Star Trek

Chapter 19 Bind Copy 2

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that it suddenly rained heavily in the sky. No, looking at that scene, it should be a rainstorm. The huge raindrop fell from the sky and looked like a random arrow. Moreover, at the same time, a dull thunder roared, and from time to time, there would be a shocking sound of lightning passing by, and lightning would bring the originally dark world like ink. At the same time, a dull thunder roared, and from time to time, there would be a shocking sound of lightning. After that, lightning flashed the dark world almost brightly...

And in the shocking sound of lightning, in the dazzling lightning, in the pouring rain, the combat forces set by Liu Zheng are also being released one by one: the dwarf warriors have produced three, and the heavy soldiers have also produced two The name has come, and at the same time, two catapults have been produced.

By reading the "interstellar management material", Liu Zheng has also roughly understood what kind of attack characteristics this catapult chariot has: this is an early siege weapon that can project stones at the target within a short distance. And the enemy's light infantry have very good attack ability.

It should be said that under the current situation of his base construction and combat power production, it should be said that it is already very good for Liu Zheng. Yes, it's really good. First of all, there are military and civilian facilities basically - the most basic kind of facilities. In addition, some of the combat forces produced now should also be able to meet the initial simple attacks of some enemy troops. In addition, some of the combat forces produced now should also be able to meet the initial simple attacks of some enemy troops. In this way, Liu Zheng can finally breathe a sigh of relief in his heart: Well, discuss with Mei Ting, the next step is to build a few other necessary facilities? Or expand the territory? Yes, Liu Zheng naturally has to discuss such a big matter with Mei Ting.

What's more, it turns out that the little sister Mei Ting does not look as weak as her appearance. In fact, that girl is awesome! It's really a real person! With a little move, Liu Zheng felt that he might not be able to catch up with her! However, they are also very low-key, just doing some logistical things, and they would rather leave it to Liu Zheng for combat production and frontline rushing. In fact, that girl is awesome! It's really a real person! With a little move, Liu Zheng felt that he might not be able to catch up with her! However, they are also very low-key, just doing some logistical things, and they would rather leave it to Liu Zheng for combat production and frontline rushing.

Is it wise and stupid? Or is it hidden without revealing?

When Liu Zheng told Mei Ting about his thoughts, Miss Mei Ting thought for a moment and then said to Liu Zheng, "Brother Zheng, I think we should build those useful facilities as soon as possible. Because only in that way can our technological points be improved as fast as possible and the level of our times can develop as fast as possible. Moreover, the place where our city is now is only located on an isolated island, and we can't open up another new colony. Because only in that way can our technological points be improved as fast as possible and the level of our times can develop as fast as possible. Moreover, the place where our current city is is only located on an isolated island, and we can't open up another new colony.

After listening to Mei Ting's words, Liu Zheng felt that it was very reasonable. Well, that's it, that's it! The loyalty of my city is located on an isolated island, and why didn't I find this? Alas, just now, I was busy building bases and producing combat power! Well, in this case, if you want to attack the enemy, or if the enemy wants to attack you, then you can only use sea transportation? Well, in any case, I still work hard to develop the economy, improve the level of the times as soon as possible, and strive to use a higher level than the enemy, and use weapons and equipment more advanced than the enemy's weapons to attack the enemy, or defend. I still work hard to develop the economy, improve the level of the times as soon as possible, and strive to use higher than the enemy. At the level of the times, it is the king's way to use weapons and equipment that are more advanced than the enemy's weapons to attack the enemy or defend them!

So, next, because Mei Ting's resource collection work is very good, Liu Zheng also has enough wealth to carry out the necessary construction and production. Soon after, a temple rose from the ground. The role of this kind of temple, to a certain extent, is similar to that of that kind of university, and is used to improve scientific and technological points. And the number of technology points directly affects the level of the times. Therefore, Liu Zheng attaches great importance to it.

At the same time, in order not to be able to produce at the critical time, but because the population has reached the peak, Liu Zheng then built several private houses as a backup.

Just as Liu was preparing to build more of the settings he needed, he suddenly found that a sailboat with colorful sails had sailed from the depths of the deep sea to the offshore coast of his territory. Then, soon, seven or eight enemy infantry waded down from above, and then soon landed on Liu Zheng's territory. Wow, wow, this invasion, is this how it started? Even across the sea, do you have to come by boat? OK, OK, OK! I just want to try the combat power that has just been produced!

Liu Zheng saw that the landfall on his territory was mainly several enemy archers. After the successful landing, the enemy's sailboat quickly sailed into the deep sea. And the enemy archers who have successfully landed on Liu Zheng's territory have begun their long-range attacks!

"Wosh~~~~" With the sound of breaking through the sky with the sound of arrows, arrows rushed to the sky, cut through the air, made a shrill sound, crossed beautiful arcs, and shot into some working cities in Liu Zheng's base. On the people. On the backs of some citizens, there were suddenly a few more arrows, and red blood flowed out of their backs. However, although most of them are injured, they still continue to work, quarrying, logging, gold mining, tin digging, fruit picking, sheep killing sheep... In short, it is still a lively and prosperous scene. However, although most of them are injured, they still continue to work, quarrying, logging, gold mining, tin digging, fruit picking, sheep killing sheep... In short, it is still a lively and prosperous scene.

Facing the long-range attack of the enemy's sixty-seven archers, Liu Zheng knew that if he rushed to fight with them, or those dwarf warriors, it didn't seem to work very well. Because their infantry fighting power, whether it is the three heavy soldiers or the three dwarf warriors, will naturally be shot by the long-range bows and arrows of the enemy archers when they attack the enemy's archers. In this case, it is very likely that they have been shot by the enemy before rushing to their side.

Of course, as long as their close attack power rushes to the six or seven archers of the enemy, then they are not afraid of anything. Well, that's nothing to fear. Because, after all, whether it is the three heavy infantry or the three dwarf warriors, it is a close combat power! Close combat, that's their strengths! Whether it's the three heavy infantry or the three dwarf warriors, it's a close combat power! Close combat, that's their strengths!

And the question is, can they get there in time? And not to be shot dead on the road? Liu Zheng can't guarantee it either.

So, in this case, let's just use the three newly produced cataps! And that kind of catapult is pushed and operated by two soldiers. In front of the catapult, there was a stone wheel sandwiched between the plates. Behind the car plate, there is a long lever, and the head of the lever is concave and can place a stone.

At this time, the three trebe are ready. As long as Liu Zheng orders, the attack of the most advanced chariot long-range attack weapons will begin at this stage!