Star Trek

Chapter 8 Backwater Base 1

What surprised Liu Zheng was that from the construction of the barracks to the training of the ten marines, it was quite smooth and did not have the expected crazy attack of the enemy. Finally, after paying the cost of the lives of three marines, the task was finally completed.

However, it was not until this time that Liu Zheng realized that what he had just completed was only a "prologue" task of this level, and the real task had just begun. Just after their team just completed the above task, the system reminded them that part of the area has been occupied by alien aliens at the backwater base of the empire, and its occupation is constantly expanding. Because of corruption, the empire did not send troops in time to eliminate those alien creatures. Therefore, this task of eliminating alien life in the backwater base area fell on your "Tianxingjian" Star Wars team.

So, after a burst of darkness through time and space, when Liu Zheng opened his eyes again, another brand-new base had appeared in front of Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng saw that the place where this base was located, from the visible area at that time, was almost everywhere with reddish-brown soil and rocks, and in the end, it was also rocky, with dead trees, cliffs everywhere, and the terrain looked extremely dangerous.

However, as for other places, due to the fog of war, Liu Zheng naturally can't see it. At this time, the familiar mission prompt sounded again: "Dear members of the 'Tianxingjian' Star Team, welcome to the 'backwater base'. Here, the only task you need to complete is to clean up all the alien Zerg forces that have invaded our water return base! Don't leave a little disaster! The time for you to make achievements is coming!"

Listening to this extremely agitated voice, Liu Zheng couldn't help but boil his blood. Wow, wow, it seems that it has only entered the real interstellar battle now! Well, like the previous battle with a few shots and a few shots, it's just a joke! It's just a joke! Wow!

Liu Zheng saw that the location of their team's base was almost in a basin-like place. A damaged road (should be the road in the "desolate land" of the previous mission) runs through the basin. Around the basin, there should be steep mountains. Due to the fog of war, Liu Zheng could not see those mountains and terrains.

At this time, there is a command center and a barracks in his base. This is what the system has prepared for their team. In addition, Renault, four other marines and four SCV miners are waiting there, waiting for instructions.

Next, it is time for Yuan Qing, the head of state, to give orders. He coughed heavily and said, "Well, everyone listen to me~ Qingping and Mei Ting, you two are still responsible for staying in the base and taking care of our miners to collect minerals quickly. After a while, I will give you two marines as vigilance; Well, Lao Zheng, you and Jiang Ming will lead each. Two marines explored the road. Damn, my mother, my vision is too narrow to know what's there at all.

Liu Zheng thought for a moment and finally asked, "I said, if I remember correctly, can this fog of war be removed by special means?" With this thing, it affects our vision too much. Wow!!!"

After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Yuan Qing, the head of state, smiled and said to Liu Zheng in a tone, "Wow, damn, Lao Zheng, you really have a memory! Well, it's true that there was such a thing. Moreover, I can tell you clearly that I can really do this job. It's just, just, less than ten thousand, haha, haha... Do you know? Cheating skills like this need to cost a lot of money to buy, you know? Moreover, each Mao cheating skill code corresponds to a unique pass number, which is unique. Its price is also different because of its size. On average, it will cost about 200,000 yuan per item. Moreover, 50,000 yuan will be deducted from Laozi's special deposit account for each use! Hey hey, hey, do you think I am such a good head of state? Let me tell you, this head of state is really a real 'golden head', which is completely piled up with money!"

Liu Zheng didn't expect that his question would ask Yuan Qing so many words that he couldn't help but be amazed.

"Okay, everyone, let's take action! You know, each of our tasks has a strict time limit!" Yuan Qing, the head of state, urged.

So, Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming, each led two marines, to start their exploration journey. What Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was this place, which has been ruled by the hateful alien Zerg, is full of crises and a huge trap waiting for them.

"I said, there is a slope to the west that leads to the top of the mountain on the west side of our base. Why don't we go west first?" Jiang Mingdao.

Liu Zheng can still accept Jiang Ming's unconsciously following the title of "Laozheng" of Yuan Qing, the head of state. After all, the word "old" still has a certain respect in it. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help saying to Jiang Ming, "Well, okay, okay, old Jiang, then let's do it according to your idea. Let's climb to the top of the West Mountain first and see what's going on there?"

Liu Zheng felt that what Jiang Ming said was still very reasonable. After all, this meal still had to be eaten one by one, and this well had to be dug with a shovel and a shovel! Therefore, Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming, each of them led two marines, set out from the base of their own team and along the slope. Soon after, they stepped on a plateau landform platform above the right basin of the base. There are still rocks and dead trees. In the sky, an unknown star presents a bright gray color.

