Star Trek

Chapter 2 Star Trial 1

In the second stage (the level of each member of the team must be upgraded to the marshal level) to be eligible for the city-building order issued by the system. After having the city-building order, you can enter the game copy 2. After that, you can build a main city and expand it with the ability of the team. Until your main city is upgraded to a high enough level, you can be qualified to obtain the planet order and enter the third stage of the game. In this stage, the way players make profits will no longer rely on *, but will make huge profits by buying and selling resources, weapons and equipment, and even transferring land and castle ownership. According to preliminary estimates, the transfer of a major city and its affiliated land will receive a huge amount of 10 million yuan.

After reaching the third stage of the game, players can enter the game copy 3 with the planet order, so as to get their own planet in the infinite starry sky. Players will consolidate their planet and develop their planet strength by operating the planet and interacting with other players in interstellar space. Players can profit from the continuous annexation of other players' planets and continue to develop the purpose of their own planet team. It is estimated that the transfer value of a planet will be about 100 million yuan in the future...

3. The participation mode of this game can be divided into two types: team mode and personal mode. Whether it is the first stage of the customs clearance combat mode, the second stage of the main city mode, or the third stage of the third stage of the planet business model, it must be a team to participate; as for the individual participation mode, the system will provide a platform for individual training. However, the upgrade speed through personal PK is far behind the upgrade speed of team PK. Generally speaking, in the PK mode between players, for each win, they will only get 1 star experience point, and if they participate in the PK battle as a team, if they win one game, each participating player will get 5 star point experience points. It's really very different.

4. Teaming rules

It's just a player who has a game pass. He can only log in to the game and engage in a personal PK battle between players, and can only upgrade the player's personal star level, and cannot make any money-making behavior. If you want to carry out a profitable battle, whether it is through the battle or a personal profitable PK battle, it must be carried out in team mode. Specifically, only when all members of the team log in to the game and the head of the team personally opens the "key" button can they get the profit PK code.

In addition, the head of the team, that is, the founder and manager of a team. If you want to create a team, in addition to paying a pass* fee of 100,000 yuan, you also need to pay an additional 500,000 yuan "team creation fund". After the establishment of the team, as the founder and manager of the team, he naturally assumed the responsibility for the all-round operation of the team. Each team must have 5 team members (including the head of the team), otherwise the qualification of the team is illegal.

5. Team management

The head of the team has the right to appoint or remove any member of the team. At the same time, members of the general team can also submit a withdrawal application to the head of the team at any time, and can leave the team after the approval of the head of the team.

In addition, the head of the team controls the distribution of rewards and penalties for all members of the whole team. Generally speaking, after the completion of a series of profitable combat tasks organized by the team, the distribution of the profit of each team member is determined by the head of the team.


Finally, Liu Zheng finished reading this material sent to his mailbox by Yuan Qing. Seriously, after reading that material, Liu Zheng was really shocked. One by one noun and one by one clause in the material deeply stimulated Liu Zheng's eager heart. Even Liu Zheng's whole body trembled! Isn't this a great opportunity for yourself?

After being stunned for a long time, Liu Zheng quickly checked on the Internet to confirm the authenticity of this news. As a result, he just entered several keywords of "StarCraft Professional Online Game" in Baidu search, and the relevant information was really overwhelming. Liu Zhengqiang suppressed his excitement, found the official official website of StarCraft professional online games, sorted out the relevant information content, and finally confirmed that what Yuan Qing said was completely true!!!

After a long time, Liu Zheng finally calmed down. He lit a cigarette again, kept smoking the cigarette, and kept walking back and forth in the room, analyzing the relevant information he had just learned about the online game and whether he had the conditions to engage in this professional online game. First of all, if you want to play this game, you must use your ID card to go to the official website to * a pass number. The problem is that a pass number like * alone requires 100,000 yuan. Wow, wow, I don't have any money now. Where can I get that 100,000 yuan? In addition, if you want to carry out that kind of profitable battle, whether it is the kind of clearance task or the kind of PK battle between players, you need to carry out under the flag of the team. That is to say, you must create or join a team. And it is almost impossible for Liu Zheng to create a team. He can't take out the 100,000 yuan pass * fee, let alone the 500,000 yuan team to create a fund!

