Star Trek

Chapter 11 Divide the troops

The rest of the battle is naturally very easy. And most importantly, because Liu Zheng has a battle patrol ship, which has an absolute advantage in number, with their invincible air and ground advantages, he killed all the opponent's combat strength and military facilities one by one without much time.


During the day, Liu Zheng, who had nothing to do, first took a good night's sleep, then came to the street to wander around for a while, then returned to his narrow apartment to eat casually, and then slept in pain. Finally, it was past seven o'clock in the afternoon. According to the specified time, Liu was logging in to the game again at 7:15 and came to the game lounge.

"Well, old man, you look good! Hahahaha~~" Yuan Qing said to Liu Zheng as he laughed.

Liu Zheng thought, wow, wow, now I go to eat and sleep all day for games. Of course, I look good! However, he didn't say that, but said the same thing and said, "Ah, ah, Mr. Head of state, this is all in the light of you! Hahahaha~~~ I hope that such light will continue to be stained in the future. I believe that with the great head of state comrades, we will be able to make a fortune and everything goes well. What are you going to do? Eat well!"

"I rely on your wife! I said, when I went to college, I didn't think you were so talkative. OK, after graduating in society for so many years, you really developed your ability! Hahaha~~" Yuan Qing said to Liu Zheng as if he had found an alien.

Soon after, Yuan Qing saw that the people were almost there, so he cleared his throat and said to everyone, "Okay, okay! Now, the people of our "Tianxingjian" Star Team have almost arrived. Well, first of all, let me summarize the first battle we fought yesterday. Generally speaking, everyone played well. Whether in terms of weapon control or the use of skills and tactics, it can be said that they are quite good. Well, it is really quite good, which has made a good start for the future development of our team!"

"Actually, I know a more important factor that led to the victory of yesterday's battle!" A very clear voice came to everyone's ears. With his impression, Liu Zheng heard that the crisp voice was from the beautiful Qingping.

"Oh? It turned out to be Miss Qingping! Miss Qingping, please give me more advice!" Yuan Qing also seems to be very interested in the words of Miss Qingping.

"Well, in fact, it's very simple. No matter who changes, he will do a good job, as long as he has money." Qingping sighed, as if he had seen through the world.

Of course, everyone heard what she meant. In yesterday's battle, the main reason why he was able to fight so smoothly was that Yuan Qing spent 25,000 yuan to eliminate the fog of war, promote the comprehensive upgrade of his weapon system, the unlimited number of soldiers and so on.

"Haha, my Miss Qingping, this is called the economic foundation determines the superstructure, hey, or 'war is money'. Anyway, that's the truth. I don't care about this or that, whether it's a black cat or a white cat, is it a good cat to catch mice?" Yuan Qing did not seem to be angry with Qingping's words, but used a very vivid and vivid way to teach Qingping a vivid lesson. And Miss Qingping no longer said anything after hearing Yuan Qing's words.

There was a temporary silence in the lounge. After a while, Yuan Qing, the head of state, still coughed, cleared his throat, and then said, "Well, today, I have to announce an important decision to everyone. Of course, this decision is not made by me, but an order just announced by the system, or to change the way of the game. Some teams fight separately.

"What? Divide the troops and fight? What do you mean? We just had a battle, are we going to split up? This, this, this, this is too unreasonable, isn't it?" After listening to Yuan Qing's words, Jiang Ming jumped out first.

Naturally, Jiang Ming's words have also been approved by everyone.