And on the ground, it was not until this time that Liu Zheng found that there was a thick layer of flowing sand. With the roaring wind, the yellow-brown flowing water kept flowing, and even continuous waves, which looked very meaningful.

"Well, I said, there seems to be something going on in front of me. Why did I hear so many strange sounds coming! Is that the cry of the alien Zerg? Jiang Ming said to Liu Zheng with some surprise.

Liu Zheng pondered for a while and suddenly said, "Front? I'm afraid it's not just the front, right? Be careful and get ready to fight!!!" However, as soon as Liu Zheng's words fell, he saw eight or nine alien insects suddenly leaping out of the ground on the plateau platform where there were still layers of sand. Liu was surprised and stared at it. Only then did he find that it was actually a jumping bug, the kind of Zerg fighting power that is said to have a fairly poor combat effectiveness.

However, this time, Liu Zheng was extremely surprised. These jumping insects suddenly drilled out from under the surface actually looked so powerful. The eight or nine jumping insects, as if they had been ready for a long time, soon surrounded the four marines of Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming, and then they were divided. The attack made the four marines of Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming unable to support each other, but only fought independently.

And now, due to the sudden attack of the jumping insects, the four marines of Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming were killed unexpectedly and had no chance to fight back at all. Therefore, in the chaos, the enemy's jumping insects had killed the four marines. When they attacked, the high frequency waved their claws and caused considerable damage to the marines. Almost in the blink of an eye, they had killed the four marines, not even leaving a bone. On the ground, the red blood stains of the beach are a good proof that there was an extremely bloody massacre here not long ago.

Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming were stunned at this time and didn't know what to say. When he was helpless, Liu Zheng had to say a sentence, "Wow, wow, when did this jumping bug become so powerful? Even this jumping bug is so powerful, what about the other Zerg fighting power? Wow, wow, wow~~" There is a kind of helplessness in the words.

Then, Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming, who were "unswiled", returned to the base and reported the specific battle process to Yuan Qing, the head of state. Yuan Qing scolded fiercely: "Mom, mother, it seems that I don't give them a little strength. They really take our 'Tianxingjian' Star Team as a sick cat! Brothers, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. In the battle just now, just take it as paying some tuition fees to the system! Next, I, Yuan Qing, want to show you the means of my head of state and let you know what I have done!"

With that, Yuan Qing shouted and said, "The fog of war has completely dissipated!!!!" After the sound, Liu Zheng only felt that his eyes suddenly lit up, and all the maps were obvious. All the contents on the map were completely presented in front of their eyes.

"Brothers, how about it? I, the head of state, still have some skills? Hey hey, hey, to be honest with you, I'm very majestic, but at this moment, I have to spend 5,000 yuan!" Yuan Qing, the head of state, said very complatonably.

And at this time, the cold female voice of the system echoed in Liu Zheng's ears: "Minerals have dried up, minerals have been exhausted!!!"

It dried up so quickly? Have minerals dried up so soon? Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at the sky-blue crystal mine. Damn, really, it was still a large crystal mine just now. At this time, it has been collected in pieces, and there are few left.

"Report to the head of state, the crystal mine in our base has been declared depleted, and the crystal mine in our base has been declared depleted. Please give instructions, please ask the head of state to give instructions!" Qingping and Mei Ting, who are responsible for ore collection and base construction and combat production, reported to Yuan Qing, the head of state.

"What? Did it dry up so soon? Damn, what is such a little crystal mineral enough for? Well, how many mineral resources are available in our base account now? Yuan Qing asked Qingping. Because according to the original arrangement, Qingping is mainly responsible for this area.

"Report to the head of state, the mineral resources available in our base are now less than 300!" Qingping replied.

"Well, I know. This is really a little troublesome! Now we can see all the map contents, but we have not found other crystal mine resources. Damn, Damn, it seems that I have to force me to spend another 5,000 yuan again! Well, just spend it. Who let this be our first customs clearance battle!" After saying that, Yuan Qing shouted again, "Quickly add 5,000 units of crystalline minerals and functional gas!!!" Implement all the upgrade functions at once!!!" Turn on the unlimited population mode~~"

After several instructions, the first scream was made, and it was the voice of Qingping: "Wow, wow, head of state, I really love you so much. There are 5,000 crystal minerals and 5,000 functional gas soared on our base account! Next, we don't need to use those SCVs for such hard collection!!! Wow, this is so great, this is so great!"