Star Trek

Chapter 17 First Battle 3

In this way, according to Mei Ting's suggestion, Liu Zheng had to adopt this desperate tactics. Yes, in addition, what else can he do to carry out this battle that has little chance of winning?

Nine Mark heavy tanks, looking like nine snails, have slowly crawled to the wooden bridge. The water under the bridge is gurgling, and the stuffy plants by the bridge grow lush. However, these pastoral scenes will soon be covered by Liu Zheng's gunfire!

For good, Liu Zheng's mind is still clear at this time. His idea is that since he chose such a desperate method of warfare, he should fight thoroughly and happily. Once you come, you must kill all the enemy's facilities without landing. This is certain. Otherwise, it is very likely that he has been charging for most of the day, but in the end, he only lost his opportunity because he missed the next two enemy buildings. His idea is that since he chose such a desperate method of warfare, he should fight thoroughly and happily. Once you come, you must kill all the enemy's facilities without landing. This is certain. Otherwise, it is very likely that he has been charging for most of the day, but in the end, he only lost his opportunity because he missed the next two enemy buildings.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that there were two buildings on the other side of the wooden bridge, one was a barracks and the other was an enemy market. The market naturally produces economic components, but that barracks produces combat power, and more precisely, it produces infantry combat power. Liu Zheng thought that in any case, he had to kill the enemy's barracks first. Otherwise, it may produce endless infantry fighting power. In that case, it will be really troublesome. As for other enemy forces that are fully prepared for their own combat strength, naturally they can't be careless. In this case, we can only take a way to attack separately.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng separated four Mark heavy tanks to attack the combat power of the enemy, and the remaining Mark heavy tanks were used to attack that barracks.

"Boom ~ ~ ~ boom ~ ~ ~ ~" The powerful recoil force caused the Mark heavy tanks to retreat violently, and the golden light at the barrel shone, and then the upper target under attack also followed the sound of explosion. The difference is that with the powerful lethality of Mark's heavy tank shells, almost once the target is attacked, the enemy's combat target, whether it is a field gun, a small tank, or a super warrior, will often be blown into the sky at one time. The difference is that with the powerful lethality of Mark's heavy tank shells, almost once the target is attacked, the enemy's combat target, whether it is a field gun, a small tank, or a super warrior, will often be blown into the sky at one time. The powerful explosive power and the stirred dust are simply frightening and frightening after watching it!

However, this Mark heavy tank does not seem to have a very obvious effect on the attack on buildings. Liu Zheng commanded his five Mark heavy tanks, which were used to attack the enemy's barracks, and attacked the enemy's barracks for less than half a minute before finally blowing them up. When the last point of health of the enemy's barracks was finally destroyed, just now, it looked extremely beautiful and colorful, and even looked like the magnificent enemy's barracks, which was finally dismembered. Many of the wreckage of those buildings fell down into the river under the wooden bridge after being blown into the sky, splashing more than a few feet high...

However, despite this, Liu Zheng's Mark heavy tanks that rushed to the front were also fiercely attacked by the enemy's defense forces, especially the enemy's super warriors. Yes, yes, they are the super warriors of the enemy. Because they have quite good long-range attack ability, the long-range attack weapon in their hands will not do anything to Liu Zheng's Mark heavy tank in a short time, but after all, it is a weapon that can attack with high frequency. Moreover, there are many super warriors of the enemy. Another very important point is that the barracks has not been destroyed for a while, so it has the ability to constantly produce super warriors. Because they have quite good long-range attack ability, the long-range attack weapon in their hands will not do anything to Liu Zheng's Mark heavy tank in a short time, but after all, it is a weapon that can attack with high frequency. Moreover, there are many super warriors of the enemy. Another very important point is that the barracks has not been destroyed for a while, so it has the ability to constantly produce super warriors. Therefore, in the end, even the barracks that rushed to the enemy had been destroyed, but those super warriors still persisted.

