Star Trek

Chapter 1 Interstellar Hand in Hand

It's quiet at night.

Liu Zheng sat bored in front of the computer and browsed various web pages aimlessly. In his hand, holding the buttocks of the twenty-first cigarette tonight, the cigarette box that had just been torn was lying lazily in front of him, looking helpless.

"Wow!!!" Liu Zheng took a sip of cigarette fiercely, threw the mouse aside, and then lay down to **, staring straight at the ceiling without a trace of brilliance. The scene that happened during the day involuntarily appeared in front of him...

Now, Liu is working in a courier company - this is also his Nth job since he graduated from college. Originally, the mechanical and uninterested work in the company has annoyed him enough, and the salary is also quite poor, only 1,200 yuan/month. Every Chinese knows that in today's society, even an old man in his 70s who looks at the gate to the community can earn at least 1,78 yuan a month. However, he is a 26-year-old young man with a strong blood and is just the right time to start a career, but he can only earn these 12 per month. 00 yuan dead salary, how can Liu Zheng not hold his breath? However, at present, he really can't find a better job for me, so he has to do it first.

However, a little money can also make up, but Liu Zheng can't stand Liu Zheng's picky behavior. Therefore, this morning, when the guy wanted to find Liu Zheng's embitter, Liu Zheng, who had already made the final preparations, picked up a wooden stick he had prepared early, and turned to the guy's calf as a fierce stick. The guy said "Ouch" and immediately lay on the ground, but he couldn't help cursing, "Liu Zheng, how dare you! Don't leave if you have the ability! Mother's~~~"

Liu Zheng originally wanted to throw the stick and walk away, but after hearing the guy's words, he couldn't help laughing, then carried the wooden stick to the guy, raised the stick in his hand high above his head, and then threw it to the side. When the wooden stick fell to the ground and made a crisp "bang" sound, Liu Zheng's right foot had also kicked the guy's buttocks fiercely and kicked the guy over.

Although Liu Zheng doesn't hit people often, he seems very calm. He didn't hit the guy's head with a wooden stick or kick the guy's spine. He knew what it was to be measured. After that, Liu Zheng asked calmly to the guy, "Kid, do you still scold me? You know, I've always had a good temper!"

That boy is still familiar with current affairs, and he keeps calling him Grandpa Liu Zheng. Finally, Liu Zheng said to the guy, "Kid, Grandpa is not in a bad mood today, so your luck is not very bad. Well, if you want revenge in the future, I will welcome you, as long as you don't think you died early.

In fact, Liu Zheng doesn't have much worries, because he didn't leave any real information to this courier company. Of course, if you meet this guy who was beaten by himself to be called grandpa again in the future, it can only be God's will.

In this way, after the daytime incident, Liu Zheng finally officially announced that his Nth job had been dismissed by himself. However, Liu Zheng did not regret his behavior during the day today. If the job is gone, you can look for it again. However, if this anger has been cured, you may not be able to turn over in your life. In fact, Liu Zheng has always been committed to the principle of "if people don't offend me, I won't offend them; if people offend me, I will definitely offend them", and it has never been easy to cause trouble. However, once someone finds his own trouble, there is no one who will not regret it afterwards. However, Liu Zheng himself has never regretted everything he has done. This is Liu Zheng, a member of the vast sea of people, a person among all sentient beings, but he is also the hegemon of a prince in the virtual online game world in the future, a virtual online game elite that will respond in the future.


Just as Liu was lying in ** and thinking, suddenly, his mobile phone rang, but the ringing of the mobile phone that sounded pleasant in the past sounded so harsh in this quiet night.

Liu Zheng took a look at his mobile phone. Wow, it turned out to be Yuan Qing, a very good classmate when he was in college. Although the two had a good relationship when they were in college, they didn't have much contact after graduation. At most, they just called each other to greet each other. Damn, it's so late. I called. Is it a dog matter or a cat matter?

"Qing, you old dog, I thought you had forgotten me! How's it going? Is it okay?" Liu Zheng answered the phone and scolded "old dog" first. After several years of college, he had always called Yuan Qing. And Yuan Qing is also used to it. If he doesn't call him that for a few days, he really can't stand it.