This also means that for Liu Zheng, if he wants to play this online game, he can only meet the following two conditions at the same time. First, collect 100,000 yuan of pass* fee; second, join a star team.

"Even if I have collected the 100,000 yuan pass* fee, where can I join a team?" Liu Zheng thought and entered the star official website again...

Liu Zheng finally learned through the official website of Star that generally speaking, if players want to join a team, they need to pay a "team fee" of 50,000 yuan to the head of that team. In this way, plus the 100,000 yuan of * pass, if you can really participate in this online game and achieve the purpose of profit, it is almost impossible without 150,000 yuan.

150,000 yuan? Wow, what does 150,000 yuan mean to Liu Zheng? I'm afraid only Liu Zheng himself can know this.

Liu Zheng's family conditions are not very good. His father died early, and his mother is just a female worker working in a food factory, with an income of only 1,000 yuan a month. Originally, my mother supplied herself to graduate from college and owed a large amount of debt. I originally wanted to find a good job after graduating from college, and then help my mother pay off the debt, and then save some money so that my mother can enjoy two days of happiness. However, I didn't expect that I had graduated for more than a year, but I have become so depressed now. Every month, it goes without saying that I can help my mother pay off the debt. It's good to be able to take care of my own food and drink. For this reason, as soon as he drank wine, Liu Zheng burst into tears. Especially when I think of my mother, who was alone after my father's death, in order to pull herself into an adult, is it easy to live those days...

So, 150,000, for Liu Zheng, who is penniless, is really an astronomical figure and an unattainable thing. However, if Liu Zheng gives up such an opportunity to make a lot of money, he will have too much reluctance in his heart. After all, if you can successfully join a Star Team, it is not a problem to get 8,000 yuan every month with your horizontal accumulation and good feeling of that [StarCraft]. However, the question is, where do you go to get the money now?

In this way, Liu Zheng locked his eyebrows and fell asleep in the tens of millions of calls for the "150,000" yuan. The next day, when the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone through the window of the house he rented, Liu Zheng's mobile phone rang with the chirping of birds outside the window.

Opening his blink, Liu Sen took his mobile phone from his pillow and found that it was Yuan Qing, a college classmate who called himself last night and sent the relevant information of [StarCraft Professional Edition] to his email.

"How's it going, Lao Zheng? How do you feel? Not bad, right? Do you want to do a big job in the game? Yuan Qing's voice in his mobile phone sounded quite meaningful, as if he was admiring a play he directed.

How's it going? Ha ha, I said Yuan Qing, this thing is good, but, wow, the * fee of that pass alone is 100,000 yuan! Wow, 100,000 yuan! Is this a joke? And the team fee is 50,000 yuan. Wow, where can I get so much money? Go and rob it?" Liu Zheng had a nightmare about money all night, either to rob the bank or to steal the ancient tomb. Anyway, when he woke up early in the morning, his quilt was already soaked.

"Ha ha, isn't it just money? Well, old man! We have been college classmates for four years! Ah? Let me tell you the truth, the reason why I revealed this news to you is that I don't intend to let you get money by yourself. As for me, I have applied for a team number and am forming a team. Well, the staff is almost ready. You are the last one. Well, I'm still very busy, and now I'll tell you a short story. Let me tell you, Lao Zheng, the 100,000 yuan pass number * fee and the 50,000 yuan team joining fee are all mine. In the past two years, your buddy has made such a small fortune. If you have more, you can't do it. This 100,000 or 200,000 yuan is still difficult. Well, don't be polite anymore. I didn't give it to you. I lent it to you. You can return it to me when you make money by playing games in the future. When Yuan Qing said this, his tone was really in a hurry, and it seemed that he really returned to things.

