Star Trek

Chapter 22 Bined Copy 5

Yes, for Liu Zheng, the most important thing now is to be able to collect more food resources. Otherwise, whether it is to build other important military facilities or produce more combat power, it will be in trouble, which is almost impossible. Because no matter what kind of production and construction, without food, it is equal to a zero.

However, soon, Liu Zheng found that he had set up a production plan for five fishing boats, but why hasn't it been produced yet? Wow, wow, what the hell is going on? The production plan of five fishing boats has been set up, but why hasn't it been produced yet? Wow, wow, what the hell is going on? What the hell is going on? Liu Zheng is really anxious at this time. You know, what kind of technology era has his opponents entered now?

While Liu Zheng was very anxious, he suddenly found that the system information, a system information, actually came out: one of your opponents, Richard has escalated into the Bronze Age! One of your opponents, Richard, has upgraded to the Bronze Age!

Looking at the system information prompt that appeared twice in a row, Liu Zheng became more anxious. You know, the improvement of the level of the times also means the improvement of its combat power level, which means that you will be in a more passive situation; that means that if you want to kill your opponent again, I'm afraid it will be more difficult. It also means that it is not only difficult for you to kill your opponent, but also very likely that you and Mei Ting's city center will be destroyed by the enemy again! You will be in a more passive situation; that means that if you want to kill your opponent again, I'm afraid it will be more difficult. It also means that it is not only difficult for you to kill your opponent, but also very likely that you and Mei Ting's city center will be destroyed by the enemy again! Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help getting more angry.

Soon after, Liu Zheng understood that an important reason why his shipyard did not produce the fishing boat he set up faster was that the population of his city had reached the upper limit! It can no longer be increased! Wow, wow, how can it be like this? How can it be like this!

"Mei Ting, Mei Ting, hurry up and build two more private houses. Our population has reached the upper limit! Our population has reached the upper limit!" Liu Zheng communicated with Mei Ting.

"I understand, brother Zheng!" Mei Ting agreed and hurriedly carried out the construction of the private house. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that two private houses had already stood there on the edge of his city center. Almost at the same time, a fishing boat quickly came out of the shipyard. Haha, haha, if there are more fishing boats to collect food for their city, and almost at the same time, a fishing boat quickly came out of the shipyard. Haha, haha, if there are more fish boats collecting food for their cities, then the next day of their own base will naturally be much better, and naturally they will be much better!

So, Liu Zheng saw that after not much time, six fishing boats had already driven to the fish farm. There are really a lot of fish there. It looks like some garbage entangled by a whirlwind. At this time, in the sky, the yellow sand weather is still continuing. At this time, the game calendar is August. Generally speaking, there should be no such wind blowing this August! Wow, wow, what game setting! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help scolding repeatedly.

However, at this moment, the enemy began to land from the coconut forest again under the cover of the yellow sand. Liu Zheng was found through that electronic map. Looking at the combat strength of its landing this time, there are really many, but it is still dominated by archers and catapults.

This time, Liu Zheng saw that five catapults and more than a dozen heavy soldiers had been produced in his base. In this way, Liu Zheng decided to let his five catapults attack the enemy's infantry. And with more than a dozen heavy baton soldiers, led by that military leader, to attack the three catapults of the enemy, of course, they have to use that roundabout way, not directly.

"Oh~~~~" The opponent's catapult began to attack. The goal is to point directly to Liu Zheng's workshop. However, Liu Zheng was also a little relieved at this time, because Liu Zheng knew that the workshop would not be knocked down so easily. As long as he doesn't attack his citizens, Liu Zheng will naturally be able to calm down. However, Liu Zheng was also a little relieved at this time, because Liu Zheng knew that the workshop would not be knocked down so easily. As long as he doesn't attack his citizens, Liu Zheng will naturally be able to calm down. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng stabilized his mind and focused on the combat effectiveness of those who came to destroy the enemy.

