Star Trek

Chapter 18 Binal Copy

It is a kind of biological combat power from the future world, and the whole body presents a bright green color. And their attack weapons are also quite advanced. First, they emitted a huge area of bright green light fog, covering Liu Zheng's several Mark heavy tanks. And under the fog, the health of Liu Zheng's Mark heavy tanks inside was further weakened and weakened...

In this way, when the number of horseshoe crabs of the enemy was increasing, Liu Zheng saw a bunch of high-energy missiles constantly firing from the tentacles of the coming horseshoe crabs. The bundle of missiles dragged the same bright green tail smoke and broke through the air at a high speed in the air. Finally, they hit Liu Zheng's Mark heavy tanks one after another, making a loud noise. From the tentacles of those horseshoe crabs, a beam of high-energy missiles were constantly launched. The bundle of missiles dragged the same bright green tail smoke and broke through the air at a high speed in the air. Finally, they hit Liu Zheng's Mark heavy tanks one after another, making a loud noise.

Under the attack of more and more horseshoe crabs, Liu Zheng finally lost his last resistance. When the health of all his Mark heavy tanks completely disappeared in the increasingly bright green fog, Liu Zheng finally had to announce to Mei Ting that the battle ended in failure.

Then, the system popped up a series of accommodation boxes: due to the failure of operation, the system will deduct 100,000 yuan from the deposit paid by your Starfles. At the same time, due to your poor management, your interstellar front will also be affected to a certain extent, especially in terms of production and construction funds.

Finally, one message of the system is: Do you enter the copy mode again?

Liu Zheng discussed with Mei Ting and felt that if they recognized it like this, the two of them would be too faceless. Wow, wow, I've been busy for so long, but in the end, it only ended up holding the team back. What a mother's bad luck, what a mother's bad luck!

"Brother Zheng, it's nothing. It's the first time we've entered the copy. I think we should have made greater progress in the second operation than the first time!" Mei Ting didn't show much sad expression, which naturally made Liu Zheng feel a little relieved.


A new copy operation has begun. In front of Liu Zheng, he once again entered the most primitive era - the Stone Age. In the central area of the map that has been made public, there is a very simple house surrounded by fences. Liu Zheng knew that this seemingly simple house should be his city center. And around that house, there are more than 20 citizens. And those more than 20 citizens are naturally building some other facilities to collect a variety of resources.

Of course, there is a very special person, which is to scold the marquis. The guy led a dog and traveled very fast, which was the best person for reconnaissance.

Around the very simple city center, Liu Zheng saw that some other resources were not distributed evenly, with some fruit trees, stone mines, iron ore, sulfur ore, and a tree. Liu Zheng knows that that forest should be the main source of wood resources. After seeing this, Liu Zheng said to Mei Ting, "Comrade Mei Ting, we still follow the original division of labor. You are mainly responsible for resource collection. At that time, I was first responsible for the construction of facilities, and then also responsible for military production and operations. We still follow the original division of labor. You are mainly responsible for resource collection. At that time, I was responsible for the construction of facilities, and then also responsible for military production and operations. How's it going?"

After listening to Liu Zheng's words, Mei Ting naturally had no problem. Because whether in terms of gender, her preferences, or the experience of the last game, she is naturally the most suitable for this job.

Then, Liu Zheng thought for a moment and said to Mei Ting, "I said, "Respect, Miss Mei Ting, we have 20 citizens now. Well, in this way, I left three to carry out the construction of some of the most basic facilities. And those 17 citizens will be handed over to you for resource collection! Well, without resources, nothing can be done! The burden on your shoulders is still very heavy!"

"Well, Brother Zheng, don't worry, I will definitely allocate these manpower in the most appropriate way to provide enough resources for our construction and production! I will definitely allocate these manpower in the most appropriate way to provide enough resources for our construction and production!" Mei Ting's words were so confident that Liu Zheng couldn't help noding and agreeing.

So, soon after, Liu Zheng saw a scene of hot labor in the city center surrounding his territory. The four people have rushed to the coconut forest and waved the giant picks in their hands, and the coconut trees kept falling to the ground in the sound of "rushing" cutting. Then, they saw the fallen trees into small pieces, and then took them back to the center of Liu Zheng's city. The four people have rushed to the coconut forest and waved the giant picks in their hands, and the coconut trees kept falling to the ground in the sound of "rushing" cutting. Then, they saw the fallen trees into small pieces, and then took them back to the center of Liu Zheng's city. In this way, Liu Zheng saw from the resource list that the amount of wood accumulation is steadily increasing.