However, as soon as Liu Zheng heard that Yuan Qing wanted to give himself 150,000 yuan, naturally he would not agree, so he stammered to Yuan Qing, "Oh, I said Yuan Qing, you old dog, how can I use so much money... Forget it, forget it, I's still slow. Think of it slowly... These days, it's not easy for anyone to make money..."

Unexpectedly, just as Liu Zheng wanted to be polite to Yuan Qing for a while, Yuan Qing's scolding came from the other end of the phone: "I rely on your daughter-in-law! Laozheng, don't do this with me. Don't talk to me so much. If you still treat me as a buddy, don't say these messy things! Wow! Hurry up and tell me a bank account number, any bank, and I will transfer the money to you right away. Hurry up!" It is still that kind of vigorous and commanding tone.

Liu Zheng naturally knows the temper of his college friend Yuan Qing very well. That guy treats his friends, but he has absolutely no reservations. He can really do the kind that can insert a knife in both sides for his friends, and he doesn't like to be polite to others. That kind of empty and cold style is also what he hates the most. Therefore, seeing this situation, Liu Sen thought for a moment and felt that it was better to accept his kindness for the time being. Anyway, borrowing other people's money is also borrowed, and whether it can be borrowed is still unknown. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng smiled at Yuan Qing and said to the receiver of the mobile phone, "Well, that's fine, Yuan Qing. We won't talk about those annoying words today. However, I make a statement: I will never take a needle and thread from others for nothing. I will pay you back 150,000 yuan with principal and interest! However, I still thank you!"

Who knows, there was an impatient voice at the end of the phone: "Bullshit! I said Liu Zheng, don't do this with me! Those unusable words, say to your future mother-in-law! Let me tell you, after hanging up the phone, send me your bank account number, and I will send you the 150,000 yuan in a minute. After that, you should hurry up * client, * pass number, and then practice two games first. If you haven't played for so long, I guess you have almost forgotten it? Besides, the gap between the current StarCraft and the version we played is too big. Among other things, we haven't seen most of the current maps at that time... Well, that's it, my time is very precious..." After saying these words, Yuan Qing finally hung up the phone.

And Liu Zheng here had to shake his head gently, looking very helpless.


Five minutes later, Liu Zheng logged in to his online bank. Sure enough, he remitted 150,000 cash in his account just three minutes ago. At this time, Liu Zheng sighed a little, but he didn't know what it was for.

Then, Liu Zheng landed on the official website of Star 2 and applied for a pass first - after spending 100,000 yuan, he finally received the world's only verification code tied to his pass. And this verification password is equivalent to a key to whether your pass number is legal.

Then, Liu Zheng started the client again. Because the client file of Star 2 is large, with more than a dozen gigabytes, Liu Zheng took advantage of this period of client time, ran to the street, bought a few steamed buns to satisfy his hunger, and then asked for another cup of milk. Liu Zheng knows that playing with this thing without abundant physical strength is almost equal to zero.

Moreover, now, Liu Zheng has no other ideas and plans to play a professional version of Star first. Liu Zheng knows that if the series of money-making entries of the Star 2 professional version are true, then there should be absolutely no problem with his feeling about the interstellar and the " martial arts" he once practiced in college to get 8,000 yuan a month. Sure enough, it's naturally better than finding any kind of job, so as to avoid being angry with those birds. In this virtual world, as long as you have enough strength, then you are the king of the whole world!

And when Liu Zheng finally returned to the house he rented in the city, the client of Star 2 was finally completed. Then, Liu Zheng spent another ten minutes installing the file, and then upgraded the game. Finally, after the version upgrade was completed, Liu Zheng couldn't wait to enter his login pass number, and then entered the verification password, and finally logged in to the game normally.