"Old man, I rely on your daughter-in-law! Don't talk too much. I have brought you some good news today! Well, I guarantee you to make a fortune~~" Yuan Qing is from Shanghai and has some big tongues, and I don't know who he learned from. He is always "I" in one bite. Liu Zheng also consulted him. Yuan Qing explained that there was nothing about this "ben" lecture, that is, it means "I am me", which made Liu Zheng unable to laugh and cry, while Yuan Qing called himself a "talent".

"Wow, you old dog, I haven't found any economic brains in four years of college. What, now you are reborn? Come on, what's the good news?" Liu Zheng could know the bottom of his college classmate, even if he said mercilessly. Yes, in the four years of college, I only played so hotly with this "I" guy, all because both of them are keen on playing video games, and often two people play all night in Internet cafes. And their friendship is constantly deepening in the scene of yawning and red and swollen eyes.

"Well, I won't talk to you anymore. I said, do you remember the computer game [StarCraft 2] we played when we were in college? Now, the developer of that game has further developed a new version [StarCraft Professional Edition]. After playing this version of the game, it is not impossible to earn 8,000 yuan a month, even when it is 100,000 yuan. Now, the whole country and even the whole world have been excited about this game! This is the world's first real professional player game. Well, I said, I just learned this news. Well, I'll send the relevant information about this game to your mailbox first. You can have a look first and I'll call you tomorrow. Well, it's okay to contact on QQ. I have to contact a few more people. Don't forget to check your email later!" After saying these words, Yuan Qing quickly hung up the computer and listened to his tone. At this time, he was the busiest person in the world.

put down the phone in his hand, and Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a god for a while. Yes, when I was in college, everyone was playing the [StarCraft]. The first-level players all played the stand-alone version, while those masters were playing the online version. Among those many players, Liu Zheng and Yuan Qing are naturally the masters among them. They are accompanied by a group of younger brothers, which really made Liu Zheng pass the addiction of a virtual big brother. Later, he and Yuan Qing both organized their own teams. They didn't know how many confrontations they had fought, and they both won or lost each other.

However, the game at that time was just to pass the boring time in college, but now, Yuan Qing actually said that this [StarCraft] has now been upgraded to a professional version, and it is also the world's first truly professional online game, which makes Liu Zhengzhen a little heart Moved.

I still remember that when they were in college, Liu Zheng discussed this issue with Yuan Qing many times, saying that when the players of [StarCraft] can make money and become a real professional player, so that they can devote themselves to the game and become addicted to the game. You can make a lot of money, hehe, hehe, what will it taste like in those days? At that time, I just thought about it, and later I regarded it as a fantasy, but now, now, that desire has become a reality?

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng couldn't wait to log in to his mailbox. Sure enough, he just received an email with the title "World's first truly professional online game masterpiece StarCraft Professional Edition Player's Instructions". Liu Zheng then put it down and opened it, and saw it written:

[Details of StarCraft Professional Edition]

(I) General Outline

This online game has opened up the first truly professional online game in the online game industry. As long as players have a fairly standard level of interstellar games and a corresponding teamwork spirit and sense of unity (over 18 years old, minors are prohibited) can participate in this game.

(II) Rules of the game

1. When logging in to this game, you need to rely on the game pass. This pass needs to be carried out with the personal ID number *, * a fee of 100,000 yuan. This 100,000 yuan pass* fee will be returned to players in ten years.

2. The game will be divided into three stages, namely, the clearance stage and the free development stage (divided into low-level and advanced situations, and the advanced stage of free development, which is the so-called third stage). In the level stage, players will mainly aim to open up the levels of each task. As long as players (in the form of teams) can pass a level of the mission within the specified time, they will receive a corresponding amount of reward funds. The reward is settled in the form of a bet, and the bet amount of each level is between 10,000 and 50,000 yuan. If the player wins, he will receive a cash reward of twice the funds; and if the player does not complete the task within the specified time, the bet will be owned by the game developer.