At this time, after a roundabout, under the leadership of a military leader, several heavy sticks have come to the two enemy's trading machines that are still parked on the shore. With Liu Zheng's order, the military leader took action first, and the green dragon and moon knife in his hand flew up and down towards the target. At the same time, the sound of metal collision was also endless. Because the most feared thing about throwing stones is the melee, it didn't take long for him to be beaten by the military leader led by Liu Zheng's heavy baton soldiers. With Liu Zheng's order, the military leader took action first, and the green dragon and moon knife in his hand flew up and down towards the target. At the same time, the sound of metal collision was also endless. Because the most feared thing about throwing stones is the melee, it didn't take long for him to be beaten by the military leader led by Liu Zheng's heavy baton soldiers.

At the same time, Liu Zheng's four newly produced catapults also began to fire on the enemy infantry. One of the soldiers raised a huge stone and placed it in the depression of the catapult, and then the other soldier pulled the mechanism. There was a loud "bang", and then a huge stone shot up from the depression of the catapult, with a roaring sound of breaking through the air, crossed a smooth arc, accurately shot down the enemy's cavalry, and made a loud "boombling" sound. At the same time, a group of confused dust rose to the sky, covering people's eyes and covering the strength of the enemy's cavalry, which could not be seen clearly at all.

The battle finally came to an end after Liu Zheng lost two catapults and three heavy baton soldiers. Although Liu Zheng also paid a certain price for this battle, Liu Zheng knew that what should come was still going to come. After eliminating the opponent's attack this time, Liu Zheng felt that at least, within five minutes, the opponent should not send combat power to attack again. Although Liu Zheng also paid a certain price for this battle, Liu Zheng knew that what should come was still going to come. After eliminating the opponent's attack this time, Liu Zheng felt that at least, within five minutes, the opponent should not send combat power to attack again.

At this time, the yellow sand finally stopped, but instead, it was the pouring rain. Moreover, from time to time, lightning kept shaking in the sky, and the sound of lightning almost shook the ground into pieces. Especially the lightning, which is so dazzling, almost makes people unable to open their eyes at all. Lightning kept shaking in the sky, and the sound of lightning almost shook the ground into pieces. Especially the lightning, which is so dazzling, almost makes people unable to open their eyes at all.

Liu Zheng saw that at the time of thunder and lightning, another attack method of the enemy was being carried out again. That's naval warfare. And the origin of the battle was that the enemy wanted to stop their fishing. At the beginning, Liu Zheng's six fishing boats were fishing at that fish farm. Liu Zheng saw that at the time of thunder and lightning, another attack method of the enemy was going on again. That's naval warfare. And the origin of the battle was that the enemy wanted to stop their fishing. At the beginning, Liu Zheng's six fishing boats were fishing at that fish farm. However, soon, the two enemy warships, which were naturally the kind of hand-drawn, looked like centipedes with countless legs and feet, and began to launch a fierce attack on their fishing boats.

It seems that the two enemy warships are equipped with archers, so they can only carry arrow attacks on Liu Zheng's fish boats. However, due to the damage of the arrow attack, after all, it was poor, so half a day later, it just caused the injury of Liu Zheng's fishing boat. First, there was a rolling black smoke, and then the raging fire rose to the sky...

Then, Liu Zheng surrounded his three warships that had been loaded into various chariots and surrounded the two warships of the enemy. Liu Zheng knew that at least he had loaded five catapults into the three warships. In this way, those warships will naturally have the attack ability that the catapult has.

Soon after, Liu Zheng's three warships basically entered their respective attack positions. With Liu Zheng's order, his three warships finally opened fire. In each warship, huge stones were shot at the target. The big stone shot out of the warship and made a "woo" sound. And each projection will first stir up a gray-white smoke at the bow of the ship. The huge stones were most round. After they were projected, they drew an arc, and then hit the enemy's warship fiercely. First, it shook it violently. In each warship, huge stones were shot at the target. The big stone shot out of the warship and made a "woo" sound. And each projection will first stir up a gray-white smoke at the bow of the ship. The huge stones were almost round. After they were projected, they drew an arc, and then hit the enemy's warship fiercely. First, they shook them violently. Then, when the huge stones hit the enemy's warships one after another, the two enemy's warships began to emerge. Out of the sky-soaring fire...

"Ka-ka-ka-ka ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It keeps coming out from the ship. Therefore, soon, the two enemy warships finally broke into two pieces and sank to the bottom of the sea.