Star Trek

Chapter 9 Backwater Base 2

Chapter 9 Backwater Base 2

Hearing the exclamation of the team members, Yuan Qing did not answer, but just smiled and then shouted, "Forget it, I risked my life today and spent another 5,000 yuan to get an 'unlimited equipment upgrade', so that all our arms can reach the highest and strongest. Ability!"

So, Liu Zheng saw a sudden flash of light from the "Technology Research Institute" in his team base, and then a crisp system female voice echoed over the base: "Dear 'Tianxingjian' Star Team, congratulations! Now, the unlimited upgrade of equipment in your team base has been completed, and the unlimited upgrade of equipment in your team base has been completed!!"

"Burning money! What a burning money!" Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming couldn't help sighing.

Then, the female voice of the system began to say, "The upgradeable equipment of your team is as follows: First, develop U-238 bullets. The research and development of depleted uranium bombs can improve the range of Marine Gauss* by +1; second, the research and development of enhancers. It can enable marines or fire bat soldiers to consume their health in exchange for the strengthening of movement speed and attack strength; the third research and development shines*. After using this shine*, medical staff can blind the target, thus reducing its attack accuracy and attack strength...

After five minutes, everything is ready. This includes the completion of all upgrade projects, including the production of ten marines, ten fire bat soldiers, and the production of ten medical soldiers.

Next, Yuan Qing assigned these combat forces: Liu Zheng commanded the ten marines, and Mei Ting led five of them to be responsible for their medical care; Jiang Ming commanded the other ten fire bat soldiers, and Qing Ping was responsible for their medical care.

Finally, Yuan Qing, the head of state, said to everyone, "Now, it can be said that we have the strongest infantry and land force. I think you should be able to complete any task of annihilating the Zerg combat power. Please don't tell me what the problem will be."

"Well, don't worry, head of state, with a spendish head of state like you, how can you bring out soldiers who pity their lives? We will definitely complete the task!" Liu Zhengzheng said to Yuan Qing.

"Yes, Head of state, this is the first battle of our team, and we all know the importance of it. Just now, you have spent 25,000 yuan to improve equipment and other conditions. Trust us, I won't let you down!" Jiang Ming also echoed.

And the other two girls, Qingping and Mei Ting, just responded casually. Obviously, Yuan Qing's big act of "burning money to transform the base facilities" just now has not come back from the surprise just now!

Yuan Qing is still very satisfied with the performance of the team members. Finally, Yuan Qing, the head of state, shouted at everyone and said, "Well, okay, now, I order you to go!" All forces must cooperate closely and pay attention to unity and cooperation. Well, I am responsible for the production of the base and the general dispatch of the battlefield, and Liu Zheng will exercise his power for the specific combat command on the front line. Lao Zheng, I made you the commander-in-chief of the former enemy. What do you think?

After hearing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling and said, "Okay, okay, I'm looking for it!" However, as long as you don't worry!"

Yuan Qing also smiled after hearing this and said, "Hey, hey, hey, I'm right. Seriously, I'm really worried about you. Completing the task is not a problem for you at all. And what I'm worried about is whether you will return to the base to kill our Renault once you complete the task.

"Well, I said, the head of state, we are really worthy of being old classmates. Why did you guess all my thoughts?" Liu Zheng talked and laughed and ordered his ten marines to start. Behind them are the five medical team members commanded by Mei Ting. Later, ten fire bat soldiers were commanded by Jiang Ming and five other medical soldiers were commanded by Qingping.

It's still that path. Along that path, Liu Zheng led the ten marines and once again set foot on the place where his combat strength had just been destroyed. At this time, those alien insects, jumping insects, actually came out from the ground and were lazily basking in the sun. They think they have just killed the five Marines so easily, so they look a little complaed.

"Captain Liu Zheng, are we attacking both teams at the same time?" Jiang Ming's voice came from behind Liu Zheng.

Liu Zheng didn't think about it at this time and said, "No, we are not what we used to be now~! Not only has the level been improved, but also the medical staff of medical staff. Under such conditions, if a few small jumping insects can't kill them, then let's stop playing this game!"

