Star Trek

Bin copy 6

When Liu Zheng was planning to show his grand plan, but soon, everything was over. Yes, it's all over, and it ended so quickly. I don't know when dozens of enemy warships have surrounded his city. Then, rockets flew from those enemy warships like raindrops, first kill their own warships, and then kill their own one that was hard to build. The fortress, and then the pier. After that, it was forced to land.

What makes Liu Zheng feel most depressed is that he has loaded almost all his combat power into his warships, especially those catapults. However, not only can't play the effectiveness of the catapult at sea, but also can't be spit out again. As a result, the warships carrying a large number of armed forces sank in a daze. Obviously, he has loaded almost all his combat power into his warships, especially those catapults. However, not only can't play the effectiveness of the catapult at sea, but also can't be spit out again. As a result, the warships carrying a large number of armed forces sank in a daze.

And there is no need to talk about the final result. The landing troops of the enemy like the tide are not only swords, but also heavy batons, as well as archers, catapults, etc. Naturally, the little combat strength left in their own city cannot be compared with those of the enemy's. Failure is almost already It's settled.

"Liu Zheng and Mei Ting, the performance of you two is so disappointing. Well, both of you come to the Star Front, and I'll let Jiang Ming and Qingping go there. You exchange jobs." Yuan Qing couldn't help but be annoyed when he saw that Liu Zheng and others had lost two city management battles in a row. No wonder Yuan Qing will be so angry. After all, the production funds of the Star Front mainly rely on this city to provide! Without victory, the base cannot be preserved, let alone expansion.

"Our head of state, I ask you to give us another chance, um, and it's also the last chance. If it doesn't work, we will admit it!" Liu Zheng said with a very serious expression.

Yuan Qing, the head of state, thought for a while and finally said very solemnly, "Well, well, for the sake of our old classmates, I will give you another chance!" Hold on to it!" After leaving such a sentence, Yuan Qing, the head of state, stopped the call. Naturally, Liu Zheng can only double his eyes.


"Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, tell me, have we made a mistake somewhere? Why did you fail two consecutive rounds? I always feel that there is nothing we can do wrong? Alas, what the hell is going on? Did we make a mistake somewhere? Why did you fail two consecutive rounds? I always feel that there is nothing we can do wrong? Alas, what the hell is going on?" Mei Ting also looked very restless at this time.

Liu Zheng thought for a moment and sighed, "Ah, ah, I said that Comrade Mei Ting will take some detours when we first came into contact with this copy, which is actually inevitable. It is very natural. Well, but, as you said, we must summarize some lessons. I think it is very natural to go through the operation of the previous two rounds. Well, but, as you said, we must summarize some lessons. I think that through the operation of the previous two rounds, first, we have not built more reasonably. For example, the construction of the dock is a little late. As a result, we lag behind in food production, which directly affects the production of military power; second, our upgrade speed is not enough. Anyway, for the opponent, whoever can advance the other party's upgrade era will have more powerful technical secret technology, and whoever will have stronger combat effectiveness. This is self-evident. However, we are also later than our opponents to upgrade to the next era. Our upgrade speed is not fast enough. Anyway, for the opponent, whoever can advance the other party's upgrade era will have more powerful technical secret technology, and whoever will have stronger combat effectiveness. This is self-evident. However, we are also later than our opponents to upgrade to the next era. We have to strive to improve these things!" Liu Zheng said something with a long sentence.

The last opportunity has finally begun. As Liu Zheng thought, at the beginning of this urban operation, Liu Zheng fully learned the lessons of the first two times. Except for some other matters, there were no major changes. He mainly made the following deployment adjustments: First, the collection of resources far away from the city center Build warehouses and send troops to garrison. In this way, those workers will be saved from transporting resources between the resource area and the city center, which will greatly improve the efficiency of resource acquisition. If troops are stationed, it will at least double the efficiency of resource acquisition. In this way, those workers will be saved from transporting resources between the resource area and the city center, which will greatly improve the efficiency of resource acquisition. If troops are stationed, it will at least double the efficiency of resource acquisition.