"Well, let me explain to you what it is to fight separately and how to fight separately. This so-called 'fight by dividing troops', to put it bluntly, is the current game system, which orders each star team to be divided into two teams to perform two completely different tasks. As you know, according to the information described in the interstellar game, our interstellar game can be divided into three major stages, that is, the clearance stage and the free development stage (low-level and advanced, and the advanced stage of free development, which is the so-called third stage). In the level stage, players will mainly aim to open up the levels of each task. As long as players (in the form of teams) can pass a level of the mission within the specified time, they will receive a corresponding amount of reward funds. The reward is settled in the form of a bet, and the bet amount of each level is between 10,000 and 50,000 yuan. If the player wins, he will receive a cash reward of twice the funds; and if the player does not complete the task within the specified time, the bet will be owned by the game developer. In the second stage (each member of the team must be upgraded to the marshal level) to be eligible for the city building order issued by the system. After having the city-building order, you can enter the game copy 2. After that, you can build a main city and expand it with the ability of the team. Until your main city is upgraded to a high enough level, you can be qualified to obtain the planet order and enter the third stage of the game. In this stage, the way players make profits will no longer rely on *, but will make huge profits by buying and selling resources, weapons and equipment, and even transferring land and castle ownership. According to preliminary estimates, the transfer of a main city and its affiliated land will get a huge amount of 10 million yuan. After the third stage of the game, players can rely on the planet order to enter the game copy 3, so as to get their own planet in the infinite starry sky. Players will consolidate their planet and develop their planet strength by operating the planet and interacting with other players in interstellar space. Players can profit from the continuous annexation of other players' planets and continue to develop the purpose of their own planet team. It is estimated that the transfer value of a planet will be about 100 million yuan in the future...

"I believe everyone is very clear about this. The change here is that the second stage has been carried out in advance, and there is no need to upgrade. The empty team only needs to bring a city-building order to build a main city first, and then expand it. Now, the city-building order has been bought by me and spent a total of 30 million yuan. I believe that after hearing such a number, everyone will be shocked, right? After saying this, Yuan Qing seemed to deliberately pause for a moment.

After listening to Yuan Qing's words, everyone couldn't help but be stunned. Wow, wow, this Yuan Qing really dares to invest capital! 30 million, 30 million, 30 million! What concept is that? For ordinary people, that's an astronomical number! It's really an astronomical number!

After a while, Yuan Qing continued, "Well, let me say one more thing, that is, in fact, to take this city-building order to operate in that game copy, mainly to provide logistical support for our team. It can also be thought that the city built in the copy is the main logistics base of our team. All the consumption of our team in the interstellar will come from the base. Therefore, the importance of this copy task is obvious.

"After careful consideration, I decided to send Liu Zheng and Mei Ting to operate this copy task first. In the future, we can exchange tasks. Of course, if they do it well, they can continue to do more there. And the profit and loss of our game is still handled in accordance with the rules we formulated before.

"Well, of course, I am still in charge of the commander-in-chief on the front line. Of course, Jiang Ming and Qingping are bound to serve as the main force of the front line. We must perform our respective duties. Those who fight on the front line must strive to win every battle, while those who play copies and operate bases must engage in logistics supply. As for each team, everyone has done good or bad, and to what extent, I will naturally see it clearly through the video system. In the end, our rewards and punishments are naturally determined according to the completion of each person and each team's task and how they perform when completing the task. I don't think I need Yuan Qing to say this, right?" Yuan Qing said so much in one breath, which shows that he still attaches great importance to the game copy that operates the logistics base.

"Okay, it's time, let's split up! Ah? Um, well, the game channel of Copy One has been opened, and I have also set your and Mei Ting's pass as the key of Copy One. You just need to click the button of Copy One and enter your pass account to log in. Well, in addition, I have also sent the relevant copy 1 information to your game toolbox, which can be viewed at any time. Well, because the time is too tight, you can't spend time watching it and learning while operating, which can be more profound. If there is any situation, you can communicate with us through the 'space-time channel' button. All right, let's get started. Good luck!"

And when Yuan Qing finished this, it was exactly 7:30 p.m. Therefore, Liu Sen entered his game pass account according to the method Yuan Qing said to log in to copy 1 (out of course, Mei Ting also operated the same), so Liu Zheng first felt dark in front of him, and the wind in his ear sounded, as if he was really traveling through time and space. Wow, wow, it's so cool, it's so cool! I'm flying, I'm flying! However, what kind of world is I about to face? What kind of business world is the so-called game copy one?

In this way, with questions, more excitement and curiosity, Liu Zheng is about to face an unknown, brand-new world full of challenges and novelty in his ears...