As soon as the words fell, the jumping insects in front of them had found the tracks of Liu Zheng's ten marines and rushed over at lightning speed.

"Go to hell!" Liu Zheng roared fiercely and saw the high frequency of the C-14 Gauss Raifu gun in the hands of the ten marines sounded, and fire tongues shot at the oncoming jumping insects in front of them from all directions.

As a result, before the jumping insects could get close to the marines, they had been killed one by one by the enhanced C-14 Gosford gun in their hands, making a "chi�" sound. Five seconds later, the alien jumping insects coiled in front of them were easily eliminated. However, the road was messed up by the blood of the bodies of the jumping insects.

"Keep moving forward~!" Stepping on the blood stains of those jumping insects, Liu Zheng led the ten marines to take the lead and continue to move towards the interstellar wilderness in front of him. Later, Jiang Ming and others followed closely.

After passing a narrow valley and continuing along that slope, you can climb another small wasteland. Since the fog of war has been cancelled, Liu Zheng has seen that on the small wasteland, seven prickly snakes are spreading their teeth and claws in the city! The thorn snake, which uses bone needles to shoot at the target, has the ability to attack from a long distance. Naturally, it is not as heavy as those jumping insects.

"Be careful, everyone! Jiang Ming, you and Qingping wait in the narrow valley first. Mei Ting, order your medical staff to follow my marines to go up and explore the truth first! Jiang Ming, you and Qingping wait in the narrow valley first. Mei Ting, order your medical team to follow my marines to explore the truth first!" In order to make everyone hear clearly, Liu Zheng deliberately said it twice.

After that, Liu Zheng led the ten marines under him, followed Mei Ting's five medical team members closely, and attacked the enemy snakes not far ahead. And those stabbing snakes were already ready to fight at this time. Almost while Liu Sen's ten marines opened fire, their bone needle attack also began. Green light kept shooting out of their mouths, and their attack distance was no less than that of those marines under Liu Zheng.

After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng immediately made a bold decision, that is, to retreat back first!

The main reason why Liu Zheng made such a decision is that those snakes have good long-range attack ability. In this way, even if there are medical staff behind the ten marines, it is difficult to say that more marines will be killed by the snakes. And once he retreats, those alien insects will definitely pursue, so that his ten marines can join hands with Jiang Ming's fire bat soldiers to attack. Liu Zheng will always believe in the combat policy of the revolutionary ancestors who "concentrate superior forces and annihilate the enemy".

And the development of the matter, as Liu Zheng expected, the snakes of the enemy were originally attacking vigorously, but the target fled without fighting, and naturally did not give up, so they followed them.

"Attack! Two teams attack!" Under Liu Zheng's order, he saw his ten marines and Jiang Ming's ten fire bat soldiers firing at the group of thorn snakes of the Zerg almost at the same time.

Moreover, to Liu Zheng's surprise, all the marines actually stood on the periphery, and surrounded the thorny snakes of the Zerg in a semi-encirclement shape, and they all took a bow step, and the Gauss rifle in his hand spewed out violent fire tongues. Most of the fire bat soldiers opened fire at close range. Everyone held a unique flamethrower in their hands, and the flame was still quite far away, which almost made the thorn snakes of the Zerg unable to get close.

In this way, a large-scale encounter between human combat power and Zerg combat power began. However, after all, because the number of troops of Liu Zheng's "Tianxingjian" team has a clear advantage, and at the same time, there are several medical soldiers who continue to provide medical treatment for those marines and fire bat soldiers who are fighting, the natural mortality rate of Liu Zheng and Jiang Ming's combat effectiveness is quite low. Therefore, after a rather fierce battle, the seven or eight Zerg stinging snakes were finally killed.

After that, Liu Zheng and others have clearly seen the dark gray morning paddles on the ground where the thorn snakes of the Zerg were coiled. And those insect pulp, Liu Zheng knows, are actually the necessary substances for those alien insects to reproduce. The task of their team is to remove the "worm pulp" that has been infected with the alien Zerg. The only way to remove those insect slurry is to kill the defense towers on those worm worms or the infection command center. Once the Zerg facilities are killed, the insect pulp will slowly fade away until the surface returns to its original appearance.