Second, adopt the strategy of "gathering resources while building". In the past, resources were often collected first, and then some important facilities were built after sufficient resources were collected. Since then, it has naturally delayed time, so that it lags far behind its opponents in construction. After such an adjustment, Liu Zheng has had a direct effect: he has made full use of the basic resources of the system and built universities and temples. These two buildings are the key departments of production technology. Since then, it has naturally delayed time, so that it lags far behind its opponents in construction. After such an adjustment, Liu Zheng has had a direct effect: he has made full use of the basic resources of the system and built universities and temples. These two buildings are the key departments of production technology. In this way, naturally, in terms of producing technology points and striving to upgrade to the next era as soon as possible, we will not lag behind our opponents.

At the same time, barracks and workshops have been built, so that some of the most basic combat forces can be produced first to prevent situations that cannot be dealt with by enemy attacks.

In addition, Liu Zheng has also built two wharves, so that he can not only achieve the purpose of food acquisition by producing fishing boats, but also obtain huge gold wealth through producer ships that travel between the two docks. Hey hey, hey, the construction of these two docks has not only achieved the purpose of food acquisition by producing fishing boats, but also obtaining huge gold wealth through producer ships that travel between the two docks. Hey hey, hey, the construction of these two docks is really important. In terms of cost performance, it is undoubtedly the highest.

Five minutes later, under the condition of normal transportation, Liu Zheng has developed three technologies, and there are still three requirements to be met before upgrading to the next era. It should be said that less than ten minutes after the game started, three technologies have been developed, and the speed is naturally quite horrible. Liu Zheng is naturally very gratified about this.

However, at this time, a sound of alarm kept coming into Liu Zheng's ears. Wow, wow, wow, unexpectedly, the enemy has come to attack me! Liu Zheng couldn't help switching his perspective to the place where he was attacked. But it is the logging farm farthest from its city center. Five or six enemy infantry, two archers and two heavy baton soldiers, are slaughtering Liu Zheng's lumberjacks. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be angry. By this time, I had already produced five catapults. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and the five stone machines went out together and attacked the enemy's infantry. One of the soldiers raised a huge stone and placed it in the depression of the catapult, and then the other soldier pulled the mechanism. There was a loud "bang", and then a huge stone shot up from the depression of the catapult, with a roaring sound of breaking through the air, crossed a smooth arc, accurately shot down the enemy's cavalry, and made a loud "boombling" sound. At the same time, a group of confused dust rose to the sky, covering people's eyes and covering the strength of the enemy's cavalry, which could not be seen clearly at all.

In this way, a scream kept coming out of the gray-white smoke and fog formed after being thrown by the five catapults. Finally, the smoke slowly dissipated, and the bodies of several enemy infantry lay on the ground. And on the edge of the dense forest, there are also the bodies of two loggers. That's naturally the "masterpiece" of the enemy infantry just now.

Everything is going in an orderly manner. Yes, very good, very good. Five merchant ships are operating back and forth between the two docks, constantly accumulating golden wealth for Liu Zheng's city center. And the five or six fishing boats are also working repeatedly in the fish farm to provide a continuous food supply for Liu Zheng's urban center...

Due to the fullness of resources, Liu Zheng's current production is naturally very smooth. Ten catapults, ten archers and ten heavy batoners have been produced. At the same time, in order to better cope with the enemy's invasion, Liu Zheng has also transferred the ten heavy baton soldiers as a melee force to the most likely logging field of the enemy. And deploy his ten catapults in the back. In this way, it will avoid the occurrence of its own catapults being killed by the enemy's melee forces. In order to better cope with the enemy's invasion, Liu Zheng has also transferred the ten heavy baton soldiers as a melee force to the most likely logging field of the enemy. And deploy his ten catapults in the back. In this way, it will avoid the occurrence of its own catapults being killed by the enemy's melee forces.

"Wow, wow, this is really a lot of wisdom! I think it's much better now than the previous two rounds! Whether it is construction or production, there is some sense of ease at hand! Moreover, the combat power is also quite strong, and it has easily killed the enemy's small invading forces several times! I think it's much better now than the previous two rounds! Whether it is construction or production, there is some sense of ease at hand! Moreover, the combat power is also quite strong, and it has easily killed the enemy's small invading forces several times! Hee, hee, it's okay!" Liu Zheng finally regained his former sense of self-confidence.