In the face of such a dense fire attack by the enemy's super warriors, Liu Zheng's, to be precise, the three Mark heavy tanks that rushed to the front, exploded on the wooden bridge one after another. Looking at his destroyed Mark heavy tanks, Liu Zheng felt very uncomfortable. Wow, wow, wow, that's how you play? Is that it?

However, at this time, Liu Zheng soon couldn't take care of this. Because through the real-time map of the electronic monitoring battlefield, Liu Zheng has seen that, as Mei Ting analyzed, the enemy's combat strength has been compiled, and began to bypass from another direction, that is, the right side of Liu Zheng and Mei Ting's base! For a while, the situation naturally seemed very urgent. That is to say, Liu Zheng must command the nine vehicles under him. No, there are only six left now. Six Mark heavy tanks will kill all the buildings in the enemy base one by one. Only in this way will you have a chance to win this battle. For a while, the situation naturally seemed very urgent. That is to say, Liu Zheng must command the nine vehicles under him. No, there are only six left now. Six Mark heavy tanks will kill all the buildings in the enemy base one by one. Only in this way will you have a chance to win this battle. Otherwise, once the enemy's army has begun to take the lead in a large circle of combat power, then everything will be repeated. That's it.

However, in fact, the overall situation is doomed and nothing can be saved. After all, the enemy has entered that future era. Now, some of the achievements made by Liu Zheng can only show that this is a partial victory. Well, that's all. After all, the enemy has entered that future era. Now, some of the achievements made by Liu Zheng can only show that this is a partial victory. Well, that's all.

Next, Liu Zheng commanded his six Mark heavy tank tanks and continued to attack deep into the enemy's base. In front, there is still a group of enemy super warriors, still carrying out almost ultra-long-range long-range blocking against Liu Zheng's six head-on Mark heavy tanks in the way they are good at.


What kind of sound is that? Like coming from the cosmic starry sky, from another strange world. Under the attack of the dense and strong long-range fire gun, and the attack of the raindrop-like long-range blocking bombs, Liu Zheng's six Mark heavy tanks were almost a little difficult. However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng is now determined to continue to fight even if there is only one person left.

"Boom~~~" The six Mark heavy tanks had aimed at the five or six super warriors of the enemy at this time, and the shell shot out in the golden light of the mouth of the barrel. Then, with a strong roar, the special roar after the shell cut through the air suddenly sounded, and a dull explosion sounded. Several shells of Mark's heavy tank exploded, and an enemy super future warrior would die. Then, with a strong roar, the special roar after the shell cut through the air suddenly sounded, and a dull explosion sounded. Several shells of Mark's heavy tank exploded, and an enemy super future warrior would die.

Next, Liu Zheng commanded his six Mark heavy tanks and killed an enemy's trading center. And when Liu Zheng was planning to continue to command the six Mark heavy tanks and attack the enemy's city center - at this time, Liu Zheng's heart was very excited. Because I finally met an enemy's city center! Looking at the map, at this time, the location of his six Mark heavy tanks had entered the hinterland of the enemy base. Therefore, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally a little happy and excited.

"Mom, mother, give me a blast, give me a blast~!" At this time, Liu Zheng seemed to have shaken his reason and couldn't wait to eat the enemy's city center in one bite. But, in fact, where is such an easy thing? Although Liu Zheng scattered his six Mark heavy tanks and attacked the central target from different angles, each armor-piercing projectile was shot flat, flying extremely fast. And the enemy's city center was also in the flying explosion for a moment. Although Liu Zheng scattered his six Mark heavy tanks and attacked the central target from different angles, each armor-piercing projectile was shot flat, flying extremely fast. And the enemy's city center was also in the flying explosion for a moment.

"hong hong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ At this time, there is only less than 20% of its health value left. However, at this time, Liu Zheng was suddenly surprised to find that more than a dozen creatures rushed out of the depths of the enemy's base at this time. They all have that bright green color, but they clearly carry a marching attack weapon in their limbs.

"Horseshoe crab?" Since Liu Zheng has previously learned about some future weapons, he still has a certain understanding of this biological combat power.