Star Trek

Chapter 16 First Battle 2

And Liu Zheng's current situation is really not optimistic.

Because with the passage of time, the enemy has also entered the modern era. In this way, it will inevitably lead to a situation where the enemy is no longer inferior to itself in terms of combat effectiveness. However, I don't have enough wealth to support this aspect.

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng's only way is to resolutely stop the enemy's attack, and on the other hand, he has to make every effort to open up a new colony and build a new city center there. Only in this way can you get more wealth. Or in other words, you can get more wealth faster. Only in this way can you get more wealth. Or in other words, you can get more wealth faster.

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng discussed with Mei Ting: "Comrade Mei Ting, the wealth value in our base is far from enough for our combat production. I wonder if we should open up another colony? In that case, another trading market can be built, which can increase the income value of wealth. How about it?"

Yes, although Liu Zheng is mainly responsible for combat, and Mei Ting is mainly responsible for management, Liu Zheng still has to discuss with Mei Ting on such an important matter. After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Mei Ting was stunned. Then, after meditating for a while, she said to Liu Zheng, "Brother Zheng, I also have an immature idea. I don't know whether it's reasonable or not. I just took a look and found that the current development era of the opponent is no longer in the modern stage, but should have entered the future stage of development. Because when I was escorting our trading fleet on the Eastern Front, I found an enemy self-propelled artillery and a Malaysian giant scorpion. I know that those two combat forces, especially the Malaysian giant scorpion, must belong to the type of combat power in the future era. Because when I was escorting our trading fleet on the Eastern Front, I found an enemy self-propelled artillery and a Malaysian giant scorpion. I know that those two combat forces, especially the Malaysian giant scorpion, must belong to the type of combat power in the future era.

After listening to Mei Ting's words, Liu Zheng naturally couldn't help but be stunned. Is that right? Has the opponent really entered the future era? It's impossible. Not long ago, its combat power was still based on the dragoons? Why did it suddenly become what it is now? Wow, wow, really, really, it's really amazing, it's really amazing.

The opponent has entered the future era. Naturally, Liu Zheng's heart is very clear about what this means. Wow, wow, how could this happen? How could this happen? Because if this is the case, it means that you have fallen behind your opponent in terms of combat power level. This is really earth-shaking, this is really earth-shaking! Obviously, I was still in that state of dependence in terms of combat power level, but in a blink of an eye, it turned out to be like this! Wow, this is really incredible! This is really earth-shaking, this is really earth-shaking! Obviously, I was still in that state of dependence in terms of combat power level, but in a blink of an eye, it turned out to be like this! Wow, this is really incredible! Therefore, for a while, Liu Zheng was a little confused and didn't know what to do next.

Fortunately, Mei Ting, with bright eyesight, was quite calm at this critical moment. She said firmly and decisively to Liu Zheng, "So, brother Zheng, I mean, we no longer need to carry out colonial expansion now. Because now that we have fallen behind our opponents in terms of combat strength, our wealth value is definitely not as high as our opponent's. In this case, we are actually in a rather passive state now.

"In this case, I think we should stop expanding, otherwise, the defense will be more difficult not only because the front line is too long. At the same time, it will also occupy the already limited wealth and resources, which is not conducive to our battle. Moreover, even if we build a new city center in the new area, once the enemy's advanced combat power attacks, we will definitely not be able to hold it. Therefore, in my opinion, we might as well use our very limited wealth and resources on combat production, and at the same time, concentrate all our combat strength to launch a comprehensive attack on the enemy's base. Moreover, even if we build a new city center in the new area, once the enemy's advanced combat power attacks, we will definitely not be able to hold it. Therefore, in my opinion, we might as well use our very limited wealth and resources on combat production, and at the same time, concentrate all our combat strength to launch a comprehensive attack on the enemy's base. Success or failure, in one fell swoop!" Mei Ting's words were resolute and sounded on the ground, which made Liu Zheng feel very surprised after listening to it. Wow, wow, Mei Ting is so right, and she is so right! I want to be proud of myself, but at this critical time, I'm not as good as a woman, alas, really!

"Okay, Comrade Mei Ting, you are so right, and you are so right! Well, that's it, that's it! Let's immediately concentrate all our combat strength and launch a comprehensive attack on the enemy base. Well, as you said, success or failure is in this move!" Liu Zheng said to Mei Ting with deep emotion.

So, Liu Zheng pulled over all five Mark heavy tanks that had been placed for defense on the eastern front, plus the four Mark heavy tanks that originally existed on the western front, a total of nine Mark heavy tanks, and a howitzer, starting from the western line and rushing to the enemy's base.

At this time, after the war just now, Liu Zheng has killed the city center built by the enemy near his base. At the same time, it has been destroyed and is still in a trade market of the opponent. Now, what stands in front of Liu Zheng's combat power are several self-propelled artillery and several super Level warrior. That kind of super chariot has quite good long-range attack ability, but in the face of the eight or nine steel big things, their lethality is obviously not at the same level. Now, in front of Liu Zheng's combat power, there are several self-propelled guns and several super warriors. That kind of super chariot has quite good long-range attack ability, but in the face of the eight or nine steel big things, their lethality is obviously not at the same level.

And the opponent's self-propelled artillery is actually mainly used for siege, but the lethality of combat power is also very limited. Therefore, Liu did not feel particularly difficult to deal with the combat effectiveness of the enemy troops in front of him.

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's shout, the 89 heavy tanks, mainly Mark heavy tanks, began to launch a fierce attack on the enemy's self-propelled artillery and those super chariots in front of them. The bi-cylinder barrel of Liu Zheng's Mark heavy tank began to attack every three seconds. And every attack, two tongues of fire always shoot out quickly, and at the same time make a whistling sound like the rocket launch when it pierces the air. Moreover, because its rate of fire is very high, there is a flash of fire at the gun barrel, so there will naturally be a loud noise at the target.

Moreover, because this Mark heavy tank is very lethal, and the health value of the enemy's self-propelled artillery is also very low, it is bound to kill an enemy self-propelled artillery chariot under one blow. Because the lethality of this Mark heavy tank is very large, and the health value of the enemy's self-propelled artillery is also very low, it will inevitably kill an enemy self-propelled artillery chariot under one blow. Therefore, after a contest, Liu Zheng finally eliminated the enemy's fighting power in front of his large army and continued to advance towards the enemy's base.

At this time, suddenly, there was another rainstorm, lightning and thunder. In the storm, Liu Zheng commanded his unit of nine Mark heavy tanks and marched towards the enemy's base.

In front, there is a wooden bridge. Under the wooden bridge is a small river, and the river is very rapid. On the other side of the wooden bridge, there are several coconut trees, which look very lush. In short, the scenery here should be more beautiful than that of your own base. However, Liu Zheng also knew that this place would soon become a sea of fire. Because he has seen it, and on the other side of the wooden bridge, there are several coconut trees growing, which look very lush. In short, the scenery here should be more beautiful than that of your own base. However, Liu Zheng also knew that this place would soon become a sea of fire. Because he has seen that on the other side of the wooden bridge, seven or eight enemy super warriors and several field guns are aiming at him!