Now, because Liu Zheng and others destroyed the defense tower in the insect pulp after destroying the prickly snakes of the Zerg, the insect pulp here is slowly fading.

"Captain Liu Zheng, this is the first victory of our team! Wow, wow, what a mother's pleasure, what a mother's pleasure!" Jiang Ming sighed.

At this moment, the voice of Yuan Qing, the head of state, suddenly came to Liu Zheng and their ears: "Well, team members, the battle just now was really beautiful, really beautiful! However, this is only the beginning, because there is still the last and largest place of infection, waiting for us to clear it. Its location is in the upper right direction of your current location. You go from your current position to the right, through this base, and then there is a big narrow valley. After that big narrow valley, another side is the destination of your mission. The infected area there is very large, and the Zerg fighting power inside is also quite large. Good luck.

"Okay, Head of state, we're leaving right now. We're leaving right now!" Liu Zheng answered Yuan Qing, and then took the lead and led his eight marines along the course of action just prompted by Yuan Qing. Jiang Ming, Qingping and Mei Ting all led their respective forces and followed closely.

In the narrow valley, there are still yellow-brown rocks everywhere, and as for plants, most of them are plants similar to cactus, but their bodies are much larger than those of cactus on earth. In addition, there are some dead trees with iron-black branches. On a sudden cliff, a radar is rotating at a high speed.

At this time, the combat strength of Liu Zheng's team has come to the big narrow valley. Going further, it is the base infected by the Zerg. There, the whole base has been infected with worm pulp in a large area, and the dark gray worm pulp is still spreading to other places. The insect pulp kept turning and flowing, as if there were too many mysterious and terrible ghosts and elves hidden in it.

And at the center of that large area of insect pulp is the core facility of the Zerg - the infection control center. The facility looks like a huge deformed creature with long tentacles, and those tentacles are constantly stretching and dancing, like a demon dancing wildly in the wind.

In addition, around the Zerg infection command center, there are five Zerg defense towers, which also belong to the biological type, constantly shrinking, and there are several bubbles of different sizes on it, looking strange elves, as if they are constantly breathing.

And at the entrance and exit of the infected base, there is a very dense Zerg combat power, mainly sting snakes, and the others are jumping insects. The combat power of these Zerg, three layers outside, surrounded the entrance and exit of the infected base. It's really not that easy to get in.

"Well, if I had several siege tanks in my hand now, that would be great! I can use the long-range attack ability of that thing to bombard those Zerg fighters who blocked the entrances and exits. After a bombing, I don't believe that the gap can't be blown up!" Liu Zheng smiled bitterly while thinking about it. Because of this task, their team base is not allowed to produce siege tanks, and they can only use these three kinds of infantry forces: marines, fire bat soldiers, and medical personnel.

"Well, since we have no other combat power to rely on, let's start attacking with the combat power we have now! Well, although it is a little difficult, we should also have the spirit of sewing the enemy and shining the sword, right? Brother Jiang Ming, come on, our main offensive force is in the front, and the medical team members of Qingping and Mei Ting are behind us. We must make a name for this attack, either open the gap or the whole army will be destroyed! Does everyone understand?" Liu Zheng finally made up his mind to attack.

However, in order to reduce casualties as much as possible, Liu Zheng still made the most reasonable match of his combat power: that is, Jiang Ming's fire bat soldiers are in the front and his own marines are behind. The medical staff commanded by Qingping and Mei Ting are distributed on both sides. In this way, the combat strength of their team can maximize their respective strengths.

"Attack!" Liu Zheng gave an order, so Jiang Ming's seven fire bat soldiers took the lead in firing at the Zerg fighters at the entrance and exit of the enemy base.

"With the sound of flames, a long flame, a long flame, ejected from the flames in the hands of each fireman, fiercely spraying the combat power of those alien insects. Above. And the first thing that was burned was the jumping bug.

Those jumping insects are now trying to rely on their rapid movement ability to attack the fire bat soldiers who are spraying flames. However, in the face of the flame spray of the fire bat soldiers that is enough to burn everything, they, those alien worm jumping insects have no way to "squeak" one after another. Screaming, in the sea of fire, it was burned to ashes...