In addition, three citizens have been assigned next to the quarry. The gold mining department is a citizen of five foreign nationals. Liu Zheng actually has a good understanding of Mei Ting's distribution. Because this kind of gold resource is the most needed in future construction and production. Money seems to have an irreplaceable role at any time.

In addition, Liu Zheng also saw that Mei Ting assigned two citizens to collect wild fruits in the wild fruit bush. Liu Zheng knows that the collection of wild fruits is actually an important way to source food. Food is one of the necessary resources for some combat production. Liu Zheng was very gratified that he found that while Mei Ting had assigned two citizens to collect wild fruits, he did not forget, and also sent two citizens to slaughter sheep. Naturally, it is another very important way to get food.

Seeing that Mei Ting distributed the citizens in an orderly manner, Liu Zheng was finally relieved. Li then commanded his three citizens and began to carry out considerable construction. There is no need to consider that the first thing to be built should be the barracks. No matter when, you can't do without soldiers. Otherwise, once the enemy's combat power hits, then you can't rely on that kind of citizens alone. Without troops, you can't have enough troops as soon as possible. As a result, there is only one. Your own building is destroyed and your citizens are killed...

Finally, soon after, the barracks was finally built with the efforts of the three citizens. Seeing that the barracks was finally built, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very happy, so he began to figure out how to produce combat power. Liu Sen opened the barracks of the types of infantry that can be trained. It can be seen that there are three types of infantry that can be trained at present: dwarf warriors, heavy baton soldiers, and archers. Then, Liu Zheng took a closer look at the situation of these three infantry forces. Dwarf warrior, belongs to the type of melee combat power, and the light artillery and light cavalry suitable for dealing with the enemy have quite good killing ability;

And that kind of "heavy stick soldier" also belongs to the type of melee combat power, and the light artillery and light cavalry that are also suitable for dealing with the enemy have quite good killing ability; there is also the kind of "archer" combat power, which belongs to the long-range attack power, which is suitable for dealing with the enemy's heavy Artillery and heavy cavalry. And that kind of "heavy baton soldier" also belongs to the type of melee combat power, and the light artillery and light cavalry that are also suitable for dealing with the enemy have quite good lethality; there is also the kind of "archer" combat power, which belongs to the long-range attack combat power, which is suitable for dealing with the enemy's heavy artillery and Heavy cavalry.

After seeing the detailed information of these three infantry combat strength, Liu Zheng then set up a training plan for three respectively. In the early stage of the game, Liu Zheng knew that although he could not have defensive combat power, he could not occupy too many production resources for combat power production. Because at the beginning of this game, the enemy will not send too many troops to cut off and attack their own bases. Liu Zheng is still very confident about this.

"Resources, resources, very important production and construction resources! I can't do anything without you!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but once again think about what he had just said to Miss Mei Ting. Then, while continuing those infantry training programs, Liu Zheng ordered the three citizens to build a house. Liu Zheng knows that the number of such houses directly restricts the number of his combat production. Generally speaking, the construction of a house can produce ten more units of combat power.

After building two houses in a row, Liu Zheng built another workshop. However, this kind of workshop is the place where stone carts are produced. Liu Zheng knew that in this most primitive era, this kind of catapult should be regarded as the most aggressive weapon and has a certain explosive effect. In terms of long-range attacks, it should be the same as those archers. Therefore, it is naturally necessary for the construction of this kind of workshop.

And the next construction goal is the university. Liu Zheng has learned from that he has learned from that if he wants to improve the era level of his base as soon as possible, so that he can occupy the commanding heights of combat power from the advanced nature. One of the most important ways is to find ways to produce scientific and technological points. If you want to produce scientific and technological points, you must build a university. Therefore, in this sense, the university is the most critical place to protect your city center and get promotion.

So, the three citizens, at Liu Zheng's instructions, found a suitable address and then built the university. With the rattling sound of the building and the rise of smoke and dust, soon after, another new building, the university, finally stood on the territory of Liu Zheng and Mei Ting.