plan. But he did not find his star spirit people, but met the spy who had previously worked for the Queen - the fan-like Samir Duran. He is working on cultivating hybrids of stars and alien insects. Although Zeratul destroyed the entire training facility, Duran claimed that this was only a small part of many training settings. And Duran also claimed that he has been around the world under many names for countless centuries, and he is not loyal to the Queen of Blade, but another "much more powerful force". Zerat is deeply troubled by what he has seen and leads a few followers to self-excry. He kept searching for answers. He wanted to know what Duran's true identity was and what kind of dark future Duran's behavior would bring. [ 10]

Star Spirit Corps[11]

Unit shield value health value energy value attack ability hotkey


Machine Workers 2020--Land E


Assault Warrior 60100--Z against the ground


High Mobile Reconnaissance and Ambush 80100--Land-to-Air S


Support robot 4040200 ground-to-ground, air-to-air O


Close Assault Support 100200--I

High-level Templar

Psionic caster 4040200 without H

Dark Templar

Secret infiltrator 4080--ground D


heavy fire assault 35010--ground, air R

Dimension Prism

Tactical transmission 40100----A


Scout 2040--No O

The Colossus

Heavy support 150200--ground C


Advanced air fighter 60120200 air-to-air P

Void Battleship

Long-range bombing 100150--ground-to-air, air-to-air V

Capital ship 150300--No (supported by affiliated units) C


Automatic fighter 5050--ground-to-air I


Capital ship 400400200 ground, air-to-air M

Star Spirit Building[12]

Building Shield Value Health Value Energy Value Hot Key

node 7507500N

absorption 4504500A

Crystal Tower 200200--P

Photon Tower 1251250C

boundary gate 5005000G

Dimensional Gate 5005000W

Robot Factory 450450--R

Stargate 600600--S

Forging plant 550550--F

Control core 550550--Y

Light and Shadow Council 500500--W

Holy Church Archives 500500--T

Dark Sanctuary 500500--O

Mechanical Station 500500--N

fleet beacon 500500--F

Exogeneic insects

I Alien Insect*[13]

The alien insect is a completely different race from humans and astral spirits

Screenshot of StarCraft II (17 photos). Their populations are formed by infecting other races. In order to achieve the purpose of alien insects to rule everything, these creatures will selectively and quickly evolve into effective and deadly killing machines once they are infected. Alien insects do not need to use science and technology to make weapons, armor or spacecraft. Instead, these functions are effectively realized through biological adaptability and planned mutations. Even the buildings of foreign insects are specially functional organs composed of growing organisms attached to the nest. When the aliens just arrived at the Koprulu star area, they were still under the collective consciousness of a foreign insect - the absolute rule of the domination. It fundamentally directs the actions of each alien insect in the herd through some low-level consciousnesses. The first and most important link is the brain worm, each of which is entrusted to directly control a considerable part of the population. The host executes the order of the brainworm and is responsible for directly commanding and controlling most of the alien insects in the nest and battlefield. Although the primary purpose of the domination is to destroy the highly evolved star race and absorb their genes, it has still found something very useful but undeveloped in humans. After infecting Sarah Kerrigan, a human with powerful ghost energy, the master evolved a new and unique creature - Blade Queen. When the master was destroyed by the star spirit when he invaded Ayr, the Blade Queen manipulated the Dark Templar to destroy the rest of the living brainworms and finally ruled the swarm.

Hero of Aliens

Salad Kerrigan

Sarah Kerrigan joined the SonsofKorhal resistance as a ghost rescued from the Federation by ArcturusMengsk. After showing enough courage and successfully using various tactics, Kerrigan became an important assistant to Mengsk.

In the revolution of AntigaPrime, Kerrigan and Jim Raynor (who have deep sympathy or deeper feelings for her) successfully eliminated the main forces of the local federation and liberated the colony. But as the situation changed, an alien creature called an alien insect invaded the planet. Mengsk tried to take advantage of the situation and ordered Kerrigan to place the ghost energy launcher (a device stolen from the Federation that can guide interplanetary alien insects) at the federal base. The alien insects flocked and flattened the federal army. Kerrigan left while watching the massacre caused by her and was full of disgust.

The SonsofKorhal's next goal is to attack Tarsonis (the federal capital). After defeating the federal army, Mengsk ordered the placement of ghost energy launchers on Tarsonis. So countless alien insects arrived on the planet, and in order to eliminate the insect disaster, the star spirit began to intervene. Seeing that the situation was about to take a turn, Mengsk gave Kerrigan a suicidal task - to protect the hive of alien insects from star spirits, and finally she completed the task. However, after requesting an emergency evacuation, Kerrigan found that he had been abandoned on the planet by Mengsk. Perhaps after using and understanding Kerrigan's power, Mengsk thought that she would be a great threat to his future plans. After that, Jim Raynor and his troops separated from the Sonsof Korhal.

Kerrigan was captured by alien insects and transported to Char in a protective cocoon. In the days like a nightmare in the cocoon, Kerrigan slowly evolved into a powerful weapon of strange insects - the Blade Queen. She used electrocardiogram to ask Jim Raynor for help. Unfortunately, Jim Raynor is too slow. The Blade Queen has broken out of the cocoon.

The Blade Queen stared coldly at her "savior". She is no longer the same Kerrigan, and her body has changed significantly: she has skin as mottled like a protective case, snake-like hair, and a pair of bone wings (used as a fighting weapon). Only her human body size, appearance, language ability, wisdom, spiritual ability and past memories have survived. Because Raynor did not pose any threat to her, she let him leave unharmed.

Now Kerrigan is subject to the master, and she can express her thoughts, but her thoughts are firmly controlled like other alien slaves - the master believes that her brave spirit can set an example for the whole herd. Shortly after she was reborn, the master asked her to dive into a human science ship, Amerigo, to further explore the secret of human training ghosts. Later, Kerrigan learned many skills, such as mind storms, and she was able to sense the existence of stars on Char. She sensed Tassadar's whereabouts and went after him, but this was just a scheme set by Tassadar to draw her attention away from the dark temple warrior Zeratul of the star spirit. As a result, Zeratul stabbed a brainworm named Zasz. But when Zeratul's ghost energy knife stabbed Zasz, the master sensed the location of the star spirit's home star Aiur through this contact, and then sent the main force to invade Aiur. Kerrigan stayed on Char to deal with the remaining stars and Raynor's troops. During the invasion of Aiur, the master was killed, and Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis

Kill, Kerrigan began to gain control of most of the alien forces and planned an incident against Tarsonis