Star Trek

Chapter 12 First Entry Copy 1

What appeared in front of Liu Zheng was a world of ice and snow. The sky and the earth are snow-white, and the heavy snow is constantly falling. The snowflakes were surprisingly big, and it looked as if countless cotton wool was pouring on this land from the sky.

"Wow, what a fairy tale world! What a fairy tale world!" Liu Zheng couldn't help exclaiming.

Yes, in addition to the scene of ice and snow, there are also dense forests, which are naturally covered by the heavy snow, but revealing some faint black shadows of trees, which look more like a scene that can only be seen in fairy tales.

A ox cart is walking back and forth from one building to another. On top of the ox cart, there sat a driver with a long whip in his hand and kept "banging". The sound of the whip echoed for a long time in the empty snow field. Snowflakes fell, and the body of the man driving the ox cart, together with the cow and the car, the old cow's broken car, had been covered with a thick layer by the snow.

Liu Zheng pulled out the game information sent to himself and learned from it that the two buildings that the unloading car went back and forth were larger and looked quite magnificent. The other one is relatively shabby, but it also looks more prosperous and lively. The main function of that large building, which looks solemn is called the city center, is to produce construction workers, generate scientific and technological points, and also generate a small amount of mineral resources and wealth. And that smaller building is called a market. It is a combination of various houses, next to which there are dense bottles and cans, which looks like a grocery store.

Liu Zheng has learned from the relevant information of the copies sent to him by Yuan Qing that the old cow can gain wealth in this round-and-round transportation. And some wealth, obviously, is generated and obtained through this trade from the city center to the market. Moreover, the longer that trade route is, the more wealth will be acquired. Of course, the longer the trade route means that the more difficult the road is, the greater the possibility of being attacked by the enemy during the war.

And on the left side of the city center, there is a warehouse. As explained in the game description, warehouses are built to collect production resources, and are generally built near mines and other resources. That's where the resources needed to build cities and carry out combat production come from. Of course, the more people can be hired in this warehouse, the more resources can be produced. However, every worker hired requires quite a high employment cost. Fortunately, Liu Zheng found that this warehouse has basically fully hired workers, that is to say, the output capacity of resources in this warehouse has reached its limit, so Liu Zheng does not have to worry about it anymore.

The three buildings mentioned above are the three most basic buildings: the city center, the market and the warehouse. The city center is the foundation of all buildings, the market is the source of wealth, and the warehouse is the source of resources. And no matter what buildings are built or what kind of combat production, it is absolutely impossible without wealth and resources. Therefore, resources and wealth are the most basic things in urban construction and combat production.

In this way, after having some of the most basic understanding of these most basic building facilities, Liu Zheng has built some necessary military facilities such as barracks, factories and stables as described in the game materials. Barracks are the buildings needed to produce some of the most basic infantry combat strength, while the stables are the buildings necessary for the production of all cavalry combat power, while factories are necessary buildings for the production of various heavy equipment, such as crossbows, catapults, etc.

The current situation is that players don't have to worry about whether it is wealth or production resources. As long as there are warehouses and markets (in the form of buildings), players' resources and wealth values will automatically increase. However, in order to produce more combat units, whether they are infantry, cavalry or reinstallation equipment, they all need to occupy a space of personnel. Therefore, in order to produce and have more combat units, it is necessary to build enough private houses, and each house can hold nine people.

So, Liu Zheng and Mei Ting shared the work and asked Mei Ting to be responsible for building more private houses to house more combat units. At the same time, Liu Zheng himself is responsible for the production of combat power. You know, if you want to complete the task and save the city, you can't do it without force. Moreover, this game itself relies on force to determine the world.

The combat production plan set by Liu Zheng is as follows: five spearmen (mainly used for fighting against strange soldiers), ten various cavalry (five Macedonian cavalry, five raid cavalry), five archers and five javelinmen. In addition, there are three reloaded facilities, such as trewaders and three heavy crossbow guns.

At this time, a message popped up in the system: the princess of Dalu was kidnapped by bandits. Please go to rescue your team. If the rescue can be successful, then the State of Daru will obey you in order to thank you. You can build various buildings, mines, trade, gain wealth and so on at will on his land. However, if you can't complete the task, that is to say, if you can't successfully save her princess, then Dalu will break up with you and will be at war with the country established by your team. In that case, it will be quite unfavorable for you. As for the choice, it all depends on your top commander.

After that, Liu Zheng discussed with Mei Ting and decided that this task should be next. Although at the beginning, the general task of the system is to resolve all the conflicts on this land and eliminate or subdue those hostile forces. In this way, your city can be regarded as a real success and lay a solid foundation for the next expansion and construction.

From this perspective, since the system says that as long as the princess Dalu who was kidnapped by bandits can be successfully rescued, King Dharu will be loyal to himself. Presumably, the task of rescuing a princess from a group of bandits should be much easier than forcibly attacking the city and plundering the land. Therefore, this task is better next. Moreover, this is also the first task taken over by the two of them after entering the copy task, and naturally they should complete it well.

Therefore, Liu Zheng asked Mei Ting to continue urban construction and combat production, and left part of the combat power to protect the safety of his city. Liu Zheng himself led the main force, including five Macedonian soldiers, five archers, and three cataplings and three crossbow guns, starting from his city base and following the direction of the place where the bandits kidnapped Princess Daru as marked on the map...

So, Liu Zheng led his attacking force through a heavy forest, stepped on the thick snow, and rushed all the way. Soon after, he arrived at his destination. There was an ancient castle. Just as Liu Zheng's group of attacking troops were about to approach the ancient castle, suddenly, with a "swish" sound, a feather arrow shot very densely at Liu Zheng's group of combat power.

"Wow, wow, these bandits are still a little combative! These bandits are still a little combative! I really underestimated them!" Liu Zheng watched the raindrop-like arrows coming carelessly, rushing his combat power to retreat a distance one after another. The so-called "good man does not suffer immediate losses", in the face of such dense feather arrows of those bandits, it is a big loss to forcibly attack again! Therefore, let your combat power withdraw from a distance first, avoid its edge, and then find a way to kill them.